24 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Realisasi Angaran Kesehatan, Anggaran Pendidikan dan Pariwisata Terhadap Penanggulan Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the realization of the health budget, the realization of the education and tourism budget on poverty in West Java in 2007-2021. This type of research is associative research with a quantitative approach. The analytical method used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed a constant value of -110.441, meaning that if the independent variables were the realization of the health budget, the realization of the education and tourism budget remained unchanged, assuming ceteris patribus then poverty would decrease by 110.441 units. Realization of the health budget has a negative and significant effect on poverty with a coefficient of 1.946. Realization of the education budget has a negative and significant effect on poverty with a coefficient of 1.548. Tourism has a negative and significant effect on poverty with a coefficient of 1.304. The Adjusted R Square result is 0.843 or 84.3 percent, thus the realization of the health budget variable, the realization of the education and tourism budget is able to determine the poverty variable by 84.3 percent. The results of the F test show that the calculated F is -17.150 greater than the F table value with df (0.05;3;11) of 3.587 with a probability value of 0.002. Thus, the realization of the health budget, the realization of the education and tourism budgets have a significant negative effect on poverty together


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    Learning activities are consisted of two types which are active learning activities and passive learning activities. Learning activities are assumed has a connection with learning style. It is known on a condition when students learn economy mathematic with their own characteristic. Furthermore, the aim of this research is to know an impact or influence of visual style, auditory, kinesthetic, and read style of learning toward economy mathematic learning activity. This research involves 167 students. The result of this research shows visual learning style and auditory learning style are not give any influence to the economy mathematic learning activity, meanwhile kinesthetic and read learning style give an impact or influence toward the economy mathematic learning activity. Simultaneously, visual learning, auditory learning, kinesthetic learning, and read learning style have a significant influence toward economy mathematic learning activity. The result of this research can be a reference for the further research. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17977/UM014v12i22019p78

    Increasing the effect of annonacin using nanodiamonds to inhibit breast cancer cells growth in rats (Rattus norvegicus)-Induced breast cancer

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    Background: Annonaceous acetogenins have been reported to have anti-cancer properties but low viability. In this study, we aimed to investigate the potency of nanodiamonds to be employed as a carrier of annonacin to help increase its viability and inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells. Methods: The annonacin was coupled with nanodiamond and characterized using UV-Vis spectrophotometer, FTIR, SEM, and PSA, and determined their stability and drug release. A cell growth inhibition assay and cell migration assay was performed using the breast cancer MCF7 and T747D cell lines, and in vivo analysis was performed in rats (Rattus norvegicus). MCF7 and T747D cells were treated with 12.5 μg/mL annonacin coupled with nanodiamonds for 24 and 48 h and further analyzed by MTT, cell migration, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) assays. Twenty-five female rats were divided into five groups. Breast cancer was induced using two intraperitoneal doses of N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) (50 and 30 mg/kg body weight). Annonacin coupled with nanodiamonds was administered by intraperitoneal injection (17.5 mg/kg body weight) for 5 weeks, one injection per 3 days. Results: Administration of annonacin coupled with nanodiamonds significantly reduced MCF7 cell growth and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. The in vivo study showed that administration of annonacin coupled with nanodiamonds significantly reduced PI3KCA levels and increased p53 expression, reduced cancer antigen-15-3 (CA-15-3) levels in serum, increased caspase-3 expression, reduced Ki-67 levels, and reduced the thickness of the mammary ductal epithelium. Conclusions: Collectively, this study demonstrated the effectiveness of nanodiamonds as a carrier of annonacin to inhibit breast cancer cell growth through inhibition of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway

    Penurunan kadar sianida pada umbi gadung (Dioscorea hispida) dengan proses fermentasi menggunakan kapang Rhizopus Oryzae

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    Umbi gadung merupakan tanaman umbi – umbian yang jumlahnya cukup besar di Indonesia. Hingga saat ini umbi gadung masih belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Umbi gadung memiliki kandungan sianida yang tinggi, sehingga jika dikonsumsi oleh manusia dapat menyebabkan keracunan hingga kematian. Pada penelitian pendahuluan terhadap bahan baku, umbi gadung memiliki kandungan sianida sebesar 424,92 ppm. Maka sianida harus dikurangi dengan melakukan metode fermentasi menggunakan Rhizopus oryzae agar umbi gadung dapat dikonsumsi oleh manusia dan tidak menyebabkan keracunan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh waktu fermentasi dan volume nutrient yaitu 5,7,9 ml dalam proses penurunan kadar sianida dan pengaruh fermentasi terhadap kandungan protein , lemak dan pati pada umbi gadung. Mula-mula umbi umbi gadung dicuci bersih dan dikupas kulitnya terlebih dahulu, kemudian dipotong dengan ukuran (2 cm x 1 cm x 0,5 cm). Setelah itu, potongan umbi gadung disterilisasi dan dimasukkan ke dalam erlenmeyer. Selanjutnya ditambahkan nutrient yang sudah ditambah inokulum Rhizopus oryzae dan difermentasi selama 5 hari. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan penurunan sianida terbaik dengan volume nutrien 9 ml, kandungan sianida setelah fermentasi menjadi 69,48 ppm. Sedangkan untuk kandungan protein naik dari 0,0133 g/g gadung menjadi 0,0263 g/g gadung, lemak naik dari 0,0048 g/g gadung menjadi 0,0133 g/g gadung dan untuk pati turun dari 0,167 g/g gadung menjadi 0,1586 g/g gadun

    Determinan Pembangunan Manusia Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    The background of this research is the inequality of human development in regencies/cities in 2008 to 2012. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the factors influencing of human development as well as the role of local governments and private sectors towards human development in regencies/cities. The method of analysis used is Data Panel Regression with Fixed Effect approach using Eviews 6.0 application. The result of this research show that human development influenced by poverty, Gini index, private investment, open unemployment, economic growth, expenditure of education function and expenditure of health function. Private investment, expenditure of education function and expenditure of health function have a positive significant. Poverty, Gini index, open unemployment and economic growth have a negative significant. The role of local government through expenditure of education function is very large. The role of local government through expenditure of health function has not been too immense. The private sector's role through private investment is quite large

    Perubahan Iklim Dan Dampaknya Pada Indonesia

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    Climate change is real and several sectors in Indonesia are experiencing its impacts so that the government and society should be aware of what is happening. The impacts of changes in rainfall patterns and extreme climate events occur on land and water resources, plants, increasing air temperatures, and rising sea levels and tidal waves. The strategy for dealing with climate change is by using water and climate management technology, rain harvesting technology, ditch dam technology, and irrigation technology and the most important part is building public awareness of climate change. Key Words: Climate Change, Agriculture Sector, Public Awareness, Indonesi

    Ekonomi Kreatif Sebagai Alternatif Prospek Pembangunan Ekonomi di Indonesia

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    The rationale for the emergence of creative industries in developed countries is globalization in the economic sector, thereby increasing the pressure of competition between countries in large-scale conventional industrial sectors such as the manufacturing industry, which has an impact on increasing unemployment rates. In addition, a way is needed to overcome the problem of reducing funds for artistic activities. To overcome these two problems, it is necessary to rebuild large-scale industries. However, in reality it is no longer possible because it is politically unacceptable for large-scale industries to be closely related to environmental pollution and land availability issues. Therefore, light economic activities or weightless economies are developed which can generate large profits but are politically acceptable, such as cafes and theaters which can increase the acquisition of funds for artistic activities. This creative industry and creative economy should be used as an alternative prospect for development in Indonesia. This concept has contributed to several aspects of life, not only from an economic perspective, but can also have a positive impact on other aspects such as enhancing the nation's image and identity, fostering innovation and creativity of the nation's children to use renewable resources. Key Words: Creative Industry, Creative Economic, Economic Development, Indonesi


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    Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) adalah harga patokan bagi kenaikan harga barnag lain sehingga menimbulkan efek pengganda pada makro ekonomi inflasi harga barang dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Hal ini dikarenakan harga bahan bakar minyak merupakan faktor input utama dalam agregat supply pada perekonomian. Pada satu sisi, harga terpaksa dinaikkan agar mencegah kebocoran APBN karena subsidi yang begitu besar. Pada sisi lain, dengan kenaikan harga maka akan terjadi kenaikan harga barang lain yang berdampak bagi masyarakat kecil. Mencermati bahan bakar minyak merupakan salah satu cabang produksi hajat hidup orang banyak, pada UUD 1945 pasal 33 telah mengamanatkan untuk dikelola negara dan dimanfaakan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan metode studi literatur perhitungan subsidi bahan bakar minyak di Indonesia. Adapun perhitungan subsidi BBM sama dengan volume BBM dikalikan harga patokan yang telah dikurangi harga jual eceran (belum termasuk pajak). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu adanya kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang berarti pengurangan subsidi BBM akan berdampak adanya anggaran tambahan untuk pendanaan pembangunan di Indonesia. Tentunya kebijakan harus diikuti oleh beberapa kebijakan lainnya. Berikut saran yang dapat diajukan antara lain harus ada kenaikan pajak signifikan kepada produsen kendaraan dengan bahan bakar BBM diikuti dengan pengendalian dan pemotongan jumlah pembelian mobil baru di Indonesia, melakukan pemberantasan mafia migas, melakukan persiapan kebijakan hilirisasi tambang, melakukan kebijakan daulatan dan ketahanan energi nasional, melakukan percepatan pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan, dan memperbaiki sistem transportasi Indonesia sehingga dapat menekan penggunaan kendaraan pribadi.

    Pengaruh Realisasi Anggaran Kesehatan dan Pendidikan Terhadap Penanggulan Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh realisasi anggaran kesehatan dan realisasi anggaran pendidikan terhadap kemiskinan di Jawa Barat tahun 2010-2021. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai konstanta sebesar 110,441 artinya jika variabel bebas realisasi anggaran kesehatan dan realisasi anggaran pendidikan tetap atau tidak berubah, dengan asumsi cateris patribus maka kemiskinan akan meningkat 110,441 satuan. Realisasi anggaran kesehatan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kemiskinan dengan koefisien sebesar 1,946. Realisasi anggaran pendidikan berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kemiskinan dengan koefisien sebesar 1,548. Hasil Adjusted R Square sebesar 0,843 atau 84,3 persen, dengan demikian variabel realisasi anggaran kesehatan dan pendidikan mampu mendeterminasi variabel kemiskinan sebesar 84,3 persen. Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa F hitung sebesar -17,150 lebih besar dari nilai F tabel dengan df (0,05;2;11) sebesar 3,982 dengan nilai probabilitas 0,002. Dengan demikian, realisasi anggaran kesehatan dan pendidikan berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kemiskinan. Kata Kunci: Anggaran Kesehatan, Anggaran Pendidikan, Kemiskina

    Determinan Pembangunan Manusia Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    The background of this research is the inequality of human development in regencies/cities in 2008 to 2012. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the factors influencing of human development as well as the role of local governments and private sectors towards human development in regencies/cities. The method of analysis used is Data Panel Regression with Fixed Effect approach using Eviews 6.0 application. The result of this research show that human development influenced by poverty, Gini index, private investment, open unemployment, economic growth, expenditure of education function and expenditure of health function. Private investment, expenditure of education function and expenditure of health function have a positive significant. Poverty, Gini index, open unemployment and economic growth have a negative significant. The role of local government through expenditure of education function is very large. The role of local government through expenditure of health function has not been too immense. The private sector's role through private investment is quite large