10 research outputs found

    Inverse sinusoidal pulse width modulation switched electric vehicles’ battery charger

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    This paper documents an efficient, cost-effective and sustainable grid-connected electric vehicles (EVs) battery charger based on a buck converter to reduce the harmonics injected into the mains power line. To utilize the switching converter as an effective power factor controller (PFC), inverse sinusoidal pulse width modulation (ISPWM) signals have been applied. A mathematical relationship between the sending-end power factor and the duty ratio of the switching converter has been presented. To ensure the sustenance of the proposed method, a simulation model of the proposed battery charging system has been tested on PSIM simulation platform. The simulation results yield to a lossless charging system with a sending-end power factor close to unity. An experimental testbed comprising a 60 V battery bank of 100 A-h capacity with a charging current of 7 A has been generated. The laboratory assessments present an 88.1% efficient charging prototype with a resultant sending-end power factor of 0.89. The laboratory framework concerns with the comparative analysis of the power efficiency, sending-end power factor and lines current total harmonic distortion (THD) values obtained for different charging methods and the evaluations corroborate the reliability of the proposed work

    Multi-objective energy management and charging strategy for electric bus fleets in cities using various ECO strategies

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    The paper presents use case simulations of fleets of electric buses in two cities in Europe, one with a warm Mediterranean climate and the other with a Northern European (cool temperate) climate, to compare the different climatic effects of the thermal management strategy and charging management strategy. Two bus routes are selected in each city, and the effects of their speed, elevation, and passenger profiles on the energy and thermal management strategy of vehicles are evaluated. A multi-objective optimization technique, the improved Simple Optimization technique, and a “brute-force” Monte Carlo technique were employed to determine the optimal number of chargers and charging power to minimize the total cost of operation of the fleet and the impact on the grid, while ensuring that all the buses in the fleet are able to realize their trips throughout the day and keeping the battery SoC within the constraints designated by the manufacturer. A mix of four different types of buses with different battery capacities and electric motor specifications constitute the bus fleet, and the effects that they have on charging priority are evaluated. Finally, different energy management strategies, including economy (ECO) features, such as ECO-comfort, ECO-driving, and ECO-charging, and their effects on the overall optimization are investigated. The single bus results indicate that 12 m buses have a significant battery capacity, allowing for multiple trips within their designated routes, while 18 m buses only have the battery capacity to allow for one or two trips. The fleet results for Barcelona city indicate an energy requirement of 4.42 GWh per year for a fleet of 36 buses, while for Gothenburg, the energy requirement is 5 GWh per year for a fleet of 20 buses. The higher energy requirement in Gothenburg can be attributed to the higher average velocities of the bus routes in Gothenburg, compared to those of the bus routes in Barcelona city. However, applying ECO-features can reduce the energy consumption by 15% in Barcelona city and by 40% in Gothenburg. The significant reduction in Gothenburg is due to the more effective application of the ECO-driving and ECO-charging strategies. The application of ECO-charging also reduces the average grid load by more than 10%, while shifting the charging towards non-peak hours. Finally, the optimization process results in a reduction of the total fleet energy consumption of up to 30% in Barcelona city, while in Gothenburg, the total cost of ownership of the fleet is reduced by 9%

    Hasan, Mohammed Mahedi

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    Charging Management Strategy using ECO-charging for Electric Bus Fleets in Cities

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    Charging Management Strategy is a critical aspect in electric bus fleets to minimize the impact on the local electricity grid and to minimize the financial cost to the bus operators. To realize a fleet of battery electric public transport buses in a city depends on two major stakeholders, namely the city bus operator and the electricity distribution systems operator. The cost of the electric charging infrastructure, including the high powered ultrafast DC chargers for opportunity charging and lower powered depot chargers for overnight charging is a significant investment for the city bus operator in terms of capital, installation, and grid connection costs, while the distribution system operator has to contend with significant power load on the electricity grid when multiple ultrafast chargers are in operation. This paper investigates a Use Case of an electric bus fleet plying a route, and the optimal selection of chargers, charging duration, and battery State of Charge that will minimize the impact on the local grid and minimize the total cost of ownership. A Simple Optimization algorithm was utilized for this purpose. Results show that the objectives are mutually exclusive, and there need to be a tradeoff to achieve the optimal balance between grid impact and total cost of ownership. Results also show that grid impact and the total cost of ownership are both minimized when opting for low c-rate charging instead of high c-rate charging or when charging only for short durations. Finally, an ECO-charging technique based on utilizing short-duration pulsed charging followed by cool-down periods instead of charging in one continuous longduration pulse was investigated to determine its efficacy in lowering the energy requirements of the bus by reducing the battery heat generation due to high c-rate charging. The optimum charging-to-cooldown ratio and the optimum charging pulse was found using brute force method to determine the lowest cooling energy consumption for a variety of charging rates. Results show that up to 5% reduction in grid impact can be achieved due to implementation of ECO-charging technique. © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Performance Evaluation of a PID-Controlled Synchronous Buck Converter Based Battery Charging Controller for Solar-Powered Lighting System in a Fishing Trawler

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    A Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID)-controlled synchronous buck converter (SBC)-based battery charging system was designed to charge a lead-acid cell battery using commercially available Photovoltaic (PV) panel. The proposed system was installed aboard a fishing trawler to power its electrical system replacing the conventional system, which uses a diesel generator and a few kerosene lamps for lighting purposes. A PID algorithm instead of traditional Maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is used in the proposed system since the charging process of the battery requires a maximum current instead of maximum power. The proposed control algorithm is compared with the popular MPPT technique Perturb and Observation (P&O) to validate its dynamic performance at different solar irradiance levels using MATLAB/Simulink®. The simulation and the experimental results have demonstrated that the dynamic response of the proposed algorithm is significantly improved by considering higher charging current, the capability to charge the battery at low irradiance, high stability, and lower cost. Finally, a successful 15-day field trial was conducted at sea using the proposed system, and a maximum charging current output of 6.5 A was achieved by the SBC during noon time; it was sufficient to charge a 12 V, 100 Ah battery, with a state of charge (SoC) of 33%, at a voltage charging rate of +0.3 V/h

    Parameter Optimization and Tuning Methodology for a Scalable E-Bus Fleet Simulation Framework: Verification Using Real-World Data from Case Studies

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    This study presents the optimization and tuning of a simulation framework to improve its simulation accuracy while evaluating the energy utilization of electric buses under various mission scenarios. The simulation framework was developed using the low fidelity (Lo-Fi) model of the forward-facing electric bus (e-bus) powertrain to achieve the fast simulation speeds necessary for real-time fleet simulations. The measurement data required to verify the proper tuning of the simulation framework is provided by the bus original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and taken from the various demonstrations of 12 m and 18 m buses in the cities of Barcelona, Gothenburg, and Osnabruck. We investigate the different methodologies applied for the tuning process, including empirical and optimization. In the empirical methodology, the standard driving cycles that have been used in previous studies to simulate various use case (UC) scenarios are replaced with actual driving cycles derived from measurement data from buses traversing their respective routes. The key outputs, including the energy requirements, total cost of ownership (TCO), and impact on the grid are statistically compared. In the optimization scenario, the assumptions for the various vehicle and mission parameters are tuned to increase the correlation between the simulation and measurement outputs (the battery SoC profile), for the given scenario input (the velocity profile). Improved simple optimization (iSOPT) was used to provide a superfast optimization process to tune the passenger load in the bus, cabin setpoint temperature, battery’s age as relative capacity degradation (RCD), SoC cutoff point between constant current (CC) and constant voltage charging (CV), charge decay factor used in CV charging, charging power, and cutoff in initial velocity during braking for which regenerative braking is activated

    DC-DC Converter Topologies for Electric Vehicles, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Fast Charging Stations: State of the Art and Future Trends

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    This article reviews the design and evaluation of different DC-DC converter topologies for Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs). The design and evaluation of these converter topologies are presented, analyzed and compared in terms of output power, component count, switching frequency, electromagnetic interference (EMI), losses, effectiveness, reliability and cost. This paper also evaluates the architecture, merits and demerits of converter topologies (AC-DC and DC-DC) for Fast Charging Stations (FCHARs). On the basis of this analysis, it has found that the Multidevice Interleaved DC-DC Bidirectional Converter (MDIBC) is the most suitable topology for high-power BEVs and PHEVs (> 10kW), thanks to its low input current ripples, low output voltage ripples, low electromagnetic interference, bidirectionality, high efficiency and high reliability. In contrast, for low-power electric vehicles (<10 kW), it is tough to recommend a single candidate that is the best in all possible aspects. However, the Sinusoidal Amplitude Converter, the Z-Source DC-DC converter and the boost DC-DC converter with resonant circuit are more suitable for low-power BEVs and PHEVs because of their soft switching, noise-free operation, low switching loss and high efficiency. Finally, this paper explores the opportunity of using wide band gap semiconductors (WBGSs) in DC-DC converters for BEVs, PHEVs and converters for FCHARs. Specifically, the future roadmap of research for WBGSs, modeling of emerging topologies and design techniques of the control system for BEV and PHEV powertrains are also presented in detail, which will certainly help researchers and solution engineers of automotive industries to select the suitable converter topology to achieve the growth of projected power density

    Reliability Assessment of SiC-Based Depot Charging Infrastructure with Smart and Bidirectional (V2X) Charging Strategies for Electric Buses

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    Nowadays, the implementation of smart charging concepts and management strategies with vehicle-to-everything (V2X) functionalities, is required to address the increasing number of battery electric buses (BEBs) in cities. However, the introduction of these new functionalities to the charging systems might affect the lifetime of the charging infrastructure. This has not been investigated yet, although it is an important aspect for the BEB operators. Therefore, this paper performs a detailed reliability assessment to study the impact of smart and bidirectional (V2X) charging on the lifetime of SiC-based high-power off-board charging infrastructure used for BEBs in a depot for overnight charging. In this paper, four different charging current profiles, generated by a smart charging algorithm, are considered. In addition, an electro-thermal model of the charging system is developed to accurately estimate the junction temperature of the switching devices when subjected to the applied charging current profiles. The thermal stress is converted into a number of cycles to failures and accumulated damage by means of a rainflow cycle counting algorithm, a lifetime model and Miner’s damage rule. Finally, a Monte Carlo analysis and a Weibull probability function fit are applied to obtain the system reliability. The results have demonstrated that smart charging strategies can improve the lifetime of the charging system by at least a factor of three compared to conventional uncoordinated charging. Moreover, an uncoordinated charging strategy fails to fulfill the lifetime requirements in the parts per million range, while bidirectional charging could even further enhance the lifetime with a factor of one and a half