1,163 research outputs found

    Investigation of Skylab imagery for regional planning

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    Investigation of Skylab imagery for regional planning

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    Interplay between microdynamics and macrorheology in vesicle suspensions

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    The microscopic dynamics of objects suspended in a fluid determines the macroscopic rheology of a suspension. For example, as shown by Danker and Misbah [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 98}, 088104 (2007)], the viscosity of a dilute suspension of fluid-filled vesicles is a non-monotonic function of the viscosity contrast (the ratio between the viscosities of the internal encapsulated and the external suspending fluids) and exhibits a minimum at the critical point of the tank-treading-to-tumbling transition. By performing numerical simulations, we recover this effect and demonstrate that it persists for a wide range of vesicle parameters such as the concentration, membrane deformability, or swelling degree. We also explain why other numerical and experimental studies lead to contradicting results. Furthermore, our simulations show that this effect even persists in non-dilute and confined suspensions, but that it becomes less pronounced at higher concentrations and for more swollen vesicles. For dense suspensions and for spherical (circular in 2D) vesicles, the intrinsic viscosity tends to depend weakly on the viscosity contrast.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Soft Matter (2014

    Investigation of Satellite Imagery for Regional Planning

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Satellite multispectral imagery was found to be useful in regional planning for depicting general developed land patterns, wooded areas, and newly constructed highways by using visual photointerpretation methods. Other characteristics, such as residential and nonresidential development, street patterns, development density, and some vacant land components cannot be adequately detected using these standard methods

    Stress response and structural transitions in sheared gyroidal and lamellar amphiphilic mesophases: lattice-Boltzmann simulations

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    We report on the stress response of gyroidal and lamellar amphiphilic mesophases to steady shear simulated using a bottom-up lattice-Boltzmann model for amphiphilic fluids and sliding periodic (Lees-Edwards) boundary conditions. We study the gyroid per se (above the sponge-gyroid transition, of high crystallinity) and the molten gyroid (within such a transition, of shorter-range order). We find that both mesophases exhibit shear-thinning, more pronounced and at lower strain rates for the molten gyroid. At late times after the onset of shear, the skeleton of the crystalline gyroid becomes a structure of interconnected irregular tubes and toroidal rings, mostly oriented along the velocity ramp imposed by the shear, in contradistinction with free-energy Langevin-diffusion studies which yield a much simpler structure of disentangled tubes. We also compare the shear stress and deformation of lamellar mesophases with and without amphiphile when subjected to the same shear flow applied normal to the lamellae. We find that the presence of amphiphile allows (a) the shear stress at late times to be higher than in the case without amphiphile, and (b) the formation of rich patterns on the sheared interface, characterised by alternating regions of high and low curvature.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, Physical Review E, in pres

    Penning traps with unitary architecture for storage of highly charged ions

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    Penning traps are made extremely compact by embedding rare-earth permanent magnets in the electrode structure. Axially-oriented NdFeB magnets are used in unitary architectures that couple the electric and magnetic components into an integrated structure. We have constructed a two- magnet Penning trap with radial access to enable the use of laser or atomic beams, as well as the collection of light. An experimental apparatus equipped with ion optics is installed at the NIST electron beam ion trap (EBIT) facility, constrained to fit within 1 meter at the end of a horizontal beamline for transporting highly charged ions. Highly charged ions of neon and argon, extracted with initial energies up to 4000 eV per unit charge, are captured and stored to study the confinement properties of a one-magnet trap and a two-magnet trap. Design considerations and some test results are discussed

    Two-dimensional Vesicle dynamics under shear flow: effect of confinement

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    Dynamics of a single vesicle under shear flow between two parallel plates is studied using two-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann simulations. We first present how we adapted the lattice-Boltzmann method to simulate vesicle dynamics, using an approach known from the immersed boundary method. The fluid flow is computed on an Eulerian regular fixed mesh while the location of the vesicle membrane is tracked by a Lagrangian moving mesh. As benchmarking tests, the known vesicle equilibrium shapes in a fluid at rest are found and the dynamical behavior of a vesicle under simple shear flow is being reproduced. Further, we focus on investigating the effect of the confinement on the dynamics, a question that has received little attention so far. In particular, we study how the vesicle steady inclination angle in the tank-treading regime depends on the degree of confinement. The influence of the confinement on the effective viscosity of the composite fluid is also analyzed. At a given reduced volume (the swelling degree) of a vesicle we find that both the inclination angle, and the membrane tank-treading velocity decrease with increasing confinement. At sufficiently large degree of confinement the tank-treading velocity exhibits a non-monotonous dependence on the reduced volume and the effective viscosity shows a nonlinear behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    A simplified particulate model for coarse-grained hemodynamics simulations

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    Human blood flow is a multi-scale problem: in first approximation, blood is a dense suspension of plasma and deformable red cells. Physiological vessel diameters range from about one to thousands of cell radii. Current computational models either involve a homogeneous fluid and cannot track particulate effects or describe a relatively small number of cells with high resolution, but are incapable to reach relevant time and length scales. Our approach is to simplify much further than existing particulate models. We combine well established methods from other areas of physics in order to find the essential ingredients for a minimalist description that still recovers hemorheology. These ingredients are a lattice Boltzmann method describing rigid particle suspensions to account for hydrodynamic long range interactions and---in order to describe the more complex short-range behavior of cells---anisotropic model potentials known from molecular dynamics simulations. Paying detailedness, we achieve an efficient and scalable implementation which is crucial for our ultimate goal: establishing a link between the collective behavior of millions of cells and the macroscopic properties of blood in realistic flow situations. In this paper we present our model and demonstrate its applicability to conditions typical for the microvasculature.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    A Stability Diagram for Dense Suspensions of Model Colloidal Al2O3-Particles in Shear Flow

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    In Al2O3 suspensions, depending on the experimental conditions very different microstructures can be found, comprising fluid like suspensions, a repulsive structure, and a clustered microstructure. For technical processing in ceramics, the knowledge of the microstructure is of importance, since it essentially determines the stability of a workpiece to be produced. To enlighten this topic, we investigate these suspensions under shear by means of simulations. We observe cluster formation on two different length scales: the distance of nearest neighbors and on the length scale of the system size. We find that the clustering behavior does not depend on the length scale of observation. If inter-particle interactions are not attractive the particles form layers in the shear flow. The results are summarized in a stability diagram.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, revised versio

    An Adaptive, Kink-Based Approach to Path Integral Calculations

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    A kink-based expression for the canonical partition function is developed using Feynman's path integral formulation of quantum mechanics and a discrete basis set. The approach is exact for a complete set of states. The method is tested on the 3x3 Hubbard model and overcomes the sign problem seen in traditional path integral studies of fermion systems. Kinks correspond to transitions between different N-electron states, much in the same manner as occurs in configuration interaction calculations in standard ab initio methods. The different N-electron states are updated, based on which states occur frequently during a Monte Carlo simulation, giving better estimates of the true eigenstates of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 24 pages, to be published in J. Chem. Phy
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