392 research outputs found

    Ocular higher-order aberrations changes after implantable collamer lens implantation for high myopic astigmatism

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    Purpose: To investigate the changes in higher-order aberrations (HOAs) induced by the implantation of implantable collamer lenses (ICLs) and Toric ICL (TICL) in eyes with high myopia and high myopic astigmatism. Methods: We investigated 33 eyes of 18 consecutive patients (in a prospective, interventional case series study), with spherical equivalent errors of �6.00 to �21.09 diopters (D) and cylindrical errors of �0.5 to �4.75 D, who underwent ICL and TICL implantation. Before and after 5 days, 2 and 6 months of surgery, the uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), defocus and adverse events of the surgery were assessed. Ocular HOAs were also evaluated by Hartmann-Shack aberrometry (Technolas PV, Rochester, New York, USA) before and after 6 months of surgery. Results: At 6.0 months after surgery, the UCVA and BCVA in 40 and 66.7 of eyes were 20/20, respectively. Mean defocus refraction and astigmatism was reduced to �0.66 and 0.65 D from �12.79 and 2.18 at baseline, respectively. For a 6 mm pupil, HOAs were not significantly changed, merely from 0.417 ± 0.162 μ before surgery to 0.393 ± 0.119 μ after surgery (P = 0.45). Spherical aberration (Z400) increased significantly (P = 00.0). Surgical induced astigmatism was lower than 0.25 D, and there were no changes in trefoils and coma aberration. No vision-threatening complications occurred during the observation period. Conclusion: This study shows that the ICL and TICL performed well in correcting high myopic astigmatism without significant changes in HOAs during a 6-month observation period, although the spherical aberration (Z400) increased significantly. © 2017 Iranian Society of Ophthalmolog

    Ocular higher-order aberrations changes after implantable collamer lens implantation for high myopic astigmatism

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    Purpose: To investigate the changes in higher-order aberrations (HOAs) induced by the implantation of implantable collamer lenses (ICLs) and Toric ICL (TICL) in eyes with high myopia and high myopic astigmatism. Methods: We investigated 33 eyes of 18 consecutive patients (in a prospective, interventional case series study), with spherical equivalent errors of �6.00 to �21.09 diopters (D) and cylindrical errors of �0.5 to �4.75 D, who underwent ICL and TICL implantation. Before and after 5 days, 2 and 6 months of surgery, the uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), defocus and adverse events of the surgery were assessed. Ocular HOAs were also evaluated by Hartmann-Shack aberrometry (Technolas PV, Rochester, New York, USA) before and after 6 months of surgery. Results: At 6.0 months after surgery, the UCVA and BCVA in 40 and 66.7 of eyes were 20/20, respectively. Mean defocus refraction and astigmatism was reduced to �0.66 and 0.65 D from �12.79 and 2.18 at baseline, respectively. For a 6 mm pupil, HOAs were not significantly changed, merely from 0.417 ± 0.162 μ before surgery to 0.393 ± 0.119 μ after surgery (P = 0.45). Spherical aberration (Z400) increased significantly (P = 00.0). Surgical induced astigmatism was lower than 0.25 D, and there were no changes in trefoils and coma aberration. No vision-threatening complications occurred during the observation period. Conclusion: This study shows that the ICL and TICL performed well in correcting high myopic astigmatism without significant changes in HOAs during a 6-month observation period, although the spherical aberration (Z400) increased significantly. © 2017 Iranian Society of Ophthalmolog

    New instrumentation technologies for testing the bonding of sensors to solid materials

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    This report presents the results of a comprehensive research and development project that was conducted over a three-year period to develop new technologies for testing the attachment of sensors to solid materials for the following NASA applications: (1) testing the performance of composites that are used for the lining of solid rocket motor nozzles, (2) testing the bonding of surface-mounted platinum resistance thermometers that are used on fuel and oxidizer lines of the space shuttle to detect valve leaks by monitoring temperature, (3) testing the attachment of strain gages that are used in testing the performance of space shuttle main engines, and (4) testing the thermocouples that are used for determining the performance of blast tube liner material in solid rocket boosters

    Autism Spectrum Disorders Diagnosing Based on EEG Analysis: a Survey

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are pervasive neurodevelopmental conditions characterized by impairments in reciprocal social interactions, communication skills, and stereotyped behavior. Since EEG recording and analysis is one of the fundamental tools in diagnosis and identifying disorders in neurophysiology, researchers strive to use the EEG signals for diagnosing of individuals with ASD. We found that studies on the ASD diagnosis using EEG techniques could be divided into two groups, where analysis was based on either comparison techniques or pattern recognition techniques. In this paper, we try to explain these two sets of algorithms along with their applied methods and results. Ultimately, evaluation measures of diagnosis algorithms are discussedРозлади аутистичного спектра (autism spectrum disorders – ASD) – це глибокі відхилення розвитку нервової сфери, що характеризуються порушенням соціальних взаємодій, комунікативних навичок та стереотипної поведінки. Оскільки реєстрація та аналіз ЕЕГ є одними із фундаментальних засобів діагностики та ідентифікації нейрофізіологічних розладів, дослідники намагаються використовувати ЕЕГ-сигнали для діагностики ASD у тих або інших осіб. Як ми встановили, дослідження, спрямовані на діагностику ASD із застосуванням ЕЕГ-методик, можуть бути поділені на дві групи, коли аналіз базується або на техніці порівнянь, або на техніці розпізнавання образів. У цьому огляді ми намагались описати застосування двох відповідних комплексів алгоритмів, а також методики їх використання та отримані результати. Нарешті, обговорюється порівняльна ефективність вказаних алгоритмів діагностування

    Solving boundary value problems via the Nyström method using spline Gauss rules

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    We propose to use spline Gauss quadrature rules for solving boundary value problems (BVPs) using the Nyström method. When solving BVPs, one converts the corresponding partial differential equation inside a domain into the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind on the boundary in the sense of boundary integral equation (BIE). The Fredholm integral equation is then solved using the Nyström method, which involves the use of a particular quadrature rule, thus, converting the BIE problem to a linear system. We demonstrate this concept on the 2D Laplace problem over domains with smooth boundary as well as domains containing corners. We validate our approach on benchmark examples and the results indicate that, for a fixed number of quadrature points (i.e., the same computational effort), the spline Gauss quadratures return an approximation that is by one to two orders of magnitude more accurate compared to the solution obtained by traditional polynomial Gauss counterparts

    Solving Boundary Value Problems Via the Nyström Method Using Spline Gauss Rules

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    We propose to use spline Gauss quadrature rules for solving boundary value problems (BVPs) using the Nyström method. When solving BVPs, one converts the corresponding partial differential equation inside a domain into the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind on the boundary in the sense of boundary integral equation (BIE). The Fredholm integral equation is then solved using the Nyström method, which involves a use of a particular quadrature rule, thus, converting the BIE problem to a linear system. We demonstrate this concept on the 2D Laplace problem over domains with smooth boundary as well as domains containing corners. We validate our approach on benchmark examples and the results indicate that, for a fixed number of quadrature points (i.e., the same computational effort), the spline Gauss quadratures return an approximation that is by one to two orders of magnitude more accurate compared to the solution obtained by traditional polynomial Gauss counterparts

    Non-coding RNAs and Exosomes: Their Role in the Pathogenesis of Sepsis

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    Non-coding RNAs and exosomes present an opportunity for early diagnosis as well as an ability to interact with key points of the biological mechanisms, suggesting that measurement of non-coding RNAs and exosomes are a promising approach for intensive care patients. © 2020 The Author(s) Sepsis is characterized as an uncontrolled host response to infection, and it represents a serious health challenge, causing excess mortality and morbidity worldwide. The discovery of sepsis-related epigenetic and molecular mechanisms could result in improved diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, leading to a reduced overall risk for affected patients. Accumulating data show that microRNAs, non-coding RNAs, and exosomes could all be considered as novel diagnostic markers for sepsis patients. These biomarkers have been demonstrated to be involved in regulation of sepsis pathophysiology. However, epigenetic modifications have not yet been widely reported in actual clinical settings, and further investigation is required to determine their importance in intensive care patients. Further studies should be carried out to explore tissue-specific or organ-specific epigenetic RNA-based biomarkers and their therapeutic potential in sepsis patients. © 2020 The Author(s