1,070 research outputs found

    An Investigation of The Management and Implementation of Large Scale Respiratory Protection Programs

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    The practical implementation of respiratory protection in a large scale industrial setting was investigated. Respiratory protection programs at the Kennedy Space Center, Norfolk Naval Shipyard, and International Business Machines Research Triangle Park were assessed for compliance with Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.134. The assessment was based on employer response to questionnaires, interviews, and personal observations. The data obtained provided an opportunity to discuss the difficulties of applying complex guidelines and regulations in a large scale industrial setting.Master of Science in Public Healt

    Lynx X-Ray Observatory: Response to the First Astro 2020 Decadal Survey Request for Information

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    This document serves as the Lynx Teams response to the first Request For Information (RFI) from the 2020 Decadal Survey in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Detailed answers to all of the questions asked in this RFI can be found in the Lynx Concept Study Report, Supplementary Technology Roadmaps, and the Lynx Cost Book

    Rate versus rhythm control and outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease: Data from the GUSTO-III Trial

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    Background: Atrial fi brillation (AF) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) have both beenshown to portend worse outcomes after acute myocardial infarction (MI); however, the benefi tof a rhythm control strategy in patients with CKD post-MI is unclear.Methods: We prospectively studied 985 patients with new-onset AF post-MI in theGUSTO-III trial, of whom 413 (42%) had CKD (creatinine clearance < 60 mL/min).A rhythm control strategy, defi ned as the use of an antiarrhythmic medication and/orelectrical cardioversion, was used in 346 (35%) of patients.Results: A rhythm control strategy was used in 34% of patients with CKD and 36% of patientswith no CKD. At hospital discharge, sinus rhythm was present in 487 (76%) of patients treatedwith a rate control strategy, vs. 276 (80%) in those treated with rhythm control (p = 0.20). CKDwas associated with a lower odds of sinus rhythm at discharge (unadjusted OR 0.56, 95% CI0.38–0.84, p < 0.001). However, in multivariable analyses, treatment with a rhythm controlstrategy was not associated with discharge rhythm (HR 1.068, 95% CI 0.69–1.66, p = 0.77),30-day mortality (HR 0.78, 95% CI 0.54–1.12, p = 0.18) or mortality from day 30 to 1 year(HR 1.00, 95% CI 0.59–1.69, p = 0.99). CKD status did not signifi cantly impact the relationshipbetween rhythm control and outcomes.Conclusions: Treatment with a rhythm or rate control strategy does not signifi cantly impactshort-term or long-term mortality in patients with post-MI AF, regardless of kidney disease status.Future studies to investigate the optimal management of AF in CKD patients are needed

    Issues of the Ends of Life: The Segelberg Series

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    The Segelberg Series explores the intersection of religious faith and public policy. This book contains the lectures focused on The Ends of Life. Dalhousie University’s School of Public Administration managed the series through a lecture committee under the able leadership of the former Dean of Dalhousie’s Law School, Professor Innis Christie, QC

    International variation in invasive care of the elderly with acute coronary syndromes

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    Aims To explore variations in invasive care of the elderly with acute coronary syndromes across international practice. Methods and results Using combined populations from the SYMPHONY and 2nd SYMPHONY trials, we describe 30-day cardiac catheterization in elderly (≥75 years; n=1794) vs. younger patients (<75 years; n=14 043) after multivariable adjustment and by region of enrolment. The use of cardiac catheterization and revascularization were not protocol-specified. Elderly patients (median age 78 years) were more often female and more frequently had hypertension, diabetes, prior myocardial infarction, and prior coronary bypass surgery. Overall, they underwent less cardiac catheterization than younger patients [53 vs. 63%; adjusted OR 0.53 (0.46, 0.60)]. The absolute rate of cardiac catheterization in the elderly varied from 77% (vs. 91% in younger patients) in the US cohort to 27% (vs. 41% in younger patients) in the non-US cohort. Revascularization of elderly who underwent cardiac catheterization was also higher in US than non-US cohorts (71.3 vs. 53.6%). There was a significant interaction between the patient age and the use of catheterization across US and non-US regions of enrolment, as well as differences in the predictors of catheterization in the elderly. Despite these findings, after adjustment, 90-day rates of death and death or myocardial infarction (MI) were not significantly different in elderly who underwent catheterization compared with those who did not. Conclusion Although older age is universally predictive of lower use of cardiac catheterization, marked variation in catheterization of the elderly exists across international practice. Demonstrated differences in patterns of use suggest a lack of consensus regarding optimal use of an invasive strategy in the elderl

    Are European Blue Economy ambitions in conflict with European environmental visions?

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    We report the outcomes of a comprehensive study of the potential consequences of the implementation of the EU Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSPD) in Danish waters. The analyses are anchored in a framework developed in support of data-driven Ecosystem-Based Maritime Spatial Planning. The data for the models include not only human stressors but also information on the distribution of ecosystem components ranging from planktonic communities over benthic communities to fish, seabirds and marine mammals. We have established a baseline, based on state-of-the-art data sets, with respect to combined effects upon ecosystem components. Future scenarios for the developments in human stressors were estimated for 2030 and 2050 based on information on existing policies, strategies and plans and were compared to the baseline. In addition, we developed a scenario for implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), i.e. working towards meeting the objectives of Good Environmental Status. Our results indicate that (1) combined human stressors will possibly increase in 2030 and 2050 compared to the baseline, (2) increased combined human stressors are likely to lead to a worsening of the environmental and ecological status sensu the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Water Framework Directive (WFD), and (3) the MSPD implementation process appears to conflict with the MSFD and WFD objectives. Accordingly, we are sceptical of claims of an untapped potential for Blue Growth in Danish marine waters.publishedVersio

    Lynx X-Ray Observatory: An Overview

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    Lynx, one of the four strategic mission concepts under study for the 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey, provides leaps in capability over previous and planned x-ray missions and provides synergistic observations in the 2030s to a multitude of space- and ground-based observatories across all wavelengths. Lynx provides orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity, on-axis subarcsecond imaging with arcsecond angular resolution over a large field of view, and high-resolution spectroscopy for point-like and extended sources in the 0.2- to 10-keV range. The Lynx architecture enables a broad range of unique and compelling science to be carried out mainly through a General Observer Program. This program is envisioned to include detecting the very first seed black holes, revealing the high-energy drivers of galaxy formation and evolution, and characterizing the mechanisms that govern stellar evolution and stellar ecosystems. The Lynx optics and science instruments are carefully designed to optimize the science capability and, when combined, form an exciting architecture that utilizes relatively mature technologies for a cost that is compatible with the projected NASA Astrophysics budget

    The possibilities and limits of political contestation in times of ‘urban austerity’

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    This paper seeks to provide a conceptual framework in which to examine the social practices of contemporary austerity programmes in urban areas, including how these relate to different conceptions of crisis. Of current theoretical interest is the apparent ease with which these austerity measures have been accepted by urban governing agents. In order to advance these understandings we follow the recent post-structuralist discourse theory ‘logics’ approach of Glynos and Howarth (2007), focusing on the relationship between hegemony, political and social logics, and the subject whose identificatory practices are key to understanding the form, nature and stability of discursive settlements. In such thinking it is not only the formation of discourses and the mobilisation of rhetoric that are of interest, but also the manner in which the subjects of austerity identify with these. Through such an approach we examine the case of the regeneration/economic development and planning policy area in the city government of Birmingham (UK). In conclusion, we argue that the logics approach is a useful framework through which to examine how austerity has been uncontested in a city government, and the dynamics of acquiescence in relation to broader hegemonic discursive formations

    A preliminary study of the effect of closed incision management with negative pressure wound therapy over high-risk incisions

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    Background Certain postoperative wounds are recognised to be associated with more complications than others and may be termed high-risk. Wound healing can be particularly challenging following high-energy trauma where wound necrosis and infection rates are high. Surgical incision for joint arthrodesis can also be considered high-risk as it requires extensive and invasive surgery and postoperative distal limb swelling and wound dehiscence are common. Recent human literature has investigated the use of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) over high-risk closed surgical incisions and beneficial effects have been noted including decreased drainage, decreased dehiscence and decreased infection rates. In a randomised, controlled study twenty cases undergoing distal limb high-energy fracture stabilisation or arthrodesis were randomised to NPWT or control groups. All cases had a modified Robert-Jones dressing applied for 72 h postoperatively and NPWT was applied for 24 h in the NPWT group. Morphometric assessment of limb circumference was performed at six sites preoperatively, 24 and 72 h postoperatively. Wound discharge was assessed at 24 and 72 h. Postoperative analgesia protocol was standardised and a Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Score (GCPS) carried out at 24, 48 and 72 h. Complications were noted and differences between groups were assessed. Results Percentage change in limb circumference between preoperative and 24 and 72 h postoperative measurements was significantly less at all sites for the NPWT group with exception of the joint proximal to the surgical site and the centre of the operated bone at 72 h. Median discharge score was lower in the NPWT group than the control group at 24 h. No significant differences in GCPS or complication rates were noted. Conclusions Digital swelling and wound discharge were reduced when NPWT was employed for closed incision management. Larger studies are required to evaluate whether this will result in reduced discomfort and complication rates postoperatively
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