459 research outputs found

    A Histopathological Study And Antioxidant Effect Of Ginger To Diminishing Poisoning Lead Acetate-Induced Hepatopathy In Rabbits For Three Months.

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    Lead acetate is an example of heavy metals that for decades being known for its adverse effects on various body organs and systems such that their functions are compromised. The present study, carried out to evaluate histopathological changes in rabbits liver induced by lead acetate toxicity and to investigate the therapeutic effects of ginger against lead poisoning. Ginger is source of antioxidants was administered orally to prevent the adverse effects of lead acetate. Thirty rabbits, randomized into 3 groups (n = 10), were used for this study. Animals in group (A) served as the control and were drinking distilled water. Animals in groups (B) and (C) were drinking 2% lead acetate. Group (C) animals were, in addition to drinking lead acetate, treated with 100 mg/kg/rabbit of ginger. All treatments were for 3 months. The obtained results showed that lead acetate caused histopathological changes were seen in the liver such as (vacuolation, degeneration, fibrosis and inflammation) and a significant reduction in plasma superoxide dismutase and catalase activity, but a significant increase in plasma malondialdehyde concentration, using ginger cause to modified these harmful effects. These findings lead to the conclusion that ginger significantly decreased the adverse harmful effects of lead acetate exposure on the liver as well as ginger may exert its protective actions against lead induced histopathological changes in liver tissue. Keywords: Ginger, Lead acetate and hepatopathy


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    Abstract. The purpose of this study according to the importance of life skills in solving interpersonal problems and improving mental health of high school students,was to investigate the effect of life skills training on increasing self-esteem, increasing self-esteem and reducing aggression among high school male students. This researchwas conducted with the quasi-experimental methods and with pre-test design - Post-test by a control group. The statistical population of the study is male high school students in Fereydan city who are in the academic year 1997-96.Sampling in this research was downedby using non-random (available) method. And subjects were divided into two experimental and control groups (each group was 30). In this research, bass and perry aggression questionnaire, Cooper Smith Self-Esteem Questionnaire and Gambler and Richie assertion questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS software using multivariate analysis of covariance. The results of the analysis showed that there is a significant difference between the two experimental and control groups in terms of increasing self-esteem, increasing the level of assertiveness and decreasing aggression (P <0.05). The findings of this study show the effect of life skills training on increasing self-esteem, increasing assertiveness and reducing aggression.Key words: life skills, self-esteem, assertiveness, aggression

    A reliable method for evaluating upper molar distalization: Superimposition of three-dimensional digital models

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of measurements obtained after the superimposition of three-dimensional (3D) digital models by comparing them with those obtained from lateral cephalometric radiographs and photocopies of plaster models for the evaluation of upper molar distalization. Methods: Data were collected from plaster models and lateral cephalometric radiographs of 20 Class II patients whose maxillary first molars were distalized with an intraoral distalizer. The posterior movements of the maxillary first molars were evaluated using lateral cephalometric radiographs (group CP), photocopies of plaster models (group PH), and digitized 3D models (group TD). Additionally, distalization and expansion of the other teeth and the degrees of molar rotation were measured in group PH and group TD and compared between the two groups. Results: No significant difference was observed regarding the amount of molar distalization among the three groups. A comparison of the aforementioned parameters between group PH and group TD did not reveal any significant difference. Conclusions: 3D digital models are reliable to assess the results of upper molar distalization and can be considered a valid alternative to conventional measurement methods. © 2015 The Korean Association of Orthodontists

    An amplitude analysis of the NNππ+\overline{N}N \to \pi^- \pi^+ reaction

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    A simple partial wave amplitude analysis of ppππ+\overline{p}p \rightarrow \pi^- \pi^+ has been performed for data in the range p_{\sl lab} = 360 -- 1000 MeV/c. Remarkably few partial waves are required to fit the data, while the number of required JJ values barely changes over this energy range. However, the resulting set of partial wave amplitudes is not unique. We discuss possible measurements with polarized beam and target which will severely restrict and help resolve the present analysis ambiguities. New data from the reaction ppπ0π0\overline{p}p \rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0 alone, are insufficient for that purpose.Comment: 16 pages (revtex), 8 figures available on request, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Analysis of Performance Parameters of Amorphous Photovoltaic Modules under Different Environmental Conditions

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    The effects of temperature and radiation intensity on the performance parameters of amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si:H) photovoltaic module have been investigated. An outdoor experimental setup is installed to carryout a series of I-V curve measurements under different irradiance and temperature conditions for the module. A numerical model which considers the effect of series and shunt resistances is developed to evaluate the different parameters of PV modules. Orthogonal distance regression (ODR) algorithm is adapted for fitting I-V measurements and extracting module parameters from I-V measurements. The values of module parameters, series resistance Rs, shunt resistance Rsh, diode ideality factor n and reverse saturation current Io determined from I-V measurements at different irradiation intensity and temperature range are in good agreement with the corresponding parameters obtained from the developed numerical model. The module parameters extracted from I-V measurements are employed to calculate the module performance parameters, i.e. open circuit voltage Voc, fill factor FF and module efficiency h at different irradiation intensity and temperature range. Present results indicate that the module parameters have a significant effect on module performance. Also, the behavior of Voc is completely different at higher temperatures.Key words: Amorphous module parameters;  Ideality factor; Series resistance; Shunt resistanc

    Molecular Localization of Human Papillomaviru_18 (HPV_18) in Tissues from Thyroid Carcinoma in Mid-Euphrates

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    خلفية علمية: سرطان الغدة الدرقية هو السرطان الذي يبدأ في الغدة الدرقية و التي يعتقد أنها مرتبطة بتهيئة عدد من العوامل البيئية و الوراثية تربط  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) المسبب لسرطان عنق الرحم ، وأيضا يعتبر المسبب لسرطان الحنجرة والذي يعد واحد من العوامل المعدية ذات الصلة.الهدف : تهدف هذه الدراسة للكشف عن الحمض النووي ل Human Papilloma Virus-18  باستخدام تقنية situ hybridization technique في أنسجة الغدة الدرقية المأخوذة من تضخم الغدة الدرقية الحميد و سرطان الغدة الدرقية ، و توضيح العلاقة بين هذا الورم الناجم عن HPV-18 وسرطان الغدة الدرقية.المرضى و طرق العمل : ستين ( 60 ) عينة من formalin-fixed paraffin ، وتم الحصول على أنسجة الغدة الدرقية كالتالي، من بينهم ( 30) خزعة نسيجية من سرطان الغدة الدرقية من الصنف الأول و ( 20) عينة من الأنسجة الحميدة Thyroidneoplasm وكذلك ( 10) من تشريح أنسجة الغدة الدرقية العادية التي تم جمعها من أرشيف معهد الطب العدلي/ بابل باستخدام عينات الغدة الدرقية لأصحاء. وقد تم الكشف عن فيروس Human Papilloma Virus-18  باستخدام نسخة حساسة للغاية من situ hybridization technique.النتائج : من بين أورام الغدة الدرقية الخبيثة نسبة ا 56.7 ٪ من المرضى مصابين بالفيروس HPV - 18 في حين تم الكشف عن 35 ٪ من مجموعة ورم الغدة الدرقية الحميدة مصابين بالفيروس HPV - 18   . لم تظهر أي من عينات مجموعة السيطرة ISH reactions. كان 32.7 ٪ إناث مصابات بفيروس HPV – 18، في حين كان 24 ٪ من الذكور مصابين بفيروس HPV – 18. ولم تظهر أي دلالة إحصائية بين وجود الفيروس وعمر هؤلاء المرضى .الاستنتاجات : HPV – 18 أن له دورا بالمشاركة في التسبب في الإصابة لدى مجموعة المرضى الذين يعانون من سرطان الغدة الدرقية.Background: THilnahyroid cancer is a cancer that starts in the thyroid gland and thought to be related to a number of environmental and genetic predisposing factors .Human Papil- loma Virus (HPV) the virus that causes cervical cancer ,is also linked to throat cancer and is one among their associated infective agents. Objective: This study aimed at detecting DNA of HPV genotype-18 using in situ hybridization technique in thyroid tissues from benign thyroid hyperplasia and thyroid car- cinoma, and elucidate the association between this HPV-18 and thyroid carcinogenesis. Patients and Methods: Sixty (60) formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded thyroid tissue blocks were obtained ,among them (30) tissue biopsies from thyroid carcinoma with grade I and (20) benign thyroid neoplasm tissue blocks as well as (10) autopsies from apparently normal thyroid tissues were collected from the archives of Forensic Medicine Institute / Babil and used as thyroid healthy control group. Detection of HPV-18 was done by using highly sensitive version of in situ hybridization technique. Results: Among malignant thyroid tumors 56.7% patients had HPV-18 while 35% HPV- 18 positivity was detected in benign thyroid tumor group. None of healthy thyroid tissues revealed ISH reactions. There was 32.7% female had HPV-18, and 24% male had HPV-18. No significant statistical associations were noticed between the presence of HPV-18 and the age of those patients. Conclusion: Human Papilloma virus genotype-18 could share a role in pathogenesis of this group of patients with thyroid cancers

    Operasionalisasi IBM SPSS 21 untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan dan Keterampilan Olah Data Penelitian Mahasiswa

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    Program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan dan mengoperasikan program IBM SPSS 21 kepada mahasiswa sebagai alat untuk mengolah data penelitian yang baik dan benar. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode diskusi bebas yang dimulai dengan penyampaian materi. Objek pelatihan adalah Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Dan Mahasiswa Magister Pendidikan IPA Universitas Mataram. Data hasil angket dianalisis dengan Descriptive Statistics Explore IBM SPSS 21. Hasil analisis data pengabdian diperoleh persentase pemahaman sebesar 60,4% dan keaktifan dalam proses pembelajaran sangat tinggi dengan persentase sebesar 83,2%. Berdasrkan hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan pelatihan operasionalisasi program IBM SPSS 21 dan meningkatkan pemahaman dan keaktifan mahasiswa dalam menerapkan penggunaan program SPSS sebagai sarana mengolah data penelitian

    3D Bioprinted cancer models: Revolutionizing personalized cancer therapy

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    After cardiovascular disease, cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide with devastating health and economic consequences, particularly in developing countries. Inter-patient variations in anti-cancer drug responses further limit the success of therapeutic interventions. Therefore, personalized medicines approach is key for this patient group involving molecular and genetic screening and appropriate stratification of patients to treatment regimen that they will respond to. However, the knowledge related to adequate risk stratification methods identifying patients who will respond to specific anti-cancer agents is still lacking in many cancer types. Recent advancements in three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting technology, have been extensively used to generate representative bioengineered tumor in vitro models, which recapitulate the human tumor tissues and microenvironment for high-throughput drug screening. Bioprinting process involves the precise deposition of multiple layers of different cell types in combination with biomaterials capable of generating 3D bioengineered tissues based on a computer-aided design. Bioprinted cancer models containing patient-derived cancer and stromal cells together with genetic material, extracellular matrix proteins and growth factors, represent a promising approach for personalized cancer therapy screening. Both natural and synthetic biopolymers have been utilized to support the proliferation of cells and biological material within the personalized tumor models/implants. These models can provide a physiologically pertinent cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions by mimicking the 3D heterogeneity of real tumors. Here, we reviewed the potential applications of 3D bioprinted tumor constructs as personalized in vitro models in anticancer drug screening and in the establishment of precision treatment regimens.Scopu

    Liquid racism and the Danish Prophet Muhammad cartoons

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2010 The Author.This article examines reactions to the October 2005 publication of the Prophet Muhammad cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. It does so by using the concept of ‘liquid racism’. While the controversy arose because it is considered blasphemous by many Muslims to create images of the Prophet Muhammad, the article argues that the meaning of the cartoons is multidimensional, that their analysis is significantly more complex than most commentators acknowledge, and that this complexity can best be addressed via the concept of liquid racism. The article examines the liquidity of the cartoons in relation to four readings. These see the cartoons as: (1) a criticism of Islamic fundamentalism; (2) blasphemous images; (3) Islamophobic and racist; and (4) satire and a defence of freedom of speech. Finally, the relationship between postmodernity and the rise of fundamentalism is discussed because the cartoons, reactions to them, and Islamic fundamentalism, all contain an important postmodern dimension.ESR