48 research outputs found

    Kepemilikan Perencanaan Keuangan Hari Tua Pada Pekerja Kota Bogor

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    . This study aims to analyze the influence of attitude toward behavior,subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on Bogor‟s employee. This study isaims too to analyze the demography characteristic of Bogor‟s employee who haveretirement planning. This study was conducted on 97 Bogor‟s employee and wasconducted in August until October 2016. The results of logistic regression showed thatthe indicators of subjective norms and perceived behavioral control have positive effecton financial retirement planning to Bogor‟s employee. Research also showed thatownership of financial retirement planning tend to be owned by the city of Bogor‟semployee who have more than one number of dependents, aged over 30 years old,married, and earning over nine million per month

    Effect of Synbiotics Supplementation in Feed on Tegal Male Duck\u27s Internal Organs

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    The aim of this research was to review the application of synbiotics in duck feed towards its gastrointestinal and internal organs\u27 effectivity. The study was carried out to 60 two-months old drake. The feed given to the research subjects consisted of soybean meal, fishmeal, methionine, lysine (PT. CJeil Jedang Tbk. Indonesia), corn, bran, oil, premix, CaCO3 and synbiotics (Lactobacillus sp. and inulin prebiotics). The ratio of feed was based on isoprotein and isocalorie, with 19% of protein and 2900 kcal/kg of metabolic energy. The research was under a fully randomized in vivo experimental method with 4 treatments and 5 replicates, using 3 drakes each. These treatments were R0: controlled feed, with 0% of synbiotics; R1: feed with 2% of synbiotics; R2: feed with 4% of synbiotics; and R3: feed with 6% of synbiotics. Data obtained were subject to analysis of variance. The results show that the use of synbiotics in feed does not have any significance on the weight and length of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. It also does not have any significance on the weight of gall, pancreas, gizzard, liver and heart. In conclusion, feed with 6% or less of synbiotics can be used without affecting the physical condition of gastrointestinal (weight and length) and internal organ (weight

    Blood Protein Profile of Sentul Chicken with Lactic Acid as an Acidifier in Rations Containing Probiotics

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    The study aimed to evaluate the use of lactic acid as an acidifier in ration containing probiotics on blood protein profile of Sentul chicken. Sixty female Sentul chickens aged 6 months were reared for two months in a 20-unit battery cage and subjected to a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and five replicates, with 3 females each for each unit. The treatments were R0 : Basal ration (BS); R1 : BS + 0.5% lactic acid; R2 : BS + 1.0% lactic acid; and R3 : BS + 1.5% lactic acid. Data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using an IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 22. The result showed that lactic acid as an acidifier in rations containing probiotics on blood protein profile of Sentul chicken did not significantly (P>0,05) affected the blood protein profile (uric acid, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen) of Sentul chicken. The average of uric acid as 5.6±1.86 mg/dl; creatinine 1.07±0.40 mg/dl and blood urea nitrogen 4.31±1.08 mg/dl. The conclusion was that the use of up to 1.5% lactic acid as an acidifier in feed created similar results in uric acid, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen. Keywords: Sentul chicken, blood protein, acidifie

    Blood Fat Profile of Sentul Chicken with Lactic Acid as an Acidifier in Rations Containing Probiotics

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    The study aimed to evaluate the use of lactic acid as an acidifier in rations containing probiotics on blood fat profile of sentul chicken. Sixty female Sentul chickens aged 6 months were reared for two months in a 20-unit battery cage and subjected to a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and five replicates, with 3 females for each unit. The treatments were R0 : Probiotic basal rations (BS); R1 : BS + 0.5% lactic acid; R2 : BS + 1.0% lactic acid; and R3 : BS + 1.5% lactic acid. Data were analyzed by Analisis of Variance (ANOVA) using an IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 22. The result showed that lactic acid as an acidifier in rations containing probiotics did not significantly (P>0,05) affected blood fat profile (cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides) of Sentul chicken. The average cholesterol levels were 112.77±26.55 mg/dl; HDL 40.73±9.53 mg/dl; LDL 41.32±24.39 mg/dl; and triglycerides 153.57±46.38 mg/dl. The conclusion was that the use of up to 1.5% lactic acid as an acidifier in feed created similar results in cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides. Keywords: Sentul chicken, blood fat, acidifie

    Kemampuan Representasi Matematis Luas dan Keliling Lingkaran Berdasarkan Teori Bruner di SMPN 9 Pontianak

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    This study is aimed to determine the ability and factors that caused the mathematical representation according to students' competence level in solving problems of area and perimeter of a circle. The method used was descriptive research in case study design. The subjects of research were students of grade VIIIA of SMPN 9 Pontianak. The results showed that the factors that caused low capacity of representation as follows: (1) Student who had a high competency level in enactive representation is caused by low of reasoning; the iconic representation is caused by difficulties in connection, while the symbolic representation is caused by a low conceptual understanding. (2) Student who had an intermediate competency level in enactive representation is caused by low of reasoning; the iconic representation is caused by low of reasoning, while the symbolic representation is caused by a low conceptual understanding. (3) Student who had a low competency level in enactive representation is caused by procedural disfluencies, the iconic representation is caused by the misconceptions, while the symbolic representation due to weak memory

    Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah pada Materi Segitiga di SMP

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    : This research aims to describe the student\u27s ability to think creatively to solve problems on the triangle subject in SMP Negeri 6 Sambas. The method used is descriptive. The subjects were students of grade IX. Subject is determined based on the value of report cards and consideration from math teachers amounted to 6 students. Data collection tools used is a test and interview guides. The results showed the ability to think creatively in grade IX students achieved 3rd level (creative) which can be achieved by students with high level ability. Students with medium level ability is in the 3rd level of creatif thinking (creative) and 1st (less creative), while students with low level ability are at the level of creative thinking 0 (not creative)

    Effects of Slow Release Urea Supplementation of Sheep Protein Source Feed Protected with Condensed Tannin From Leucaena on Protein Degradation in Rumen and Post-rumen in Vitro

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    The objectives of the research were to supply nitrogen for protein synthesis of ruminal microbe from slow release urea and to supply post-rumen protein from soybean meal protected with condensed tannin (CT) from crude Leucaena leaves extract. In Experiment 1, slow release urea (SRU) was made by extrusion of cassava waste-urea, tapioca meal-urea and cassava meal-urea. Evaluation of SRU properties was based on residual nitrogen concentration and ruminal fermentation products (total volatile fatty acid and ammonia-nitrogen) in vitro. In Experiment 2, soybean meal protected with CT from crude Leucaena leaves extract as much as 1,68 g tannin/100 g DM soybean meal. SRU that was selected from Experiment 1 was used as the supplement in sheep ration whose protein source was protected with CT. SRU supplement in basal rations was 0, 6.36, 12.75, 19.11% DM. In vitro result in Experiment 1, showed that SRU of cassava waste, tapioca meal and cassava meal were different (P<0,01) on residual nitrogen content, total VFA, ammonia-N, and fermentation time. The optimum SRU obtained from cassava waste by inhibiting nitrogen hydrolysis up to 14 h. In Experiment 2, SRU supplementation of cassava waste on basal ration whose protein source was protected with CT increased dry matter (DM) degradability (P<0,01), total VFA (P<0,01), ammonia-N (P<0,01), and did not affect crude protein (CP) ruminal degradation. Post-ruminal degradability of DM and CP increased (P<0.01) in line with the increasing supplement, and reached the optimum level at 12,75 – 19,11% DM. In conclusion, cassava waste was a potent SRU through extrusion process and could be harnessed as SRU supplement in ration with protein source protected with condensed tannin to improve ruminal microbe protein synthesis

    Kesulitan Koneksi Matematis Siswa dalam Penyelesaian Soal pada Materi Lingkaran di SMP

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    : This research is titled "connection difficulties in students mathematical problem-solving on a circle in the SMP material". The purpose of this research is to examine difficulties or give a description of the mathematical connections and the factors that cause difficulties in the completion of students mathematical connections about the material in class VIII circle SMP Negeri 2 Sungai Raya. This research uses a descriptive case study form. Subjects were six (6) A person eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Sungai Raya who have difficulty in solving the circle material. The result analysis of data show that the 6 (six) students who studied mathematical connection trouble caused by: (1) low ability of ability representation, (2) low ability of reasoning ability, (3) low ability of problem solving abilities, (4) low ability of launch procedures; (5) low ability of conceptual understanding, and (6) weak memor

    Effects of Slow Release Urea Supplementation of Sheep Protein Source Feed Protected with Condensed Tannin From Leucaena on Protein Degradation in Rumen and Post-rumen in Vitro

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    The objectives of the research were to supply nitrogen for protein synthesis of ruminal microbe from slow release urea and to supply post-rumen protein from soybean meal protected with condensed tannin (CT) from crude Leucaena leaves extract. In Experiment 1, slow release urea (SRU) was made by extrusion of cassava waste-urea, tapioca meal-urea and cassava meal-urea. Evaluation of SRU properties was based on residual nitrogen concentration and ruminal fermentation products (total volatile fatty acid and ammonia-nitrogen) in vitro. In Experiment 2, soybean meal protected with CT from crude Leucaena leaves extract as much as 1,68 g tannin/100 g DM soybean meal. SRU that was selected from Experiment 1 was used as the supplement in sheep ration whose protein source was protected with CT. SRU supplement in basal rations was 0, 6.36, 12.75, 19.11% DM. In vitro result in Experiment 1, showed that SRU of cassava waste, tapioca meal and cassava meal were different (P<0,01) on residual nitrogen content, total VFA, ammonia-N, and fermentation time. The optimum SRU obtained from cassava waste by inhibiting nitrogen hydrolysis up to 14 h. In Experiment 2, SRU supplementation of cassava waste on basal ration whose protein source was protected with CT increased dry matter (DM) degradability (P<0,01), total VFA (P<0,01), ammonia-N (P<0,01), and did not affect crude protein (CP) ruminal degradation. Post-ruminal degradability of DM and CP increased (P<0.01) in line with the increasing supplement, and reached the optimum level at 12,75 – 19,11% DM. In conclusion, cassava waste was a potent SRU through extrusion process and could be harnessed as SRU supplement in ration with protein source protected with condensed tannin to improve ruminal microbe protein synthesis

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Training Within Industry (Twi) dan Pengalaman Praktik Kerja Industri terhadap Motivasi Serta Kesiapan Kerja Bidang Teknik Bubut Siswa Smk Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan Se-kabupaten Gresik

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    This of research aims to assess the empirical findings on the effect of the learning model Trainin Within Industry (TWI), industrial practices work experience, and motivation to work readiness mechanical turning vocational students skills competency mechanical machining in Gresik. Ex post facto cross-sectional research using a non-experimental design. Subjects study involved 214 students mechanical machining in 4 SMK located in gresik. data obtained by the questioner, and then analyzed by path analysis. The results of this research indicate that: (1) there are significant effect simultaneously between learning model TWI and Prakerin on the motivation of sign the world of work, (2) there are significant effect simultaneously between models TWI, Prakerin, and motivation of sign the world of work on the work readiness mechanical turning vocational students skills competency mechanical machining in Gresik.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji temuan empirik tentang pengaruh model pembelajaran Trainin Within Industry (TWI), pengalaman praktik kerja industri, dan motivasi terhadap kesiapan kerja bidang bubut siswa SMK kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Mesin se-Kabupaten Gresik. Penelitian crossectional ex post facto ini menggunakan desain non-experimen. Subjek penelitian 214 siswa Teknik Pemesinan di 4 SMK yang berada di kabupaten Gresik. Data diperoleh dengan quesioner, kemudian dianalisis dengan path analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat pengaruh secara simultan antara model pembelajaran TWI dan Prakerin terhadap motivasi masuk dunia kerja, (2) terdapat pengaruh secara simultan antara model TWI, Prakerin, dan motivasi masuk dunia kerja terhadap kesiapan kerja bidang bubut siswa SMK Teknik Pemesinan se-Kabupaten Gresik