798 research outputs found

    We are more selfish than we think:The endowment effect and reward processing within the human medial-frontal cortex

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    Perceived ownership has been shown to impact a variety of cognitive processes: attention, memory, and—more recently—reward processing. In the present experiment we examined whether or not perceived ownership would interact with the construct of value—the relative worth of an object. Participants completed a simple gambling game in which they gambled either for themselves or for another while electroencephalographic data were recorded. In a key manipulation, gambles for oneself or for another were for either small or large rewards. We tested the hypothesis that value affects the neural response to self-gamble outcomes, but not other-gamble outcomes. Our experimental data revealed that while participants learned the correct response option for both self and other gambles, the reward positivity evoked by wins was impacted by value only when gambling for oneself. Importantly, our findings provide additional evidence for a self-ownership bias in cognitive processing and further demonstrate the insensitivity of the medial-frontal reward system to gambles for another. </jats:p

    A bee or not a bee: an experimental test of acoustic mimicry by hoverflies

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    The degree of similarity between Batesian mimics and their models varies widely and occurs across a range of sensory modalities. We use three complementary experimental paradigms to investigate acoustic mimicry in hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) which mimic stinging Hymenoptera. First, we analyse sounds made by 13 hoverfly species and 9 Hymenoptera species with and without simulated predation (“alarm” and “flight” sounds, respectively). We demonstrate that the bumblebees Bombus terrestris, B. hortorum, and B. lucorum, and the hoverfly Cheilosia illustrata exhibit alarm sounds that are significantly different to their respective flight sounds, and indistinguishable between species. We then demonstrate that the B. terrestris alarm sound reduces predation on artificial prey by wild birds, but that the hoverfly mimic alarm sound does not. Finally, we trained chicks to avoid distasteful food in the presence of different acoustic stimuli. Overall the chicks showed no difference in response to bee and hoverfly stimuli, demonstrating no innate aversion to the Bombus alarm sound. We therefore conclude that (i) similarity of acoustic signals exists among Hymenoptera and hoverflies, (ii) acoustic aposematic signals (but not the almost identical mimetic signals) are effective at reducing predation, and (iii) wild birds exhibit learned rather than innate aversion to certain acoustic stimuli

    Mean Annual Precipitation Explains Spatiotemporal Patterns of Cenozoic Mammal Beta Diversity and Latitudinal Diversity Gradients in North America

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    Spatial diversity patterns are thought to be driven by climate-mediated processes. However, temporal patterns of community composition remain poorly studied. We provide two complementary analyses of North American mammal diversity, using (i) a paleontological dataset (2077 localities with 2493 taxon occurrences) spanning 21 discrete subdivisions of the Cenozoic based on North American Land Mammal Ages (36 Ma – present), and (ii) climate space model predictions for 744 extant mammals under eight scenarios of future climate change. Spatial variation in fossil mammal community structure (b diversity) is highest at intermediate values of continental mean annual precipitation (MAP) estimated from paleosols (,450 mm/year) and declines under both wetter and drier conditions, reflecting diversity patterns of modern mammals. Latitudinal gradients in community change (latitudinal turnover gradients, aka LTGs) increase in strength through the Cenozoic, but also show a cyclical pattern that is significantly explained by MAP. In general, LTGs are weakest when continental MAP is highest, similar to modern tropical ecosystems in which latitudinal diversity gradients are weak or undetectable. Projections under modeled climate change show no substantial change in b diversity or LTG strength for North American mammals. Our results suggest that similar climate-mediated mechanisms might drive spatial and temporal patterns of community composition in both fossil and extant mammals. We also provide empirical evidence that the ecological processes on which climate space models are based are insufficient for accurately forecasting long-term mammalian response to anthropogenic climate change and inclusion of historical parameters may be essential

    Genetic diversity in nitrogen fertilizer responses and N gas emission in modern wheat

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    Crops assimilate nitrogen (N) as ammonium via the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) pathway which is of central importance for N uptake and potentially represents a bottle neck for N fertilizer-use efficiency. The aim of this study was to assess whether genetic diversity for N-assimilation capacity exists in wheat and could be exploited for breeding. Wheat plants rapidly, within 6h, responded to N application with an increase in GS activity. This was not accompanied by an increase in GS gene transcript abundance and a comparison of GS1 and GS2 protein models revealed a high degree of sequence conservation. N responsiveness amongst ten wheat varieties was assessed by measuring GS enzyme activity, leaf tissue ammonium, and by a leaf-disc assay as a proxy for apoplastic ammonia. Based on these data, a high-GS group showing an overall positive response to N could be distinguished from an inefficient, low-GS group. Subsequent gas emission measurements confirmed plant ammonia emission in response to N application and also revealed emission of N2O when N was provided as nitrate, which is in agreement with our current understanding that N2O is a by-product of nitrate reduction. Taken together, the data suggest that there is scope for improving N assimilation capacity in wheat and that further investigations into the regulation and role of GS-GOGAT in NH3 emission is justified. Likewise, emission of the climate gas N2O needs to be reduced, and future research should focus on assessing the nitrate reductase pathway in wheat and explore fertilizer management options

    The role of cisapride in the treatment of pediatric gastroesophageal reflux.

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    Laboratory phenomics predicts field performance and identifies superior indica haplotypes for early seedling vigour in dry direct-seeded rice

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    Seedling vigour is an important agronomic trait and is gaining attention in Asian rice (Oryza sativa) as cultivation practices shift from transplanting to forms of direct seeding. To understand the genetic control of rice seedling vigour in dry direct seeded (aerobic) conditions we measured multiple seedling traits in 684 accessions from the 3000 Rice Genomes (3K-RG) population in both the laboratory and field at three planting depths. Our data show that phenotyping of mesocotyl length in laboratory conditions is a good predictor of field performance. By performing a genome wide association study, we found that the main QTL for mesocotyl length, percentage seedling emergence and shoot biomass are co-located on the short arm of chromosome 7. We show that haplotypes in the indica subgroup from this region can be used to predict the seedling vigour of 3K-RG accessions. The selected accessions may serve as potential donors in genomics-assisted breeding programs

    Chandra Observations of the Dwarf Nova WX Hyi in Quiescence

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    We report Chandra observations of the dwarf nova WX Hyi in quiescence. The X-ray spectrum displays strong and narrow emission lines of N, O, Mg, Ne, Si, S and Fe. The various ionization states implied by the lines suggest that the emission is produced within a flow spanning a wide temperature range, from T ~ 10^6 K to T >~ 10^8 K. Line diagnostics indicate that most of the radiation originates from a very dense region, with n ~ 10^{13}-10^{14} cm^{-3}. The Chandra data allow the first tests of specific models proposed in the literature for the X-ray emission in quiescent dwarf novae. We have computed the spectra for a set of models ranging from hot boundary layers, to hot settling flows solutions, to X-ray emitting coronae. WX Hyi differs from other dwarf novae observed at minimum in having much stronger low temperature lines, which prove difficult to fit with existing models, and possibly a very strong, broad O VII line, perhaps produced in a wind moving at a few x 10^3 km/s. The accretion rate inferred from the X-rays is lower than the value inferred from the UV. The presence of high-velocity mass ejection could account for this discrepancy while at the same time explaining the presence of the broad O VII line. If this interpretation is correct, it would provide the first detection of a wind from a dwarf nova in quiescence.Comment: accepted to ApJ; 19 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Orbital and stochastic far-UV variability in the nova-like system V3885 Sgr

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    Highly time-resolved time-tagged FUSE satellite spectroscopic data are analysed to establish the far-ultraviolet (FUV) absorption line characteristics of the nova-like cataclysmic variable binary, V3885 Sgr. We determine the temporal behaviour of low (Ly_beta, CIII, NIII) and high (SIV, PV, OVI) ion species, and highlight corresponding orbital phase modulated changes in these lines. On average the absorption troughs are blueshifted due to a low velocity disc wind outflow. Very rapid (~ 5 min) fluctuations in the absorption lines are isolated, which are indicative of stochastic density changes. Doppler tomograms of the FUV lines are calculated which provide evidence for structures where a gas stream interacts with the accretion disc. We conclude that the line depth and velocity changes as a function of orbital phase are consistent with an asymmetry that has its origin in a line-emitting, localised disc-stream interaction region.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
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