21 research outputs found

    Uma pesquisa sobre o efeito da imagem do país na experiência turística memorável no contexto de algumas variáveis demográficas

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    With the world economy developing based on experience, businesses are trying to create unique experiences to differentiate themselves. The transformation of these experiences into a memorable tourism experience (MTE) not only affects customer satisfaction, but also positively affects the country image which is the impression of consumers about the country. Therefore, this study intents to find the effect of country image on MTE and to reveal which dimensions of country image affect the MTE. Moreover, the effect of demographic factors on the perception of the country image will be investigated. The study was carried out with 707 international tourists visited Antalya, a well-known destination in Turkey, during the months of May-October in 2018. As a result of hierarchical regression analysis the effect of country image on MTE was partially supported and it was revealed that MTE had a positive effect on hedonism, novelty, local culture, and meaningfulness dimensions. Regarding the second objective, a significant difference was found between the marital status, age groups and educational status of international tourists and their country image perceptions. Due to the impact of country image on MTE, policy makers need to make continuous improvement in the context of political, technological, and environmental factors.Con la economía mundial desarrollándose basada en la experiencia, las empresas intentan crear experiencias únicas para diferenciarse. La transformación de estas experiencias en una experiencia turística memorable (MTE) no solo afecta la satisfacción del cliente, sino que también afecta positivamente la imagen país, que es la impresión de los consumidores sobre el país. Por lo tanto, este estudio intenta encontrar el efecto de la imagen del país en el MTE y revelar qué dimensiones de la imagen del país afectan el MTE. Además, se investigará el efecto de los factores demográficos en la percepción de la imagen país. El estudio se realizó con 707 turistas internacionales que visitaron Antalya, un destino muy conocido en Turquía, durante los meses de mayo-octubre de 2018. Como resultado del análisis de regresión jerárquica, se confirmó parcialmente el efecto de la imagen del país en MTE y se reveló que MTE tuvo un efecto positivo en las dimensiones de hedonismo, novedad, cultura local y significado. En cuanto al segundo objetivo, se encontró una diferencia significativa entre el estado civil, los grupos de edad y el nivel educativo de los turistas internacionales y la percepción de su imagen país. Debido al impacto de la imagen del país en MTE, los formuladores de políticas deben realizar mejoras continuas en el contexto de factores políticos, tecnológicos y ambientales.Com a economia mundial se desenvolvendo com base na experiência, as empresas estão tentando criar experiências únicas para se diferenciar. A transformação dessas experiências em uma experiência turística memorável (MTE) não afeta apenas a satisfação do cliente, mas também afeta positivamente a imagem do país que é a impressão dos consumidores sobre o país. Portanto, este estudo pretende encontrar o efeito da imagem do país no MTE e revelar quais dimensões da imagem do país afetam o MTE. Além disso, será investigado o efeito de fatores demográficos na percepção da imagem do país. O estudo foi realizado com 707 turistas internacionais que visitaram Antalya, um conhecido destino da Turquia, durante os meses de maio a outubro de 2018. Como resultado da análise de regressão hierárquica, o efeito da imagem do país no MTE foi parcialmente suportado e revelou-se que o MTE teve um efeito positivo nas dimensões hedonismo, novidade, cultura local e significado. Em relação ao segundo objetivo, foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre o estado civil, as faixas etárias e a escolaridade dos turistas internacionais e a percepção da imagem do país. Devido ao impacto da imagem do país no MTE, os formuladores de políticas precisam fazer melhorias contínuas no contexto de fatores políticos, tecnológicos e ambientais

    Dondurulmuş Hazır Gıda Dağıtım Kanalında Dikey Yönlü Çatışma Davranışı: Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde Bir Alan Araştırması(A Vertical Conflict Behaviour in the Distribution Channel of Frozen Prepared Food Sector: A Survey Research in the Black Sea Region)

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    In this research, conflict behaviour and solution methods between independent retailers and wholesalers in frozen prepared food sector were investigated. According to the results of investigation that performed on 181 independent retailers which selected by convenience sampling method in the East Blacksea Region (Giresun, Trabzon, Rize and Artvin), the most important conflict subject are different and privileged discount and payment condition applying. Beside this, to evade taking risk and conflict about order delivery timing are following. While puzzling over conflict subjects between retailers and wholesalers, the most important methods used are job shareouting to manage promoting struggle, boycotting and changing wholesalers and constituting a complaining unit related to product

    The Effect of the Online News on Tourism

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    Due to the technological developments, people are able to quickly reach the information and the news about destinations where they have planned to go on their holidays. Online news websites are important and reliable tools which deliver up-to-date information about a destination to broad masses. It is indisputable that the media is a significant influence on public awareness, tourist purchase decision, destination image and tourist behavior. A tourist who chooses a holiday destination decides among countless destinations according to the information he receives from various sources. Therefore, in this study, the news in the two foreign online news sites are interpreted according to the touristic arrival statistics from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The two countries to be included in the study, Germany and England, were selected among the countries that sent the most tourists to Turkey. In these countries, news web sites with the highest number of daily visitors were determined and the news related to Turkey in the 7 years period between 2010 and 2016 were analyzed by content analysis

    Persistence of Nosocomial Pathogens on Various Fabrics

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    Objective: Fabrics can become contaminated with high numbers of microorganisms that may be pathogenic to patients in a hospital setting and can play an important role in the chain of infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the survival of several clinical bacterial and fungal isolates on several fabrics commonly used in hospitals.Materials and Methods: Bacterial and fungal survival was tested on the following materials, each of which are commonly used in our hospital: 100% smooth cotton, 60% cotton-40% polyester, 100% wool and 100% silk. One isolate each of Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Geotrichum candidum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Cryptococcus neoformans, vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) positive Escherichia coli, inducible beta-lactamase (IBL) positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa, IBL-positive Acinetobacter baumannii and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia were used to contaminate fabrics. The survival of these microorganisms was studied by testing the fabric swatches for microbial growth.Results: The median survival times for all the tested bacteria and fungi were as follows: 26 days on cotton, 26.5 days on cotton-polyester, 28 days on silk, and 30 days on wool. Among the bacterial species tested, E. faecium had the longest survival time on cotton-polyester fabrics. For the fungal isolates, it was observed that C. tropicalis and C. krusei survived for the shortest amount of time on cotton fabrics in the present study.Conclusion: This survival data indicate that pathogenic microorganisms can survive from days to months on commonly used hospital fabrics. These findings indicate that current recommendations for the proper disinfection or sterilization of fabrics used in hospitals should be followed to minimize cross-contamination and prevent nosocomial infections

    S-DIRECT: Scalable and Dynamically Reconfigurable TCAM Architecture for High-Speed IP Lookup

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    IP address lookup modules for backbone routers should store 100Ks of entries, find the longest prefix match (LPM) for each incoming packet at 10s of Gbps line speed and support thousands of lookup table (LUT) updates each second. It is desired that these updates are non-blocking, that is without disrupting the ongoing lookups. Furthermore, considering the increasing line rates and table sizes, the scalability of the design is very important. Ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM) architectures are widely deployed for hardware IP lookup. In this paper, we propose a novel TCAM architecture, S-DIRECT-Scalable and Dynamically REConfigurable TCAM, that is custom designed for hardware IP lookup. S-DIRECT consists of hierarchically combined TCAM cells with inherent priority encoders (PEs) to support LPM. Hence, its design is scalable without any need for a separate PE or a redesign for different table size. Furthermore, S-DIRECT can perform constant time, non-blocking updates in hardware provided that certain write capabilities are present in the TCAM entries. S-DIRECT architecture is both independent of the hardware platform and the implementation of the TCAM cells. We demonstrate the generality and viability of S-DIRECT by implementing it both with prefix/mask register and LUT-based TCAM cells on FPGA

    The mite fauna of Eksisu Marshes in Erzincan (Turkey)

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    Reedbeds can be characterized as forming a transition between the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. They have distinctive animals adapted to living in aqueous conditions. Because of the lack of data on the mite fauna in marsh habitats of Turkey, this faunistic study was conducted in the Eksisu Marshes, which resulted in collecting and determining 58 species and 36 genera belonging to 29 families. Of these, Stigmaeus sphagneti (Hull), Neothrombium neglectum (Bruyant), Podothrombium macrocarpum Berlese, Johnstoniana eximia (Berlese), Calyptostomata velutinus (Muller), Heminothrus humicola (Forsslund), Astegistes pilosus (Koch), Achipteria coleoptrata (Linnaeus), and Lauritzenia elegans (Kunst) are new records for the Turkish fauna. The diagnostic features and distributions throughout the world of the species that were determined as newly recorded for Turkey are given. This is also the first report of the families Calyptostomatidae and Neothrombidiidae from Turkey