4,070 research outputs found

    Impact of preconception health education on health locus of control and self-efficacy in women Impact de l'éducation sanitaire avant la conception sur le lieu de contrôle de la santé et l'auto-efficacité chez les femmes

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    The preconception period is an ideal opportunity to optimize women's health. This study of women attending premarital clinics in the Islamic Republic of Iran aimed to evaluate the impact of a health education workshop on their health locus of control and self-efficacy in physical activity. The design was a randomized controlled trial with a questionnaire before and after the intervention. At post-intervention, there were significant increases in scores of internal health locus of control and self-efficacy in the experimental group (n = 109) compared to the control group (n = 101). It was concluded that a short-term health education may empower women to adopt healthy lifestyles

    Validating the Farsi version of the Pregnancy Worries and Stress Questionnaire (PWSQ): An exploratory factor analysis.

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    INTRODUCTION: Biological, environmental, inter- and intrapersonal changes during the antenatal period can result in anxiety and stress in pregnant women. It is pivotal to identify potential stressors and prevent their foetal and maternal consequences. The present study was conducted to validate and examine the factor structure of the Farsi version of the Pregnancy Worries and Stress Questionnaire (PWSQ). METHODS: In 2015, 502 Iranian healthy pregnant women, referred to selected hospitals in Tehran for prenatal care at 8-39 weeks of pregnancy, were recruited through a randomized cluster sampling. The PWSQ was translated into Farsi, and its validity and reliability were examined using exploratory factor analysis by SPSS version 21. RESULTS: The content validity of items on the PWSQ was between 0.63-1. The content validity index for relevance, clarity and simplicity were 0.92, 0.98, and 0.98, respectively, with a mean of 0.94. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was 0.863. Test-retest reliability showed high internal consistency (α=0.89; p<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The psychometric evaluation and exploratory factor analysis showed that the translated questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to identify stress in Iranian pregnant women. Application of the questionnaire can facilitate the diagnosis of stress in pregnant women and assist health care providers in providing timely support and minimizing negative outcomes of stress and anxiety in pregnant women and their infants

    Study of the effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on the structure and dynamics on mouse tubulin polymerization

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    Background and aims: In recent decades, there has been much research on the microtubule dynamics as well as on factors affecting it. According to different studies, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is thought to play an indirect role in neurodegenerative diseases through enzymatic pathways which hyperphosphorylate Tau protein and dissociate it from microtubules. In the present study, it was aimed to assess the direct effect of LPS on the structure and dynamics of tubulin polymerization in vitro. Methods: In this study, mouse tubulins were purified through two cycles of temperature-dependent polymerization-depolymerization. Cellulose-phosphate chromatography was used to further purify tubulins. SDS-PAGE was used to analyze the purity of the tubulins. Circular dichroism (CD), intrinsic fluorescence and turbidity assays were used to assess the changes in secondary and tertiary structures, and the dynamics of tubulin polymerization in the presence of different concentrations of LPS (5pM, 5nM, 50nM, 0.5µM and 5µM), respectively. Results: SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed the purity of tubulins. The intrinsic fluorescence analysis and CD assay revealed the changes in the secondary and tertiary structures of tubulins in the presence of LPS. The results of turbidity assay indicated that LPS could reduce the polymerization of tubulins. Conclusion: Our results indicate that LPS is able to change the secondary and tertiary structures of tubulin and decreases tubulin polymerization. According to our results, lipopolysaccharide in addition to an indirect effect on the microtubules stability, as well as by decreases in tubulin polymerization could result in neurodegenerative diseases specially Alzheimer's diseases

    Sleep Patterns and Sleep Disorders in Primary School Children in Qazvin, Iran

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    ObjectiveSleep disorders are common in children; they also have a significant impact on the whole family, the parents in particular. Few studies in this field have been performed in Iran; hence the  present study was carried out in order to determine sleep patterns and the  prevalence of sleep disorders in school aged children in Qazvin.Material and MethodsThis cross sectional study was done on 300 students (150 males and 150 females) of elementary schools in Qazvin, selected from cluster random samples. The duration of the study was from November 2006 to February 2007, and data was acquired by means of a standard pediatric sleep questionnaire.ResultsThe prevalence of sleep disorder among subjects was 44.3% (47.3% in males, and 41.3% in females), and the disorder was severe in 21% of the studied children. Sleep patterns during the school days differed significantly from what was observed on Fridays (p=0.000). In addition, there was a significant difference between males and females in terms of duration of sleep on Fridays (p=0.014).ConclusionConsidering the high prevalence of sleep disorders in children, their harmful impact on the development of the  nervous system and the child's learning and psychological health as well as on parental competency, and again bearing in mind the low level of awareness among the general population about sleep hygiene, we strongly recommend educational programs via public media and via meetings with the parents in schools

    Adjuvant administration of probiotic effects on sexual function in depressant women undergoing SSRIs treatment: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial

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    Background According to the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation’s Global Health Data Exchange (2023) it is estimated that 5% of all adults will experience depressive disorder. Amongst the general loss of pleasure and interest in everyday activities that are symptoms of low mood, reduced sexual desire and sexual dysfunction can be particularly overlooked. Human sexuality is complex, but finding solutions based on scientific evidence to limit the symptoms of depressive disorder and the iatrogenic impact of antidepressant treatment to improve this outcome is an important step in promoting psychological health and general wellbeing. Objective The present study aimed is to provide scientific evidence to assess the effect of oral probiotic on sexual function in women with depressive disorder treated with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) in an Iranian population. Design This study was a double-blind randomized clinical trial. Eligible women were assigned to lactofem plus SSRIs (n = 58) or SSRIs alone (n = 54). In group A, SSRI antidepressants were prescribed together with Lactofem, and in group B, SSRI antidepressants were prescribed alone. Lactofem including Lactobacillus acidophilus 2 × 109 cfu/g, Bifidobacterium bifidus 2 × 109 cfu/g, Lactobacillus rutri 2 × 109 cfu/g, Lactobacillus fermentum 2 × 109 cfu/g; capsule weight of 500 mg bio-capsule administered orally and daily. The duration of intervention in two groups was two months. All questionnaires were completed by the patients before and after the intervention. The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and Larson's Sexual Satisfaction Questionnaire were used to evaluate sexual function, severity of depressive disorder and sexual satisfaction, respectively. Results Based on the results of the present study, there was a statistically significant difference in sexual satisfaction and severity of depressive disorder between the groups before and after the intervention (P < 0.05). Also, our findings showed that after eight weeks, the Lactofem plus SSRIs group showed significant improvement in FSFI domains and total scores compared to SSRIs alone group (P < 0.05). Conclusions The results of the present study show that taking probiotics for eight weeks may improve the severity of depressive disorder, sexual function and sexual satisfaction in depressed women treated with SSRIs. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.govidentifier: IRCT20160524028038N14 (19/12/2022

    Developing the attenuation relation for damage spectrum in X-braced steel structures with neural network

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    Evaluating structural damage, caused by earthquakes, is very important in seismic risk management. Zoning maps of structural damage are directly used in evaluating damage of different zones as well as planning to retrofit structures. Attenuation relation is applied in preparing the acceleration zoning of regions. Similarly, damage attenuation relations which are used in analyzing probabilistic hazard and preparing damage zoning are obtained by structural damage spectrum. This spectrum is nonlinear and designed by considering nonlinear parameters of a series of one-degree-of-freedom structures and time history dynamic analysis. After gathering and modifying 778 records of the earthquakes happened in Iran, the damage spectrum was prepared for X-braced steel structures with different specifications (yield force, hysteresis curves, and ductility capacity). Damage attenuation relation was developed for the structures through regression analysis and the obtained results were compared with those of artificial neural network method. Damage of three samples with different specifications was calculated by the developed attenuation relation. The obtained results were compared with those of time history dynamic analysis. The developed relations were used for analyzing the probabilistic damage risk and preparing the damage zoning maps for city of Qazvin, as a seismic region in Iran

    Comparison the self-concept and behavior in adolescents without criminal record with juvenile offenders

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    Background and aims: impermanent and negative self-concept , disrupts personal and social adjustment. in this study compared self-concept and behavior in adolescents without a history of juvenile criminal and offenders. Methods: The study was cross-sectional . 79 person from centers for Upbringing and correction via census sample and 120 person that with first group in regard to age-and sex- matched controls from Isfahan City were enrolled. The data collection instrument consisted of three sections include demographic information , self-concept and behavior questions. Statistic examination include T-test, Fisher and K2, were use for data analyzed . Results: The mean and standard deviation of self-Concept in offenders was 58/94±10/30 and Behavior was 62/26±28/81. Adolescents with no history of criminal record, self-concept score was 63/02±9/75 and Behavior was 84/66±15/22. Self-concept and behavior scores were significantly higher in the group with no criminal record (p<0/001). Conclusion: The results suggest that the Self-concept and Behavior of juvenile offenders is lower than adolescents with no criminal record. It is also considered demographic factors will affect the incidence of antisocial behavior . It seems psychologists and counselors to be working in these centers must training , counseling and therapy and correction techniques with consideration to the establishment of such anomalies