87 research outputs found


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    Acid upland smectitic soil is identified by high amount of exchangeable Al due to the weathering of aluminum (Al) octahedral layer by H+ saturation and by very low phosphorus (P) status.  Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium silicate (CaSiO3) were commonly used to decrease exchangeable Al and increase soil pH.  Laboratory experiments were conducted with clayey smectitic Typic Paleudults from Gajrug region, West Java.  The CaCO3 and CaSiO3 were added at rates to replace 0, 1.5 or 3 times of exchangeable Al. After one month of incubation, P sorption kinetic experiments were conducted.   The changes in some chemical properties after one month incubation showed that both CaCO3 and CaSiO3 increased the soil pH, exchangeable Ca, and base saturation  but did not increase the cation exchange capacity.  The results of the experiment showed that both CaCO3 and CaSiO3 decreased the rate constant value of first order kinetic equation (k) and the P sorbed maximum (a) at given amount of added P compared to Control.The CaCO3 was better than CaSiO3 in decreasing k values and on the contrary for a values. The decrease in P maximum sorption and the rate constant of the soil amended with CaSiO3 and CaCO3 due to occupation of P sorption sites by silicates and hydroxyl ions. The CaCO3with the rate to replace 1.5 x exchangeable Al was recommended to decrease the rate constant of P sorption. However, the CaSiO3 at the rate to replace 3 x exchangeable Al was recommended to decrease the maximum P sorption


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    PPL UNY 2016 adalah Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan dimana Penyelenggaraan PPL ini guna menyiapkan tenaga pendidik yang cakap dalam kompetensi baik pedagogik, profesional, sosial, dan kepribadian. PPL adalah serangkaian kegiatan yang diprogramkan bagi mahasiswa LPTK, yang meliputi baik latihan mengajar maupun latihan di luar mengajar. Kegiatan ini merupakan ajang untuk membentuk dan membina kompetensi-kompetensi profesional yang disyaratkan oleh pekerjaan guru atau lembaga kependidikan lainnya.. Mahasiswa diharapkan memiliki wawasan yang luas, mandiri, terampil, dan menjadi penerus bangsa untuk masa yang akan datang. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh bagi setiap mahasiswa S1 yang mengambil program studi kependidikan. Tempat yang menjadi lokasi pelaksanaan PPL UNY 2016 adalah SMK Negeri 2 Wonosari, yang beralamat di Jln. K.H. Agus Salim No.17, Ledoksari, Kepek, Wonosari, Gunungkidul. Kegiatan PPL yang dilakukan meliputi tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Kegiatan persiapan dimulai dengan observasi pembelajaran, konsultasi guru pembimbing dan mempersiapkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP, silabus, modul, buku kerja guru dan media pembelajaran. Dalam pelaksanaan PPL, penulis diberikan tugas oleh guru pembimbing lapangan guna mengampu mata pelajaran Mekanika Teknik dan Elemen Mesin (MTEM). Praktik mengajar dimulai pada tanggal 15 Juli 2016 sampai dengan 15 September 2016, dengan menerapkan Kurikulum 2013 dan jumlah total 4 jam per minggu untuk tiap kelasnya. Dari kegiatan PPL ini mahasiswa mendapat pengalaman nyata dalam belajar bertindak sebagai seorang guru dimulai dari persiapan sampai dengan pengelolaan kelas. Selain itu, banyak tugas selain mengajar yang harus dilaksanakan oleh seorang guru. Penulis menghimbau SMK N 2 Wonosari untuk selalu memperbarui dan menambah sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang kegiatan proses belajar mengajar. Penulis juga menyarankan pada guru pembimbing untuk selalumeningkatkan kualitas bimbingannya sehingga setelah melaksanakan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan mahasiswa dapat menjadi tenaga pendidik yang cakap dalam kompetensi baik pedagogik, profesional, sosial, dan kepribadian

    AGEFIS:Applied General Equilibrium for FIScal Policy Analysis

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    AGEFIS (Applied General Equilibrium model for FIScal Policy Analysis) is a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model designed specifically, but not limited, to analyze various aspects of fiscal policies in Indonesia. It is yet, the first Indonesian fully-SAM-based CGE model solved by Gempack. This paper describes the structure of the model and illustrates its application.AGEFIS, CGE, Fiscal Policy, Indonesia

    Traditional Games and Traditional Sports Boalemo

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    This study aims to survey traditional games in Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province. This research is a qualitative research with the main procedure involving purposeful sampling with research subjects namely children, students, local government and local traditional leaders. The results of this study show that there are several types of traditional games in Boalemo Regency, namely Pa'I, Neka, Redi, Cur-cur Pal, Tera, Palapudu, Moyo, Tenggedi Lo Buawu, Alanggaya Molo'u, Pohayato Lo Dungo Tangi Lo Bindalo, Kura -kura, Tenggedi Lo Wawohu, Wayang Buang-Buang, Puppet Poko-Poko, Kuti-kuti, Use, Ponti, Jump Rope. Meanwhile, traditional game sports in Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province, namely Langga. The conclusion is that there are eighteen traditional games and one traditional sport in Boalemo Regency

    The Effect of Calcium Silicate on The Phosphorus Sorption Characteristics of Andisols Lembang West Java

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    The effect of calcium silicate CaSiOJ the phosphorus (P) sorption characteristics were studied in Andisols Lembang.The amount of 0, 2.5 and 5% CaSiOJ (calcium silicate) or 0, 7.5 and 15 g calcium silicate per pot was added to the 300 g(oven-dry weight) soil and incubated for one month. A completely randomized design in double replication was set up. After one month incubation, P sorption and P sorption kinetic experiments were conducted The results of P sorption experiment showed that P sorption data were satisfactorily described by the Langmuir equation. which was used to determine P sorption maxima, bonding energies and P sorbed at 0.2 mg P £"' (standard P requirement). The application of calcium silicate did not affect significantly P sorption maxima but decreased significantly the P bonding energies. Calcium silicate also decreased significantly the standard P requirements. As for P sorption kinetic experiment. the results showed that application of 5% calcium silicate decreased significantly the rate constant of P sorption and P sorbed maximum at given amount of added P. The results suggested that the application of calcium silicate to the Andisols made added P was more available for plant

    Relationship Between Exchangeable Alumunium and Phosphorus Sorption Parameters of Indonesian Acid Soils

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    In acid soils, phosphorus (P) sorption is generally attributed to hydrous oxides of Fe and Aluminum (Al) particularly in tropical soils with low pH. However, reports concerning the role of exchangeable Al in P sorption mechanism are very little. Phosphorus (P) sorption isotherms were studied in fifteen acid upland soils containing different amounts of exchangeable Al. P sorption characteristics were satisfactorily described by the Langmuir equation. which was used to determine P sorption maxima and bonding energies, with r values ranging from 0.97 to 0.99. The soils varied widely in their capacities to sorb P. P sorption maxima ranged from 303 to 1,429 mg kg-1 (mean 627 mg kg-1) and bonding energies from 0.65 to 8.00 L mg-1 (mean 2.39 L mg-1). Exchangeable AI was found not correlated with P sorption maxima (r = -0.11) but significantly correlated with P bonding energies (r = 0.68**). This was clearly shown by clayey soils from Java and Sumatra but not in sandy soils from Kalimantan. The results suggested that in general, the reaction of exchangeable Al with P increased P bonding energy but exchangeable Al was not the main component in P sorption maximum. Keywords: Exchangeable Al, P bonding energy, P sorption maximu

    Pengaruh pengendalian internal terhadap pencegahan fraud dengan intervening good corporate governance

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    The more fraud committed by a company, whether owned by the government or private, encourages further research on the internal control system to prevent fraud. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of internal control and good corporate governance on fraud prevention. This study uses data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires to BPR in the Semarang City with a total of 110 respondents. The this study uses data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of this study are internal control and good corporate governance have a significant effect on fraud prevention, and internal control has a significant effect on good corporate governance

    Scenarios for Climate Change Mitigation from the Energy Sector in Indonesia: The Role of Fiscal Instruments

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    As mandated by the recent Copenhagen Accord, Indonesia submitted a nationally appropriate mitigation actions plan to reduce greenhouse gasses emission by 26% by 2020. However, for now, specific strategies especially appropriate instruments to achieve those targets are yet under early planning stage. This study is an attempt to contribute to the policy design on how Indonesia can achieve that target in particular for the energy sector by looking directly at specific instruments available and under the discretion of Indonesian government particularly the Ministry of Finance. For this purpose, we constructed AGEFIS-E model, a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model with a focus on energy sector and fiscal instruments. As the departure from the previous literature on CGE modeling in Indonesia, this model incorporates explicitly the renewable energy such as geothermal and hydropower. It was used to exercise various scenarios of finding an effective mix of instruments to reduce emissions from the energy sector. We find that a scenario of engineering the energy relative prices through pricing-instruments is an effective way to achieve a given target of reducing emissions from the energy sectors. More specifically, we conclude that removing energy subsidy (fuel and electricity) can contribute to significant reduction in carbon emissions. Adding a carbon tax to the policy mix will complement to find the best scenario to achieve a certain target of emissions reduction. A target of 14% reduction of emissions from the energy sector, for example, can be achieved by removing energy subsidy complemented by a carbon tax of only around US$3/ton CO2. Half of the reduction is attributed to the removing energy subsidy alone, suggesting evidence that the emissions reduction potential of energy pricing reform has been overlooked in the policy agenda.climate change, computable general equilibrium model, fiscal instruments, energy, Indonesia


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    Sumber belajar bagi mahasiswa yang masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk multimedia pembelajaran Langga untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar. Produk ini layak digunakan apabila mendapatkan kriteria penilaian minimal “Baik”. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model Research and Development (RD). Model pengembangan ini melalui 4 tahapan prosedur yaitu pendahuluan (studi pustaka dan studi lapangan), tahap pengembangan, tahap evaluasi dan produk akhir. Penelitian ini di validasi oleh ahli materi, ahli media, ahli bahasa dan subjek ujicobanya adalah siswa kelas IV SD N 1 Bulango Utara. Data diperoleh dari angket. Data berupa penilaian kualitas dan saran perbaikan produk. Data kualitatif dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penilaian ahli materi mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,72 dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Hasil penilaian ahli media mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,56 dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Hasil penilaian ahli bahasa mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,25 dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Pada uji coba kelompok terbatas mendapat skor rata-rata 4,49 dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Pada uji coba kelompok besar mendapatkan skor rata-rata 4,38 dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”