1,044 research outputs found

    Anatomi Gerakan Sosial Di Riau: Refleksi Atas Dinamika Perlawanan Masyarakat Riau Terhadap Negara 1998 – 2001

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    A social movement is a collective opposing way established by plenty of communitiesl which have the same goals and aspirations in terms with a continuity interaction with the state. A social movement is a way considered effective in gaining the goal by mobilizing the supports and the resources, both economic or political resources. The success of a social movement is supported by a leadership factor in that movement and movement organisation by determining effective ways to get the collective goals. A social movement in a society is a manifestation from unsatisfaction toward the central goverment and natural resources exploitation or the economy of Riau people without taking notice of the existention and the continuity of Riau local peopl

    Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, dan Return on Asset terhadap Return Saham

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Return On Assets on Stock Returns in telecommunication services sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2021. This research method is descriptive quantitative. This data source uses secondary data in the form of financial statements from each of the telecommunications services sub-sector companies from 2017-2021. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression using the EVIEWS 9 application. The results show, Current Ratio (CR) has a positive and insignificant effect on stock returns, Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a negative and insignificant effect on stock returns, and Return on Assets (ROA) has a negative and insignificant effect on Stock Return. Conclusions, a) the size of the Current Ratio does not necessarily produce a high return, b) the company experiences a decrease in the value of the company if there is an increase in debt in the company; c) changes in the value of return on assets will give a negative contribution to stock returns. However, if ROA increases, the company will get a low share return contribution or vice versa, a smaller change in the value of return on assets will have an impact on higher stock returns. Keywords: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets, Stock Retur


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    Terbitnya Kompilasi Hukum Islam sebagai hukum materiil perlu diapresiasi. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar pembumian hukum Islam dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Artikel ini membahas transformasi Fiqh Mawaris menjadi Hukum Nasional di Indonesia. Metode dalam kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Temuan dalam kajian ini adalah beberapa pasal dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) khusunya dalam bidang kewarisan dirasa kurang sesuai dengan Fiqh Mawaris yang difahami mayoritas ulama. Di antaranya adalah terkait bagian 1/3 bagi ayah jika tidak meninggalkan anak di mana Alquran dan Sunnah menegaskan hukum aṣābah bagi ayah jika tidak mempunyai anak. Selain itu konsep harta bersama dan wasiat wajibah juga hal yang dianggap belum sesuai dengan konsep fiqh. Permasalahan kekuatan hukum KHI juga menjadi masalah tersendiri yang perlu segera diselesaikan. Karena setelah Amandemen UUD 1945 KHI menjadi lemah dari segi hukum. Indonesia perlu mengkaji perundang-undangan hukum keluarga negara-negara Islam lain terkait hukum kewarisanTerbitnya Kompialsi Hukum Islam sebagai hukum materiil perlu diapresiasi. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar pembumian hukum Islam dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Artikel ini membahas transformasi Fiqh Mawaris menjadi Hukum Nasional di Indonesia. Beberapa pasal KHI khusunya dalam bida kewarisan dirasa kurang sesuai dengan Fiqh Mawaris yang difahami mayoritas ulama. Di antaranya adalah terkait bagian 1/3 bagi ayah jika tidak meninggalkan anak di mana al-Quran dan Sunnah menegaskan hukum aṣābah bagi ayah jika tidak mempunyai anak. Selain itu konsep harta bersama dan wasiat wajibah juga hal yang dianggap belum sesuai dengan konsep fiqh. Permasalahan kekuatan hukum KHI juga menjadi masalah tersendiri yang perlu segera diselesaikan. Karena setelah Amandemen UUD 1945 KHI menjadi lemah dari segi hukum. Indonesia perlu mengikuti Negara-negara Islam lain dalam pengundangan hukum keluarga pada umumnya dan lebih khusunya terkait hukum kewarisan


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    Abstract(The Use of Code Switching by Lecturers in Teaching Process at University of Muhammadiyah Sorong| Code Switching is a process of language which intentionally or unintentionally people talk affected by situation and topic with inserted other language when speaking their language. There were three main problems of this research (1). How often do the lecturers make code switching in the learning process? (2). What are types of code switching that used by lecturers in the learning process? (3). What are the factors cause the lecturers used code switching in the learning process? The method of this research was descriptive gualitative. To gain the data, this research used a recording device, field notes, and a guestionnaire. After analyzing the data, it concluded that all of the lecturers used code switching in the teaching learning process more than 244 occurrences of code switching and more 86.67Y”6 responded agree that they often did code switching when teaching. They did code switching based on their material and orally. The writer also found the English codes with added Indonesian prefix and suffix likes dismoothkan, diprint out, utilizingnya, etc. Then, freguently of the codes were Fisheries Faculty 111 of occurrences (45.49”o) Engineering Faculty 59 (24.180), Law of Faculty 25 (10.25Y9), Sociology Faculty and Administrative Science 25 (10.25Y6) and the remaining 24 occurrences (9.84”6) are Agriculture Faculty. About 54 statements that shown as situational code switching and nine statements were metaphorical code switching. And ten out 15 factors that the lecturers agree from statements contained in the guestionnaire and five factors were disagreed

    Pembangunan Aplikasi Forum sebagai Salah Satu Tools Knowledge Management System dengan Pendekatan Instant Messaging And Intranet Forums pada PT Abi Maju Konsultan di Pontianak

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    Knowledge is a valuable asset for everyone no exception for the company. By Herbert (2007) Knowledge of a person can grow because of the experience, successes and failures and the learning process that meet all the time. Knowledge it self is divided into two parts that is "tacit knowledge" and "explicit knowledge". Storage of knowledge possessed by employees in companies is an effective way. According to Purnomo (2011, p.3) Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a system that is able to classify existing knowledge, seek knowledge, conduct and maintain knowledge of storage and use. At PT Abi Maju Konsultan, the workers knowledge still preserved, so in the event one of the employees who left the company so when recruiting new employees, the company will conduct initial training of the work that will be occupied employee. Making an application with the forum knowledge management system approach Intranet Instant Messaging And Forums is expected to address the problem so that the knowledges possessed by employees can be stored and can be used at any time when needed

    Perancangan Perangkat Lunak Sistem Informasi Inventaris Base Transceiver Station (Bts) Pada Pt.telkomsel Network Operation Kalbar

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    Telkomsel network operation Kalbar abstract who have many devices BTS (Base Transceiver Station) require a software which can help an inventory of the devices its BTS. So as to make it easier for companies to list the devices contained in a BTS. The problem faced is how to provide information quickly and in a timely manner and has a high accuracy for generating reports on those devices. For it made a software inventory information system base stations serves as a tool to facilitate the company in the BTS-owned inventory.   The research was conducted by examining objects and examine the weaknesses of the existing system, so finding the right solution to solve the existing problems. The method used is descriptive writer, which presents the data and explains what it is, by collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. The design of this software using Visual Basic 6.0 programming language. Software design results can be used to facilitate the inventory of BTS - BTS owned and improve the accuracy of reports generated

    Transformation of Down Payment in Sharia Financing in Indonesia Based on Buying and Selling ‘Urbūn and Ḥāmish Jiddiyyah

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    Down payment is commonly practiced in society. Islamic law recognizes the concepts of ‘urbūn and ḥāmish jiddiyyah, which have a similar meaning to a down payment. However, the concepts of customary law and Islamic law are somewhat different. There are differences in ulama’s opinions concerning the permissibility of a down payment. This article aims to analyse the correlation between the concepts of down payment, ‘urbūn, ḥāmish jiddiyyah, and the legal status of a down payment in Islamic law. Using a normative legal approach, this topic is is examined by considering the uṣūl al-fiqh-based views of the classical and contemporary ulama. This study shows that scholarly debate about down payments starts from the ownership status of the money and the impact when the sale and purchase are canceled. Besides, the aspect of its prohibition and benefit are intertwined. Contemporary fatwas allow the practice of down payment with the consideration of modern needs and maṣlaḥah. This finding implies that down payment will become more widespread among the public and the Islamic finance sector. Therefore, A monitoring scheme is needed to avoid the violation of sharia in down payment implementation. Abstrak: Uang panjer lumrah dipraktikkan di masyarakat. Hukum Islam mengenal konsep ‘urbūn dan ḥāmish jiddiyyah yang memiliki kemiripan makna dengan uang panjer. Namun konsep hukum adat dan hukum Islam tersebut tidak seluruhnya sama. Ada perbedaan dan status hukumnya pun berbeda di kalangan ulama. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis korelasi konsep uang panjer dan ‘urbūn dan ḥāmish jiddiyyah dan status hukum uang panjer dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Dengan metode pendekatan hukum normatif, tema ini dikaji dengan mempertimbangkan pandangan fikih yang dicetuskan ulama masa lalu dan kontemporer serta mempertimbangkan pertimbang ushul fikih. Hasilnya, perdebatan ulama tentang uang panjer berawal dari status kepemilikan uang tersebut dan dampaknya ketika jual beli batal dilakukan. Di sisi lain, sisi keharaman dan kemaslahatan saling berkelindan. Fatwa kontemporer mengambil pendapat boleh dengan pertimbangan kemaslahatan dan kebutuhan modern. Implikasi dari temuan ini, penggunaan uang panjer akan semakin luas di kalangan masyarakat dan sektor keuangan syariah. Diperlukan skema pengawasan agar praktik uang panjer tersebut tidak melanggar ketentuan syariah

    Desain Kapal Lcu Tni-al Menggunakan Metode Optimisasi

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    Landing Craft Utility (LCU) mempunyai peranan yang penting bagi Tentara Nasional Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) digunakan sebagai kapal amphibious mendaratkan: pasukan, logistik dan kendaraan. Desain LCU TNI-AL mengunakan metode optimasi belum pernah dilakukan, desain kapal umumnya menggunakan metode spiral design yang berlangsung beberapa putaran secara manual yang membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan seringkali tidak mencapai hasil yang optimal. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dalam makalah ini digunakan metode Non Linier Constrains Optimization sehingga perlu satu putaran untuk menyelesaikannya yaitu pada tahap preliminary design. Pemodelan optimasinya dilibatkan ukuran utama dan hull form secara bersamaan sehingga tidak diperlukan pembuatan lines plan. Variables yang dicari adalah ukuran utama dan propulsi kapal; constrains adalah ukuran utama, rasio ukuran utama, stabilitas dan propulsi; objective functions adalah meminimalkan biaya pembanguan. Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan Landing Craft Utility yang optimal adalah: bentuk round bilge, Lpp=46,76m, B=9,63m, T=2,56m, H=4,63m, dan Vs= 11knot


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    Teknologi pesawat terbang sudah sangat maju.Salah satu sarana yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap instansi yang terdapat pada dunia penerbangan. Pesawat terbang mempunyai banyak komponen utama,salah satu komponen utama adalah Auxiliary Power Unit (APU).APU berfungsi sebagai supporting enginedalampesawat terbang dan untuk menggerakan/starter mesin utama. APU terdiri dari sistemkelistrikan, sistemudara, sistem pelumasan, sistem bahan bakaryang mempunyai masing-masing fungsi khusus.Sistembahan bakar pada APU GTCP85-129 telah dianalisis dengan menjabarkan komponen-komponenya untuk menunjangfungsi sistembahan bakarpada APU.Tujuan daripenelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui. 1. Mengetahui proseskerja yang berlangsung pada APU GTCP85-129H/J/K padapesawat boeing 737. 2. Mengetahui jenis-jenis APU yang digunakan pada pesawat terbang. 3. Mengetahui perbaikan dan perawatan pada APU yang terjadi