22 research outputs found

    Rethinking the Larger Pattern of the American Interest in the Arab Gulf

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    This paper evaluates the larger pattern of American interest in the Arab Gulf. It questions whether the pattern is based on ideological or economic interest. It also critically examines various data and interprets following their (data) social, economic and political interlinks and special topics that have been significantly proposed in the state policy. This paper argues that the US foreign policy represents two larger directions of its interest: economy and ideology. Both have linked together and interrelatedly have determined and have been determined by strategic culture of the states in the region and its complexities covering all national, interstate, regional, broader regional (Middle East) and global levels. This paper also arguably states that there is no single interest that can be oversimplified, but it has remained highly dynamic or has demonstrated multiple complexities of the interest in which they are represented by issues of oil, war on terrorism, nuclear weapon and Israel

    The Contextualisation of Siyar in the Era of Nation-States and Globalisation

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    This article examines the concept of Siyar and its relation to the dynamisation of Islamic law. Siyar is a discipline in Islamic law covering issues of law of war and international relations in Islamic traditions, which means conducting Muslim states in relation with other communities. The efforts of the contextualisation of Siyar have been critical primarily when Muslims have faced challenging realities of nation-states, globalisation and post 9/11. This article arguably states that Siyar needs to be reinterpreted and revitalised due to its classical idea is not compatible with the modern ideas and practices of modern polity. Its main doctrine of bifurcation of the world (dār al-Islām and dār al-ḥarb) encourages arguments and practices of the defensive and offensive jihād amongst Islamist agencies. Accordingly, Muhammadiyah contextualised Siyar through its very idea of the Negara Pancasila sebagai Dār al-‘Ahd wa al-Shahādah emphasising Indonesia as the state of negotiation between the arenas of dār al-Islām and dār al-ḥarb

    Gagasan Dan Manifestasi Neo-Sufisme Dalam Muhammadiyah: Sebuah Analisis Teoretik

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    This article evaluates the concept of neo-sufism manifested in the Muhammadiyah movement. The main objective of this article is to diagnose whether Muhammadiyah intellectuals accept the concept of neo-sufism. Using philosophical study as an ap- proach, the writer argues that the religious and social concepts growing within Muhammadiyah, such as social tauhid, prophetic social sciences, and transforma- tive theology have resembled the concept of neo-sufis

    Towards a progressive interpretation of Ummah

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    contemporary literatures that had been produced by Muslim and non-Muslim scholars and intellectuals, ranging from Muslim and Western countries. With the progressive perspective of multiple modernities and intercivilisational approach, this paper argues that the concept of Ummah should be interpreted as a modern concept of inclusive cosmopolitan-humanitarian solidarity that emphasise values of liberalism, pluralism, democracy, human rights and sustainable development. This concept has been also strengthened by a sociological representation of the tradition of Islam Nusantara. Its relative historical continuity in the process of the development of the micro sociological dimension of tradition, it explains that this concept of Ummah is not rootless. Consequently, it can be understood that its applicability is relatively possible .   Paper ini ingin mengelaborasi wacana pembangunan konsep Ummah yang digali dari pelbagai literatur kontemporer, baik yang berasal dari para sarjana dan intelektual Muslim maupun non-Muslim, baik itu yang berasal dari negara-negara Muslim maupun Barat. Melalui perspektif multiple modernities dan pendekatan lintas-peradaban, paper ini berargumentasi bahwa konsep Ummah sangat perlu kiranya ditafsirkan dan dipahami sebagai konsep modern mengenai solidaritas kemanusiaan yang inklusif dan kosmopolitan. Konsep ini menekankan pentingnya nilai-nilai seperti liberalisme, pluralisme, demokrasi, hak asasi manusia dan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Adanya tawaran mengenai konsep ini, didukung oleh representasi sosiologis dari praktik Islam Nusantara. Praktik Islam Nusantara tersebut, menunjukkan adanya kontinuitas historis dalam proses pembangunan tradisi, yang berlaku di dalam dimensi sosiologis yang bersifat mikro. Hal ini tentu saja juga menunjukkan bahwa konsep Ummah ini bukanlah hal yang tak berakar dalam realitas kehidupan Muslim. Dengan demikian dapat dimengerti bahwa, penerapan konsep Ummah ini sangatlah memungkinkan

    Bisexual Orientation, Divorce and Islamic Law in Indonesia: Legal Standing and Arguments

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    Can the bisexual orientation in a marriage bond be considered a legal argument for formulating a verdict in the Indonesia Islamic courts? Does it have such a specific legal standing mentioned directly within any regulation covering the issue of Islamic private law? In answering both these questions, this article implements a normative-juridical inquiry that examines various rational possibilities in developing arguments of law. This article finds that in handling the case of bisexual orientation, the Indonesian legal system has remained a legal vacuum. Consequently, it seems it might not be a direct legal argument because it has no legal standing. This article argues that there is no single legal instrument has been imposed that explicitly mentions the case of the orientation. However, the judge may implement the analogous of the possibility of "adultery that leads to unresolved conflicts" to make a ratio legis of divorce due to the orientation.   AbstrakApakah orientasi biseksual dalam suatu ikatan perkawinan dapat dijadikan sebagai dalil hukum untuk merumuskan suatu putusan di pengadilan? Apakah ia memiliki kedudukan hukum tertentu yang disebutkan secara langsung dalam peraturan apa pun yang mencakup masalah hukum privat Islam? Dalam menjawab kedua pertanyaan tersebut, artikel ini menerapkan penelitian yuridis-normatif yang mengkaji berbagai kemungkinan rasional dalam mengembangkan argumentasi hukum. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa dalam menangani kasus orientasi biseksual, sistem hukum Indonesia masih mengalami kekosongan hukum. Akibatnya, seolah-olah tidak bisa menjadi argumentasi hukum langsung karena tidak memiliki legal standing. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa tidak ada satu pun instrumen hukum yang diberlakukan yang secara eksplisit menyebutkan kasus orientasi tersebut. Namun demikian, hakim dapat menerapkan analogi kemungkinan “perzinahan yang berujung pada konflik yang tidak terselesaikan” untuk membuat rasio logis perceraian karena orientasinya

    Hamka’s neo-sufism in the context modern society

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    This article purposes to analyze and discuss the Hamka's neo-Sufism idea. It is related and contextualized to various problems that emerge in modern society, especially capitalistic industrialization, and hedonistic culture. This article states that Hamka's neo-Sufism aims to find true happiness and transcendence (ma’rifatullah). Through the practice of Hamka's neo-Sufism, it will protect a Muslim from all temptations for the interests of the accumulation of wealth and the pleasures of worldly life. Neo-Sufism persistently strengthens the spiritual quality of a Muslim, making one always aware of when dealing with changing life contexts

    Minority Muslims and freedom of religion: Learning from Australian Muslims’ Experiences

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    This article aims at diagnosing the development of Ummah while Muslims are living as minority in Australia. Through a sociological approach, qualitatively, some issues considered in understanding the development are practices of secularism, multiculturalism and protection of human rights. This academic framework in comprehending the development might be claimed as a new trajectory of sociological exploration. Accordingly, this study is proposed to become a preliminary research on Muslims’ freedom of religion living in secular country. This article finds that Australia is a state that consistently has protected its citizens’ freedom of religion and the Australian government, in dealing with social and religious issues, and law enforcement, has worked professionally. However, Muslims have faced challenging realities of cases of discrimination coming from fundamentalist Christians. The cases, indeed, can be mitigated through inter-religious dialogue and cooperation. This article argues that, so far, the development of Ummah in the country has been running well. Under the protection of a secular state, minority Muslims in Australian multicultural societies can enjoy their freedom of religion. Practices of inter-religious tolerance are stronger than the tensions and conflicts have happened.. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiagnosa kondisi pembangunan umat ketika kaum Muslim hidup sebagai minoritas di Australia. Melalui pendekatan sosiologis, secara kualitatif, pelbagai isu yang dipertimbangkan adalah praktik sekularisme, multikulturalisme dan penegakan HAM. Kerangka kerja yang demikian dalam memandang pembangunan umat, dapat diklaim sebagai hal yang baru. Karena itu, studi ini diusulkan sebagai studi pendahuluan mengenai elaborasi sosiologis terhadap kebebasan beragama minoritas Muslim yang hidup di negara sekular. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa Australia adalah negara yang secara konsisten melindungi kebebasan beragama warga negaranya dan pemerintahnya bekerja secara profesional terutama dalam penegakan hukum. Tetapi, kasus-kasus diskriminasi masih terjadi, terutama oleh Kristen fundamentalis terhadap kaum Muslim. Tentu saja hal itu dapat dimitigasi melalui dialog dan kerjasama antar agama. Artikel ini berargumentasi bahwa, sejauh ini kondisi pembangunan umat berjalan dengan baik. Di bawah perlindungan negara sekular, Muslim minoritas yang hidup di tengah masyarakat multikultural dapat menikmati kebebasan beragama. Praktik-praktik toleransi yang ada, lebih kuat ketimbang tensi dan konflik antar-agama yang terjadi

    Dār al-‘Ahd wa al-Shahādah: Muhammadiyah’s Position and Thoughts on Negara Pancasila

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    This paper evaluates Muhammadiyah’s effort to revitalise the doctrine of Siyar since the publication of Negara Pancasila sebagai Dār al-‘Ahd wa al-Shahādah (the state of Pancasila as the abode of covenant and the space of testimony). It finds that the ideas in the publication aim to provide guidance for Muhammadiyah members on the relationship between the state and Muhammadiyah. It ensures that its members will understand that Indonesia is Dār al-‘Ahd wa al-Shahādah. It seeks to defend itself against Islamist criticism, while also affirming its responsibility for state development. This paper argues that the idea is a product of Muhammadiyah’s contemporary ijtihad, an effort in theologising democracy based on the idea of Islam Berkemajuan (Islam with progress), in order to strengthen the social bonds of its members who are facing the challenging reality of the massive spread of Islamism and the associated social, political and economic problems

    Visi Kosmopolitanisme Islam di Lingkungan Jaringan Intelektual Muda Muhammadiyah

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    This paper tries to diagnose the vision of Islamic Cosmopolitanism toward the circle of Young Intellectual Muhammadiyah Network (JIMM). Through the perspective of social diagnose of the tradition of Mannhemian sociology of knowledge, it finds that JIMM has their own intellectual stand amongst some humanity discourses and ideas such pluralism, multiculturalism, bhinneka nationalism and cosmopolitanism. Elaborations among these discourses and ideas are played in order to serve the sense of social justice and humanity, as well as human dignity in the world. These elaborations are dakwah efforts that want to be a winner in the midst of global civilization constellation. However, in these attitudes, JIMM has foundation of thought which is interpreted into three ways, are: progressive Islam, social liberation, and historical activism. In dealing with very different context of Muslim societies in the contemporary time, Islamic Cosmopolitanism of JIMM attempts to fulfill their mission through the agenda of internationalization Islam berkemajuan and Indonesian Islam