708 research outputs found

    Diffusive over-hydration of olivine-hosted melt inclusions

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    The pre-eruptive water content of magma is often estimated using crystal-hosted melt inclusions. However, olivine-hosted melt inclusions are prone to post-entrapment modification by H+ diffusion as they re-equilibrate with their external environment. This effect is well established for the case of H+ loss from olivine-hosted inclusions that have cooled slowly in degassed magma. Here we present evidence for the opposite effect: the addition of H+ into inclusions that are held in melts that are enriched in H2O with respect to the trapped melts. The compositional variability in a suite of 211 olivine-hosted inclusions from the Laki and Skuggafjöll eruptions in Iceland's Eastern Volcanic Zone indicates that diffusive H+ gain governs the H2O content of incompatible trace element depleted inclusions. Individual eruptive units contain olivine-hosted inclusions with widely varying incompatible element concentrations but near-constant H2O. Furthermore, over 40% of the inclusions have H2O/Ce>380H2O/Ce>380, significantly higher than the H2O/Ce expected in primary Icelandic melts or mid-ocean ridge basalts (150–280). The fact that the highest H2O/Ce ratios are found in the most incompatible element depleted inclusions indicates that hydration is a consequence of the concurrent mixing and crystallisation of compositionally diverse primary melts. Hydration occurs when olivines containing depleted inclusions with low H2O contents are juxtaposed against more hydrous melts during mixing. Melt inclusions from a single eruption may preserve evidence of both diffusive H+ loss and H+ gain. Trace element data are therefore vital for determining H2O contents of melt inclusions at the time of inclusion trapping and, ultimately, the H2O content of the mantle source regions.This work was supported by NERC grant NE/I012508/1 and a NERC studentship NE/1528277/1 to DAN. MEH acknowledges a Junior Research Fellowship from Murray Edwards College, Cambridge.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X15003647#

    Fe-XANES analyses of Reykjanes Ridge basalts: Implications for oceanic crust's role in the solid Earth oxygen cycle

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    The cycling of material from Earth's surface environment into its interior can couple mantle oxidation state to the evolution of the oceans and atmosphere. A major uncertainty in this exchange is whether altered oceanic crust entering subduction zones can carry the oxidised signal it inherits during alteration at the ridge into the deep mantle for long-term storage. Recycled oceanic crust may be entrained into mantle upwellings and melt under ocean islands, creating the potential for basalt chemistry to constrain solid Earth–hydrosphere redox coupling. Numerous independent observations suggest that Iceland contains a significant recycled oceanic crustal component, making it an ideal locality to investigate links between redox proxies and geochemical indices of enrichment. We have interrogated the elemental, isotope and redox geochemistry of basalts from the Reykjanes Ridge, which forms a 700 km transect of the Iceland plume. Over this distance, geophysical and geochemical tracers of plume influence vary dramatically, with the basalts recording both long- and short-wavelength heterogeneity in the Iceland plume. We present new high-precision Fe-XANES measurements of FeÂłâș/∑Fe on a suite of 64 basalt glasses from the Reykjanes Ridge. These basalts exhibit positive correlations between FeÂłâș/∑Fe and trace element and isotopic signals of enrichment, and become progressively oxidised towards Iceland: fractionation-corrected FeÂłâș/∑Fe increases by ∌0.015 and ΔQFM by ∌0.2 log units. We rule out a role for sulfur degassing in creating this trend, and by considering various redox melting processes and metasomatic source enrichment mechanisms, conclude that an intrinsically oxidised component within the Icelandic mantle is required. Given the previous evidence for entrained oceanic crustal material within the Iceland plume, we consider this the most plausible carrier of the oxidised signal. To determine the ferric iron content of the recycled component ([Fe₂O₃]) we project observed liquid compositions to an estimate of Fe₂O₃ in the pure enriched endmember melt, and then apply simple fractional melting models, considering lherzolitic and pyroxenitic source mineralogies, to estimate [Fe₂O₃] content. Propagating uncertainty through these steps, we obtain a range of [Fe₂O₃] for the enriched melts (0.9–1.4 wt%) that is significantly greater than the ferric iron content of typical upper mantle lherzolites. This range of ferric iron contents is consistent with a hybridised lherzolite–basalt (pyroxenite) mantle component. The oxidised signal in enriched Icelandic basalts is therefore potential evidence for seafloor–hydrosphere interaction having oxidised ancient mid-ocean ridge crust, generating a return flux of oxygen into the deep mantle.OS was supported by a Title A Fellowship from Trinity College, JM through NERC grant NE/J021539/1 and MH acknowledges a Junior Research Fellowship from Murray Edwards College, Cambridge. We acknowledge Diamond Light Source for time on beamline I18 under proposals SP9446, SP9456 and SP12130 and the support during our analytical sessions from beamline scientist Konstantin Ignatyev and principal beamline scientist Fred Mosselmans. The Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History is thanked for their loan of NMNH 117393.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2015.07.01

    High fluxes of deep volatiles from ocean island volcanoes: Insights from El Hierro, Canary Islands

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    Basaltic volcanism contributes significant fluxes of volatiles (CO2, H2O, S, F, Cl) to the Earth’s surface environment. Quantifying volatile fluxes requires initial melt volatile concentrations to be determined, which can be accessed through crystal-hosted melt inclusions. However, melt inclusions in volatile-rich mafic alkaline basalts, such as those erupted at ocean islands, often trap partially degassed melts, meaning that magmatic volatile fluxes from these tectonic settings are often significantly underestimated. We have measured major, trace element and volatile concentrations in melt inclusions from a series of young (<20 ka) basanites from El Hierro, Canary Islands. Our melt inclusions show some of the highest CO2 (up to 3600 ppm) and S (up to 4290 ppm) concentrations measured in ocean island basalts to date, in agreement with data from the recent 2011-2012 eruption. Volatile enrichment is observed in melt inclusions with crystallisation-controlled major element compositions and highly variable trace element ratios such as La/Yb. We use volatile-trace element ratios to calculate original magmatic CO2 contents up to 4.2 wt%, which indicates at least 65% of the original CO2 was degassed prior to melt inclusion trapping. The trace element contents and ratios of El Hierro magmas are best reproduced by 1-8% partial melting of a garnet lherzolite mantle source. Our projected CO2 (200-680 ppm) and S (265-450 ppm) concentrations for the source are consistent with upper estimates for primitive mantle. However, El Hierro magmas have elevated F/Nd and F/Cl in comparison with melts from a primitive mantle, indicating that the mantle must also contain a component enriched in F and other volatiles, most probably recycled oceanic lithosphere. Our modelled original magmatic CO2 contents indicates that, per mass unit, volatile fluxes from El Hierro magmas are up to two orders of magnitude greater than from typical mid-ocean ridge basalts and 1.5 to 7 times greater than from recent Icelandic eruptions, indicating large variability in the primary volatile content of magmas formed in di fferent geodynamic settings, or even within di fferent ocean islands. Our results highlight the importance of characterising mantle heterogeneity in order to accurately constrain both short- and long-term magmatic volatile emissions and fluxes from ocean island volcanoes.NERC studentship NE/L002469/1 NERC grant 526 IMF600/101

    Exploring the use of strategic frameworks in dental practice

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    This paper explores the use of strategic frameworks in NHS and private dental practice. It reviews the policy context of dentistry and suggests the challenges in this context will require dental practices to prioritise understanding and engagement with a strategic approach. A strategic approach will be required in order to enhance and improve performance. Two specific strategic frameworks will be explored in terms of their relevance to NHS and private dental practic

    Basaltic Plinian eruptions at Las Sierras-Masaya volcano driven by cool storage of crystal-rich magmas

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    Although rare, basaltic Plinian eruptions represent a considerable volcanic hazard. The low viscosity of crystal-poor basaltic magma inhibits magma fragmentation; however, Las Sierras-Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, has produced multiple basaltic Plinian eruptions. Here, we quantify the geochemistry and volatile concentrations of melt inclusions in samples of the Fontana Lapilli and Masaya Triple Layer eruptions to constrain pre-eruptive conditions. Combining thermometry and geochemical modelling, we show that magma cooled to similar to 1000 degrees C prior to eruption, crystallising a mush that was erupted and preserved in scoriae. We use these data in a numerical conduit model, which finds that conditions most conducive to Plinian eruptions are a pre-eruptive temperature &lt;1100 degrees C and a total crystal content &gt;30 vol.%. Cooling, crystal-rich, large-volume basaltic magma bodies may be hazardous due to their potential to erupt with Plinian magnitude. Rapid ascent rates mean there may only be some minutes between eruption triggering and Plinian activity at Masaya

    DNA alkylation and interstrand cross-linking by treosulfan

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    The anti-tumour drug treosulfan (L-threitol 1,4-bismethanesulphonate, Ovastat) is a prodrug for epoxy compounds by converting non-enzymatically to L-diepoxybutane via the corresponding monoepoxide under physiological conditions. The present study supports the hypothesis that this conversion of treosulfan is required for cytotoxicity in vitro. DNA alkylation and interstrand cross-linking of plasmid DNA is observed after treosulfan treatment, but this is again produced via the epoxide species. Alkylation occurs at guanine bases with a sequence selectivity similar to other alkylating agents such as the nitrogen mustards. In treosulfan-treated K562 cells, cross-links form slowly, reaching a peak at approximately 24 h. Incubation of K562 cells with preformed epoxides shows faster and more efficient DNA cross-linking. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Volatile and light lithophile elements in high-anorthite plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions from Iceland

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    Melt inclusions formed during the early stages of magmatic evolution trap primitive melt compositions and enable the volatile contents of primary melts and the mantle to be estimated. However, the syn- and post-entrapment behaviour of volatiles in primitive high-anorthite plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions from oceanic basalts remains poorly constrained. To address this deficit, we present volatile and light lithophile element analyses from a well-characterised suite of nine matrix glasses and 102 melt inclusions from the 10 ka GrĂ­msvötn tephra series (i.e., Saksunarvatn ash) of Iceland’s Eastern Volcanic Zone (EVZ). High matrix glass H2_{2}O and S contents indicate that eruption-related exsolution was arrested by quenching in a phreatomagmatic setting; Li, B, F and Cl did not exsolve during eruption. The almost uniformly low CO2_{2} content of plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions cannot be explained by either shallow entrapment or the sequestration of CO2_{2} into shrinkage bubbles, suggesting that inclusion CO2_{2} contents were controlled by decrepitation instead. High H2_{2}O/Ce values in primitive plagioclase-hosted inclusions (182–823) generally exceed values expected for EVZ primary melts (∌\sim180), and can be accounted for by diffusive H2O gain following the entrainment of primitive macrocrysts into evolved and H2_{2}O-rich melts a few days before eruption. A strong positive correlation between H2_{2}O and Li in plagioclase-hosted inclusions suggests that diffusive Li gain may also have occurred. Extreme F enrichments in primitive plagioclase-hosted inclusions (F/Nd = 51–216 versus ∌\sim15 in matrix glasses) possibly reflect the entrapment of inclusions from high-Al/(Al + Si) melt pools formed by dissolution-crystallisation processes (as indicated by HFSE depletions in some inclusions), and into which F was concentrated by uphill diffusion since F is highly soluble in Al-rich melts. The high S/Dy of primitive inclusions (∌\sim300) indicates that primary melts were S-rich in comparison with most oceanic basalts. Cl and B are unfractionated from similarly compatible trace elements, and preserve records of primary melt heterogeneity. Although primitive plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions from the 10 ka GrĂ­msvötn tephra series record few primary signals in their volatile contents, they nevertheless record information about crustal magma processing that is not captured in olivine-hosted melt inclusions suites.D.A.N. acknowledges support from the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/1528277/1) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. SIMS analyses were supported by a Natural Environment Research Council Ion Microprobe Facility award (IMF508/1013)

    Expression of somatostatin receptors 2 and 5 in circulating tumour cells from patients with neuroendocrine tumours.

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    BACKGROUND: Neuroendocrine tumours (NET) overexpress somatostatin receptors (SSTR) that can be targeted for therapy. Somatostatin receptor expression is routinely measured by molecular imaging but the resolution is insufficient to define heterogeneity. We hypothesised that SSTR expression could be measured on circulating tumour cells (CTCs) and used to investigate heterogeneity of expression and track changes during therapy. METHODS: MCF-7 cells were transfected with SSTR2 or 5 and spiked into donor blood for analysis by CellSearch. Optimum anti-SSTR antibody concentration and exposure time were determined, and flow cytometry was used to evaluate assay sensitivity. For clinical evaluation, blood was analysed by CellSearch, and SSTR2/5 immunohistochemistry was performed on matched tissue samples. RESULTS: Flow cytometry confirmed CellSearch was sensitive and that detection of SSTR was unaffected by the presence of somatostatin analogue up to a concentration of 100 ng ml(-l). Thirty-one NET patients were recruited: grade; G1 (29%), G2 (45%), G3 (13%), primary site; midgut (58%), pancreatic (39%). Overall, 87% had SSTR-positive tumours according to somatostatin receptor scintigraphy or 68-Ga-DOTATE PET/CT. Circulating tumour cells were detected in 21 out of 31 patients (68%), of which 33% had evidence of heterogeneous expression of either SSTR2 (n=5) or SSTR5 (n=2). CONCLUSIONS: Somatostatin receptors 2 and 5 are detectable on CTCs from NET patients and may be a useful biomarker for evaluating SSTR-targeted therapies and this is being prospectively evaluated in the Phase IV CALMNET trial (NCT02075606)

    Time scales of magma transport and mixing at KÄ«lauea Volcano, Hawai'i

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    Modelling of volcanic processes is strongly limited by a poor knowledge of the timescales of storage, mixing and final ascent of magmas into the shallowest portions of volcanic 'plumbing' systems immediately prior to eruption. It is impossible to measure these timescales directly; however, micro-analytical techniques provide indirect estimates based on the extent of diffusion of species through melts and crystals. Here, diffusion in olivine phenocrysts from the 1959 KÄ«lauea Iki eruption is used to constrain the timing of mixing events in the crustal plumbing system on timescales of months to years before eruption. The timescales derived from zonation of Fe-Mg in olivines, combined with contemporaneous geophysical data suggests mixing occurred on 3 timescales: (1) up to 2 years prior to eruption in the deep storage system, (2), in a shallow reservoir, between incoming hot melts and cooler, resident melt for several weeks to months prior to eruption, and (3), in the conduit and summit reservoir, between the resident magma and cooled surface lava, draining back into the vent on timescales of hours to several days during pauses between episodes. Synchronous inflation of the shallow reservoir with deep earthquake swarms and mixing suggests a fitfully open transcrustal magmatic system prior to and during eruption.We acknowledge NERC studentship funds (I. Sides) and a United States Geological Survey Jack Kleinman grant, which allowed samples for this study to be collected.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Geological Society of America via https://doi.org/10.1130/G37800.
