298 research outputs found

    The South African Experiment in Coalition-Building

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    A Low Power and High Performance Artificial Intelligence Approach to Increase Guidance Navigation and Control Robustness

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    New generations of spacecrafts are required to perform tasks with an increased level of autonomy. Space exploration, rendezvous services, space robotics, etc. are all growing fields in Space that require more sensors and more computational power to perform these missions. Furthermore, new sensors in the market produce better quality data at higher rates while new processors can increase substantially the computational power. Therefore, near-future spacecrafts will be equipped with large number of sensors that will produce data at rates that has not been seen before in space, while at the same time, data processing power will be significantly increased. In regards to guidance navigation and control applications, vision-based navigation has become increasingly important in a variety of space applications for enhancing autonomy and dependability. Future missions such as Active Debris Removal will rely on novel high-performance avionics to support image processing and Artificial Intelligence algorithms with large workloads. Even more complex is the case of vision-based precision landing, that high rate processing is a must and can be the tipping point of a successful mission. This new scenario of advanced Space applications and increase in data amount and processing power, has brought new challenges with it: low determinism, excessive power needs, data losses and large response latency. In this article, a novel approach to on-board artificial intelligence (AI) is presented that is based on state-of-the-art algorithmic trading software techniques, which is a field that underwent a similar challenge, although is a different scale, in the early 2010. The approach presented here optimizes the limited available computing resources, and makes AI applications much more reliable, therefore somewhat reshaping the paradigm of embedded software engineering. A benchmarks is presented here for a pose estimation of the asteroid 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko using AI base of images from the Rosetta mission. In this paper, we show that the data processing rate and power saving of the applications increase substantially with respect to standard AI solutions

    Enabling Artificial Intelligence On-Board for Image Processing Applications

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    A novel approach to on-board artificial intelligence (AI) is presented here that is based on state-of-the-art academic research of the well known technique of data pipeline. Algorithm pipelining has seen a resurgence in the high performance computing work due its low power use and high throughput capabilities. The approach presented here provides a very sophisticated threading model combination of pipeline and parallelization techniques applied to deep neural networks (DNN), making these type of AI ap-plications much more efficient and reliable. This new approach has been validated with several DNN models developed for Space application (including asteroid landing, cloud detection and coronal mass ejection detection) and two different computer architectures. The results show that the data processing rate and power saving of the applications increase substantially with respect to standard AI solutions, enabling real AI on space

    Field-controlled Self-assembly and Disassembly of Colloidal Nanoparticles

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    Self-assembly of nanoparticles is one of the most promising methods for the preparation of novel materials and devices with exceptional properties. In order to control nanoparticles self-assembly, an understanding of their interactions is absolutely necessary. One convenient way to achieve a control on their interaction is through the use of external fields. Here we provide two different examples of how interparticle interactions are affected by interactions with external fields. In the first case, magnetic fields are used to induce dipolar interactions among concentrated suspension of superparamagnetic nanocolloids, which cause them to self-assemble into dense chain-like anisotropic structures, used as templates for the growth of porous materials with tunable properties. In the second case, it is shown how more commonly employed but less understood flow fields interact with clusters of particles, and lead to their restructuring or disassembly depending upon the shear stress applied

    Preparation and Study of Charge Transfer Complexes of N.N.N.N-Tetra-Methyl-Para-Phenylene-Diamine (TMPD) with NG, Tetryl, RDX and HMX

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    Charge transfer complexes of NG tetryl, RDX and HMX as electron acceptors with tetra-methyl-para-phenylene-diamine (TMPD) as electron donor were prepared and studied. When the solution of nitro-explosives in an inert solvent were added to a solution of TMPD, an intense violet colour was produced. This colour is due to the formation of TMPD cation known as Wurster radical formed from TMPD through the loss of an electron. It has been shown that one mole of each of NG, tetryl, RDX and HMX is needed to form oneTMPD cation. These complexes have also been studied by ultra-violet and infrared spectroscopy

    Universal breakup of colloidal clusters in simple shear flow

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    We have studied the long-term dynamics of shear-induced breakage of individual colloidal clusters, covering a wide range of fractal dimensions, using Stokesian dynamics. We found that the time evolution of the normalized average size of the fragments generated by the breakup process could be scaled using a unique dimensionless time defined by multiplying the real time with the cluster breakage rate constant (τ = t·kB). Clusters with different masses but the same fractal dimension exhibited almost identical breakage dynamics when exposed to equal overall hydrodynamic forces (ηγRg,0²). The steady-state values of the average size, mass, and standard deviation of fragment mass distribution showed a universal scaling depending only on the overall hydrodynamic force, irrespective of the initial cluster properties. We also identified two asymptotic regimes for the evolution of the fractal dimension, ⟨df⟩, of fragments: open clusters (d f ≤ 2.1) produced dense fragments with a limiting ⟨df⟩ ≈ 2.4 ± 0.1; conversely, dense clusters (df ≥ 2.5) produced fragments with ⟨df⟩ ≈ 2.5 ± 0.1

    Enterprise Zones in the Courts: Legal Challenges to State Economic Redevelopment Legislation

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    The declining state of our nation\u27s cities has been, and continues to be, a frequent source of news and fodder for political debate. Unemployment, urban blight, crime, and economic dislocation are just a few of the inner-city\u27s afflictions which occupy the American mind. A multitude of theories have been advanced in order to explain the persistence of urban deterioration, accompanied by an array of governmental attempts to reverse, or at least stem, the trend of inner-city decay

    Análise da influência dos parâmetros de injeção na resistência mecânica em corpos de prova em acrilonitrila butadieno estireno (ABS)

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Joinville, Engenharia Automotiva.A indústria de fabricação e transformação de materiais plásticos tem crescido ao longo dos anos, pelo fato de que os materiais poliméricos são leves, resistentes e de fácil fabricação quando comparados a outros materiais, como por exemplo, os aços. O processo de injeção é um dos processos de transformação de polímeros mais utilizado na indústria, sendo composto por uma máquina injetora e um molde de injeção para dar forma ao produto. O molde é a parte fundamental do processo e dependendo do produto a ser injetado, tem alta complexidade para ser desenvolvido, por isso um alto custo de fabricação. Durante o processo de injeção vários são os fatores que devem ser regulados, entre eles, pressão, temperatura, tempo de resfriamento, velocidade de injeção, dosagem, entre outros. Desta maneira, há uma grande necessidade em encontrar os parâmetros ideais para o processo de injeção, conciliando uma boa resistência, com o tempo e custo do produto final. Assim, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar a influência nas propriedades mecânicas da variação de parâmetros de injeção em corpos de provas produzidos em Acrilonitrila Butadieno Estireno (ABS), utilizando o planejamento de experimentos. Concluído o trabalho, foi possível analisar as combinações de parâmetros que tiveram maior e menor resistência a tração e módulo de elasticidade, conhecendo-se o grau de relevância de cada efeito, concluindo que os parâmetros de injeção para os níveis máximos e mínimos escolhidos, não tiveram influência nas propriedades mecânicas dos corpos de prova.The manufacturing and processing industry of plastic materials has grown over the years, due to the fact that polymeric materials are lightweight, resistant, and easy to manufacture when compared to other materials, such as steel. The injection process is one of the most used polymer transformation processes in the industry, this process is composed of an injection machine and an injection mold to shape the product. The mold is a fundamental part of the process, and depending on the product to be injected it has a high complexity to be developed, which is why it has a high manufacturing cost. During the injection process, several factors must be regulated, including pressure, temperature, cooling time, injection speed, and dosage, among others. In this way, there is a great need to find the ideal parameters for the injection process, reconciling good resistance with the time and cost of the final product. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to analyze the influence on the mechanical properties of the variation of injection parameters, in samples produced in ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) using the experimental design. With the conclusion of work, it was possible to analyze the combinations of parameters that had greater and least tensile strength and elasticity modulus, knowing the degree of relevance of each effect, concluding that the injection parameters for the chosen maximums and minimums levels did not had an influence on the mechanical properties of the samples produced

    Investigating Agile Adaptation for Project Development

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    Agile methodologies adaptation in software companies is an accepted norm.Rapid application development and efficient deliverables being the premise. The changing business needs, cost effectiveness and timely delivery are catered to by agile methods. Different software development models are in the literature and also are being used by the industry. Few companies have adopted agile, few are gearing up for and few are in transition. We investigated agile presence in a software company.Project management is an evolving art with innovative methods being added up.The aim of this paper is to tease about project management challenges, agile, agile transition in companies and a comparison of conventional software engineering practices with agile process model.This paper takes stock of the current status of quality in software projects and to add on quality process improvement strategies. The results presented here are after a qualitative interview study with one cross function team using streamline development framework in agile development

    Does interviewer gender influence a mother’s response to household surveys about maternal and child health in traditional settings? A qualitative study in Bihar, India

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    Background Two probability surveys, conducted in the same districts of Bihar, India (Aurangabad and Gopalganj) at approximately the same time in 2016 using identical questionnaires and similar survey methods, produced significantly different responses for 37.2% (58/156) of the indicator comparisons. Interviewers for one survey were men while for the other they were women. Respondents were mothers of children aged 0–59 months living in a traditional rural setting. We examined the influence of interviewer gender on mothers’ survey responses and their implications for interpreting survey results. Methods We used qualitative methods including 10 focus group discussions (FGDs) and 33 in-depth interviews (IDIs) in the same locations as the 2016 surveys. FGD participants were purposefully selected mothers with children 0–59 months, husbands and other in-law family members. IDIs were carried out with frontline health-workers, enumerators and supervisors from the two previous household surveys. Results Findings revealed a preference for female interviewers for household surveys in study districts as they facilitated access to mothers and reduced their discomfort as survey participants. However, this gender preference was related to the survey question. Regardless of age, caste and educational level, most mothers were not permitted to communicate with men (aside from husbands) about female-specific health topics, including birth preparedness, delivery, menstrual cycles, contraception, breastfeeding, sexual behaviour, sexually transmitted disease, and domestic violence. Mothers in higher castes perceived these social restrictions more acutely than mothers in lower castes. There was no systematic direction of the resulting error. Mothers were willing to discuss child health issues with interviewers of either gender. Conclusions Interviewer gender is an important consideration when designing survey protocols for maternal and reproductive health studies and when selecting and training enumerators. Female interviewers are optimal for traditional settings in Bihar as they are more likely to obtain accurate data on sensitive topics and reduce the potential for non-sampling error due to their reduced social distance with maternal respondents