3,100 research outputs found

    Balancing of partially-observed stochastic differential equations

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    We study balanced truncation for stochastic differential equations. In doing so, we adopt ideas from large deviations theory and discuss notions of controllability and observability for dissipative Hamiltonian systems with degenerate noise term, also known as Langevin equations. For partially-observed Langevin equations, we illustrate model reduction by balanced truncation with an example from molecular dynamics and discuss aspects of structure-preservation

    A Geometric Approach to Constrained Molecular Dynamics and Free Energy

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    We consider a molecule constrained to a hypersurface ÎŁ in the configuration space R m. In order to derive an expression for the mean force acting along the constrained coordinate we decompose the molecular vector field, and single out the direction of the respective coordinate utilising the structure of affine connections. By these means we reconsider the well-known results derived by Sprik et al. [1] and Darve et al. [2]; we gain concise geometrical insight into the different contributions to the force in terms of molecular potential, mean curvature, and the connection 1-form of the normal bundle over the submanifold ÎŁ. Our approach gives rise to a Hybrid Monte-Carlo based algorithm that can be used to compute the averaged force acting on selected coordinates in the context of thermodynamic free energy statistics

    Effective dynamics along given reaction coordinates, and reaction rate theory

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    In molecular dynamics and related fields one considers dynamical descriptions of complex systems in full (atomic) detail. In order to reduce the overwhelming complexity of realistic systems (high dimension, large timescale spread, limited computational resources) the projection of the full dynamics onto some reaction coordinates is examined in order to extract statistical information like free energies or reaction rates. In this context, the effective dynamics that is induced by the full dynamics on the reaction coordinate space has attracted considerable attention in the literature. In this article, we contribute to this discussion: we first show that if we start with an ergodic diffusion process whose invariant measure is unique then these properties are inherited by the effective dynamics. Then, we give equations for the effective dynamics, discuss whether the dominant timescales and reaction rates inferred from the effective dynamics are accurate approximations of such quantities for the full dynamics, and compare our findings to results from approaches like Mori–Zwanzig, averaging, or homogenization. Finally, by discussing the algorithmic realization of the effective dynamics, we demonstrate that recent algorithmic techniques like the “equation-free” approach and the “heterogeneous multiscale method” can be seen as special cases of our approach

    Free energy computation by controlled Langevin processes

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    We propose a nonequilibrium sampling method for computing free energy profiles along a given reaction coordinate. The method consists of two parts: a controlled Langevin sampler that generates nonequilibrium bridge paths conditioned by the reaction coordinate, and Jarzynski’s formula for reweighting the paths. Our derivation of the equations of motion of the sampler is based on stochastic perturbation of a controlled dissipative Hamiltonian system, for which we prove Jarzynski’s identity as a special case of the Feynman-Kac formula. We illustrate our method by means of a suitable numerical example and briefly discuss issues of optimally choosing the control protocol for the reaction coordinate

    Optimal control of molecular dynamics using Markov state models

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    A numerical scheme for solving high-dimensional stochastic control problems on an infinite time horizon that appear relevant in the context of molecular dynamics is outlined. The scheme rests on the interpretation of the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation as a nonlinear eigenvalue problem that, using a logarithmic transformation, can be recast as a linear eigenvalue problem, for which the principal eigenvalue and its eigenfunction are sought. The latter can be computed efficiently by approximating the underlying stochastic process with a coarse-grained Markov state model for the dominant metastable sets. We illustrate our method with two numerical examples, one of which involves the task of maximizing the population of α\alpha-helices in an ensemble of small biomolecules (Alanine dipeptide), and discuss the relation to the large deviation principle of Donsker and Varadhan

    Linear response theory and optimal control for a molecular system under nonequilibrium conditions

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    In this paper, we propose a straightforward generalization of linear response theory to systems in nonequilibrium that are subject to nonequilibrium driving. We briefly revisit the standard linear response result for equilibrium systems, where we consider Langevin dynamics as a special case, and then give an alternative derivation using a change-of-measure argument that does not rely on any stationarity or reversibility assumption. This procedure moreover easily enables us to calculate the second order correction to the linear response formula (which may or may not be useful in practice). Furthermore, we outline how the novel nonequilibirum linear response formula can be used to compute optimal controls of molecular systems for cases in which one wants to steer the system to maximize a certain target expectation value. We illustrate our approach with simple numerical examples

    Model reduction algorithms for optimal control and importance sampling of diffusions

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    We propose numerical algorithms for solving complex, high- dimensional control and importance sampling problems based on reduced-order models. The algorithms approach the “curse of dimensionality” by a combination of model reduction techniques for multiscale diffusions and stochastic optimization tools, with the aim of reducing the original, possibly high-dimensional problem to a lower dimensional representation of the dynamics, in which only few relevant degrees of freedom are controlled or biased. Specifically, we study situations in which either an suitable set of slow collective variables onto which the dynamics can be projected is known, or situations in which the dynamics shows strongly localized behaviour in the small noise regime. The idea is to use the solution of the reduced-order model as a predictor of the exact solution that, in a corrector step, can be used together with the original dynamics, where no explicit assumptions about small parameters or scale separation have to be made. We illustrate the approach with simple, but paradigmatic numerical examples

    Interface mapping in two-dimensional random lattice models

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    We consider two disordered lattice models on the square lattice: on the medial lattice the random field Ising model at T=0 and on the direct lattice the random bond Potts model in the large-q limit at its transition point. The interface properties of the two models are known to be related by a mapping which is valid in the continuum approximation. Here we consider finite random samples with the same form of disorder for both models and calculate the respective equilibrium states exactly by combinatorial optimization algorithms. We study the evolution of the interfaces with the strength of disorder and analyse and compare the interfaces of the two models in finite lattices.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure
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