2,750 research outputs found

    Computerized value stream system (CVSS) to reduce waste in lean manufacturing operation

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    Lean manufacturing is a popular method of acquiring efficiency in manufacturing environment. Value stream mapping (VSM) is one of the methods that can be used by practitioner to support lean. VSM method is also a common method to identify waste and determined causes of the waste through the value stream mapping approach and propose solutions to improve workplace environment. This project is an attempt to computerize the normally manual VSM process. Computerize value stream system (CVSS) is basically a method which is an internet networking system combined with traditional concept of value stream mapping method used at manufacturing company to reduce wastes. This paper summarizes the way to apply an internet, online and network based of an efficient computerize value stream system to improve operation value of the manufacturing company. This paper reviews the design of the package that will replace the manual method of doing VSM. The system is tested in a real shop floor environment and found to be successful

    Computerized value stream system (CVSS) to reduce waste in lean manufacturing operation

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    Lean manufacturing is a popular method of acquiring efficiency in manufacturing environment. Value stream mapping (VSM) is one of the methods that can be used by practitioner to support lean. VSM method is also a common method to identify waste and determined causes of the waste through the value stream mapping approach and propose solutions to improve workplace environment. This project is an attempt to computerize the normally manual VSM process. Computerize value stream system (CVSS) is basically a method which is an internet networking system combined with traditional concept of value stream mapping method used at manufacturing company to reduce wastes. This paper summarizes the way to apply an internet, online and network based of an efficient computerize value stream system to improve operation value of the manufacturing company. This paper reviews the design of the package that will replace the manual method of doing VSM. The system is tested in a real shop floor environment and found to be successful

    Strategi Guru Pendidikan Al-Qur’an dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Membaca Al-Qur’an pada Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Kabupaten Maros

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    The results showed that the Al-Qur'an education teacher's strategy in overcoming difficulties in reading the Qur'an at Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Maros, as follows; 1) Identifying the difficulties of reading the Qur'an experienced by students, 2) Registering students who are proficient and not proficient yet in reading the Qur'an, and 3) Implementing learning methods. The learning process engages opening the lesson, presenting the material with the guidelines of the Qur'an and the guideline book of Tajweed “matan tuhfatul athfal wal ghilman”, and closing the lesson by evaluating students, providing additional assignments, and giving motivation. The supporting factors for teachers in overcoming the learning difficulties of Al-Quran faced by the students of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Pondok Pesantren Nahdatul Ulum Soreang Maros, namely; 1) Availability of facilities and infrastructure, and 2) Policy support from the Madrasah. There are several inhibiting factors of the Al-Qur'an teacher in overcoming the student’s difficulties in reading the Al-Qur'an at Madrasah Aliyah Boarding School of Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Maros involved several related components, as follows; 1) Lack of basic abilities possessed by the students, 2) Lack of motivation to learn owned by the students, and 3) Lack of learning time in the class


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    mapping (VSM) is one of the methods that can be used by practitioner to support lean. VSM method is also a common method to identify waste and determined causes of the waste through the value stream mapping approach and propose solutions to improve workplace environment. This project is an attempt to computerize the normally manual VSM process. Computerize value stream system (CVSS) is basically a method which is an internet networking system combined with traditional concept of value stream mapping method used at manufacturing company to reduce wastes. This paper summarizes the way to apply an internet, online and network based of an efficient computerize value stream system to improve operation value of the manufacturing company. This paper reviews the design of the package that will replace the manual method of doing VSM. The system is tested in a real shop floor environment and found to be successful

    Strategi Guru Pendidikan Al-Qur’an dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Membaca Al-Qur’an pada Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Kabupaten Maros

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    The results showed that the Al-Qur'an education teacher's strategy in overcoming difficulties in reading the Qur'an at Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Pesantren Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Maros, as follows; 1) Identifying the difficulties of reading the Qur'an experienced by students, 2) Registering students who are proficient and not proficient yet in reading the Qur'an, and 3) Implementing learning methods. The learning process engages opening the lesson, presenting the material with the guidelines of the Qur'an and the guideline book of Tajweed “matan tuhfatul athfal wal ghilman”, and closing the lesson by evaluating students, providing additional assignments, and giving motivation. The supporting factors for teachers in overcoming the learning difficulties of Al-Quran faced by the students of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Pondok Pesantren Nahdatul Ulum Soreang Maros, namely; 1) Availability of facilities and infrastructure, and 2) Policy support from the Madrasah. There are several inhibiting factors of the Al-Qur'an teacher in overcoming the student’s difficulties in reading the Al-Qur'an at Madrasah Aliyah Boarding School of Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Maros involved several related components, as follows; 1) Lack of basic abilities possessed by the students, 2) Lack of motivation to learn owned by the students, and 3) Lack of learning time in the class

    3D Bioprinted cancer models: Revolutionizing personalized cancer therapy

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    After cardiovascular disease, cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide with devastating health and economic consequences, particularly in developing countries. Inter-patient variations in anti-cancer drug responses further limit the success of therapeutic interventions. Therefore, personalized medicines approach is key for this patient group involving molecular and genetic screening and appropriate stratification of patients to treatment regimen that they will respond to. However, the knowledge related to adequate risk stratification methods identifying patients who will respond to specific anti-cancer agents is still lacking in many cancer types. Recent advancements in three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting technology, have been extensively used to generate representative bioengineered tumor in vitro models, which recapitulate the human tumor tissues and microenvironment for high-throughput drug screening. Bioprinting process involves the precise deposition of multiple layers of different cell types in combination with biomaterials capable of generating 3D bioengineered tissues based on a computer-aided design. Bioprinted cancer models containing patient-derived cancer and stromal cells together with genetic material, extracellular matrix proteins and growth factors, represent a promising approach for personalized cancer therapy screening. Both natural and synthetic biopolymers have been utilized to support the proliferation of cells and biological material within the personalized tumor models/implants. These models can provide a physiologically pertinent cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions by mimicking the 3D heterogeneity of real tumors. Here, we reviewed the potential applications of 3D bioprinted tumor constructs as personalized in vitro models in anticancer drug screening and in the establishment of precision treatment regimens

    Perencanaan Alternatif Gedung Dekanat Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya Menggunakan Balok Prategang

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    Kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi berpengaruh besar dalam perkembangan Indonesia di segala aspek, terutama dalam aspek pembangunan. Pemerintah berperan aktif dalam mewujudkan pembangunan dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan hidup manusia yang beragam. Banyaknya fasilitas yang dibangun untuk kebutuhan masyarakat menimbulkan permasalahan dalam memperoleh lahan. Tujuan dari Perubahan balok beton bertulang biasa menjadi beton prategang parsial adalah untuk menghilangkan kolom yang berada pada tengah bangunan. Penghilangan kolom akan memberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih pada bangunan dalam pengaturan ruangan, sehingga aspek Kenyamanan pengguna gedung diutamakan. Dalam analisis perhitungan skripsi ini digunakan sistem SPRMM (Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Menengah) yang disesuaikan dengan daerah gempa lokasi gedung. Tujuan dari perencanaan ulang gedung ini adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai momen, lintang dan aksial pada analisa struktur yang sudah dimodelkan sebelumnya demi agar mendapat jumlah dan luas tulangan juga dimensi penampang yang akan digunakan untuk struktur balok dan kolom. Panjang bentang dari beton prategang parsial ini sebesar 16,2 m dengan dimensi lebar dan tingginya berturut-turut adalah 0,7 m dan 0,85 m. Menggunakan 40 Tendon Mempunyai tulangan non prategang tarik 22 D-22 dan tekan sebanyak 11 D-22 untuk kondisi tumpuan, dan tulangan non prategang tarik sebanyak 9 D-22 dan tekan sebanyak 4 D-22 untuk kondisi lapangan. Dimensi dan jumlah tendon dan tulangan non prategang ini sama untuk setiap lantai. Begitu juga untuk dimensi balok beton bertulang lainnya. Sedangkan Dimensi kolom dan jumlah tulangan untuk setiap lantai berbeda, yang bertujuan untuk efisiensi bahan. Lendutan yang dihitung melalu staadpro dan prosedur manual untuk jangka akhir sebesar 30,87 mm. Lendutan tersebut kurang dari lendutan ijin yang dihitung dari panjang bentang balok dibagi 480 sebesar 53,75 mm, sehingga balok prategang parsial ini aman terhadap lendutan. Hasil perhitungan yang didapat digunakan untuk gambar detail penulangan Kata

    Psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from -20°C freezer

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    Three psychrotrophic bacteria, morpho-physiologically, identified as Bacillus subtilis MRLBA7, Bacillus licheniformis MRLBA8 and Bacillus megaterium MRLBA9 were isolated from -20°C freezer of the Microbiology Research Laboratory (MRL), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. These strains were able to grow aerobically at 6°C but not at 40°C except MRLBA8 that could grow at 48°C. None of the isolates showed inhibition of growth in the presence of glycerol. Isolate MRLBA7, bearing central spore, grew in the presence of 30% glycerol at 0°C after 48 h of incubation and showed maximum growth without glycerol at 25°C after 24 h. Isolate MRLBA8 showed growth in the presence of 50% glycerol at 4°C after 72 h of incubation and maximum growth was observed at 20°C in the absence ofglycerol. Isolate MRLBA9 showed growth at 6°C in the presence of 40% glycerol after 48 h of incubation and maximum growth was observed at 25°C in the absence of glycerol. Isolates were susceptible to antibiotics except Bacillus subtilis MRLBA7 that exhibited antibiotic resistance against penicillin and fosphomycin, Bacillus licheniformis MRLBA8 against aztreonam and fosphomycin, and Bacillus megaterium MRLBA9 against vancomycin and penicillin. The growth profile and biochemical characteristics of all the isolates were rather similar to that of mesophilic counterparts except adaptation to low temperature. These strains could be used as model microbial strains for characterization of food contaminants in freezers, to understand the mechanism of antibiotic resistanceinduced at low temperature and as a source of psychrotrophic enzymes


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    Few studies have examined referee self-efficacy in a competitive situation such as team handball. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between handball playing and refereeing experience and referee self-efficacy as well as to investigate the differences in self-efficacy between international and national handball referees. Handball referees were conveniently selected during the 18th Asian Men’s Handball Championship 2018 and the 2017-2018 Kuwaiti Handball League. Participants completed an in person demographic information questionnaire as well as the 13-item Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS) (Myers, Feltz, Guillén, & Dithurbide, 2012) which assesses Game Knowledge (GK), Decision making (DM), Pressure (PR), and Communication (CM). There were significant positive correlations for all Referee Self-Efficacy Scale dimensions with years of refereeing experience. Past playing experience was correlated with DM. Number of officiated matches in the last 12 months were significantly correlated with DM and CM. International referees were significantly more confident in their decision making; in dealing with pressure; and in their communication abilities. Expertise as an effective factor for enhancing self-efficacy was confirmed and referees should focus on developing technical, physical, and psychological skills in order to achieve superiority in refereeing. Self-efficacy can be used to differentiate expert from less-experienced handball referee

    Combining deep and handcrafted image features for MRI brain scan classification

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    Progresses in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and medical imaging technologies have allowed the development of the medical image processing field with some astonishing results in the last two decades. These innovations enabled the clinicians to view the human body in high-resolution or three-dimensional cross-sectional slices, which resulted in an increase in the accuracy of the diagnosis and the examination of patients in a non-invasive manner. The fundamental step for MRI brain scans classifiers is their ability to extract meaningful features. As a result, many works have proposed different methods for features extraction to classify the abnormal growths in brain MRI scans. More recently, the application of deep learning algorithms to medical imaging lead to impressive performance enhancements in classifying and diagnosing complicated pathologies such as brain tumors. In this study, a deep learning feature extraction algorithm is proposed to extract the relevant features from MRI brain scans. In parallel, handcrafted features are extracted using the modified grey level co-occurrence matrix (MGLCM) method. Subsequently, the extracted relevant features are combined with handcrafted features to improve the classification process of MRI brain scans with SVM used as the classifier. The obtained results proved that the combination of the deep learning approach and the handcrafted features extracted by MGLCM improves the accuracy of classification of the SVM classifier up to 99.30%
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