17 research outputs found
Peran Tokoh Adat Dalam Melestarikan Nilai Budaya Pekande-Kandea Di Kelurahan Tolandona Kecamatan Sangia Wambulu Kabupaten Buton Tengah
Pekande-kandea atau dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya makan-makan, merupakan adat istiadat yang hingga kini masih dijaga oleh masyarakat Tolandona, Kecamatan Sangia Wambulu, Kabupaten Buton Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara. Pelestarian budaya pekande-kandea murni inisiatif masyarakat. Di Kelurahan Tolandona tidak ada lembaga adat sehingga semua kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan penyelengaraan pekande-kandea murni inisiatif semua lapisan masyarakat. Artinya tidak ada orang atau sekelompok orang yang merasa dirinya lebih hebat dari masyarakat lainnya sehingga terjadi tindakan sewenang - wenang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yaitu sebuah penelitian yang dimaksud untuk mengungkap sebuah fakta empiris secara obyektif ilmiah yang berlandaskan pada logika keilmuan, prosedur dan di dukung dengan menggunakan metodologi dan teori sesuai dengan disiplin ilmu yang di tekuni. Tokoh adat adalah representasi dari pelestarian budaya, pelestarian budaya atau kebudayaan berarti adalah sebuah upaya sistimatis mengembangkan nilai - nilai positif budaya yang menjadi pedoman hidup dari kelompok masyarakat. Namun dalam melestarikan nilai - nilai budaya terdapat banyak pro kontra antara mereka yang menghendaki budaya tersebut dipertahankan dan sebaliknya sikap tidak peduli terhadap nilai - nilai budaya tersebut. Kata Kunci : Peran, Tokoh Adat, Nilai Budaya, Pelestarian Budaya Kelap
This study aims to determine the effect of Managerial Ownership, Audit Committee, Leverage (DER) and Profitability (ROA) on the Integrity of Financial Statements. This research is included in associative research (relationship). The population in this study were all property and real estate sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2013 – 2017. The sample selection used a purposive sampling method. Based on predetermined criteria, a sample of 9 companies was obtained with a total population of 48 companies. The data analysis method used is panel data regression analysis. The results showed that managerial ownership, audit committee and leverage (DER) had no effect on the integrity of financial statements, while profitability (ROA) had an effect on the integrity of financial statements
Al-Manhâj al-Fiqhî ‘Inda Jamâ’ah “Muassah al-Da’wah al-Islâmiyah al-Indûnîsiyah” (Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia) wa Âtsâruhu Fî Istinbâth al-Ahkâm al-Syar’iyyah
Indonesian Islamic Da’wa Institution or Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) tends to embrace exclusivity and takfiri ideology. Though the group denied the claim, evidences from their fiqh manhaj foundation said the opposite. Employing library research method in descriptive qualitative fashion, this article attempts to address this issue by revealing the fiqh manhaj LDII employs and its influences over the legal decisions LDII takes. Content analysis in tandem with document triangulation and structured interviews was applied to investigate the textual references LDII uses. The findings indicate that LDII employs a fiqh manhaj called manqul, knowledge transmission centered around LDII founder – Nur Hasan ‘Ubaidah. This manhaj is influential for LDII in issuing legal decisions which tend to be exclusive and takfiri. In some cases, the fiqh manhaj of LDII was considered to be contradictory against ahlus sunnah fiqh manhaj which embraces openness and non-takfiri ideology.Indonesian Islamic Da’wa Institution or Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) tends to embrace exclusivity and takfiri ideology. This article attempts to reveal the fiqh manhaj (method) that LDII employs and its influences on the legal decisions LDII takes by employing the library research method in descriptive qualitative type. The content analysis in tandem with document triangulation and structured interviews were applied to investigate the textual references LDII uses. The findings indicate that LDII employs a fiqh manhaj called manqul. This influences the law istinbath of LDII. Mandatory to remain in the congregation (jamaah), taking the oath of allegiance to the leader of the jamaah, the claim by the jamaah leader of the right to construct sharia law, license to lie, and takfiri are some controversial products of the manqul. With takfiri as the most dangerous product of the manqul, it befalls the government of Indonesia to watch over this jamaah.
اشتهرت مؤسسة الدعوة الإسلامية الإندونيسية أو ما يسمى بـــ LDII بتكفيرها على جميع المسلمين سوى جماعتهم. وتهدف هذه الدراسة لمعرفة أصل المنهج الفقهي عند هذه الجماعة وآثاره في استنباط الأحكام الشرعية عندهم. واعتمدت الدراسة على منهج البحث الوصفي التحليلي، بطريقة تحليل المحتوي أو ما يسمى بــ (content analysis). وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى القول بأن أصل المنهج الفقهي عند هذه الجماعة هو ما يسمى بـ"المنقول". وإن لهذا المنهج الفقهي أثار كبير في استنباط الأحكام الشرعية عند هذه الجماعة. ومن بينها: لزوم الناس لجماعتهم، وجوب البيعة لإمامهم، وجوب الإنفاق، ادعاء إمامهم أن لهم حقّ في تشريع الأحكام، إباحة التقية أو الكذب على الآخرين. ومن أخطر هذه المخالفات تكفيرهم لجميع المسلمين ممن ليسوا من جماعتهم. لأن هذا الاستنباط له أثر سيئ لوحدة الشعب، ولذا على حكومة إندونيسيا أن تتنبه دائما تجاه هذه الجماعة المنحرفة
Tatwiru Mawadi Ta’limi Kitabi LKS fi an-Nahwi Bikitabi Kayfa Haluk bi an-Nahwi? Litalamidi al Fasli al-‘Asyir fi al-Fasli ad-Dirosi al-Awal bi al-Madrosah Ast-Tsanawiyah Al-Islamiyah YATPI Godong
In fact, what happened at MA YATPI Godong was based on observations, many students still had difficulties in learning Arabic, especially in nahwu material, this is indicated by the number of students who took part in the Daily Assessment (PH) which was carried out at the end of one Basic Competence (KD) or some KD from each semester are still around 21-30% of students whose scores reach or above Minimum Completeness (KKM) while the rest still have difficulty answering the questions that have been provided, especially questions related to qoidah nahwu. This phenomenon is basically influenced by many factors, namely: 1) the learning process is not going well and not smoothly due to the lack of appropriate and adequate learning resources; 2) the teaching materials used are not relevant to the abilities and conditions of the students 3) the teaching materials do not meet content standards and curriculum standards; in the end the teacher is "confused" choosing the right book or teaching material according to the potential and learning needs of students; 4) Students get bored quickly due to less innovative teaching material designs where the use of language is difficult to understand and understand when students want to learn it. It is assumed that the development of nahwu teaching materials in Student Worksheets (LKS) through Research and Development (R&D) activities can improve learning effectiveness, motivate student interest in learning, as well as increase student competence. The development of this teaching material is limited to class X Arabic lessons in the first semester of Madrasah Aliyah which are then designed with attention to; a) material that is in accordance with Core Competency (KI) and Basic Competency (KD), b) material is reinforced with vocabulary notation (mufrodat), the application formula is based on qoidah nahwu especially when translating Indonesian text into Arabic, including the words interesting Arabic pearls related to lessons, c) various exercises (tadribat/drill)..
Keywords: Reseach & Development, Development Of Teaching Materials, nahwu, LKS
Takwil Fuqoha Lin-Nushush Asy-Syariyyah Wa Atsaruhu Fil Mu'amalah Al-Maliyyah Dirosah Tahliliyyah Naqdiyyah 'Ala Kitab Nailul Authar Qism Al-Muamalat
The purpose of this research is to observe the influence of ta’wil on the argumens of shari’i in deciding certain law wich was taken from al-Qur’an and Hadith. In this study, the researcher analyzed and studied the forms of scholar’s ta’wil in the topic of muamalat of the book entitled Nailul Authar. This research is based on analysis and criticism methods, in wich the authors collected the problems that have been agreed by the scholars by using ta’wil. Than the researcher collected the forms of the ta’wil, and analyze and study in the accordance with the method of Ushul Fiqh. The author would then examine and measure the form of the ta’wil by returning it to the terms of the provision that has been agreed by the scholars, and detirmining wich ta’wil is based on strong proposition and wich ta’wil relies on a weak proposition, or even is not based on a strong proposition. This study concludes that not all scholar’s ta’wil towards certain proposition is true, because there is also the weak and rejected ta’wil. Therefore the reader can take the righ attitude toward the different’ scholars’ arguments
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami bentuk autentisitas kebahagiaan dalam novel Putra Salju (2011) karya Salman El-Bahry berdasarkan perspektif psikologis. Selain itu, tujuan yang lain adalah mengungkapkan cara manusia untuk mencapai autentisitas kebahagiaan tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik model interaktif dan menggunakan sumber data utama novel Putra Salju karya Salman El-Bahri. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga bentuk autentisitas kebahagiaan dalam hidup manusia, yaitu hidup yang menyenangkan, hidup yang baik, dan hidup yang berarti. Manusia melakukan upaya untuk mencapai tiga bentuk autentisitas kebahagiaan, yakni senantiasa memiliki sikap yang optimis, sikap kebijaksaan, keberanian, kemanusiaan, kesederhanaan, dan transendensi.
Kenabian merupakan salah satu hal yang prinsipil dalam agama Islam, termasuk didalamnya adalah isu kenabian perempuan. Isu ini menggeliat dalam dunia tafsir, kemudian direspon oleh para ulama dan menghasilkan dua sikap, ada ulama yang mendukung isu tersebut dan ada yang menolaknya, masing-masing kedua kubu tersebut memiliki argumentasi. penelitian ini akan membahas masalah seputar eksistensi isu kenabian perempuan ini dalam tradisi intelektual ulama Islam, kemudian eksistensi isu kenabian Maryam dalam tafsir al-misbah dan tafsir al-azhar, dan alasan isu ini bisa sampai dan diakomodir oleh kedua mufassir indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pertama, terdapat dua kubu dalam merespon isu kenabian perempuan, ada yang menolak dan ada yang menerima. Adapun yang menolak adalah Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ja’far al-Ashili, Fakhruddin al-Razi, Ibn Katsir, serta al-Qusyairi. Sedangkan yang menerima adalah Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Mawhab al-Tujibi al-Qabri, Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, Al-Qurthubi, serta Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani dengan argumentasi masing-masing. Kedua, isu kenabian Maryam terdapat dalam tafsir al-misbah dan tafsir al-azhar ketika membahas Qs. Ali-Imran: 42. Ketiga, terdapat dua alasan mengapa isu kenabian Maryam diakomodir dalam tafsir al-misbah dan tafsir al-azhar, pertama, kedua pengarang dari tafsir tersebut yaitu Quraish Shihab dan Hamka masing-masing mengusung spirit gender equality. Kedua, karena sifat dari tafsir itu sendiri yang genealogis sehingga sebuah wacana yang masuk dalam dunia tafsir sulit untuk dihapuskan dan dihilangkan
Tarjihat Ash Shobuni Di Kitab Rowaiul Bayan Tentang Perceraian Dan Hal Hal Yang Terkait Dengannya
This research study investigated the book of Tarjihat Ash Shobuni in Rowai’ul Bayan. It contains about the law of divorce and other things which related to it. The background of this research is to make easier to understand the holy Qur ‘an (Al Qur’an) especially in chapter of divorce and other things which related to it which was verified by Ash Shobuni About divorce law and other things which related to it in Rowai’il Bayan books which from his lectures.
Some the topics which want to discuss in this research by author are : What is the mean of tarjih ? what is the mean of At-Talaq haram or mubah? About give of At Talaq, the law of Talaq Roj’i, the meaning of al quru, the law of wife who divorced three times, the low of muhalil, iddah and dzihar according tarjih by Ash Shobuni in Rowai’ul bayan’s book.
The most important of this research is how to compare the opinions of the scholar in some issue concerning divorce law and other things which related to it, and some opinions were selected and have been tarjih by Ash Shobuni with the dalil which confirm his opinion
First and recurrent records of Stiphodon surrufus Watson & Kottelat, 1995 (Gobiiformes, Gobiidae, Sicydiinae), a naturally rare amphidromous goby, in Sulawesi, Indonesia
Stiphodon surrufus Watson & Kottelat, 1995, with its recent synonym S. birdsong Watson, 1996, is recorded from widely separated locations in the Western Pacific, including Papua and Halmahera in eastern Indonesia. We collected a single specimen of male S. surrufus from the Bohi River, Banggai District, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia in 2019; this represents the first record of S. surrufus from Sulawesi, the largest island in the Wallacea biodiversity hotspot. Three additional specimens were collected in 2020, one in 2021, and two in 2022, all from the same site. These records expand the known distribution of a naturally rare but widespread sicydiine goby and contribute to the underexplored but increasingly threatened Sulawesian riverine ichthyofauna