241 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Intellectual Capital Terhadap Nilai Pasar Dan Kinerja Perusahaan Yang Terdapat Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2010-2012

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of intellectual capital to the market value and financial performance company. This study uses a model developed by Pulic Value Added Intellectual Coefficients (VAICTM). This study examines the effect of VAIC and the three components of intellectual capital capital employed (VACA), human capital (VAHU), structural capital (STVA) towards market value (MtBV) and the company's financial performance return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and growth revenue (GR).Sampling method that's used in this study is purposive sampling. Sample used in study is all company's financial statements to Infrastructure, Utility and Transportation, issued by BEI (Indonesia Stock Exchange) during the period 2010-2012. This study uses a multiple linear regression test analysis. The result of the study shows that combined intellectual capital has no effect to market value. Yet, human capital affects the market value. Intellectual capital affect positively significant towards financial performance return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), dan growth revenue (GR)

    The Dose Distribution from Iridium-192 Source on Cervical Cancer Brachytherapy by Manchester System Using Monte Carlo Simulation

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    One treatment for cervical cancer is to use radioactive sources that directly target the cancer cell called brachytherapy. This study is aimed to determine dose distribution at phantom pelvis using the DOSXYZnrc Monte Carlo code. The phantom was derived from a CT scan image of the DICOM-type pelvis with a size of 50 × 50 × 28.8 cm obtained from Santosa Kopo Hospital. The source used was Ir-192, which makes an asymmetrical beam with a size of 0.45 × 0.09 × 0.09 cm. Monte Carlo simulation was performed to determine the dose distribution of the Ir-192 source on cervical cancer CT images based on the Manchester system. The Monte Carlo simulation was divided into two models with distance variations on the applicator. Model A used TPS data with a distance between sources of 0.9 cm, while model B had a distance between sources of 0.5 cm. The distribution of dose resulting from the Monte Carlo simulation was analyzed and compared with TPS data. The results showed that at the range of 50 %, dose distribution in model A reaches the end of 3.9 cm. When compared to the range of 50 % dose distribution at the TPS results that reaches the point of 4 cm, it produces a deviation value of 2.5 %, which is still within the tolerance range. Model A and Model B provide different dose distribution. In model B, it reaches 3.86 cm, resulting in a deviation of 1.02 %, which is still within the tolerance range. The resulting γ-index value for the 50 % dose distribution was 2.26, while the whole area's GPR value was 94.13 %. This indicates a difference in dose distribution between the two models. Therefore, the smaller the distance between the sources, the shorter the dose distribution range with relatively more uniform dose distribution.


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    Abstrak   Penelitian ini berupa rancang bangun sebuah prototipe mini pengkondisian udara tipe water cooled water serta melalukan pengujian prototipe dengan menggunakan variable berupa temperatur nyaman kabin yang dicapai 22,8oC~26,7oC. Dalam pengujian prototype bertujuan mengkaji kinerja hasil rancang bangun berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino Uno untuk pengontrolan temperatur kabin yaitu sensor temperatur DS18B20 dan tanpa menggunakan Arduino Uno. Penelitian ini dilakukan  selama satu jam dengan lima waktu pengujian yaitu pada menit 0 ke 10, menit 11 ke 20, menit 21 ke 30, menit 31 ke 40, menit 41 ke 50 dan menit 51 ke 60. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pengunaan mikrokontroler Arduino menghasilkan konsumsi rata-rata daya kompresor berkisar 247watt~264watt dan ketika temperatur minimum evaporator sebesar 8oC  tercapai, maka konsumsi daya kompresor mengalami penurunan antara 70,22%  sampai dengan 93,29%. Hal yang sama juga terjadi ketika temperatur maksimum evaporator tercapai (20oC), konsumsi daya kompresor juga mengalami penurunan diantara 59,77%  hingga 72,02%. Sedangkan hasil pengujian tanpa menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino konsumsi daya kompresor selalu cenderung konstan pada menit 10 hingga menit ke 60, dimana rata-rata konsumsi daya kompresor berurutan berkisar 267watt~ 275watt untuk tiap capaian temperatur evaporator. Dalam hasil pengujian berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino memberikan penghematan konsumsi energi listrik berupa daya kompresor sebesar 14,65 watt untuk tiap 10 menit pengujian. Hasil penelitian juga diketahui pengontrolan temperatur berbasis mikrokontroler perlu dilakukan agar koefisieb kinerja (coefficient of performance) mesin dapat dijaga konstan serta salah satu langkah agar kompresor tidak bekerja secara terus-menerus (continuously) pada saat temperatur kabin tercapai, dalam hal ini dapat menjaga umur pemakaian kompresor.Abstract   This study is a design of a mini air conditioning type water cooled water prototype and perform-test using a variable in the form of an indoor air comfort between 22.8oC to 26.7oC. These prototype testing aims to examine the performance of the design results based on two conditions test. Firstly using the Arduino Uno microcontroller for controlling indoor air temperature, namely the DS18B20 temperature sensor and secondly without microcontroller. This research was conducted for one hour with five testing times, namely at 0 to 10 minutes, 11 to 20 minutes, 21 to 30 minutes, 31 to 40 minutes, 41 to 50 minutes and 51 to 60 minutes. The results showed by using microcontroller was produced energy consumption as compressor power with energy ranges from 247 watts to 264watt and when the minimum evaporator temperature is reached (8oC), the compressor of energy consumption has decreased from 70.22% to 93.29%. The same thing happened when the maximum evaporator temperature was reached (20oC), the energy consumption by compressor also decreased from 59.77% to 72.02%. While the results of testing without using an Arduino microcontroller, the energy consumption always tends to be constant at 10 to 60 minutes, where the average consecutive energy consumption varies from 267watt to 275watt for each evaporator temperature performance. Meanwhile from test results used Arduino microcontroller it provides savings in electrical energy consumption in the form of compressor power is 14.65 watts for every 10 minutes of testing. Also the results of known that microcontroller-based temperature control needs to be done so that the coefficient of performance of the machine can be kept constant and the compressor does not work continuously when the indoor air temperature is reached, in this case could be maintain the long-life of compressor

    Investigation of Electron Contamination on Flattened and Unflattened Varian Clinac iX 6X and 15X Photon Beam Based on Monte Carlo Simulation

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    The aim of this study was to characterize electron contamination of a flattened (FF) and an unflattened (FFF) Varian Clinac iX 6X and 15X photon beams using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. EGSnrc MC technique was used to model the flattened and unflattened head and simulate dose distribution of 6X and 15X of FF and FFF photon beam in water phantom. The materials and geometrical data of FF linac were provided by Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) Singapore. The FFF linac was modeled by removing the flattening filter component in the FF linac. Phase space files were scored after flattening filter and in the phantom surface. The phsp files were analyzed to characterize the particles produced by the linac head using BEAMDP. The contaminants contribute around 1 % and 2 % in the phsp1 for flattened and unflattened beams, respectively. The photons are scattered in small-angle in the range of 0 – 4o. The contaminant electron contributes up to one hundredth compared to the photons. The increase of field area affects the increase in contaminants and penumbra width due to the increasing number of particle scattered out of the field area. The unflattened beam affects the increase in the number of electron contamination and surface dose. The penumbra width of the flattened beams was smaller than the unflattened beams for the same field size and energy

    Kerangka Hukum Instrumen Ekonomi Lingkungan dalam Upaya Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca

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    Salah satu permasalahan besar di bidang lingkungan hidup adalah kerusakan hutan. Untuk itulah pemerintah telah menyatakan komitmennya untuk menjaga hutan demi mengurangi laju emisi gas rumah kaca. Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan melalui Kota Pagar Alam telah secara aktif ikut mengambil peran dalam uapaya penurunan emisi tersebut. Pencapaian target penurunan emisi GRK provinsi seringkali mengalami kendala atau hambatan, khususnya yang terkait dengan pendanaan. Salah satu instrumen yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah instrumen ekonomi lingkungan hidup khususnya payment ecosystem services (PES). Untuk dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal, harus ada kerangka hukum yang mendasarinya. Untuk itulah penelitian ini dilakukan demi menganalisis kerangka hukum instrument ekonomi lingkungan hidup PES khususnya di Kota Pagar Alam. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis pustaka dari berbagai bentuk regulasi di level daerah dan nasional, data disimpulkan bahwa instrument ekonomi lingkungan hidup PES dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pelengkap mekanisme command and control dalam pengelolaan hutan untuk mendukung percepatan penurunan emisi GRK Kota Pagar Alam, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
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