13 research outputs found

    Sistem Perancangan Audio Smart Room Menggunakan Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 Berbasis TCP/IP

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    Telah berhasil membuat Sistem Perancangan Audio Smart Room Menggunakan Arduino Ethernet Shiel R3 Berbasis Jaringan TCP/IP. Arduino Ethernet shield R3 digunakan sebagai perangkat untuk menghubungkan sistem dengan komputer berbasis TCP/IP, tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini agar sistem informasi ruangan-ruangan di instansi terkait bisa menggunakan sistem tcp/ip agar efektif dan efisien ketika menggunakan sistem tersebut, untuk membuat sistem tersebut peneliti merancang sesuai dengan alur penelitian yang peneliti lakukan yaitu analisis, desain, implementasi, pengujian, dibuatnya sistem berbasis tcp/ip agar sistem bisa termanage dan terkontrol dalam penggunaannya, fungsi TCP/IP adalah sebagai pengalamatan untuk perangkat agar bisa saling berkomunikasi satu sama lain, Sedangkan komputer berfungsi untuk mengakses sistem yang dirancang, sehingga dari komputer bisa memanage kemana informasi akan disebarkan, pada sistem ini peneliti membuat database sistem, fungsi dari database sistem untuk penyimpanan file dari hasil rekam suara yang kemudian akan tersimpan pada database sistem tersebut, sehingga ketika hasil rekam suara sudah tersimpan pada database tinggal dilakukan penyebaran informasi ke ruangan-ruangan yang telah ditentukan, manfaat dari sistem yang telah peneliti buat adalah dalam peneyebaran informasi ke ruangan-ruangan sangat efektif dan efisien, sistem lebih terkontrol dan termanage kemana informasi suara akan digunakan dan informasi yang disebarkan oleh sistem sesuai kepada yang membutuhka


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    Evaluasi Program Pelayanan Kesehatan Lanjut Usia di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pusako Kabupaten Siak

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    One of the successful efforts to improve the social welfare of the elderly is to improve the standard of living and Life Expectancy (UHH). In Siak Regency, the coverage of the elderly who have just received health services at community health centers in 2020 is around 3.7% (100% target). It aims to identify problems, prioritize problems, determine alternative solutions to problems, and create an Intervention Plan (Plan of Action) in accordance with alternative problem-solving related to the Evaluation of Elderly Programs at the Pusako Community Health Center. This research used qualitative methods, using document tracing data sources, direct observations, and field observations in the elderly unit. The informants are the Head of the Center for Public Health, the Head of Administration, the Elderly Program Holder, and employees in the elderly unit. It was found that there was no evaluation of the elderly program. So that the recording and reporting carried out are not in accordance with the achievements. The recommendation is that it is expected that the Head of the Center for Public Health needs to audit the documents and evaluate the recording and reporting of the elderly program in a comprehensive manner.Salah satu upaya keberhasilan meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial Lanjut usia adalah peningkatan taraf hidup dan Umur Harapan Hidup (UHH). Di Kabupaten Siak, cakupan usia lanjut yang baru mendapat pelayanan kesehatan di puskesmas tahun 2020 adalah sekitar 3,7% (target 100%). Bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan, memprioritas masalah, menentukan alternatif pemecahan masalah, dan membuat Rencana Intervensi (Plan of Action) sesuai dengan Alternatif pemecahan masalah terkait Evaluasi Program Lanjut Usia di Puskesmas Pusako. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode kualitatif, dengan sumber data telusur dokumen, pengamatan langsung dan observasi lapangan di unit lanjut usia. Informannya adalah Kepala Puskesmas, Kepala Tata Usaha, Pemegang Program Lansia dan pegawai di unit lansia. Didapatkan bahwa belum adanya evaluasi program lansia. Sehingga pencatatan dan pelaporan yang dilaksanakan tidak sesuai dengan capaian. Rekomendasinya adalah diharapkan Kepala Puskesmas perlu audit dokumen dan evaluasi pencatatan dan pelaporan program lansia secara komprehensif

    Visual Heatmap Analysis of Happy Meal Advertise on Citra Pariwara 2022 Award using InstantEye Tracker

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    Understanding how the audience perceived the message in the media is still an interesting discussion. It can study how to communicate the idea and how the message perceived may change all the time, and how to analyze it. Involving technologies in analyzing processes can make valuable input for communication media artists. The objective of this research is to analyze one of awarded advertise creations by mapping the audience’s visual heatmap using InstantEye Tracker. The existence of eye-tracker technology makes it possible to obtain more objective information about how a visual communication design works, such as an advertisement received by someone. With 31 participants consisting of 14 men and 16 women, this study shows clear differences regarding the heat areas between men and women when receiving information on happy meal advertisements. Although, in general, the heat center is in the middle of the media, men tend to focus on the top left and the center. Meanwhile, women focus on the center and move randomly in the four quadrants of the image area. It relates to how the organization and composition of visual elements through design principles in visual communication design works that are appropriate to be captured by the audience


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    This study was aimed at exploring vocational school students’ perceptions of their digital reading during the pandemic and their utilization of various digital media. The participants were eight students from three public vocational schools in Semarang, Central Java. This study adopted a qualitative descriptive method to explore vocational students’ perceptions of digital reading in times of COVID-19 pandemic. Data were gathered through an online semi-structured interview, in which the recording was transcribed and analyzed from the lens of multimodality. The study revealed that during the pandemic, vocational school students reported their difficulties in reading vocational materials in digital files, especially in the portable document format (pdf). The major influencing factors were the rigidity of learning materials in the pdf, the lack of peer interactions after digital reading, and the teachers’ pedagogical moves that might obstruct the development of digital reading skills. In contrast, this study reported that students utilized a plethora of digital media, websites, and applications, including Tiktok, Instagram, Wattpad, and Webtoon to read a wide variety of topics that capture their interests, from social, politics, economics, and romance. This study underlines the importance of enhancing student skills in digital reading in vocational subjects by utilizing various digital media


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    Cooperatives are one ideological concept of Indonesian economy and stated firmly in constitutional of Republik Indonesia. The growth of cooperatives in Indonesia has complex problems so they are pushed by capitalism power from private companies. Whereas, cooperatives were built as economical blocks in mediating Indonesian people to be more welfare economically. Data from Cooperatives Department, there are significant growth of cooperatives from 2006 to 2010, the active cooperatives are 98.944 up to 124.855. Meanwhile, the unactive cooperatives are 42.382 (2006) to 52.627 (2010, in total amount of 177.482 in 2010. The cooperatives growth is interesting to be research in the future to identify wealth of cooperatives and which area has the most rapid growing of cooperatives


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    Digital photography has recently developed rapidly. Apart from the development of film media to digital, digital itself develops significantly, especially in media aspect which a camera nowadays is not only used for taking pictures, but also can be implanted in other media, for instance smartphones or tablets. It is very common that mobiles have built-in cameras. The quality of image offered is getting better. The development of smartphone technology has reached to a certain capability to run an operational system as it is in computer media so that there are a lot of softwares or applications created. One of them is an application for photo editing. Photo editing applications in smartphones are created because of the development of applications in social media which is rapidly developed in mobile media. Social media has recently been a need for city people, in the fast and modern society. Social media is a media for interaction. One form of the interactions is photography which many applications in social media offering sharing photos fast and easily so that city people can update any or all activities or through photos which are uploaded in social media. Photo editing applications in smartphones eventually become the most downloaded applications. Therefore, people have more options to try or use various photo editing applications offering instant photo editing to suit their wish


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    Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis budiaya jamur  yang berada di desa  labuhan kecamatan labuhan badas. Metode pengambilan sempel ini di lakukan secara (Sensus). Adapun analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis pendapatan yang didapat dari pengurangan nilai penerimaan dan total biaya yang dikeluarkan. Dari hasil pada budidaya jamur tiram di Desa Labuan Kecamatan Labuhan Badas Kabupaten Sumbawa maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Pendapatan usaha budidaya jamur tiram UD Tani Porjan Desa Labuhan  Sumbawa Kecamatan Labuhan Badas adalah pendapatan yang positif, dengan kapasitas produksi sebanyak 500 baglog/418baglog dengan masa produksi 4 bulan dapat menghasilkan dengan harga jamur tiram putih saat ini Rp 6.700, maka diperoleh penerimaan sebesar Rp 11,390,000 per 4 bulan.Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis budiaya jamur  yang berada di desa  labuhan kecamatan labuhan badas. Metode pengambilan sempel ini di lakukan secara (Sensus). Adapun analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis pendapatan yang didapat dari pengurangan nilai penerimaan dan total biaya yang dikeluarkan. Dari hasil pada budidaya jamur tiram di Desa Labuan Kecamatan Labuhan Badas Kabupaten Sumbawa maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Pendapatan usaha budidaya jamur tiram UD Tani Porjan Desa Labuhan  Sumbawa Kecamatan Labuhan Badas adalah pendapatan yang positif, dengan kapasitas produksi sebanyak 500 baglog/418baglog dengan masa produksi 4 bulan dapat menghasilkan dengan harga jamur tiram putih saat ini Rp 6.700, maka diperoleh penerimaan sebesar Rp 11,390,000 per 4 bulan


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    Thẹapurposẹ of thisastudy was to dẹtẹrminẹ thẹ ẹffẹct of pricẹ, promotion and product quality on book purchaseadẹcisions at Showroom PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta. This study usẹs survẹy dẹsign. Thẹapopulation of thisarẹsẹarch is allaconsumẹrs of PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta. Thẹ sampling tẹchniquẹ in thẹ study usẹd purposivẹasampling soathat thẹ numbẹraof samplẹsatakẹn in thisastudy wẹrẹ 100 rẹspondẹnts. Dataacollẹction tẹchniquẹsausẹd in thisastudy wẹrẹaquẹstionnairẹs, obsẹrvationaandadocumẹntation. Dataaanalysis was pẹrformẹd usingamultiplẹ linẹararẹgrẹssion. Thẹarẹsults showẹdathat thẹ pricẹ, promotionaand quality of products simultanẹouslyahad a significantaẹffẹct on sufficiẹnt purchasing dẹcisions at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta. Basẹd on thẹ rẹsultsaof thẹat tẹst, thẹaproduct hasaa positivẹaand significantaẹffẹct on thẹ pricẹ ofapurchasing dẹcisionsaand has a positivẹaand significantaẹffẹct on purchasingaadẹcisions in thẹ book at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta, this is bẹcausẹ consumẹrs can fẹẹl thẹ bẹnẹfits of thẹ products thẹy havẹ bought and consumẹrs will bẹ satisfiẹd if thẹ bẹnẹfits thẹy gẹt arẹ comparablẹ or ẹvẹn highẹr than thẹ nominal monẹy thẹy spẹnd. Promotionahas a positivẹaand significantaẹffẹct onapurchasing dẹcisionsain books at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta, thisais bẹcausẹapromotion is onẹaof thẹ importantaaspẹcts inamarkẹting managẹmẹntabẹcausẹ promotionacan makẹ consumẹrsawho arẹ not initiallyaintẹrẹstẹd in a productachangẹ thẹir mindsaand bẹcomẹaintẹrẹstẹd in thẹaproduct. Product qualityahas a positivẹaand significant ẹffẹct on purchasing dẹcisions in books at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta, thisais duẹ to thẹ conditionaof customẹrs whoaarẹ incrẹasingly critical in tẹrms of quality alsoaforcing companiẹsato bẹ ablẹ to maintainaand improvẹ thẹaquality of thẹir products in ordẹr to avoidaclaims or dissatisfaction with thẹ company's customẹrs in ordẹr to compẹtẹ with othẹr similar companiẹs. Variation in purchasing dẹcisions in books at PT. Tiga Sẹrangkai Surakarta can bẹ ẹxplainẹdaby changẹsain pricẹ, promotion and product quality by 46.0%, whilẹathẹarẹmaining 54.0% is ẹxplainẹdaby othẹrafactors notaobsẹrvẹd, such as imagẹs, brands, and so on. Kẹywords: pricẹ, promotion, product quality, purchasing dẹcision

    Visual Heatmap Analysis of Happy Meal Advertise on Citra Pariwara 2022 Award using InstantEye Tracker

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    Understanding how the audience perceived the message in the media is still an interesting discussion. It can study how to communicate the idea and how the message perceived may change all the time, and how to analyze it. Involving technologies in analyzing processes can make valuable input for communication media artists. The objective of this research is to analyze one of awarded advertise creations by mapping the audience’s visual heatmap using InstantEye Tracker. The existence of eye-tracker technology makes it possible to obtain more objective information about how a visual communication design works, such as an advertisement received by someone. With 31 participants consisting of 14 men and 16 women, this study shows clear differences regarding the heat areas between men and women when receiving information on happy meal advertisements. Although, in general, the heat center is in the middle of the media, men tend to focus on the top left and the center. Meanwhile, women focus on the center and move randomly in the four quadrants of the image area. It relates to how the organization and composition of visual elements through design principles in visual communication design works that are appropriate to be captured by the audience