72 research outputs found

    Does Thermotolerance in Daphnia Depend on the Mitochondrial Function?

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    Thermotolerance limit in aquatic organism is set by the ability to sustain aerobic scope to sudden temperature shifts. This study tested the genetic and plastic differences in thermotolerance of Daphnia that can be explained by the differences in the ability to retain mitochondrial integrity at high temperatures. Five genotypes with different biogeographic origins were acclimated to 18ᵒC and 25ᵒC. We developed a rhodamine 123 in-vivo assay to measure mitochondrial membrane potential and observed higher fluorescent in heat damaged tissues as the disruption of the mitochondrial membrane potential. Significant effects on temperature tolerance were observed with CCCP and DNP but not with NaN3. Effects of toxins were significant in temperature sensitive genotype and high concentration of lactate was observed in 18ᵒC acclimated genotype only. We conclude that genetic and physiological differences are intricately linked to the ability of sustaining aerobic respiration at high temperatures which sets limit to the thermotolerance

    Social Media Information and Analyst Forecasts

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    In the past decade, social networking has changed the landscape of information dissemination. The rapid diffusion of social media services such as Facebook and Twitter is unprecedented and offers immense possibilities for corporations to communicate with, and engage core stakeholders in, various business decisions. In this study, we investigate whether social media play any role as a source of information for financial analysts. We specifically focus on information revealed on the official Facebook pages of S&P 500 firms. We define information content on a Facebook page as the total number of posts by the corporations and the comments, likes and shares (CLS) by Facebook users. By using the data of 4,929 quarterly forecasts from 2008 to 2012, we find that analyst forecast errors decrease significantly with the amount of information content on Facebook. This finding is robust, using the information content on Facebook pages for various time windows before the forecast dates. We further find that the information that helps analysts with forecasting is generated from public reaction, i.e., the CLS provided by the public and subscribers, but not from the number of posts provided by the corporations. Our findings confirm the increasing role of social media as a means of information dissemination, and the evidence of the efficient use of that information by sophisticated users such as financial analysts

    Russia–Ukraine crisis: The effects on the European stock market

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    We examine the effect of the Russia–Ukraine crisis on the European stock markets. Because of increased political uncertainty, geographic proximity and the ramifications of the fresh sanctions imposed on Russia, the European stock markets tended to react negatively to this crisis. We find that on 21 February 2022, when Russia recognized two Ukrainian states as autonomous regions, European stocks incurred a significant negative abnormal return. Moreover, the negative stock price reactions continued in the post-event period. The magnitude of the stock price reactions to this crisis exhibits considerable variation across industries, countries and size of the company.© 2022 The Authors. European Financial Management, published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The impact of the Russia-Ukraine crisis on the stock market : Evidence from Australia

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    This paper investigates the effect of the Russia–Ukraine crisis on the Australian stock market. Using the event study methodology, we find significantly negative abnormal returns on the event date (i.e., the first trading day after Russia recognized the two Ukrainian states as autonomous regions) in the Australian stock market. However, this negative stock market reaction mostly disappeared in the post-event period. We also find that small and medium-sized firms were adversely affected during the pre-event and event periods. Interestingly, the magnitude and the direction of the abnormal returns vary across industries. We also find that high-growth, illiquid and export-oriented firms are more exposed to the Russia–Ukraine crisis.© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Market Ambiguity and Individual Investor Information Demand

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    We examine whether ambiguity in the market leads to an increase in information demand by individual investors. Drawing on the asset-pricing model proposed by Mele and Sangiorgi (2015), which incorporates market ambiguity, we measure individual information demand using daily Google searches and measure market ambiguity using a metric based on the market trades of institutional investors. We find that individual investors increase their information demand during periods of greater market ambiguity. We also provide evidence that information demand from individual investors spikes around earnings announcement days primarily when market uncertainty is driven by net-selling activity. Overall, these results suggest that the disagreement among institutional investors either represents uncertainty or contributes to the uncertainty related to a stock, leading to increased demand for information from individual investors

    Structural components of students' data-focused information visualization

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    Information Visualization (InfoVis), as an analytics and visualization tool, had been argued to be befitting in attending to the experience of information overload, and subsequent decision making constraint of higher education institutions’ (HEIs) decision makers.This experience is said to be as a result of increase in volume of students’ data and the limitations of the available data management tools. However, due to the diversity of domains in which application of InfoVis are demanded, designing domain-specific structural components of the intending InfoVis is compulsory, so as to address its peculiar domain problem.Adapting the generic Design Research method, we employed critical review of documentations of selected InfoVis tools and mapped the findings with the outcome of our previous investigation of the HEIs’ decision makers’ explicit knowledge preferences.This work therefore highlights the structural components of the HEIs’ students’ data-focused InfoVis

    Single decision tree classifiers' accuracy on medical data

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    Decision tree is one of the classification techniques for classifying sequential decision problems such as those in medical domain.This paper discusses an evaluation study on different single decision tree classifiers.There are various single decision tree classifiers which have been extensively applied in medical decision making; each of these classifies the data with different accuracy rate.Since accuracy is crucial in medical decision making, it is important to identify a classifier with the best accuracy.The study examines the performance of fourteen single decision tree classifiers on three medical data sets, i.e. Wisconsin’s breast cancer data sets, Pima Indian diabetes data sets and hepatitis data sets.All classifiers were trained and tested using WEKA and cross validation. The results revealed that classifiers such as FT, LMT, NB tree, Random Forest and Random Tree are the five best single classifiers as they constantly provide better accuracy in their classifications

    Institutional Mechanism of National Identification Card: Bangladesh Experience

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    National ID card as a legal identity promises a host of goods that have tremendous potential to improve people’s lives. National ID cards are touted to provide greater access to services, benefits, and opportunities; greater protection of human rights and security; a more legitimate and equitable distribution of public resources. Seventy-nine million National ID cards (NID) were distributed to Bangladeshi citizens as part of the 2007/2008 voter registration process. The cards served as a powerful incentive for voters to come to registration centers.  During the voter registration process the Bangladesh Election Commission declared that the ID cards would be needed for 22 public and private services. Now, NID cards are making an impact on the daily life of Bangladeshis despite the fact that their legal status remains unclear, as Parliament has not passed the National Identities Registration Authority (NIRA) Ordinance. This study tempted to discuss about the experience of Institutional Mechanism of NID. The experiences of two countries (Ghana and Pakistan) have been discussed as a case study also to find the missing point of Bangladesh. It seems that with the legal status sound mechanism of ID, user friendliness, updating procedure, protection of duplicate registration and well equipped infrastructure is required to attain the deserved outcome from NID. Keywords: National ID card, Institutional Mechanism, Citizens’ Information, Effectivenes