857 research outputs found

    Impementasi CRM Untuk Meningkatkan Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Layanan Catering

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    Information technology has become a bridge to connect a wide variety of human needs. No doubt that human work was greatly helped by her presence. No exception in services business catering services. Internet making business catering services becomes increasingly growing rapidly because it can connect with the needs of service users are well-known catering company with the term CRM (Customer Relathionship Management).Catering company to build relationships with service users, may be increased either by the application CRM-based online catering. Hopefully with the application, Barokah Catering is the object of this study could serve ordering online. Where customers facilitated in making reservations, obtain information company, efficient, can give suggestions, comments, and complaints during this time can not be accommodated by the company. The company also benefited from customer loyalty can be maintained and is expected to attract new customers so that profits can be increased. With a web-based, information, data, and services can be delivered and handled in a short time

    Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Insani di Lembaga Kuangan Syariah dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Global

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    Abstract: Today,  Islam  economic  in  Indonesia  has  experienced  significant  growth.  Unfortunately,  that  growth  is not matched with the qualified of human resources. Human resources is one of the problems faced by Islamic financial institutions, especially if linked to the current era of globalization. This article attempt to find a formulation of how to improve human resources in Islamic financial institutions. This research used a qualitative approach with descriptive data collection techniques. The data used in this study were obtained from the literature (book survey) and also from collection of documentation related to this research. This paper shows that there are two methods that can be used to improve the quality of human resources: (1) building a professional human resource management; and (2) establishing a center for education and training, as well as professional certification for prospective employees and workers in Islamic financial institutions. Abstrak: Saat ini, ekonomi syariah di Indonesia telah mengalami perkembangan yang cukup signifikan.  Namun  sayangnya,  perkembangan  tersebut  tidak  diimbangi  dengan  sumber  daya insani yang terkualifikasi. Sumber daya insani merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh lembaga keuangan syariah, apalagi jika dikaitkan dengan era globalisasi yang sedangan dihadapi. Tulisan ini berusaha untuk mencari suatu formulasi bagaimana meningkatkan sumber daya insani pada lembaga keuangan syariah. Metodelogi yang digunakan pada penulisan makalah ini ialah dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data bersifat deskriptif.  Data  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini  diperoleh  dari  hasil  penelusuran  secara literatur (book survey), serta pengumpulan dokumentasi yang terkait dengan penelian ini. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa setidaknya ada dua metode yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan kulitas sumber daya insani yaitu: (1) membangun manajeman sumber daya insani yang profesional; dan (2) mendirikan pusat pendidikan dan penelitian, serta sertifikasi profesi bagi calon pekerja dan pekerja lembaga keuangan syariah.Pengutipan: Al  Hasan,  A. F., Maulna,  M.  I. (2016). Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Insani  di Lembaga Kuangan Syariah dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Global. SOSIO DIDAKTIKA: Social Science Education Journal, 3(1), 2016, 27-36. doi:10.15408/sd.v3i1.3795.Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/sd.v3i1.379

    INVESTASI PADA KOPERASI SYARIAH MENURUT UNDANG-UNDANG PERKOPERASIAN (Analisisterhadap Pasal 93 ayat (5) dan Pasal 120 ayat (1) Huruf j Yang Terdapat Pada Undang-Undang Nomor 17 tahun 2012 tentang Perkoperasian)

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    Pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan adalah salah satu fungsi negara untuk mengatur masyarakatnya demi men­ca­pai sebuah kesejahteraan dan keadilan di depan hukum. Begi­tupun halnya dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 17 tahun 2012 tentang Perkoperasian, Undang-undang ini di buat demi tercapainya kesejahteraan dan keadialan ekonomi masyarakat. Akan tetapi, keadilan tersebut seakan tersembunyi ketika ter­dapat Pasal 93 ayat (5) dan Pasal 120 ayat (1) huruf j pada Undang-undang ini yang melarang koperasi berinvestasi pada sektor riil, yang kita ketahui bahwa core dari Koperasi Syariah (Eko­nomi Syariah) adalah sektor riil. Sehingga kehadiran ke­dua pasal tersebut perlu untuk dikaji dan ditelaah ulang. Kajian dan telaah tersebut di dasarkan pada logika hukum dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai induk dari semua pera­turan perundang-undangan, serta beberapa teori yang berhu­bungan dengan keduanya

    Factors Affecting the Job Satisfaction of the Bank Employees in Bangladesh: A Study in Mymensingh City

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    Job satisfaction is when an employee has a positive attitudes or feelings towards his work and shows strong interest in working to achieve an organization goal.  Employee job gratification is very indispensable for every organization because its triumphcompletely depend on worker’s veneration towards the organization. As the backbone of a country’s economy is the banking institution, this paper tries to inquire the factors which affecting employees job satisfaction of bank in Mymensingh city, Bangladesh. A structured form of questionnaire is conducted to gather information for this paper. A regression analysis is conducted using SPSS version 26 to discoverthe factors contributing towards the employee’s job satisfaction by the researchers.  Reliability test has been applied for ensuring the relevance of data and descriptive statistics has been employed identify the condition of the variables. This study revealed that salary, training facilities, recognition, benefits, working environment, incentives, career growth opportunities, and relationship with co-workers have a straightconnection with the satisfaction of employees in the job. The findings of this investigation will help the decision makers to formulate policy in the development of banking sector. Besides, the future research direction will help the academics to find out the new endeavor regarding job satisfaction. Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Bank Employee, Banking Industry, Bangladesh, Regression Analysis. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-12-04 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Service Gaps of a Banking System: A case study on Basic Bank

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    Financial liberalization has led to intense competitive pressures and private banks dealing in retail banking are consequently directing their strategies towards increasing service quality level which fosters customer satisfaction and loyalty through improved service quality. This article examines the influence of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction. In this paper, we have used SERVQUAL as a technique to measure service quality and identify gaps in a BASIC Bank. The results of this study showed that there are service quality gaps between customers' expectations and their perceptions in six dimensions. In this issue paying attention to the effective factors on customers' expectations and its relationship with services quality is one of the important issues of the evaluation of services quality. For this purpose, the recent research was performed based on gap analysis model with the purpose of investigating the quality of banking services on the level of BASIC Bank. It was concluded after determining the desirable services from the standpoints of the customers (investigating customers' expectations) and its effective factors and also the examination of the current status of services quality (customers' understandings) that BASIC Bank responses to customers' expectations in all of the branches under investigation and the understood services quality has been always more than services quality expected by the customers. Keywords: Service Gap, Service Quality, SERVQUAL Model, Service Quality Gap, Perceived Service

    Konsep Toleransi Perspektif Islamic Worldview (Tinjauan Historis Interaksi Islam Dengan Agama Lain Masa Nabi Muhammad SAW.)

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    Kata Toleransi merupakan istilah yang pertama kali muncul dalam kebudayaan Barat. Ia berkembang dengan corak yang khas dengan pemikiran Barat yang liberal. Ironisnya, istilah toleransi yang dipahami oleh barat, lambat laun banyak diadopsi tanpa kritik dalam pemikiran Islam oleh beberapa intelektual Muslim. Mungkin ada beberapa kesamaan pemahaman tentang toleransi dibarat dan Islam. Namun demikian ada perbedaan yang cukup fundamental tentang penafsiran toleransi dalam sejarah peradaban Islam dan barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap konsep toleransi perspektif Islamic worldview dengan mempelajari pola interaksi antara umat Islam dengan pemeluk agama lain yang terjadi pada masa Nabi Muhammad saw. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan termasuk riset kepustakaan (library research). Yang menjadi bahan kajian adalah bukubuku sejarah tentang interaksi antara umat Islam dengan pemeluk agama lain yang terjadi pada masa Nabi Muhammad saw. Setelah dilakukan seleksi dengan menggunakan metode analisis historis, berupa deskripsi terhadap permasalahan, sehingga bisa didapatkan pemahaman yang menyeluruh terhadap masalah yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Telah terjadi interaksi antara umat Islam dengan pemeluk agama lain pada masa Nabi Muhammad saw. 2) Interaksi tersebut menunjukkan tentang adanya konsep toleransi dalam Islam. 3) Konsep toleransi perspektif Islamic worldview memiliki bentuk dan karakteristiknya tersendiri yang sesuai syari’at Islam

    Effect of mulching and organic manure on growth and yield performance of wheat

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    An experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in Rabi season (dry season) of 2014 to study the effect of mulching and organic manure on growth and yield performance of wheat. Five mulching practices viz. M1=1 irrigation at 17-21 days after sowing (DAS), M2=2 irrigations at 17-21 and 55-60 DAS, M3=3 irrigations at 17-21, 55-60 and 75-80 DAS, M4=control, M5=straw mulch (6 t ha-1) and five organic manure managements viz. O1=recommended chemical fertilizer (NPKS @ 100-23-20-16 kg ha-1), O2=poultry manure @ 6 t ha-1 (100% PM), O3=vermicompost @ 8 t ha-1 (100% VC), O4=50% chemical fertilizer+50% VC and O5=50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM were used as experimental variables. The experiment was conducted in split-plot design with three replications. The results showed that mulching had significant influence on all attributes. The highest values of all attributes were found in straw mulch treatment. It was observed that organic manure had significant influences on all characters. The highest values of yield and yield attributes were found in O5 (50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment. It was observed that effective tillers hill-1, grain yield and straw yield were significantly affected by combined effect of mulching and organic manure. The highest values obtained from mulching and O5 (50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment. Therefore, it can be inferred from the results of the study that highest production could be obtained from mulching and O5 (50% chemical fertilizer+50% PM) treatment

    INSTRUMENT PAJAK DALAM KEBIJAKAN FISKAL PERSPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM (Tinjauan Kritis Terhadap Penerimaan Perpajakan dalam RAPBN 2017)

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    AbstrakPajak merupakan instrumen utama dalam RAPBN 2017, ia mendominasi diantara semua instrumen pendapatan negara. Dalam RAPBN 2017, penerimaan pajak ditargetkan sebesar Rp. 1.495.893,8 miliar atau sebesar 86,15 persen dari target pendapatan negara yang diperkirakan dapat mencapai Rp. 1.737.629,4 miliar. Menyoroti dominasi pajak, lambat laun itu akan berpotensi mendatangkan kendala pada suatu saat nanti. Oleh karenanya diper­luakan kajian agar penerimaan negara tidak hanya didapatkan melalui pajak. Dalam Islam, penerimaan negara tidak hanya didapatkan melalui pajak, namun terdapat istrumen lain yang dapat digunakan sebagai bentuk penerimaan negara. Tujuan dari pene­litian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pajak sebagai sumber pendapatan negara dari perspektif ekonomi Islam dengan memperhatikan RAPBN 2017. Penelitian ini mengguna­kan teknik kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik content analysis. Hasil yang didapat pada penelitian ini bahwa pajak dalam artian dharibah bukan merupakan instrumen utama dalam pendapatan negara, namun ia dikenakan jikan instrumen utama lainnya tidak mencukupi negara dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahannya

    Effects of Mangifera pajang Kostermans juice on plasma antioxidant status and liver and kidney function in normocholesterolemic subjects

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    The effects of a bambangan juice powder (BJP) drink on plasma vitamin and antioxidant enzyme levels and liver and kidney function were investigated. Thirty-two healthy subjects (12 male and 20 female) ages 24–28 years were recruited from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Compared with consuming the placebo, consumption of the BJP drink daily for 9 weeks significantly increased the concentration of plasma β-carotene and ascorbic acid. Plasma total antioxidant status was increased, but liver and kidney functions were unaffected after consumption of the BJP drink. The consumption of a BJP drink resulted in a significant improvement in certain cardiovascular biochemical parameters and thus reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease

    Characterisation of fibre-rich powder and antioxidant capacity of Mangifera pajang K. fruit peels.

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    The composition of bambangan peel dietary fibre (DF) and several properties related to its nutritional quality were investigated. The physicochemical properties and antioxidant capacity for the fibre-rich powder (FRP) were investigated, and the chemical composition for soluble dietary fibre (SDF) and insoluble dietary fibre (IDF) were also studied. The FRP had a high amount of total dietary fibre (TDF; 72.3 g/100 g FRP) with a balanced SDF/IDF ratio (46.3/53.7%). The FRP had a high glucose retardation index, water-holding capacity (WHC), oil-holding capacity (OHC), and swelling. The antioxidant capacity of the FRP, as determined by the DPPHradical dot assay using an Elisa reader, exhibited a strong potency due to the presence of associated total polyphenols (98.3 mg/g FRP). These FRP characteristics indicated that bambangan peels are a rich source of DF, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds that can be incorporated with food products to improve the nutraceutical properties of these products