368 research outputs found

    Kajian terhadap ketahanan hentaman ke atas konkrit berbusa yang diperkuat dengan serat kelapa sawit

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    Konkrit berbusa merupakan sejenis konkrit ringan yang mempunyai kebolehkerjaan yang baik dan tidak memerlukan pengetaran untuk proses pemadatan. Umum mengenali konkrit berbusa sebagai bahan binaan yang mempunyai sifat kekuatan yang rendah dan lemah terutama apabila bahan binaan ini dikenakan tenaga hentaman yang tinggi. Namun begitu, konkrit berbusa merupakan bahan yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan binaan yang berkonsepkan futuristik. Binaan futuristik adalah binaan yang bercirikan ringan, ekonomi, mudah dari segi kerja pembinaan dan yang paling penting adalah mesra alam. Dalam kajian ini, konkrit berbusa ditambah serat buangan pokok kelapa sawit untuk untuk meningkatkan sifat kekuatan atau rapuh. Serat kelapa sawit juga berfungsi mempertingkatkan ketahanan hentaman terutamanya aspek nilai penyerapan tenaga hentaman dan nilai tenaga hentaman. Kandungan peratusan serat kelapa sawit yang digunakan adalah 10%, 20% dan 30% dengan dua ketumpatan konkrit berbusa iaitu 1000kg/m3 dan 1400kg/m3 . Untuk menentukan nilai penyerapan tenaga hentaman dan nilai tenaga hentaman, ujikaji Indentasi dan ujikaji hentaman dilakukan ke atas sampel�sampel yang telah diawet selama 28 hari. Luas bawah graf tegasan-terikan yang diperolehi daripada ujikaji Indentasi merupakan nilai penyerapan tenaga hentaman bagi sampel konkrit berbusa. Untuk ujikaji hentaman, keputusan ujikaji dinilai berdasarkan nilai tenaga hentaman untuk meretakkan sampel yang diperolehi daripada mesin ujikaji dynatup. Secara keseluruhannya, hasil dapatan utama bagi kedua-dua ujikaji menunjukkan sampel yang mengandungi peratusan serat kelapa sawit sebanyak 20% mempunyai nilai penyerapan tenaga hentaman dan nilai tenaga hentaman yang tinggi. Serapan tenaga maksimum adalah sebanyak 4.517MJ/m3 untuk ketumpatan 1400kg/m3 . Ini menunjukkan ketumpatan 1400kg/m3 berupaya menyerap tenaga lebih baik berbanding ketumpatan 1000kg/m3 . Manakala untuk nilai tenaga hentaman maksimum adalah sebanyak 27.229J untuk ketumpatan 1400kg/m3 . Hasil dapatan tersebut menunjukkan ketumpatan 1400kg/m3 dengan peratusan serat sebanyak 20% berupaya mengalas tenaga hentaman yang lebih banyak sebelum sampel retak. Kesimpulannya, peningkatan ketumpatan konkrit berbusa dan pertambahan serat buangan kelapa sawit ke dalam konkrit berbusa dapat meningkatkan ciri ketahanan hentaman konkrit berbusa khususnya aspek nilai penyerapan tenaga hentaman dan nilai tenaga hentaman

    Houses in Malaysia: Fusion of the east and the west

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    A great number of architectural scholars in Malaysia learned about western architecture to be used as precedent studies in their design. Few realized that part of the origin of the modern western architecture was actually from the east. Segments of the new approaches in modern architecture was already part and parcels of the local eastern heritage. The trend of following the west was also evident in the design of the modern detached houses. However, the already existed easten local heritage inevitably also played a major contribution to the thinking process of the designers. The main aim of the book is to unfold or clarify the origins of architectural elements in modern detached houses in Malaysia. The significance of the book is to establish the factors that contribute to the architectural thinking of the local architects besides clarifying the current trend or direction of the present style in Malaysia. In other words, to get a clearer picture of the past architecture in order to formulate or suggest a clearer guidelines or criteria for architectural design in the future

    Kesan Penggunaan Internet Dalam Penulisan Karangan Pelajar Sekolah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kesan penggunaan internet dalam penulisan karangan Bahasa Melayu di kalangan pelajar sekolah. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 114 pelajar tingkatan empat di daerah Hulu Langat. Sebanyak 57 orang pelajar ditempatkan dalam kumpulan eksperimen dan 57 orang pelajar ditempatkan dalam kumpulan kawalan. Pencapaian dilihat melalui tiga jenis karangan berbentuk fakta iaitu karangan jenis pendapat, perbincangan dan rencana. Skor didasarkan dengan menggunakan skema Pemarkahan Karangan Bahasa Malaysia Kertas 1 (110311) daripada Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia. Untuk melihat tanggapan pelajar dalam penulisan karangan daripada aspek motivasi, sikap, minat dan efikasi kendiri, instrumen soal selidik digunakan. Instrumen soal selidik ini telah diubahsuai mengikut kesesuaian kajian seperti aspek motivasi menggunakan instrumen yang diubahsuai daripada instrumen Warschauer (1 996), sikap daripada instrumen Loyd dan Loyd (1 985), minat daripada instrumen Cramer dan Smith (2000) dan instrumen Shrneck dan Geister - Breintein, (1995) untuk efikasi kendiri. Kajian ini adalah jenis eksperimen kuasi yang menggunakan reka bentuk, praujian dan pascaujian untuk kumpulan tak seiupa (the pre test post test, non equivalent group designs). Pencapaian pelajar bagi kumpulan eksperimen adalah signifikan (p < 0.05), dibandingkan dengan kumpulan kawalan. Penggunaan internet dalam penulisan karangan juga telah memberikan niotivasi, sikap, minat dan efikasi kendiri yang positif dalam penulisan karangan bahasa Melay

    Investigating Malay language writing proficiency level among upper secondary school students

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    This paper aims to present the findings of a research on writing proficiency in Malay language of upper secondary schools students in Malaysia. The research is designed to compare writing patterns of urban and rural students from four different zones. The focus of analysis is divided into three aspects, namely, language used, discourse and idea conceptualization. In language used, the focus is on sentence structure, dialect usage and punctuation while discourse looks at interesting phrases. The ideas in the writings are evaluated holistically by looking at the clarity, maturity and relevance of ideas presented. The respondents of this research are selected from five different zones; Kedah (northern zone), Kelantan (eastern zone), Negeri Sembilan (central zone), Sabah and Sarawak (East Malaysia). The total number of respondents is 1524 students. Generally, the findings of the research show that the writing proficiency of the students is at satisfactory level. However, there are differences in the students’ writing performance within the zones

    Soft Skills Integration in Teaching Professional Training: Novice Teachers’ Perspectives

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    AbstractThis paper is part of a bigger research project and focuses on issues related to soft skills and teaching professional training. The research project is on developing an integrated soft skills training module for teacher education program in Malaysian Public Universities. The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent of soft skills that has been integrated in teaching professional training from the novice teachers’ perspectives. The issues of unemployment and lack of quality among teachers are associated with the notion that teachers have not adequately acquired employability skills and soft skills during their training in universities. At the preliminary stage, 15 novice teachers who have graduated from five identified public universities for not more than three years were interviewed. There are a total of three focus group interview cycles. The interview protocol consists of seven soft skills are: communication, critical and problem solving, team work, life-long learning and management of information, entrepreneurship, ethics, moral and professional, and leadership. The findings showed that six out of seven soft skills were perceived as important and relevant to their teaching tasks except entrepreneurship skill. However, these novice teachers were concerned about the insufficient soft skills acquired from teaching training in order to support them in their work place. Since soft skills are important prerequisite in shaping an individual's personality, therefore it is recommended that teacher educators should utilize the integrated soft skills training module during teaching professional training

    Properties of modified bitumen in hot mix asphalt using crumb rubber

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    Today capacity or volume of the road user increases year by year is one of the factors that make the road pavement prone to defect or damage such as cracking. Therefore, the use of Crumb Rubber Modifiers (CRM) in flexible pavements to improve characteristics of bitumen binders has become a technique of great potential in recent year. This thesis presents a study to develop mix design for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) using additive of crumb rubber. The gradations used are AC 14 based on Public Works Department of Malaysia’s (PWD Malaysia) Standard Specification of Road Works (JKR/SPJ/2008). CRM with varying percentages of 1%, 2% and 3% percent by total weight of bitumen were studied. The range percentage of bitumen binder was used in this study is 4% until 6%. All the mix samples were based on the Marshall Mix Design Method. In this study, the volumetric properties such as Marshall Stability, flow, air voids (AV), voids filled with bitumen (VFB), bulk density and stiffness were investigated. The 2% of crumb rubber added in bitumen binder has been selected to be the optimum percentage of crumb rubber in HMA mix because all the volumetric properties complied with the requirements of PWD Malaysia’s Standard Specification of Roads. Based on the result obtained, there were significant effect in volumetric properties between unmodified and modified bitumen. Besides that, penetration and softening point were also performed on modified bitumen. The results show that addition of CRM to bitumen binder has significant influence on its properties. From the laboratory results showed an increase in softening point and stiffness of the binder. It could concluded that CRM shows positive effect to the bitumen binder

    Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Masalah Disiplin Di Kalangan Pelajar Di Sekolah Menengah Dalam Daerah Kubang Pasu

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    This study analyzes factors that cause discipline problems among secondary-school students in selected schools in the district of Kubang Pasu, Kedah. It also seek to determine the most dominant factor that affects secondary-school student discipline. The subjects of the research consist of 322 Form Four students selected from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Changlun, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Kayu Hitam, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Air Hitam, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Bendahara. The sample was made up of 60.7 percent male and 39.3 percent female, of which 77 percent were 16 years of age, 21.1 prcent were above the age of 16 while the remaining percentage of respondents were 15 years of age. Date were collected using questionnaires that comprise three sections : a) respondents' demographic information, b) information regarding the prevalent types of discipline problems and c) information regarding the factors that cause discipline problems. The dependent variable under study is the discipline problems among secondary-school student while the independent variables are the cause factors that originate from the student themselves, families, peers and teachers. The data analysis is conducted into four section : a) descriptive analysis which provides demographic information about the respondent, b) frequency counts that show the frequency of respondent involvement in discipline problem in the period of one month, c) Cronbach's Alpha reliability test to identify cause factors among respondents and d) person correlation in used to determine the exixtance and strength of correlation between the dependent variables and the independent variables. Findings indicate that there are three independent variables that affect discipline problems, the most dominant of which is the respondents' peers. Family factor is shown not to have a statistically significant relationship with discipline problems among secondary-school students in the district of Kubang Pasu


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    This project is about designing electronic ballast of one ballast–two lamp system using rapid start technique. Rapid start technique will start lamps quickly without flicker by heating the lamps electrodes and simultaneously applying the starting voltage. Rapid start technique is chosen because it provides a low starting voltage about 3.5 volts to the electrodes for one second before lamp ignition. The proposed circuit design consists of full bridge rectifier and boost converter, as a power factor correction (PFC) stage, integrate with a resonant half bridge inverter, used as lamp power control stage. Two lamps connection in parallel will be used as load to verify the objective. All the development of designing electronic ballast using one ballast–two lamp system with rapid start technique and the simulation will be through Multisim. This project is aim to design and improve the electronic ballast based on initial voltage and initial current. It is found that the current to the load is lower when two lamps are used


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    The mingle model is a new technique to teach speaking that is developed by Darmayenti (2015). Few scholars have investigated the relation, contribution, and implementation of a mingle technique in class. This paper aims to discuss the constraints of the mingle model from Darmayenti (2015) in improving students’ speaking skills. Based upon few relevant journal articles, the effects of content evaluation display limitation of research on the integrated effect of the mingle model. This paper provides information for future studies to expose the effectiveness of the Mingle model on students'’ speaking skills proficiency