123 research outputs found

    Revitalisasi Peran Politik Umat: Urgensi Integrasi Islam dan Politik dalam Realitas Bernegara

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    The role of Muslims in politics today was diminishing. Muslims as just being a spectator in the political dynamics associated with the maintenance of state power. Religion and politics seemed to be two entities were no longer allowed to put together, even when using the label of religion in politics was often accused of being a seller sacred teachings in order to achieve a position of power. In fact, religion and politics in Islam were the two entities that could not be separated, since the foundation of the unity of the state was religion and politics into a medium in keeping religion itself. This paper would explain the importance of understanding the plenary about the relation between religion and politics. Understanding of religion should depart from the text of scripture which was then convinced by logical reasoning religious purposes, further supported by the socio-political reality in the state. Finally, the poin from this study stated that the political role of community revitalization step was very urgent to do with how to install, or at least to update again the understanding of Muslims about Islam and political integration in the reality of the state. Thus, the nature of Islam as a religion could be found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Sanksi terhadap Disiplin dan Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) Kabupaten Lombok Barat

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    In an organization, employee discipline is crucial for carrying out work effectively, especially in determining the direction and goals of the organization. The purpose of this research is to directly examine the influence of sanctions on work motivation, the influence of work motivation on employee discipline, the influence of sanctions on work discipline, and the influence of sanctions on employee discipline in the Regional Government Agencies (OPD) in West Lombok Regency through work motivation. The research method used is quantitative research with a population of 712 civil servant employees from 10 OPD in West Lombok Regency, and a sample size of 100 civil servant employees using the Slovin formula and purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used is Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The research results show significant direct effects between the imposition of sanctions and work motivation, work motivation and employee discipline, the imposition of sanctions and work discipline, and the imposition of sanctions on employee discipline in the OPD in West Lombok Regency through work motivation


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    PEMANGSA NURANI POLITIK: Esai-Esai Tentang Kegelisahan dan Problematika Umat

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    Problematika Kebebasan Beragama (Megurai benang Kusut toleransi antarumat Beragama di Indonesia)

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    Terjadinya penyimpangan dan kreasi baru terhadap pemahaman keagamaan merupakan fakta yang perlu untuk dinegosiasikan. Paling tidak, mencari kesepahaman dalam menerjemahkan nilai-nilai universal agama, tanpa harus menganggap atau meyakini bahwa semua agama adalah sama. Karena mencari titik temu kesamaan ajaran pokoknya, tidaklah mungkin, mengingat setiap agama memiliki sebuah konsep yang terekam dalam setiap kitab suci, dan dalam kitab suci itulah tersimpan kepribadian agama. Persolan kebebasan beragama dalam Islam bahkan tidak sebatas membiarkan seorang manusia memilih terhadap suatu agama, namun lebih dari itu, memberi kebebasan kepada pemeluk setiap agama untuk melaksanakan ritual ajaran agamanya. Dalam konsep Islam, perbedaan ‘syariah’ setiap umat merupakan suatu dimensi yang menyimpan karakteristik dakwah setiap nabi yang boleh jadi lebih akulturatif dengan kondisi zamannya. Namun, semua perbedaan syariah itu berhulu dari satu kesepakatan yang mengesakan Tuhan

    Dinamika Model Pemerintahan dalam Masyarakat Melayu Islam Jambi: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Bungo

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    Before the establishment of Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), this archipelago has been lived by variety of traditional governance models that remain autonomous in its homeland, generally recognized as the smallest administrative units. The autonomy of the local government then crippled by the New Order Government policy with the issuance of the enacment No. 5 of 1979 called “Pemerintahan Desa”. Through this enacment, the smallest model of governments homonized into “Desa”. The Province of Jambi is one of the areas affected by the enactment No. 5 of 1979 about “Desa”. Previously, people in Jambi has a traditional governance model in some regions called Dusun. This traditional form of government then turned into the village after 1979. This paper discusses the dynamics of the smallest unit in Jambi administration with case studies in Bungo District. The discussion begins with a description of traditional governance model that exist in Jambi and amendment after 1979. The opportunities of applying traditional governance models back in the era of regional autonomy with the release of a case study Bungo Government Regulation No. 9 of 2007 on the Village Head being mention Rio, Village or Desa Being Dusun, Hamlet Being Kampung will also be discussed at the end of this paper. Formally, the birth of this regulation affect the reinforcement of the traditional Malay Jambi, among others in the form of leadership, conflict management and strengthening of indigenous socialization

    The Conflicts of the Orang Rimba and the Jambi Malay Community: Reality and Resolutions

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    Since the New Order, the lands and forests of the Orang Rimba have been used as locations for the transmigration program and HPH and HP-HTI projects, resulting in the livelihoods of the Orang Rimba being destroyed and triggering conflicts. This paper discusses the recurring and endless conflicts between the Orang Rimba and the Jambi Malay community. The enmity is the impact of deforestation and the transmigration program. The values of the Orang Rimba’s customary law and their religious beliefs have been eroded, forcing them to claim lands and forests as well as their products being for all. From this problem, it is believed that to obtain in-depth data, the main sources of this article are from field observations, intensive interviews, published journals, previous research reports, and print and online media reports relating to the conflicts involving the Orang Rimba. Keywords: Orang Rimba; conflicts; lands and forest

    Mengagamakan Politik: Esai-esai Kearifan Berpolitik

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    Implementasi Social Services oleh Pendidikan Tinggi Islam: Studi Kasus IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

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    The main issue to be explored in this article is how unsignificant a higher education in performing social services activities. The locus of this study is IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Barriers that occur when conducting social services activities including conceptual and methodological obstacles when implementing community service programs in the field. Conceptually, social services programs simply translated into college students social field work, while the methodology of field work does not bring any new creativity or innovation. Communities demand that the Islamic university to give social services with concrete actions such as guidance for religious teachers, guidance in the management and implementation of zakat and management of mosque, as well as technical assistance in carrying out socio-economic activities. Keywords: pengabdian masyarakat, IAIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin, pelayanan sosial