69 research outputs found

    Strategi Perlunasan Pasar Function Room pda BTC Fashion Mall Bandung

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    Target pasar merupakan tujuan utama dari suatu kegiatan komersial suatu perusahaan karena tanpa adanya target pasar, perusahaan kehilangan arah dalam menawarkan dan menjual produk. Perusaahaan menentukan target pasar pada awal pembentukan perusahaan sebelum menjual produk komoditi. Salah satu perusahaan di kota Bandung yang sudah menentukan target pasar sejak awal adalah BTC Fashion Mall. BTC Fashion Mall merupakan salah satu pusat perbelanjaan tertua dan terlengkap di kota Bandung khususnya dibidang fashion. Pada kesempatan kali ini penulis melakukan Praktek Kerja Lapangan dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi strategi pengembangan atau perluasan pasar yang digunakan oleh tim pemasaran function room BTC Fashion Mall. Agar dapat menentukan strategi perluasan target pasar yang digunakan, perlu menelaah kegiatan sales call dan juga kondisi produk yang ditawarkan pada BTC Fashion Mall. Hasil Praktek Kerja Lapangan ini untuk rekomendasi Manajemen Penjualan pada waktu sales call dan juga strategi pengembangan pasar dapat digunakan oleh BTC Fashion Mall meningkatkan okupansi dan pendapata

    Perancangan Fotografi Fashion Kontemporer Dengan Tema Tokoh-Tokoh Dalam Cerita Rakyat Indonesia

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    Indonesia memiliki ragam budaya yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, salah satunya adalah cerita rakyat. Pada umumnya, cerita rakyat menceritakan asal-usul suatu masyarakat di suatu daerah beserta nilai-nilai budaya yang dianut. Cerita rakyat memiliki unsur-unsur penting di dalamnya seperti tokoh dan watak. Dengan memahami kedua unsur tersebut, dapat menjadikannya sebagai teladan karena sebagian besar tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita rakyat merupakan refleksi dari realitas kehidupan sehari-hari. Akan tetapi, kalangan generasi muda di Indonesia kurang menyenangi tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita rakyat Indonesia karena dianggap kurang relevan dengan perkembangan zaman. Faktanya, kalangan generasi muda di Indonesia lebih menyukai tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita dongeng luar negeri karena memiliki tampilan yang lebih menarik. Oleh sebab itu, salah satu media yang menarik dan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman yang dapat digunakan untuk mengapresiasi sekaligus mempopulerkan kembali tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita rakyat Indonesia adalah fotografi fashion


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    Tax is source of funding in the country, which are crucial in Indonesia. Tax System in Indonesia using the self-assessment system requires taxpayers to calculate, pay, and report himself to the KPP. This system requires taxpayers independence that can affect the level of tax compliance. There are several factors that affect tax compliance, ie the understanding of tax laws, taxpayer awareness and perception of tax penalties. These variables are used as in previous studies tended to correspond to individual tax-payers. Therefore, this study examined the influence of understanding tax laws, taxpayer awareness and perceptions of sanctions levied on individual tax compliance. This study used a questionnaire as tool of collecting data. Object of this study is a taxpayer conducting trading business in Maspion Square Surabaya. A total of 66 questionnaires that have been distributed, and only 54 questionnaires that can be pro-cessed and carried out the research. The results of this study are jointly variable understanding of tax laws, taxpayer awareness and perceptions of sanctions taxes affect individual tax compliance, but based on the T-test statistic that understanding the tax laws resulting positive effect on tax compliance of taxpayers and consciousness person and perceptions of tax penalties is not a positive influence on individual tax compliance

    The Impact of Brand Awareness and Country of Origin on Purchase Intention with Mediation of Self Congruity on Chinese Brand Automotive Products Wuling

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship of Brand Awareness and Country of Origin by using Self Congruity as mediation for Purchase Intention. This causal study used a questionnaire-based survey as a data collection method, and 200 questionnaires have been distributed to sample respondents of this study. The selection of this research sample used a purposive sampling technique with criteria determined by the researcher. Data analysis used the Partial Least Square (PLS) technique. The results showed that from five hypotheses, three hypotheses were supported, and two hypotheses were rejected. Also, this study shows that Self Congruity as the most influential variables affecting respondents Purchase Intention toward Wuling ca

    Functionalized large pore mesoporous silica nanoparticles for gene delivery featuring controlled release and co-delivery

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    Novel mesoporous silica nanoparticles (LPMSNs) functionalised with degradable poly(2-dimethylaminoethyl acrylate) (PDMAEA) have been developed (PDMAEA–LPMSNs) as nano-carriers for gene delivery. The unique design of PDMAEA–LPMSNs has endowed this system with multiple functions derived from both the organic and inorganic moieties. The cationic polymer unit binds to genetic molecules and undergoes a self-catalyzed hydrolysis in water to form a non-toxic anionic polymer poly(acrylic acid), allowing controlled release of siRNA in the cells. The nanopores of the LPMSNs provide a reservoir for storage and release of chloroquine to facilitate endosomal escape. The PDMAEA–LPMSN composites were characterized by elemental analysis (EA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), solid-state 13C magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS-NMR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and nitrogen sorption techniques. Their siRNA delivery performance was tested in a KHOS cell line, showing promising potential for co-delivery of genes and drugs

    Hasil Wawancara Manager Collection PT Pakuwon Jati

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    Video ini berisi tentang pendeskripsian manajer seperti : profil manajer , manajer itu punya hubungan seperti apa , deskripsi manajernya apa , bagaimana pengalaman kerja selama jadi manajer itu apa serta punya relationship oleh siapa kemudian pendekatan apa yang digunakan & Video ini berisi wawancara kepada manager . Profil manajer yang bernama Valentine Rainy yang bekerja di PT Pakuwon Jati yang menjabat sebagai manajer collection bagian commercial mall yang posisinya tempat piutang. Kemudian deskripsi pekerjaan yang ia tempati sekarang yaitu lebih ke memanage untuk tempat piutang di Pakuwon Jati di Mall Tunjungan Plaza , lalu tiap bulannya ia harus lapor untuk account receivable ke atasannya agar piutang tersebut agar tidak menjadi banyak . Lalu , tingkatan manajernya setara dengan GM lalu hubungan dengan bawahan dan Stakeholder lebih kearah sistem sosial karena ia bekerja sama dengan rekan rekannya. Serta yang paling diprioritaskan oleh middle perusahaannya yaitu saling melengkapi satu sama lain layaknya GM pastinya butuh laporan

    PRMT1-dependent regulation of RNA metabolism and DNA damage response sustains pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is an aggressive cancer that has remained clinically challenging to manage. Here we employ an RNAi-based in vivo functional genomics platform to determine epigenetic vulnerabilities across a panel of patient-derived PDAC models. Through this, we identify protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) as a critical dependency required for PDAC maintenance. Genetic and pharmacological studies validate the role of PRMT1 in maintaining PDAC growth. Mechanistically, using proteomic and transcriptomic analyses, we demonstrate that global inhibition of asymmetric arginine methylation impairs RNA metabolism, which includes RNA splicing, alternative polyadenylation, and transcription termination. This triggers a robust downregulation of multiple pathways involved in the DNA damage response, thereby promoting genomic instability and inhibiting tumor growth. Taken together, our data support PRMT1 as a compelling target in PDAC and informs a mechanism-based translational strategy for future therapeutic development. Statement of significance PDAC is a highly lethal cancer with limited therapeutic options. This study identified and characterized PRMT1-dependent regulation of RNA metabolism and coordination of key cellular processes required for PDAC tumor growth, defining a mechanism-based translational hypothesis for PRMT1 inhibitors
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