164 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to investigate the mental health of amateur and professional football players during the Covid-19 pandemic period. For this purpose, 49 amateur female, 68 amateur male and 34 professional male football players participated in the study. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index consisting of 24 questions and the Beck Depression Scale consisting of 21 questions were applied to measure the sleep quality and depression symptoms of the participants. The obtained data were analyzed with the SPSS 22.0 program. Values were presented as minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, and standard error. Significance level was accepted as

    A bibliometric study on the publication errors in emergency medicine journals from 2000 to 2020

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    Background: The literature on scientific publication errors in medical research is limited, and no studies on emergency medicine publications have been conducted yet. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of the publication errors in emergency medicine literature. Methods: This bibliometric study reviewed intervened publication errors in the manuscripts of seven high-impact emergency medicine journals from 2000 to 2020, covering twenty years, and evaluated the corrections in the forms of an erratum, corrigendum, addendum, and retracted papers. The detected publication error rate and the trend, error severity, and error types were calculated. Results: We detected 257 intervened scientific papers consisting of 251 corrections due to one or more publication errors and six retractions. Authors were the primary source of the errors (93.2%). Most of the errors were in the author attribution section (40.5%). The published errors of 7.2% had an impact on the paper's conclusion. Simple typographic errors were the most common error type (62.5%). The corrected publication error rate was 1.3%, with a steady trend over the twenty years. Conclusions: Publications errors are inevitable, but it is possible to minimize them. The number of corrections in emergency medicine literature is at a low rate and show many similarities with the previous literature

    Open-Cube: Towards an Open-Source Architecture

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    Architecture is a means of production, a means of spatio-temporal intervention, a use of force against what already exists in natural and cultural environments. “In addition to being a means of production,” as Henri Lefebvre subtly puts, architecture is also “a means of control, and hence of domination, of power.” Architecture thus, is ontologically a political endeavor in the original sense of the word politikos, since it simply affects the everyday life of citizens and the way they interact with their social and spatial environments. ABOUTBLANK’s experiment in this regard, is positioned in the liminal space between architectural design theory and practice. The experiment is, (1) about overthrowing the problematic structure of power and the elitist hierarchy inherent in the profession among spatial actors, (2) about dissolving the antagonistic relationship of architecture with time, change, and movement, shrouded by its fetishistic preference for atemporality, inertia, and permanence, and finally (3) about a radical pursuit towards an Open-Source Architecture which, contrary to the exclusionary nature of the conventional profession, empowers all spatial actors to become creative architectural co-producers within a horizontal, performative, and process-driven network. This theoretical framework was tested in Antalya, Turkey as an open-source architectural experiment during the summer of 2013, under the code-name “Open-Cube.” It was attempt to defy the logic of pre-determined function, allowing users to activate cubes according to their needs and desires, to defy the logic of pre-determined static composition, allowing users to move, relocate, and displace cubes as mobile containers, and to defy the logic of pre-determined hierarchical power organization, allowing users to get rid of their subordinate position and empower themselves as egalitarian spatial actors in the architectural milieu. In Antalya, the participating spatial actors of this experiment started to realize in a preliminary but promising way, in good old Nietzschean terms, the transvaluation of architecture’s problematic conventional values

    Adalimumab (Humira®) Induced Recurrent Peritonsillar Abscess in A Patient Received Three Different Anti-TNF Therapies:A Case Report

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    Anti-tumor necrosis factor agents are widely used in treating ankylosing spondylitis, but they increase the risk of infection by suppressing the immune response. Therefore, physicians should be careful about recurrent infections in patients under anti-tumor necrosis factor agents.</p


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    Enterprises can be successful in global competition by creating the useful information, which provides competitive superiority, and spreading this information to the whole enterprise, implementing it in a short time, developing new products, processes, markets and organizations. It is expected to make an effect which increases the performance of the enterprise by successfully implementing this information in the innovation process. For this, enterprises should listen their customers and make their products according to their demands and offer them to the market. Strategic orientations of the enterprises have an important effect on their performances. In order to meet the expectations of customers, the ideas to improve new product is dependent on developing a systematic novelty culture which is technology and innovation-oriented. Customer and marketoriented practices have important effects on enterprises’ intellectual elements and profitability. In this work, the effect of market orientation and innovativeness ability on the performance of the enterprise is studied. Market orientation is studied under three sub-dimensions: Competitor-oriented, customer-oriented and coordination among the functions. Market orientation, innovativeness ability and performance of the enterprise is analyzed with constitutional equality modelling. As a result, secret variables like competitor-oriented and coordination among the functions haven’t a meaningful effect on enterprise performance, however innovativeness ability and competitor orientation variables have a positive meaningful effect on enterprise performance. Innovativeness ability has more direct effect on enterprise performance than market orientation dimensions


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    Enterprises can be successful in global competition by creating the useful information, which provides competitive superiority, and spreading this information to the whole enterprise, implementing it in a short time, developing new products, processes, markets and organizations. It is expected to make an effect which increases the performance of the enterprise by successfully implementing this information in the innovation process. For this, enterprises should listen their customers and make their products according to their demands and offer them to the market. Strategic orientations of the enterprises have an important effect on their performances. In order to meet the expectations of customers, the ideas to improve new product is dependent on developing a systematic novelty culture which is technology and innovation-oriented. Customer and marketoriented practices have important effects on enterprises’ intellectual elements and profitability. In this work, the effect of market orientation and innovativeness ability on the performance of the enterprise is studied. Market orientation is studied under three sub-dimensions: Competitor-oriented, customer-oriented and coordination among the functions. Market orientation, innovativeness ability and performance of the enterprise is analyzed with constitutional equality modelling. As a result, secret variables like competitor-oriented and coordination among the functions haven’t a meaningful effect on enterprise performance, however innovativeness ability and competitor orientation variables have a positive meaningful effect on enterprise performance. Innovativeness ability has more direct effect on enterprise performance than market orientation dimensions

    The Determining Factors of Selecting Energy Storage Systems for the Renewable Energy Sources in the Energy- Efficient Building

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    Electrical energy storage (ESS) is a most important element in micro-grid to balancing the supply and demand of energy, optimising our use of intermittent energy source such as wind or solar energy. In ESSs we can support the incorporation of micro-grids because of their capacity to improve the system reliability and to facilitate the integration of high penetration levels of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs). ESSs can also provide additional benefits for distribution sources, such as an efficient expansion alternative through peak load shaving and methods of mitigating power quality issues. This paper will present the benefits of ESS in RES and most important factors of selecting ESS for the RES in the Energy Efficient Building (EEB)

    Fibrin sealant as a carrier for sustained delivery of antibiotics

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    Objective: To evaluate the activity and sustained release of antibiotics from fibrin sealant against common strains of ocular bacteria. Methods: Vancomycin, ceftazidime, moxifloxacin and lomefloxacin were incorporated into fibrin sealant in the shape of discs. Each antibiotic disc and control fibrin disc without drug was tested in vitro against standard bacterial strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeroginosa. After 24 hours of incubation at 37 °C, the discs were transferred to new plates of bacteria and triplicated for each antibiotic. Results: All antibiotic discs demonstrated detectable activity after 24 hours. Vancomycin had the longest duration of activity (4 days) on the S. pneumonia grown plate. The moxifloxacin discs showed a prolonged inhibition of S. aureus and S. pneumonia for 3 days and inhibited the other strains for 2 days. Conclusion: Fibrin sealants provided prolonged drug delivery, which indicates that antibiotic-loaded fibrin clots could be useful for early ocular postoperative care and treatment. J Clin Exp Invest 2014; 5 (2): 194-19

    Surgical management of subaxial cervical spine trauma: a case report

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    Günümüzde teknolojinin ilerlemesi ve motorlu taşıt kullanımının artması sonucunda omurga yaralanmaları sık karşılaşılan bir durum haline gelmiştir. Sıklıkla motorlu taşıt kazaları sonrası oluşan omurga travmaları en sık servikal özellikle de alt servikal de denilen subaksiyal servikal bölgede görülür ve hastaların %70 inde nörolojik hasar meydana gelir. Halen tartışmalı olmakla birlikte nörolojik değerlendirme için güncel ve son zamanlarda kullanımı yaygınlaşan sınıflama motor, duyu kayıpları ve bunlara bağlı özürlülük oranlarını içeren ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) sınıflamasıdır. Subaksiyal servikal travmalarda akut nörolojik kötüleşme acil cerrahi tedavi endikasyonudur. Anterior veya posterior tekniğin seçimi büyük oranda yaralanma mekanizması, etkilenen dokulara ve sonrasında oluşan nörolojik hasara bağlıdır. Hasta durumu ve instabilite tedavi kararını belirleyen en önemli iki faktördür. Anterior yaklaşım rutin kullanılabilen kolay uygulanan bir cerrahi teknik kabul edilse de ileri derecede stabilizasyon bozukluğu gösteren üç kolonuda tutan burst fraktürlerinde yetersiz kalmaktadır. Kliniğimizde uyguladığımız anterior plak vida tekniği ve posterior lateral mass vida uygulaması literatür gözden geçirilerek iki olgu eşliğinde tartışılmış, en iyi klinik sonuçların tek başına anterior cerrahi uygulanan vakalarda alındığı gözlense de instabil kompresyon ve patlama kırıklarında instabilitenin fazla olduğu durumlarda hastada nörolojik defisit ve üç kolon tutulumu olmasa dahi posterior füzyona ihtiyaç duyulduğu gözlenmiştir.These days, as a consequence of the improvement in technology and increase in the use of motor vehicles, spine injuries have become common. Spine traumas, which often occur after motor vehicle accidents, are observed mostly in cervical regions, particularly in the subaxial cervical region, which is also known as the subcervical region, and neurological damage occurs in 70% of the patients. Despite still being controversial, the common ranging for neurological evaluation is the American Spinal Injury Association ranging, which includes the motor and sensory loss and accordingly, the impairment rate. In subaxial cervical traumas, acute neurological deterioration is an indication and therefore requires urgent surgical treatment. The choice of anterior or posterior approach substantially depends on the traumatization mechanism, affected tissues, and neurological deterioration occurring after. The state of patient and instability are the most two important factors affecting the treatment decision. Although the anterior approach is accepted as a routinely available and easily applicable surgical technique, it lacks in the burst fractures involving the three colons, which shows a stabilization disorder. The anterior plate screw technique and posterior lateral mass screw application applied in our clinic are reviewed in literature and are discussed in two cases. Although the best clinical results are achieved in cases where only anterior surgery is performed and in cases where instability is excessive, in unstable compression and blow-out fractures, even if neurological deficit and three colon involvement are not observed in the patient, the requirement of posterior fusion is observed