39 research outputs found


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    This study examines goodness-of-fit model to explain brand extension phenomenon. Specifically, explaining the influence of brand similarity, belief toward core brand, and motivation to elaborate information on attitude toward brand extension. Laboratory experiment was used to ascertain controlled variables. Participants consist of 598 undergraduate students in business. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to elaborate the linkage among these observed variables. The study shows that complexity of brand extension was linearly influenced by brand similarity, belief toward core brand, and motivation to elaborate information. The finding confirms that the decision toward brand extension was significantly tested. Implications for further research are also discussed

    Proses Pembentukan Sikap Secara Berjenjang: Studi Empiris Di Bidang Perluasan Merek

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    This study examines goodness-of-fit model to explain brand extensionphenomenon. Specifically, explaining the influence of brand similarity, belief toward core brand, and motivation to elaborate information on attitude toward brand extension.Laboratory experiment was used to ascertain controlled variables. Participants consist of 598 undergraduate students in business. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to elaborate the linkage among these observed variables. The study shows that complexityof brand extension was linearly influenced by brand similarity, belief toward core brand, and motivation to elaborate information. The finding confirms that the decision toward brand extension was significantly tested. Implications for further research are alsodiscussed

    Niat Konsumen dalam pembelian makanan organik

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    The objective of research is to determine the organic food purchasing intention model, with the variables studied consisting of awareness of health, awareness of environment, organic food availability, attitude, subjective norm, and organic food purchasing intention, as well age and consumption pattern variables. The research method used was survey technique with 200 respondents as the consumer sample who intend to purchase food organic in order to be consistent with the analysis method used, structural equation model (SEM). The result of study shows that the awareness of health and awareness of environment are the determinant of someone’s positive attitude creator to organic food. The finding about the moderating role of age group and consumption pattern variables on the relationship between attitude and behavior of organic food purchasing intention affects the organic food purchasing intention. The implication of study is that the marketers in the future should convince the consumers that the organic food product is safe for health and environmental friendly, as well as there should be market segmentation based on the age group and consumers consumption pattern. Keywords: intention, attitude, organic food

    Analisis Pemasaran Media Sosial pada Merk Uniqlo: Studi Kasus Uniqlo di Indonesia

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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tingkat brand equity suatu merk yang dipengaruhi oleh pemasaran media sosial (social media marketing) dengan dimediasi oleh brand experience. Selain itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat seberapa kuat pemasaran produk melalui media sosial yang akan membentuk ekuitas merk Uniqlo sebagai merk mewah di Indonesia. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 380 responden dengan teknik nonrandom sampling melalui survei daring pada pengguna Uniqlo di Indonesia. SEM-PLS adalah alat analisis yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antarvariabel yang dikonsepkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa social media marketing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap brand equity begitu juga brand experience memediasi hubungan antara social media marketing dengan brand equity. Penelitian ini memberikan sarana kepada merk mewah Uniqlo untuk memiliki strategi yang lebih kuat dalam membentuk ekuitas merk mereka yang pastinya didukung oleh pemasaran melalui media sosial.    Abstract.    This study explains the level of brand equity of a brand which is influenced by social media marketing mediated by brand experience. In addition, this research was conducted to see how strong it is to market products through social media which will form Uniqlo's brand equity as a luxury brand in Indonesia. The samples taken were 380 respondents using a non-random sampling technique through an online survey of Uniqlo users in Indonesia. SEM-PLS is an analytical tool used to explain the relationship between conceptualized variables. The results of this study indicate that social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand equity as well as brand experience mediating the relationship between social media marketing and brand equity. This research provides a means for the luxury brand Uniqlo to have a stronger strategy in building their brand equity which is certainly supported by marketing through social media.

    Be Understand the Lifestyle Before Making the Marketing Strategies (Survey of People Who are Prefer on Local Brand)

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    Although many lifestyle studies have revealed AIO (Activity, Interest and Opinion) and relate it to psychological factors, the results are still in condition, and this means that no single model can be generalized to different objects and settings. This study aims to explore lifestyle segmentation based on AIO and relate it to demographic factors on different objects and settings, namely traditional foods market in Indonesia. The sample consists of 140 people who prefer to traditional food in Surakarta-Indonesia. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using hierarchical clusters in an attempt to explain the profile of the segmentation formed. The results indicate that there are five segments formed, namely (1) Active Family Values, (2) Educated Liberals, (3) Conservative Quiet Lifers, (4) Success Driven Extroverts, (5) Social Strivers. Moreover this findings can be used by marketers in considering their strategies related to segment target appropriately. Keywords: market segmentation, demographic factor, lifestyle, AIO, traditional food.

    The Strength of Javanese Traditional Symbol in Packaging Designs and Consumer Values against Purchase Intentions

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    Understanding consumer behavior to achieve a purchase is one of the things that are important to the manufacturer. Manufacturers as marketers must know the factors that affect consumers' buying intentions. Consumers as visual beings that pay attention to the  attractiveness  of  product  packaging.  The  attractiveness  of  product  packaging consisting of images (symbols). In this study the researchers tried to analyze the relationship  of traditional  symbol  appeal  to  the product  packaging and  the value of traditional symbols. Conceptual framework in this research about the importance of the attractiveness of a product packaging that has the characteristic of a symbol needs to be noticed by the manufacturer. The symbolic aspect of packaging is the communication medium between producers and consumers. Symbols tend to be evaluated based on value content based on human perception. The use of traditional symbols in the monggo chocolate pack refers to the shaper of a value perceived by the consumer. The meaning process  of the symbol  in  the benchmark  that  the value of the consumer much less influenced by the symbol in the packaging of a product. the existence of relationships between products and culture, so the symbols affect the attitudes and behavior of consumers, and consequently, it affects the intention to buy. Symbolic values can serve to increase or decrease the chances of a purchase. Openness culture is very important as the main gateway that a consumer wants or not to try to buy a local product that has an emotional closeness with cultural symbols. Keywords: traditional symbols, traditional values, intentions, openness culture

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Absensi STMIK AUB Surakarta Berbasis NodeMcu V3 Lolin ESP8266

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    Dunia perindustrian, pendidikan, perkantoran atau apapaun, sangat melekat dengan adanya absensi. Sebuah proses yang dijalankan dengan sistem yang menghasilkan sebuah laporan absen dari instansi tersebut. STMIK AUB Surakarta adalah sebuah kampus yang tidak jauh dengan kata absensi. Dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, dari karyawan atau dosen maupun mahasiswa memiliki peran penting dalam proses absensi tersebut. Namun, banyak yang masih tidak memperdulikan tentang kelemahan dalam sebuah sistem. Adanya perumusan masalah tersebut, perlu diciptakan sebuah sistem baru yang dapat memberikan keefisiensian proses absensi dan mampu mengurangi tingkat kelemahan dari sistem lama dalam proses absensi tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti membuat sebuah sistem absensi elektronik yang dapat dikendalikan dengan interface web yang mampu merekap pekerjaan dengan kendali jarak jauh. Hasil penelitian ini menggunakan NodeMCU V3 LOLIN ESP8266 sebagai kepala mikrokontroler yang berfungsi untuk mengatur dan memberikan perintah terhadap keypad dan FPM-10a sebagai alat inputnya. Adapun alat lainnya untuk membaca kode barcode yaitu barcode scanner. Kesimpulan yang didapat dengan jaringan internet yang stabil diperoleh respon pengontrolan waktu sangat cepat yaitu 4/detik untuk proses penyimpanan menuju database server yang nantinya akan disajikan didalam interface web


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    This study discusses the relationship between lifestyle and individual preferences in choosing local or foreign brands. The sample consisted of 250 people, taken randomly through surveys in several public places in Surakarta - Indonesia, including the department stores, traditional markets, or other public areas, where many people were there and were willing to become research participants. Fur­thermore, the collected data is processed using factor analysis to reduce lifestyle dimensions, and logistic regression analysis is used to explain the relationship between lifestyle dimensions and pre­ferences in choosing a local brand or foreign brand, in this case represented by Wong Solo Grilled Chicken (WSGC) or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).The test results indicate 13 dimensions of lifestyle, and only 5 dimensions are significantly related to brand preference: (1) individuals who have a fashion consciousness lifestyle tend to choose KFC rather than WSGC, (2) individuals with health consciousness lifestyles tend to choose WSGC rather than KFC, (3) individuals with leadership lifestyles tend choosing KFC rather than WSGC, (4) individuals with attentiveness lifestyle tend to choose WSGC rather than KFC, and (5) individuals with extroversion lifestyles tend to choose KFC rather than WSGC. This study also discusses the implications of studies related to the contribution of theory, practitioners, and possibilities for future studie