668 research outputs found

    Online ordering book system: A case study in Malaysia higher institute

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    This paper aims to present an e-service project findings conducted in one of the Malaysia Higher Education Institute.The objective of the project is to create a prototype showing the functionalities of Online Ordering Book System. The methodology used was Object Oriented approach where it involved three main phases, which are defining requirements, analyzing requirement and validating functionalities.There are several diagrams involved to show the functionalities of the system which are: use case diagram, use case specification, class diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, activity diagram and the list of requirement.This prototype provides a guideline in developing a real system of Online Ordering Book based on user’s perspective, particularly in the perspective of academic staff of University Teknologi Mara, Melaka

    Rethinking the Larger Pattern of the American Interest in the Arab Gulf

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    This paper evaluates the larger pattern of American interest in the Arab Gulf. It questions whether the pattern is based on ideological or economic interest. It also critically examines various data and interprets following their (data) social, economic and political interlinks and special topics that have been significantly proposed in the state policy. This paper argues that the US foreign policy represents two larger directions of its interest: economy and ideology. Both have linked together and interrelatedly have determined and have been determined by strategic culture of the states in the region and its complexities covering all national, interstate, regional, broader regional (Middle East) and global levels. This paper also arguably states that there is no single interest that can be oversimplified, but it has remained highly dynamic or has demonstrated multiple complexities of the interest in which they are represented by issues of oil, war on terrorism, nuclear weapon and Israel

    Disability and the Muslim Perspective: An Introduction for Rehabilitation and Health Care Providers

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    [Excerpt] This monograph offers an introduction to and overview of a broad spectrum and diversity of Muslims with disabilities and chronic health conditions who come from a variety of backgrounds and circumstances. The perspective provided here also highlights larger issues of human rights. Given the current immigration trends in the United States, it is critical that service providers work across cultures and systems to help Muslims access disability and health care services and resources in their communities. Over the years, service professionals and researchers have come to recognize that individuals with disabilities and health conditions do not always hold the same health beliefs, understandings, objectives, and priorities as the service providers they encounter. The result is an intercultural gap in understanding between clients and providers that may result in a poor treatment or rehabilitative outcome. This monograph will use the terms client, consumer, and patient interchangeably to denote those seeking disability services, medical services, or both. We emphasize that to bridge the gap between Muslim service users and mainstream U.S. service systems, service providers in disability and rehabilitation systems need to increase their sensitivity and ability to accommodate differences between their services and the needs of their clients

    Service Quality Perception of Customers – a Study of Toyota Motors in India

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    The study is aimed to explore the gap between the level of expectation in service quality and service perception and its influence on customer satisfaction of Toyota customers in India. A 25-item questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 1721 customers of selected states. Data was statistically analysed through reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, paired sample t-test and confirmed factor analysis. Structural equation modelling was employed to measure the relation of actual service received and customer satisfaction. The findings revealed a gap between service quality level expected by customers and actually what they perceive except in the case of tangibility, where perceived quality surpasses expectations. The study revealed that there is a constructive and significant control of multidimensional SERQUAL scale on customer satisfaction. The findings will help automobile market players to get insights about quality perception of customers and help to meet customer expectations

    Factors Influencing the Intentions of Non-Muslims in India to Accept Islamic Finance as an Alternative Financial System

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of attitude & behaviour, subjective norms and religiosity on intention to accept Islamic finance as an alternative financial system in India. An adopted questionnaire with 20 items was used to gather data from 932 respondents. The sample was taken from north India and three religions: Hindu, Christianity and Sikhism acted as strata for this study. The data was tested for association between three variables on intention to accept Islamic finance. Statistical tools like reliability analysis, independent variable correlation, sample adequacy and regression analysis were used. The findings of this study suggest that subjective norms and religiosity is the influencer in accepting Islamic finance as an alternative. Attitude & behaviour has no relevance in developing intentions about accepting Islamic Finance. The research is original and its implications will be helpful for targeting non-Muslim customers with customized products and create awareness among people that Islamic finance is not only for Muslims


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    PENGARUH TINGKAT KESUKSESAN PRODUK TERHADAP KINERJA PEMASARAN MOTOR BEBEK SPORT “HONDA CS1 125” DI SURABAYA Oleh : M. ZAINUL HASNAN Abstraksi Berdasarkan data hasil penjualan motor bebek sport Honda CS-1 125 baik di Indonesia maupun di Surabaya mulai Januari – September 2010 menunjukkan kecenderungan penurunan. Didukung oleh total penjualan motor merek honda dan yamaha periode Januari – September 2010 yang menunjukkan bahwa diketahui bahwa Yamaha mampu mengungguli Honda dalam penjualannya. Fenomena tersebut merupakan permasalahan yang ada pada penjualan sepeda motor bebek sport motor bebek sport Honda CS-1 125 yang harus segera diselesaikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh promosi, pengelolaan pengetahuan konsumen, dan keunggulan produk terhadap tingkat kesuksesan produk dan dampaknya pada kinerja pemasaran pada Motor Bebek Sport motor bebek sport Honda CS-1 125 di Surabaya. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yaitu data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada responden yaitu pemilik dealer yang menjual motor bebek sport Honda CS-1 125 di Surabaya. Skala pengukuran yang digunakan adalah semantic differential scale dengan teknik pengukuran dengan jenjang 1-5. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling yaitu pemilihan sampel berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria tertentu. Pengambilan sampel didasari asumsi SEM bahwa besarnya sampel yaitu 5 – 10 kali parameter yang diestimasi. Pada penelitian ini ada 15 indikator, sehingga jumlah sampel yang diestimasi yaitu antara 75-150. Adapun jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah SEM untuk melihat pengaruh promosi, pengelolaan pengetahuan konsumen, dan keunggulan produk terhadap tingkat kesuksesan produk dan dampaknya pada kinerja pemasaran. Hasil pengujian dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa promosi dan pengelolaan pengetahuan konsumen berpengaruh positif terhadap tingkat kesuksesan produk pada motor bebek sport Honda CS-1 125 di Surabaya, sedangkan keunggulan produk tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat kesuksesan produk pada Motor Bebek Sport Honda CS-1 125 di Surabaya, dan tingkat kesuksesan produk tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemasaran pada Motor Bebek Sport Honda CS-1 125 di Surabaya. Kata Kunci: Promosi, Pengelolaan Pengetahuan Konsumen, Keunggulan Produk, Tingkat Kesuksesan Produk, dan Kinerja Pemasaran


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    Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (SATPOL PP) di Kabupaten Kampar merupakan petugas yang memiliki tanggung jawab sebagai penertiban di tempat-tempat umum.Jumlah data yang didapat terdapat 451 petugas Satpol PP di Kabupaten Kampar. Jadwal piket petugasSatpol PPakan ditempatkan ke beberapa lokasi seperti kantor Bupati Kampar, rumah dinas Bupati dan wakil Bupati Kampar. Penempatan petugas satuan polisi pamong prajatersebut terdiri dari 3 shiftyaitu pagi, siang dan malam.Pada sistem saat ini dalam pembuatan jadwal piket Satpol PPKabupaten Kampar masih dilakukan dengan cara membuat menggunakan Microsoft officeyang kemudian dicetak dan ditempelkan ke papan yang telah disediakan. Sistem seperti saatini tentunya terdapat beberapa kendala diantaranya terjadi jadwal yang dimana satu orang petugas ditempatkan pada tempat yang berbeda dengan jadwal yang sama, kemudian pada saat penyusunan jadwal piket petugas polisi pamong praja membutuhkan waktu yang relatiflamadan jadwal hanya dapat dilihat pada kantor.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membangunsistem penjadwalan berbasis webagar informasi jadwal piket dapat dilihat secara onlinetanpa harus datang ke kantor. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan metode waterfalldan pengujiansistem ini menggunakanpengujian Black Box. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sistem yang dibuat lebih mudah dan efesien untuk digunakan dari padajadwal piketsistem lama. Sistem ini dapat mempermudah anggota satuan polisi pamong prajadalam memperoleh informasi jadwal piket.Kata Kunci: Sistem, Informasi, JadwalPiket, Waterfall, Black Bo

    The Contextualisation of Siyar in the Era of Nation-States and Globalisation

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    This article examines the concept of Siyar and its relation to the dynamisation of Islamic law. Siyar is a discipline in Islamic law covering issues of law of war and international relations in Islamic traditions, which means conducting Muslim states in relation with other communities. The efforts of the contextualisation of Siyar have been critical primarily when Muslims have faced challenging realities of nation-states, globalisation and post 9/11. This article arguably states that Siyar needs to be reinterpreted and revitalised due to its classical idea is not compatible with the modern ideas and practices of modern polity. Its main doctrine of bifurcation of the world (dār al-Islām and dār al-ḥarb) encourages arguments and practices of the defensive and offensive jihād amongst Islamist agencies. Accordingly, Muhammadiyah contextualised Siyar through its very idea of the Negara Pancasila sebagai Dār al-‘Ahd wa al-Shahādah emphasising Indonesia as the state of negotiation between the arenas of dār al-Islām and dār al-ḥarb

    Influence of Religiosity on the Behavior of Buying Sports Apparel: A Study of the Muslim Market Segment in India

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    The paper is aimed to study the influence of religiosity on the behavior of buying sports apparel in the Muslim market segment of India. The data was collected from 1000 Muslim respondents from four states: Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand, and Jammu & Kashmir. The paper has found that religion plays no role when Muslims buy sports apparel. They shop as any other religious person does. No other factor, even fashion and religious obligation, is influenced by religion, except for shopping enjoyment responsiveness, which is influenced by intrapersonal Islamic religiosity. The paper’s perspective in studying the religious influences will assist sporting apparel manufacturers to design new products that will meet the requirements of the large Muslim segment in India, which is neglected so far. It will help marketers to save their effort and energy which would be utilized for Muslim Population

    Gagasan Dan Manifestasi Neo-Sufisme Dalam Muhammadiyah: Sebuah Analisis Teoretik

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    This article evaluates the concept of neo-sufism manifested in the Muhammadiyah movement. The main objective of this article is to diagnose whether Muhammadiyah intellectuals accept the concept of neo-sufism. Using philosophical study as an ap- proach, the writer argues that the religious and social concepts growing within Muhammadiyah, such as social tauhid, prophetic social sciences, and transforma- tive theology have resembled the concept of neo-sufis