202 research outputs found

    Obraz POLAKA w świetle tekstów medialnych kreowanych w przestrzeni internetowej przez mieszkańców krajów sąsiednich

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    The issue of national stereotypes requires, in the situation of dynamic changes in Europe and in the world, to update and consider new sources. A new area for tracking changes in the mutual perception of neighbouring nations are the texts of media culture, combining verbal and visual code. In the article, I elaborate on the legitimacy of using such intersemiotic messages, such as memes, demotivators, posters, advertisements, to study stereotypes. The Internet stereotype of a Pole functions on two levels, language and imagination, therefore it is a continuation of the national stereotype in a changed form.W artykule ukazano obraz Polaka w świetle tekstów internetowych, tworzonych przez naszych sąsiadów: Rosjan, Litwinów, Ukraińców, Czechów, Niemców. Analiza materiału zgromadzonego w latach 2015–2019 obejmowała zarówno warstwę językową, jak też pozajęzykową (memy, demotywatory, reklamy, plakaty). Dane internetowe, w których następuje połączenie słowa z obrazem, opracowane zostały zgodnie z ramą wartościowania przyjętą przez Elżbietę Laskowską (podmiot wartościujący, predykat wartościujący, obiekt wartościowania, kryterium wartościowania). Dokonując wartościowania tekstów kliszowych, wyodrębniono syndromy (Polaka-sąsiada, kibica, złodzieja), które zawierają zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne konotacje. Analizy przeprowadzone przez autorkę korespondują z wcześniejszymi opracowaniami dotyczącymi cech stereotypowego Polaka i potwierdzają stabilność stereotypu w nowej formie rozpowszechniania

    Auf dem Weg zum transnationalen Regulierungsregime? Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Regulierung des Telekommunikationsmarktes

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    Europaweit konnte in den vergangenen Jahren ein Trend zur Liberalisierung von Infrastrukturmärkten beobachtet werden, damit einhergehend der Wandel staatlicher Aufgaben in den betroffenen Sektoren: Statt selber Infrastrukturleistungen durch staatliche Monopolunternehmen anzubieten, beschränkt sich der Staat nun auf die Schaffung und Förderung von Wettbewerb auf den liberalisierten Märkten, was kurz als Regulierung bezeichnet wird. Dieses ist eine relativ herausforderungsvolle Steuerungsaufgabe, da sich die zu regulierenden privaten Marktakteure gegenüber den staatlichen Regulieren hinsichtlich der Einschätzung von Regulierungsparametern im Vorteil befinden. Der Beitrag beleuchtet, wie sich Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union dieser Herausforderung mittels des Aufbaus neuer Institutionen und der Pflege intergouvernementaler Netzwerke stellen und auf welche Weise private Akteure am Erfolg des europäischen Regulierungsstaats beteiligt sind. Die empirischen Befunde aus dem Telekommunikationssektor legen dabei den Befund nah, dass erfolgreiche Regulierung innerhalb sich entwickelnder transnationaler Regelungsstrukturen stattfindet, in denen Interaktionen zwischen Regulierungsakteuren verschiedener Handlungsebenen staatliche Handlungsfähigkeit gegenüber mächtigen Marktakteuren aufrecht erhalten. -- Since the 1980s several economic sectors based on network structures (telecommunications, electricity, railways) have been liberalised. In these markets the role of the state has changed from a monopolistic provider of products and services to a regulatory authority deemed to ensure that new market entrants get a chance to compete against the former state-owned incumbent and that the market forces provide a satisfying level of services for reasonable prices. In telecommunications this transformation has proved to be quite successful. The paper looks at the institutional factors that support this development. It states that in the telecommunications sector a transnational regulatory regime has evolved in which the capacity to govern a liberalised market is based on different forms of transgovernmental interactions which are “activated” by private actors.

    Drag Production of Filamentous Biofilm

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    The presence of significant hard and soft biofouling on the hull of a marine vessel can produce increased resistance potentially limiting system performance and leading to added fuel consumption. It has been estimated that the presence of biofouling has led to roughly $2.9 billion in additional operating costs and the resulting excess fuel consumed each year is expected to introduce about 23 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, it is important to understand how biofouling leads to increased friction drag for flows over marine surfaces with the ultimate aim of reducing their deleterious effects. While a body of research exploring the consequences and means of drag production for hard fouling exists which informs the efforts of ship designers and operators, the effects and drag production mechanisms of soft fouling remain relatively unexplored. The few studies performed on soft biofilm layers show drag increases ranging from ~10—300% in lab scale experiments; ship trials showed that after removal of a biofilm layer from its hull, a frigate required 18% less shaft power to maintain a cruising speed of 25 knots. That such large drag penalties can be produced by low-form, `slimy' surfaces is a surprising result which researchers suggest may be due to additional physical mechanisms different from those of hard biofouling. The primary objective of this dissertation was to disassociate the added drag produced by filamentous biofilm layers into contributions from roughness and compliance effects. Biofilm layers comprised of diatoms and filamentous green algae were grown on smooth acrylic surfaces for nominal incubation times of three, five, and ten weeks in a specially built flow loop. During hydrodynamics trials, biofouled surfaces were installed in a high-aspect ratio, fully developed channel flow facility and exposed to flows ranging from ReH ≈ 5 000 -- 30 000. Measurements of the pressure drop along each fouled panel revealed drag increases spanning ΔCf ≈ 14--364%. The wide range in drag penalty was linked to variations in flow speed, average thickness of the biofilm layers, and the percentage of each surface covered by fouling. These results support a previously proposed scaling correlation which also relates frictional performance of biofilm layers to their thickness and coverage. Empirical formulations were produced that characterized the added drag of stable biofilm layers within ±10% of their measured values. Seven rigid surfaces replicating six biofilm layers were manufactured using highly resolved laser scans of the time-averaged, spatially filtered biofilm surface profiles. Drag penalties of ΔCf ≈ 57--193% were measured for these rigid surfaces and shown to scale with the average trough-to-peak roughness height and downstream spacing between large streamers. An empirical formula characterized the added drag on rigid replicas to within ±15% of measurements. Finally, a simple model was proposed which decomposes the added drag experienced by a biofilm layer into contributions from roughness and compliance effects. Once applied to this model, resistance data show that about half of the added drag experienced by the biofilm layers was due to rough effects. Particle Image Velocimetry measurements captured the mean flow along the surfaces. Results reveal that flow above biofilm layers and rigid replicas largely resemble one another in the outer flow region suggesting that mechanisms underlying the drag increase are confined to a region of flow in the immediate vicinity of the biofilm layers.PHDNaval Architecture & Marine EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149828/1/jdharte_1.pd

    The History of the Passport

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    Private clinic Slavkov - building and technological project

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    Předmětem mé diplomové práce je zpracování stavebně technologického projektu novostavby soukromé kliniky ve Slavkově u Brna v Jihomoravském kraji. Hlavní náplní mé práce je zpracování studie realizace hlavních technologických etap stavebního objektu. Tyto technologické etapy se budou týkat hlavního stavebního objektu. Na tuto studii bude navázán časový plán. Dále bude zpracován projekt zařízení staveniště, návrh hlavních stavebních strojů a mechanizmů, rozpočet s výkazem výměr pro hlavní stavební objekt. Technologický předpis, kontrolní a zkušební plán je zpracován pro realizaci konstrukce lešení, ploché střechy a realizaci obvodového pláště. Dalším zadáním bude plán BOZP pro již zmíněné stavební práce.The subject of my thesis is the construction and technological project of the new private clinics in Slavkov near Brno in South Moravia. The main goal of my work is a study of implementation of major technological stages of building. These technological steps will cover the main building. This study will be established timetable. Furthermore, the project will be processed construction site, the design of the main building machines and mechanisms, with the budget bill of quantities for the main building structure. Technological specification and control plan is prepared for the realization of construction scaffolding, flat roofs and implementation envelope. Re-entering the occupational health and safety plan for the aforementioned works.

    Construction Technology Study conversion of agricultural building

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    Předmětem mé bakalářské práce je zpracování stavebně technologické studie přestavby zemědělského objektu, který se nachází ve Svébohově v Olomouckém kraji. Zpracovaná práce se bude týkat především technologické studie hlavních stavebních prací, které budou zahrnuty v tomto stavebním díle. o těchto pracích bude vytvořen časový plán. Dále bude vyhotoven časový a finanční plán spolu s návrhem strojní sestavy pro hrubou stavbu části "C" stavebního objektu. Technologický předpis, výkaz výměr, návrh strojní sestavy a bezpečnostní opatření na staveništi bude vyhotoveno pro provádění stropní konstrukce stavebního objektu "C". V další části bude vypracována základní koncepce staveništního provozu.The subject of my thesis is the process of building technological studies remodeling the farm house, which is located in Svébohov in the Olomouc region. Processed work will be mainly in technological studies the major works, which will be included in the construction works. of these works will be created schedule. It will also be drawn time and financial plan together with a draft assembly machine for fabric the "C" building. Technological specification, bill of quantities, design of mechanical assemblies and safety measures at the construction site will be drawn up for the implementation of the ceiling structure of the building "C". The next section will draw up basic concept of the building operation.

    A Review of the Eocene Rodents of Pakistan

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    AmBaR – transgraniczny szlak bursztynowy?

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    SPR salt wall leaching experiments in lab-scale vessel : data report.

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    During cavern leaching in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), injected raw water mixes with resident brine and eventually interacts with the cavern salt walls. This report provides a record of data acquired during a series of experiments designed to measure the leaching rate of salt walls in a labscale simulated cavern, as well as discussion of the data. These results should be of value to validate computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models used to simulate leaching applications. Three experiments were run in the transparent 89-cm (35-inch) ID diameter vessel previously used for several related projects. Diagnostics included tracking the salt wall dissolution rate using ultrasonics, an underwater camera to view pre-installed markers, and pre- and post-test weighing and measuring salt blocks that comprise the walls. In addition, profiles of the local brine/water conductivity and temperature were acquired at three locations by traversing conductivity probes to map out the mixing of injected raw water with the surrounding brine. The data are generally as expected, with stronger dissolution when the salt walls were exposed to water with lower salt saturation, and overall reasonable wall shape profiles. However, there are significant block-to-block variations, even between neighboring salt blocks, so the averaged data are considered more useful for model validation. The remedial leach tests clearly showed that less mixing and longer exposure time to unsaturated water led to higher levels of salt wall dissolution. The data for all three tests showed a dividing line between upper and lower regions, roughly above and below the fresh water injection point, with higher salt wall dissolution in all cases, and stronger (for remedial leach cases) or weaker (for standard leach configuration) concentration gradients above the dividing line