1,715 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Properties of X-Ray Active Galactic Nuclei in the SSA22 Protocluster: Normal Supermassive Black Hole and Host-galaxy Growth for AGNs in a z = 3.09 Overdensity

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    \ua9 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. We analyze the physical properties of eight X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and one candidate protoquasar system (ADF22A1) in the z = 3.09 SSA22 protocluster by fitting their X-ray-to-IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) using our SED-fitting code, Lightning (https://www.github.com/rafaeleufrasio/lightning). We recover star formation histories (SFHs) for seven of these systems which are well fit by composite stellar population plus AGN models. We find indications that four out of nine of the SSA22 AGN systems we study have host galaxies below the main sequence, with SFR/SFRMS ≀ −0.4. The remaining SSA22 systems, including ADF22A1, are consistent with obscured supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth in star-forming galaxies. We estimate the SMBH accretion rates and masses, and compare the properties and SFHs of the nine protocluster AGN systems with X-ray-detected AGN candidates in the Chandra Deep Fields (CDF), finding that the distributions of SMBH growth rates, star formation rates (SFRs), SMBH masses, and stellar masses for the protocluster AGNs are consistent with field AGNs. We constrain the ratio between the sample-averaged SSA22 SMBH mass and CDF SMBH mass to <1.41. While the AGNs are located near the density peaks of the protocluster, we find no statistically significant trends between the AGN or host-galaxy properties and their location in the protocluster. We interpret the similarity of the protocluster and field AGN populations together with existing results as suggesting that the protocluster and field AGNs coevolve with their hosts in the same ways, while AGN-triggering events are more likely in the protocluster

    Anointed or appointed? Father–daughter succession within the family business

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    With the focus on events and outcomes shaping most of the existing family business research on intra-family succession, the subtleties of the incumbent-successor relationship and the dynamic nature of succession as a process of becoming is somewhat neglected. In particular, we have limited understanding of how successor identities are constructed as legitimate between incumbent and successor during father-daughter succession. This article addresses this gap in understanding by exploring how the daughter successor engages in identity work with the father incumbent during the process of succession and the role of father-daughter gendered relations in shaping her successor identity. Using a two-stage research design strategy, we draw upon empirical evidence derived from 14 individual and joint semi-structured interviews to present a narrative analysis of five father-daughter dyads. In so doing, we unveil how the daughter’s successor identity was co-constructed as legitimate and how father-daughter gendered relations influenced this process. Although daughters rely on certain father-daughter relations (preparation, endorsement and osmotic credibility) for legitimacy, they also need to develop independently from their father in order to heighten their own visibility and establish credibility

    The unique ethical challenges of conducting research in the rehabilitation medicine population

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    BACKGROUND: The broad topic of research ethics is one which has been relatively well-investigated and discussed. Unique ethical issues have been identified for such populations as pediatrics, where the issues of consent and assent have received much attention, and obstetrics, with concerns such as the potential for research to cause harm to the fetus. However, little has been written about ethical concerns which are relatively unique to the population of patients seen by the practitioner of rehabilitation medicine. DISCUSSION: This paper reviews unique ethical concerns in conducting research in this population, including decision-making capacity, communication, the potential for subject overuse, the timing of recruitment, hope for a cure and therapeutic misconception and the nature of the health care provider-research subject relationship. SUMMARY: Researchers in the area of rehabilitation medicine should be aware of some of the unique ethical challenges posed by this patient population and should take steps to address any potential concerns in order to optimize subject safety and ensure that studies meet current ethical guidelines and standards

    Evolution of Fruit Traits in Ficus Subgenus Sycomorus (Moraceae): To What Extent Do Frugivores Determine Seed Dispersal Mode?

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    Fig trees are a ubiquitous component of tropical rain forests and exhibit an enormous diversity of ecologies. Focusing on Ficus subgenus Sycomorus, a phenotypically diverse and ecologically important Old World lineage, we examined the evolution of fruit traits using a molecular phylogeny constructed using 5 kilobases of DNA sequence data from 63 species (50% of global diversity). In particular, we ask whether patterns of trait correlations are consistent with dispersal agents as the primary selective force shaping morphological diversity or if other ecological factors may provide a better explanation? Fig colour, size and placement (axial, cauliflorous, or geocarpic) were all highly evolutionarily liable, and the same fruit traits have evolved in different biogeographic regions with substantially different dispersal agents. After controlling for phylogenetic autocorrelation, we found that fig colour and size were significantly associated with fig placement and plant-life history traits (maximum plant height and leaf area, respectively). However, contrary to prevailing assumptions, fig placement correlated poorly with known dispersal agents and appears more likely determined by other factors, such as flowering phenology, nutrient economy, and habitat preference. Thus, plant life-history, both directly and through its influence on fig placement, appears to have played a prominent role in determining fruit traits in these figs

    Potential health impacts of heavy metals on HIV-infected population in USA.

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    Noninfectious comorbidities such as cardiovascular diseases have become increasingly prevalent and occur earlier in life in persons with HIV infection. Despite the emerging body of literature linking environmental exposures to chronic disease outcomes in the general population, the impacts of environmental exposures have received little attention in HIV-infected population. The aim of this study is to investigate whether individuals living with HIV have elevated prevalence of heavy metals compared to non-HIV infected individuals in United States. We used the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2010 to compare exposures to heavy metals including cadmium, lead, and total mercury in HIV infected and non-HIV infected subjects. In this cross-sectional study, we found that HIV-infected individuals had higher concentrations of all heavy metals than the non-HIV infected group. In a multivariate linear regression model, HIV status was significantly associated with increased blood cadmium (p=0.03) after adjusting for age, sex, race, education, poverty income ratio, and smoking. However, HIV status was not statistically associated with lead or mercury levels after adjusting for the same covariates. Our findings suggest that HIV-infected patients might be significantly more exposed to cadmium compared to non-HIV infected individuals which could contribute to higher prevalence of chronic diseases among HIV-infected subjects. Further research is warranted to identify sources of exposure and to understand more about specific health outcomes

    Assessing personality in San Joaquin kit fox in situ: efficacy of field-based experimental methods and implications for conservation management

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    Utilisation of animal personality has potential benefit for conservation management. Due to logistics of robust behavioural evaluation in situ, the majority of studies on wild animals involve taking animals into captivity for testing, potentially compromising results. Three in situ tests for evaluation of boldness in San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) were developed (ENOT: extended novel object test; RNOT: rapid novel object test; TH: trap/handling test). Each test successfully identified variation in boldness within its target age class(es). The TH test was suitable for use across all age classes. Tests were assessed for in situ suitability and for quantity/quality of data yielded. ENOT was rated as requiring high levels of time, cost and labour with greater likelihood of failure. However, it was rated highly for data quantity/quality. The TH test was rated as requiring little time, labour and cost, but yielding lower quality data. RNOT was rated in the middle. Each test had merit and could be adapted to suit project or species constraints. We recommend field-based evaluation of personality, reducing removal of animals from the wild and facilitating routine incorporation of personality assessment into conservation projects

    A collaborative approach to forecasting product–service systems (PSS)

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    Copyright @ Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010. The final version of this article may be viewed at the link below.This paper examines the forecasting implications for product–service systems (PSS) applications in manufacturing firms. The approach taken is to identify the scope of operations for PSS applications by identifying all the activities associated with the service deployment in the telecom sector. The paper then develops a revenue model for manufacturing firms providing PSS applications. The revenue model identifies three generic revenue streams that provide the basis for discussion on the differences in forecasting approaches, including collaborative approaches based on PSS staff being geographically co-located

    Evidence for an increase in cosmogenic 10Be during a geomagnetic reversal

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    Reversals in the geomagnetic field, which occur every few hundred thousand years, represent a dramatic change in the Earth's environment. Although there is no satisfactory theory for such reversals, it is generally accepted that the dipole field intensity decreases to <20% of its 'normal' value for a few thousand years during the change in direction. Because the galactic and solar cosmic rays which impinge on the Earth's atmosphere are charged, a significant fraction (about half) of them are deflected by the geomagnetic field. At the time of a reversal, this magnetic shielding is greatly reduced, and it has been suggested that the increased flux of high-energy particles could have effects on evolutionary or climatic processes. For example, the statistically significant coincidence in levels of some marine faunal extinctions and reversal boundaries in ocean sediments could be caused, directly or indirectly, by the decreased geomagnetic intensity during the reversal. We report here evidence in marine sediments for an increase in cosmogenic 10Be production in the Earth's atmosphere during the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal 730,000 yr ago. In addition to confirming an increase in cosmogenic isotope production, the results provide information on the magnitude and duration of the geomagnetic intensity decrease during such an event, and the depth at which remanent magnetism is acquired in marine sediments

    Ophthalmic Complications of Bariatric Surgery

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    Obesity is increasing vastly in the world, and the number of bariatric surgeries being performed is also increasing. Patients being submitted to bariatric surgeries, especially malabsorptive procedures, have an increased risk of developing nutrient deficiencies, which can culminate in symptomatic hypovitaminosis, if supplementation is not done correctly. The eye and the optic system need an adequate level of several vitamins and minerals to perform properly, especially vitamin A, and this article wants to cover the main nutrients involved, the possible ophthalmic complications that can arise by their deficiency, and the management of those complications
