33 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kebisingan Dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Konsentrasi Belajar Pada Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebisingan dan motivasi belajar terhadap konsentrasi belajar siswa MTs Antasari Samarinda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 70 siswa di MTs Antasari Samarinda yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala konsentrasi belajar, skala kebisingan, dan skala motivasi belajar. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kebisingan dan motivasi belajar terhadap konsentrasi belajar dengan nilai fhitung> f tabel (25,30> 3,13) dan nilai p = 0,000 (p t tabel (-2,134> 1,668) dan nilai p = 0,036 (p t tabel (6,596> 1,668) dan nilai p = 0,000 (p <0,05)

    Pelatihan Peningkatan Keterampilan Perempuan Pesisir Sebagai Penggerak Ekonomi Keluarga di Desa Batu Jaya Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Desa Batu Jaya adalah salah satu desa pesisir di Kecamatan Laonti. Sumber daya ikan yang masih menjanjikan tidak diimbangi dengan hasil produksi perikanan yang besar di desa tersebut. Hal ini diduga akibat beralihnya ketertarikan nelayan Batu Jaya dari perikanan ke sektor tambang. Hal tersebut secara sosial ekonomi memberi dampak kepada perempuan pesisir Desa Batu Jaya dalam menghadapi kerasnya kehidupan ditinggal merantau oleh para suaminya. Tujuan penelitian ini meningkatkan kapasitas perempuan pesisir melalui pembelajaran dan pemberdayaan pengolahan limbah sampah plastik dan olahan makanan berbahan dasar ikan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara terstruktur, wawancara mendalam, dan observasi partisipatif. Hasil pengolahan limbah sampah plastik berhasil&nbsp; dibuat dalam bentuk lima produk lampion dan 10 produk bunga. Program olahan makanan berbahan dasar ikan berhasil dibuat melalui pembuatan bakso ikan, nugget ikan, dan abon ikan. Semua produk tersebut akan dijual oleh ibu-ibu nelayan Batu Jaya untuk menambah pendapatan keluarg

    Verifikasi Metode Uji Lemak Pakan Buatan

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    Verification method is required to generate data analysis with accurate and precise value corresponding to the standrad method. This study aims to verify fat analysis method by using direct extraction method. The study was conducted in Laboratorium Pengujian, FPIK, Universitas Halu Oleo. Fat analysis method verified was direct extraction method or soxhlet method. The results showed that all precision values from experiments I-VIII, consisting of repeatability and reproductibility, have RSD values (0.03 Ć¢ā‚¬ā€œ 0.14) lower than 2/3 RSD Horwitz (1.99). The accuracy results (% Recovery) indicated similarly RSD, lower than 2/3 RSD Horwitz (1.33). Based on these results, it can be concluded that fat analysis method used in Laboratorium Pengujian, meet the pecise and accuray standard, and generates valid data and accounted for


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    Penelitian Bivalvia dan Gastropoda air tawar di Sulawesi Tenggara dilaksanakan pada Januari-Desember 2018 di (delapan) Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, meliputi Kota Kendari, Kabupaten Konawe Selatan, Kabupaten Bombana, Kabupaten Kolaka, Kabupaten Kolaka Utara, Kabupaten Kolaka Timur, Kabupaten Konawe dan Kabupaten Konawe Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis Gastropoda dan Bivalvia perairan tawar, diharapkan menjadi basis data tentang biodiversitas Gastropoda dan Bivalvia di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian menggunakan metode purposive randhom sampling. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara manual dan diawetkan dengan larutan alkohol 70%. Identifikasi jenis dilakukan di Laboratorium Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari. Komposisi jenis Bivalvia dan Gastropoda perairan tawar di Sulawesi Tenggara - Klaster Daratan, diperoleh 11 Famili, 19 Genus dan 102 Spesies yang terdiri dari 33 jenis dengan status identified atau teridentifikasi sampai dengan tingkat spesies dan 69 jenis berstatus unidentified atau teridentifikasi hanya sampai ketingkat genus (genus Clithon 42 jenis, genus Septaria 2 Jenis dan genus Melanoides 25 jenis). Bivalvia dan Gastropoda yang berstatus unidentified didominasi oleh famili Neritidae genus Clithon dan famili Thiaridae genus Melanoides. Sedangkan yang berstatus identified juga didominasi oleh famili Neritidae, Thiaridae, Ampullariidae dan Corbicullidae. Disimpulkan bahwa Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara secara empirik memiliki biodiversitas gastropoda dan bivalvia air tawar yang sangat tinggi.Ā Bivalvia and freshwater Gastropod research in Southeast Sulawesi was conducted in January-December 2018 in (eight) Regencies or municipality in Southeast Sulawesi Province, covering Kendari City, Konawe Selatan District, Bombana Regency, Kolaka Regency, Kolaka Utara Regency, Kolaka Timur Regency, Regency Konawe and Konawe Utara District. This study aims to determine the composition of freshwater gastropods and bivalves in Southeast Sulawesi Province - Mainland Clusters. This study aims to determine the composition of Gastropod and Bivalvia species of freshwater waters, is expected to be a database of Gastropod and Bivalvia biodiversity in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The study used a purposive randhom sampling method. Sampling was done manually and preserved with 70% alcohol solution. Species identification was carried out at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Halu Oleo University, Kendari. The composition of bivalvia and gastropoda in Southeast Sulawesi, were obtained by 11 families, 19 Genus and 102 Species, which consisted of 33 types identified or identified up to species level and 69 unidentified status types or identified only to the genus level (genus Clithon 42 species, genus Septaria 2 Type and genus Melanoides 25 species). bivalves and Gastropods with unidentified status are dominated by the family Neritidae genus Clithon and the Thiaridae family genus Melanoides, while the identified status is also dominated by the families Neritidae, Thiaridae, Ampullariidae and Corbicullidae. It was concluded that Southeast Sulawesi Province empirically has a very high biodiversity of gastropods and freshwater bivalves.

    Diversity and Abundance of Phytoplankton in Coastal Areas in Kendari Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia

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    Phytoplankton is a microscopic algae that can be found in almost all aquatic habitats. Phytoplankton have an important ecological role in the waters, as the basis of the food chain and as a producer of oxygen, where their composition and abundance are strongly influenced by various environmental factors. This study aims to determine the community structure of phytoplankton including the diversity, abundance and dominance of phytoplankton found in various locations in coastal waters in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Sampling was carried out in several coastal waters in Southeast Sulawesi including Nambo, Bokori, Batu Gong, Toronipa and Tanjung Tiram beaches. Plankton sampling was carried out by filtering about 100 L of seawater using a plankton net with a mesh size of 20 Ī¼m. The filtered plankton samples were then preserved in 4% formalin for further observation in the laboratory. Water quality measurements of temperature, salinity, brightness and pH were carried out in situ while nitrate, phosphate and ammonia were carried out ex-situ. The results showed that there were about 30 species of phytoplankton found where the most species were found in Bokori Island (22 species) followed by Tanjung Tiram beach (21 species), Toronipa beach (19 species) and both Nambo and Batu Gong beaches with 17 species. The highest abundance of phytoplankton was found on Bokori Island (563 individuals/L) and the lowest abundance was found on Batu Gong beach (237 individuals/L). The highest diversity index value was found at Toronipa Beach (2.72) while the lowest diversity index value was found at Batu Gong Beach (2.13). For the dominance index value, the highest value was obtained at Batu Gong Beach (0.18) and the lowest value was obtained at Toronipa Beach (0.08). The difference in the structure of the phytoplankton community found in different locations is due to variation of the environmental conditions. Keywords

    Characterization of Kowoe snail and its antioxidant activity

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    Gold snail is called ā€œKowoeā€ in Celebes Island. They areĀ  widely utilized by people as food.Ā  This snail also has many properties and benefits.Ā  The aims of this study were to determine the best solvent to extract the bioactive components of snails and measure the antioxidant activity. TheĀ  proximate analysis was caried out, then quantitative test of antioxidant activity by DPPH method was measured. The results of morphometric measurements showed the meat yieldĀ  11.86%. TheĀ  proximate analysis of fresh meatĀ  consisted of water content 65.79%, 18.14% protein, 10.49% ash, 4.14% carbohydrates, and fats 3.44%, while the moisture content of dried meat containedĀ  40/ 04%, 38.06% protein, carbohydrates 10.66%, ash 8.53% and 2.70% fat, respectively. The yield of extraction of the active compound using chloroform (non-polar) was 1.78%, ethyl acetate (semi-polar) was 3.41% and 6.63% methanol (polar).Ā  TheĀ  snails kowoe contain more the polar of active compounds. The antioxidant activity of crude extract in methanol solvent (polar) had IC50 valuesĀ  111.28 ppm (moderate)