47,984 research outputs found

    A normalisation procedure for biaxial bias extension tests

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    Biaxial Bias Extension tests have been performed on a plain-weave carbon fibre engineering fabric. The test results have been normalised using both the upper and lower bound method proposed by Potluri et al. and also using a novel alternative normalisation method based on energy arguments. The normalised results from both methods are compared and discussed

    Design and simulation of InGaAs/AlAsSb quantum-cascade lasers for short wavelength emission

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    The design and simulation of an In-0.53Ga-0.47As/Al-0.56As-0.44Sb quantum-cascade laser emitting in the near infrared is presented. Designed using a self-consistent rate equation solver coupled with an energy balance rate equation, the proposed laser has a calculated population inversion of ~20% at 77 K and sufficient gain to achieve room-temperature laser emission at λ ~2.8 ”m. Threshold currents in the range 4–8 kA/cm2 are estimated as the temperature increases from 77 K to 300 K. The output characteristics of the proposed laser are compared to an existing λ ~3.1 ”m In-0.53Ga-0.47As/Al-0.56As-0.44Sb quantum-cascade structure presented in the literature

    Exploring the Trade-offs Between Incentives for Distributed Generation Developers and DNOs

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    Regulators are aiming to incentivize developers and Distribution Network Operators to connect distributed generation (DG) to improve network environmental performance and efficiency. A key question is whether these incentives will encourage both parties to connect DG. Here, multiobjective optimal power flow is used to simulate how the parties' incentives affect their choice of DG capacity within the limits of the existing network. Using current U.K. incentives as a basis, this paper explores the costs, benefits and tradeoffs associated with DG in terms of connection, losses and, in a simple fashion, network deferral. © 2007 IEEE

    A new quantum fluid at high magnetic fields in the marginal charge-density-wave system α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2M_2MHg(SCN)4_4 (where M=M=~K and Rb)

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    Single crystals of the organic charge-transfer salts α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2M_2MHg(SCN)4_4 have been studied using Hall-potential measurements (M=M=K) and magnetization experiments (MM = K, Rb). The data show that two types of screening currents occur within the high-field, low-temperature CDWx_x phases of these salts in response to time-dependent magnetic fields. The first, which gives rise to the induced Hall potential, is a free current (jfree{\bf j}_{\rm free}), present at the surface of the sample. The time constant for the decay of these currents is much longer than that expected from the sample resistivity. The second component of the current appears to be magnetic (jmag{\bf j}_{\rm mag}), in that it is a microscopic, quasi-orbital effect; it is evenly distributed within the bulk of the sample upon saturation. To explain these data, we propose a simple model invoking a new type of quantum fluid comprising a CDW coexisting with a two-dimensional Fermi-surface pocket which describes the two types of current. The model and data are able to account for the body of previous experimental data which had generated apparently contradictory interpretations in terms of the quantum Hall effect or superconductivity.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Automated DNA Motif Discovery

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    Ensembl's human non-coding and protein coding genes are used to automatically find DNA pattern motifs. The Backus-Naur form (BNF) grammar for regular expressions (RE) is used by genetic programming to ensure the generated strings are legal. The evolved motif suggests the presence of Thymine followed by one or more Adenines etc. early in transcripts indicate a non-protein coding gene. Keywords: pseudogene, short and microRNAs, non-coding transcripts, systems biology, machine learning, Bioinformatics, motif, regular expression, strongly typed genetic programming, context-free grammar.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Forming simulation of a thermoplastic commingled woven textile on a double dome

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    This paper presents thermoforming experiments and FE simulations of a commingled glass-PP woven composite on a double dome geometry, with the aim of assessing the correspondence of predicted and experimental shear angles. Large local deformations - especially in-plane shear, i.e. relative rotation between the two yarn families – occur when draping a textile on a three dimensional part and eventually unwanted phenomena like wrinkling or tearing may occur. The macroscopic drape behaviour of a weave is generally subdivided into: 1) The high tensile resistance along the yarn directions, expressed as non-linear stress-strain curves, and 2) The shear resistance, expressed as non-linear shear force versus shear angle curves. The constitutive model is constituted of a dedicated non-orthogonal hypo-elastic shear resistance model, previously described in [1, 2], combined with truss elements that represent the high tensile resistance along the yarn directions. This model is implemented in a user subroutine of the ABAQUS explicit FE solver. The material parameters have been identified via textile biaxial tensile tests at room temperature and bias extension tests at 200°. Thermoforming experiments are performed on a rectangular blank with the warp direction along the second symmetry plane of the tool, with a preheating temperature of 200°C, a constant mold temperature of about 70°C, and a blankholder ring. It was concluded that the shear angles were fairly well predicted for this particular case study, which could be expected in view of the fact that no wrinkles had formed during the thermoforming experiment

    Quantum transport in semiconductor quantum dot superlattices: electron-phonon resonances and polaron effects

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    Electron transport in periodic quantum dot arrays in the presence of interactions with phonons was investigated using the formalism of nonequilibrium Green's functions. The self-consistent Born approximation was used to model the self-energies. Its validity was checked by comparison with the results obtained by direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian of interacting electrons and longitudinal optical phonons. The nature of charge transport at electron -- phonon resonances was investigated in detail and contributions from scattering and coherent tunnelling to the current were identified. It was found that at larger values of the structure period the main peak in the current -- field characteristics exhibits a doublet structure which was shown to be a transport signature of polaron effects. At smaller values of the period, electron -- phonon resonances cause multiple peaks in the characteristics. A phenomenological model for treatment of nonuniformities of a realistic quantum dot ensemble was also introduced to estimate the influence of nonuniformities on current -- field characteristics

    Optical absorption spectrum in disordered semiconductor multilayers

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    The effects of chemical disorder on the electronic and optical properties of semiconductor alloy multilayers are studied based on the tight-binding theory and single-site coherent potential approximation. Due to the quantum confinement of the system, the electronic spectrum breaks into a set of subbands and the electronic density of states and hence the optical absorption spectrum become layer-dependent. We find that, the values of absorption depend on the alloy concentration, the strength of disorder, and the layer number. The absorption spectrum in all layers is broadened because of the influence of disorder and in the case of strong disorder regime, two optical absorption bands appear. In the process of absorption, most of the photon energy is absorbed by the interior layers of the system. The results may be useful for the development of optoelectronic nanodevices.Comment: 6 pages, 6 EPS figures, revised versio
