33 research outputs found

    The Undergraduate Training in Genomics (UTRIG) Initiative: Early & Active Training for Physicians in the Genomic Medicine Era

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    Genomic medicine is transforming patient care. However, the speed of development has left a knowledge gap between discovery and effective implementation into clinical practice. Since 2010, the Training Residents in Genomics (TRIG) Working Group has found success in building a rigorous genomics curriculum with implementation tools aimed at pathology residents in postgraduate training years 1-4. Based on the TRIG model, the interprofessional Undergraduate Training in Genomics (UTRIG) Working Group was formed. Under the aegis of the Undergraduate Medical Educators Section of the Association of Pathology Chairs and representation from nine additional professional societies, UTRIG\u27s collaborative goal is building medical student genomic literacy through development of a ready-to-use genomics curriculum. Key elements to the UTRIG curriculum are expert consensus-driven objectives, active learning methods, rigorous assessment and integration

    Exploitation of Other Social Amoebae by Dictyostelium caveatum

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    Dictyostelium amoebae faced with starvation trigger a developmental program during which many cells aggregate and form fruiting bodies that consist of a ball of spores held aloft by a thin stalk. This developmental strategy is open to several forms of exploitation, including the remarkable case of Dictyostelium caveatum, which, even when it constitutes 1/10(3) of the cells in an aggregate, can inhibit the development of the host and eventually devour it. We show that it accomplishes this feat by inhibiting a region of cells, called the tip, which organizes the development of the aggregate into a fruiting body. We use live-cell microscopy to define the D. caveatum developmental cycle and to show that D. caveatum amoebae have the capacity to ingest amoebae of other Dictyostelid species, but do not attack each other. The block in development induced by D. caveatum does not affect the expression of specific markers of prespore cell or prestalk cell differentiation, but does stop the coordinated cell movement leading to tip formation. The inhibition mechanism involves the constitutive secretion of a small molecule by D. caveatum and is reversible. Four Dictyostelid species were inhibited in their development, while D. caveatum is not inhibited by its own compound(s). D. caveatum has evolved a predation strategy to exploit other members of its genus, including mechanisms of developmental inhibition and specific phagocytosis

    A simplified interventional mapping system (SIMS) for the selection of combinations of targeted treatments in non-small cell lung cancer

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    Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a leading cause of death worldwide. Targeted monotherapies produce high regression rates, albeit for limited patient subgroups, who inevitably succumb. We present a novel strategy for identifying customized combinations of triplets of targeted agents, utilizing a simplified interventional mapping system (SIMS) that merges knowledge about existent drugs and their impact on the hallmarks of cancer. Based on interrogation of matched lung tumor and normal tissue using targeted genomic sequencing, copy number variation, transcriptomics, and miRNA expression, the activation status of 24 interventional nodes was elucidated. An algorithm was developed to create a scoring system that enables ranking of the activated interventional nodes for each patient. Based on the trends of co-activation at interventional points, combinations of drug triplets were defined in order to overcome resistance. This methodology will inform a prospective trial to be conducted by the WIN consortium, aiming to significantly impact survival in metastatic NSCLC and other malignancies

    Double Cord Blood Transplants: Filling a Niche?

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    The Linker Domain of Stat1 Is Required for Gamma Interferon-Driven Transcription

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    Upon binding of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) to its receptor, the latent transcription factor Stat1 becomes phosphorylated, dimerizes, and enters the nucleus to activate transcription. In response to IFN-α, Stat1 binds to Stat2 in a heterodimer that recruits p48, an IRF family member, to activate transcription. A number of functional domains of the STATs, including a C-terminal transactivation domain, a dimerization domain, and an SH2 domain, are known. However, the highly conserved residues between the DNA binding and SH2 domains (463 to 566), recently christened the linker domain on the basis of crystallographic studies, have remained without a known function. In the present study, we report that KE544-545AA point mutants in Stat1 abolish transcriptional responses to IFN-γ but not to IFN-α. We further show that this mutant Stat1 undergoes normal phosphorylation, nuclear translocation, and DNA binding. Taken together with recent structural evidence, these results suggest that the linker domain acts as a critical contact point during the construction of a Stat1-driven transcriptional complex