11 research outputs found

    Penerapan Quick Response (QR) Code Berbasis Web Di Puskesmas Payung Sekaki Pekanbaru

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    Puskesmas staffing data certainly cannot be separated from data that can change at any time. Changes to the data must be stored properly. At Puskesmas Payung Sekaki the attendance system is still using paper as an employee attendance data file, so that frequent loss of data and double data on absenteeism makes mistakes for the staffing of Puskesmas Payung Sekaki. Supporting Puskesmas staff every day must go to the Puskesmas to attend attendance when they come and go home, so that fraud arises in making attendance by making attendance care.Attendance system using the QR Code, can easily search data and minimize fraud in attendance care, because the QR Code must scan. The QR Code scanning results will be saved in the database. The QR Code is made with the Puskesmas Employee Identification Number. The results obtained from the Implementation of the Quick Response (QR) Code for the attendance of Puskesmas are able to facilitate employees in making attendance and the head of administration to get information on the attendance of Puskesmas Payung Sekaki employees


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    Isu perundungan di sekolah telah menjadi masalah serius di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Beberapa kasus terkenal yang melibatkan remaja di beberapa daerah di Indonesia telah menimbulkan dampak yang buruk bagi korban, seperti trauma psikologis, penurunan prestasi akademik, dan bahkan mengancam kesejahteraan mental dan fisik mereka.  Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, diperlukan upaya preventif, reparatif, dan punitif dari para orang tua, guru, dan masyarakat secara menyeluruh. Kolaborasi antara semua pihak ini penting untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang aman dan mendukung di sekolah. Kegiatan sosialisasi perilaku perundungan di kalangan remaja dan guru di SMA Negeri 4 Ternate adalah salah satu upaya yang bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada remaja Indonesia tentang dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh perilaku perundungan serta pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi angka kasus perundungan. Dengan edukasi yang tepat, diharapkan para remaja akan lebih peka terhadap dampak negatif dari perundungan dan berperan aktif dalam mencegahnya. Seluruh komunitas sekolah, termasuk orang tua, guru, dan siswa, harus bekerja sama untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang aman dan mendukung di mana perundungan tidak memiliki tempat. Dengan upaya bersama ini, kita dapat mengurangi dampak negatif perundungan di kalangan remaja Indonesia

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Humanisme Berorientasi Multiple Intelligences dalam Berkecakapan Hidup Siswa MIM PK Kartasura

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    ife skills are provisions that must be owned by every person who lives in the present era. Life skills are at the core of educational competencies and outcomes in Indonesia. Learning of multiple intelligences-oriented humanism is learning to encourage human quality improvement through appreciation of the potential of each student. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of humanism learning oriented to multiple intelligences in the life skills of MIM PK Kartasura students and explain the level of success and describe what factors are supporting and inhibiting the implementation of humanism oriented multiple intelligences in MIM PK Kartasura students' life skills. This type of research is descriptive with a case study research design. Data collection techniques in this study use observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of the study, there are generally eight pillars in the implementation of multiple intelligences oriented humanism learning, namely character education, agent of change, the best process, the best teacher, active learning, applied learning, mangement control, and multiple intelligences systems (MIS). In particular the implementation of multiple intelligences-oriented humanism learning in MIM PK Kartasura namely alpha zone, apperception in the form of scene setting or warmer, applied learning, active learning, MIA (multiple intelligences approach), and authentic assessment

    Photocatalytic production of bisabolene from green microalgae mutant: process analysis and kinetic modeling

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    Currently, algal fuel research has commenced to shift toward genetically engineered mutants able to express and excrete desired products directly into the culture. In this study, a mutant strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, engineered for bisabolene (alternative biodiesel) excretion, was cultivated at different illumination and temperatures to investigate their effects on cell growth and bisabolene production. Moreover, a kinetic model was constructed to identify the desirable conditions for biofuel synthesis. Three original contributions were concluded. First, this work confirmed that bisabolene was partially synthesized independently of biomass growth, indicating its feasibility for continuous production. Second, it was found that while bisabolene synthesis was independent of light intensity, it was strongly affected by temperature, resulting in conflicting desirable conditions for cell growth and product synthesis. Finally, through model prediction, optimal operating conditions were identified for mutant growth and bisabolene synthesis. This study therefore paves the way toward chemostat production and process scale-up

    Formation energy of vacancies in FeCr alloys: Dependence on Cr concentration

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    A modified version of the concentration-dependent model (CDM) potential (A. Caro et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 075702) [1] has been developed to study defects in Fe–Cr for different Crconcentrations. A comparison between this new potential and DFT results for a variety of point defect configurations is performed in order to test its reliability for radiation damage studies. The effect of Crconcentration on the vacancyformationenergy in Fe–Cr alloys is analyzed in detail. This study shows a linear dependence of the vacancyformationenergy on Crconcentration for values above 6% of Cr. However, the formationenergy deviates from the linear interpolation in the region below 6% Crconcentration. In order to understand this behavior, the influence of the relative positions between Cr atoms and vacant sites on the vacancyformationenergy has been studied

    Reinforcement Learning for Batch-to-Batch Bioprocess Optimisation

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    Bioprocesses have received great attention from the scientific community as an alternative to fossil-based products by microorganisms-synthesised counterparts. However, bioprocesses are generally operated at unsteady-state conditions and are stochastic from a macro-scale perspective, making their optimisation a challenging task. Furthermore, as biological systems are highly complex, plant-model mismatch is usually present. To address the aforementioned challenges, in this work, we propose a reinforcement learning based online optimisation strategy. We first use reinforcement learning to learn an optimal policy given a preliminary process model. This means that we compute diverse trajectories and feed them into a recurrent neural network, resulting in a policy network which takes the states as input and gives the next optimal control action as output. Through this procedure, we are able to capture the previously believed behaviour of the biosystem. Subsequently, we adopted this network as an initial policy for the “real” system (the plant) and apply a batch-to-batch reinforcement learning strategy to update the network’s accuracy. This is computed by using a more complex process model (representing the real plant) embedded with adequate stochasticity to account for the perturbations in a real dynamic bioprocess. We demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed approach in a case study by computing the optimal policy in a realistic number of batch runs