4,003 research outputs found

    Co-Chaperones in Targeting and Delivery of Misfolded Proteins to the 26S Proteasome

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    Protein homeostasis (proteostasis) is essential for the cell and is maintained by a highly conserved protein quality control (PQC) system, which triages newly synthesized, mislocalized and misfolded proteins. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS), molecular chaperones, and co-chaperones are vital PQC elements that work together to facilitate degradation of misfolded and toxic protein species through the 26S proteasome. However, the underlying mechanisms are complex and remain partly unclear. Here, we provide an overview of the current knowledge on the co-chaperones that directly take part in targeting and delivery of PQC substrates for degradation. While J-domain proteins (JDPs) target substrates for the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) chaperones, nucleotide-exchange factors (NEFs) deliver HSP70-bound substrates to the proteasome. So far, three NEFs have been established in proteasomal delivery: HSP110 and the ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain proteins BAG-1 and BAG-6, the latter acting as a chaperone itself and carrying its substrates directly to the proteasome. A better understanding of the individual delivery pathways will improve our ability to regulate the triage, and thus regulate the fate of aberrant proteins involved in cell stress and disease, examples of which are given throughout the review

    Mobile encounters:bus 5A as a cross-cultural meeting place

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    The paper explores modes of encounters in the everyday practice of bus travel. Particularly, it addresses cross-cultural encounters located in the tension between familiarity and difference, between inclusion and exclusion. The paper is located in contemporary thoughts, approaching public transport not only as a moving device but also as a social arena. Furthermore, the bus is simultaneously perceived as a public space, at once composite, contradictory and heterogeneous, and as a meeting place involving ‘Throwntogetherness’. The encounters analysed are bodily, emotional charged and outspoken meetings between passengers, with the socio-materiality of the bus and drivers as co-riders and gatekeepers

    Investigation of catalysis by bacterial RNase P via LNA and other modifications at the scissile phosphodiester

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    We analyzed cleavage of precursor tRNAs with an LNA, 2′-OCH3, 2′-H or 2′-F modification at the canonical (c0) site by bacterial RNase P. We infer that the major function of the 2′-substituent at nt −1 during substrate ground state binding is to accept an H-bond. Cleavage of the LNA substrate at the c0 site by Escherichia coli RNase P RNA demonstrated that the transition state for cleavage can in principle be achieved with a locked C3′ -endo ribose and without the H-bond donor function of the 2′-substituent. LNA and 2′-OCH3 suppressed processing at the major aberrant m−1 site; instead, the m+1 (nt +1/+2) site was utilized. For the LNA variant, parallel pathways leading to cleavage at the c0 and m+1 sites had different pH profiles, with a higher Mg2+ requirement for c0 versus m+1 cleavage. The strong catalytic defect for LNA and 2′-OCH3 supports a model where the extra methylene (LNA) or methyl group (2′-OCH3) causes a steric interference with a nearby bound catalytic Mg2+ during its recoordination on the way to the transition state for cleavage. The presence of the protein cofactor suppressed the ground state binding defects, but not the catalytic defects

    Fission yeast 26S proteasome mutants are multi-drug resistant due to stabilization of the pap1 transcription factor

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    Here we report the result of a genetic screen for mutants resistant to the microtubule poison methyl benzimidazol-2-yl carbamate (MBC) that were also temperature sensitive for growth. In total the isolated mutants were distributed in ten complementation groups. Cloning experiments revealed that most of the mutants were in essential genes encoding various 26S proteasome subunits. We found that the proteasome mutants are multi-drug resistant due to stabilization of the stress-activated transcription factor Pap1. We show that the ubiquitylation and ultimately the degradation of Pap1 depend on the Rhp6/Ubc2 E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme and the Ubr1 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase. Accordingly, mutants lacking Rhp6 or Ubr1 display drug-resistant phenotypes

    Effect of Intraduodenal Bile and Na-Taurodeoxycholate on Exocrine Pancreatic Secretion and on Plasma Levels of Secretin, Pancreatic Polypeptide, and Gastrin in Man

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    The effect of intraduodenally administered cattle bile (CB) and Na-taurodeoxycholate (TDC) on basal pancreatic secretion and plasma levels of secretin, pancreatic polypeptide (PP), and gastrin were investigated on two separate days in 10 fasting volunteers. Doses of 2-6 g CB and 20&600 mg TDC were given intraduodenally at 65-min intervals. Volume, bicarbonate, lipase, trypsin, amylase, and bilirubin were measured in 10-min fractions of duodenal juice, and GI peptides determined by radioimmunoassay. CB and TDC enhanced significantly and dose-dependently volume, bicarbonate and enzyme secretion, and plasma secretin and PP levels. In contrast, plasma gastrin showed only a marginal increase. We conclude that the hydrokinetic effect of intraduodenal CB and TDC is at least partially mediated by secretin. Gastrin could be ruled out as a mediator of the ecbolic effect, whereas other GI peptides, primarily CCK, and/or neural mechanisms must be considered possible mediators. Both pathways may also play a role in the PP release

    Controlling silver nanoparticle exposure in algal toxicity testing - A matter of timing

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    The aquatic ecotoxicity testing of nanoparticles is complicated by unstable exposure conditions resulting from various transformation processes of nanoparticles in aqueous suspensions. In this study, we investigated the influence of exposure timing on the algal test response to silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), by reducing the incubation time and by aging the AgNPs in algal medium prior to testing. The freshwater green algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata were exposed to AgNO(3), NM-300 K (a representative AgNP) and citrate stabilized AgNPs from two different manufacturers (AgNP1 and AgNP2) in a standard algal growth inhibition test (ISO 8692:2004) for 48 h and a short-term (2 h) (14)C-assimilation test. For AgNO(3), similar responses were obtained in the two tests, whereas freshly prepared suspensions of citrate stabilized AgNPs were less toxic in the 2-h tests compared to the 48-h tests. The 2-h test was found applicable for dissolved silver, but yielded non-monotonous concentration–response relationships and poor reproducibility for freshly prepared AgNP suspensions. However, when aging AgNPs in algal medium 24 h prior to testing, clear concentration–response patterns emerged and reproducibility increased. Prolonged aging to 48 h increased toxicity in the 2-h tests whereas aging beyond 48 h reduced toxicity. Our results demonstrate that the outcome of algal toxicity testing of AgNPs is highly influenced not only by the test duration, but also by the time passed from the moment AgNPs are added to the test medium. This time-dependency should be considered when nanomaterial dispersion protocols for ecotoxicity testing are developed

    Uptake and depuration of gold nanoparticles in Daphnia magna

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    This study presents a series of short-term studies (total duration 48 h) of uptake and depuration of engineered nanoparticles (ENP) in neonate Daphnia magna. Gold nanoparticles (Au NP) were used to study the influence of size, stabilizing agent and feeding on uptake and depuration kinetics and animal body burdens. 10 and 30 nm Au NP with different stabilizing agents [citrate (CIT) and mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUDA)] were tested in concentrations around 0.5 mg Au/L. Fast initial uptake was observed for all studied Au NP, with CIT stabilized Au NP showing similar rates independent of size and MUDA showing increased uptake for the smaller Au NP (MUDA 10 nm > CIT 10 nm, 30 nm > MUDA 30 nm). However, upon transfer to clean media no clear trend on depuration rates was found in terms of stabilizing agent or size. Independent of stabilizing agent, 10 nm Au NP resulted in higher residual whole-animal body burdens after 24 h depuration than 30 nm Au NP with residual body burdens about one order of magnitude higher of animals exposed to 10 nm Au NP. The presence of food (P. subcapitata) did not significantly affect the body burden after 24 h of exposure, but depuration was increased. While food addition is not necessary to ensure D. magna survival in the presented short-term test design, the influence of food on uptake and depuration kinetics is essential to consider in long term studies of ENP where food addition is necessary. This study demonstrates the feasibility of a short-term test design to assess the uptake and depuration of ENP in D. magna. The findings underlines that the assumptions behind the traditional way of quantifying bioconcentration are not fulfilled when ENPs are studied.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Bioaccumulation and ecotoxicity of carbon nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNT) have numerous industrial applications and may be released to the environment. In the aquatic environment, pristine or functionalized CNT have different dispersion behavior, potentially leading to different risks of exposure along the water column. Data included in this review indicate that CNT do not cross biological barriers readily. When internalized, only a minimal fraction of CNT translocate into organism body compartments. The reported CNT toxicity depends on exposure conditions, model organism, CNT-type, dispersion state and concentration. In the ecotoxicological tests, the aquatic organisms were generally found to be more sensitive than terrestrial organisms. Invertebrates were more sensitive than vertebrates. Single-walled CNT were found to be more toxic than double-/multi-walled CNT. Generally, the effect concentrations documented in literature were above current modeled average environmental concentrations. Measurement data are needed for estimation of environmental no-effect concentrations. Future studies with benchmark materials are needed to generate comparable results. Studies have to include better characterization of the starting materials, of the dispersions and of the biological fate, to obtain better knowledge of the exposure/effect relationships