653 research outputs found


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    Islamic religion look into that God not create human being by differing. Islam explain that basically there not superioritas in meaning of kualitataif men to woman. As religion bringing equivalence mission, Islam affirm that most human being of glory is most them of taqwa to God. In the sosiological view, society assumed as social institute which reside in in balance is activity of human being pursuant to embraced norms with was and also held true and fasten role and also itself human being.That way also, in the sosiological view, society assumed as social institute which reside in in balance is activity of human being pursuant to embraced norms with was and also held true and fasten role and also itself human being In the eyes of sociology in action hardness of woman send to problem domicile and woman function. Besides leading into problem of movement, conception equivalence supported by feminism movement wish the existence of change especially in looking at role of woman, either in educational, economic, politics, law even religion

    Gambaran Stres Akademik Mahasiswa Asal Papua di Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Mahasiswa asal Papua yang berkuliah di Provinsi Sumatera Barat dituntut untuk mampu beradaptasi, bukan hanya beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sosialnya, tetapi juga beradaptasi dengan kehidupan akademiknya. Mahasiswa Papua merasa bahwa beban dan tuntutan akademik yang diterima membebani dan menimbulkan masalah bagi kehidupan akademiknya. Stres akademik adalah keadaan tertekan yang dialami oleh individu karena tuntutan dan beban akademik yang melebihi kemampuan individu yang tidak dapat diatasi oleh individu tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sumber utama stres akademik dan tingkat stres akademik mahasiswa asal Papua di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Variabel yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah stres akademik. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik accidental sampling, dimana semua sampel yang ditemui dan bersedia dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian yaitu sebanyak 53 orang mahasiswa. Pada penelitian ini, stres akademik diukur dengan menggunakan Academic Stress Inventory of Students dari Lin dan Chen (2009) yang terdiri dari tujuh sumber stres yang tersebar menjadi 34 item dengan koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,944. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat stres akademik mahasiswa asal Papua berada pada kategori tinggi dan yang menjadi sumber utama stres akademik mahasiswa asal Papua di Provinsi Sumatera Barat adalah pengajar. Kata Kunci: Mahasiswa Papua, Stres, Stres Akademi


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    Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini ialah penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan data sekunder yang mencakup bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tertier yang diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan dengan mengkaji, menelaah dan mengolah peraturan perundangan-undangan, jurnal-jurnal hukum, artikel-artikel atau tulisan, ensiklopedia serta kamus hukum melalui analisis secara normatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan antara sistem Kontrak Karya (KK) yang diwakili oleh pihak perusahaan tambang swasta/asing mulai dari Kontrak Karya generasi I sampai dengan Kontrak Karya Generasi VII dengan Sistem Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP), apabila ditinjau dari kedudukan tentunya tidak proporsional (seimbang) karena sangat menguntungkan investor dan di sisi lain merugikan pihak pemerintah yang antara lain : nilai royalti, pajak dan retribusi yang rendah, tidak ada kewenangan daerah dan peran serta masyarakat, terjadi kerusakan lingkungan, penyelesaian sengketa diutamakan hukum internasional (arbitrase internasional), banyaknya konflik kepentingan, serta mendapatkan privillge. Sementara disisi kewenangan terbatas pada isi/substansi yang ada dalam Kontrak Karya (KK). Namun, jika menggunakan Sistem Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) dalam hal kedudukan dan kewenangannya, negara akan berdaulat dalam konteks penguasaan terhadap sumber daya mineral pertambangan sesuai dengan amanat Pasal 33 UUD 1945 dengan tujuan mengamankan kepentingan rakyat dan negara serta memiliki kewenangan yang penuh yaitu setiap waktu dapat menerbitkan/tidak menerbitkan dan mencabut mencabut, apabila memenuhi syarat/tidak memenuhi syarat atau terjadi pelanggaran. Termasuk kewenangan dalam menguatkan dan mengutamakan peran Badan Usaha Milik Negara dalam mendapatkan Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP).Kata Kunci: Kontrak Karya, Izin Usaha, Pertambangan, Kedudukan, Kewenanga

    English Students Barriers on Learning Speaking Skill in Covid-19 Pandemic Era in Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu

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    AbstractOnline speaking learning is learning that is done indirectly and uses media as a mediator. This study was conducted to determine barriers to learning speaking online and determine the most dominant barriers. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used a questionnaire as an instrument which was distributed to 24 English students as research subjects. After analyzing the data obtained, the researcher found 21 problems that became obstacles in learning speaking online. While the most dominant barriers found were learners psychological features with a percentage of 39.21%.Keywords: Speaking skill, Online Learning, Barriers, Covid-19A. Introductio


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    Islamic religion look into that God not create human being by differing. Islam explain that basically there not superioritas in meaning of kualitataif men to woman. As religion bringing equivalence mission, Islam affirm that most human being of glory is most them of taqwa to God. In the sosiological view, society assumed as social institute which reside in in balance is activity of human being pursuant to embraced norms with was and also held true and fasten role and also itself human being.That way also, in the sosiological view, society assumed as social institute which reside in in balance is activity of human being pursuant to embraced norms with was and also held true and fasten role and also itself human being In the eyes of sociology in action hardness of woman send to problem domicile and woman function. Besides leading into problem of movement, conception equivalence supported by feminism movement wish the existence of change especially in looking at role of woman, either in educational, economic, politics, law even religion

    Paham Qadariyah dan Jabariyah pada Pelaku Pasar Pelelangan Ikan Bajoe Kabupaten Bone Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    This article discusses the thoughts of fish auction market in Bajoe on Qadariyah and Jabariyah and the role of Qadariyah and Jabariyah theology on the fish auction market of Bajoe. The methodology used for this research is a descriptive method, to explain the problem, events, and any recent phenomenon. In Islamic thoughts, human activities are interpreted in two mainstreams of thoughts. Firstly, the interpretation that human is a free to will, that human activities are created by his self. Secondly, human actions are not created by man, but by God. For this group, a human is not strong enough to do anything, God controls everything. The first stream, in Islamic thought known as Qadariyah, while the second is called Jabariyah. Several people in the community of fish auction market of Bajoe agree on the opinions of Qadariyah and Jabariyah, while some others disagree. Similarly, most of them are affected by Qadariyah and partly influenced by Jabariyah

    Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan Menurut Tinjauan Agama dan Sosiologi

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    Islamic religion look into that God not create human being by differing. Islam explain that basically there not superioritas in meaning of kualitataif men to woman. As religion bringing equivalence mission, Islam affirm that most human being of glory is most them of taqwa to God. In the sosiological view, society assumed as social institute which reside in in balance is activity of human being pursuant to embraced norms with was and also held true and fasten role and also itself human being.That way also, in the sosiological view, society assumed as social institute which reside in in balance is activity of human being pursuant to embraced norms with was and also held true and fasten role and also itself human being In the eyes of sociology in action hardness of woman send to problem domicile and woman function. Besides leading into problem of movement, conception equivalence supported by feminism movement wish the existence of change especially in looking at role of woman, either in educational, economic, politics, law even religion

    Konsep Jiwa dan Pengaruhnya dalam Kepribadian Manusia (Studi Atas Tafsi>r Al-Mishba>h Karya Quraish Shihab)

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    This article attempts to explore Qur\u27anic notion on soul and its influence on human personality as Quraish Shihab constructed in his Tafsi>r al-Mishba>h. Using psychological and semantical approaches, it parallelizes psychological with Qur\u27anic perspectives on the concept of soul. Then, it examines how the soul influences human personality. This paper concludes the following. First, Quraish Shihab\u27s view of the concept of soul can be understood by explaining his thought on the basic concept of human, psychical structure, and human behavioral motivation. Quraish Shihab said that humans\u27 basic character is kindness. The psychical structure consists of al-fit}rah, al-nafs, al-qalb, al-ru>h, al-‘aql. Then, human behavioral motivation is to complete their physical/biological needs and/or spiritual needs. Second, the soul influences and shapes human personality through integration process among those psychical dimensions

    The Band of Abdul Qahhar Mudzakkar: Biographical Sketch of Rebelious Leaders of Islamic State-Indonesian Islamic Army (Di/tii) of Sulawesi

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    The rebellious movement of Islamic State-Indonesian Islamic Army (DI/TII) began from dissa­tis­faction towards the secular state of newly indepen­dent Indonesia. Abd. Qahhar Mudzakkar, the leader of DI/TII in Sulawesi and his followers revolted against the govern­ment, and subsequently formed their own Islamic government. Since Qahhar graduated from Muhammadiyah school, his theological basis in his cause to establishing an Islamc state is very prevalent. He believed that his Islamic state is to uphold the truth and to defend the religion of Allah. Thus whoever opposed his DI/TII movement would be considered infidel simply because of favoring or supporting the Indonesian government they considered secular and communist. His followers and supporters were preachers and clerics, who helped Qahhar by carrying out specific functions and positions in his Islamic state. In addition, those people played an important role in getting recognition and acceptance of Sulawesi muslim society for Islamic state campaign launched by Abdul Qahhar Mudzak­kar. Without their involvement, DI/TII would never had been so popular among muslim community in Sulawesi