157 research outputs found

    Injury of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people due to transport: 2005-06 to 2009-10

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    This report looks at death and serious injury of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia due to transport accidents in the five-year period 2005-06 to 2009-10. Land transport accidents accounted for 26% of all fatal injury cases and 9% of all serious injury cases for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The age-standardised rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was 2.8 times the rate for Other Australians for fatal cases, and 1.3 times the rate for Other Australians for serious injuries

    Explaining enhanced logical consistency during decision making in autism

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    The emotional responses elicited by the way options are framed often results in lack of logical consistency in human decision making. In this study, we investigated subjects with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using a financial task in which the monetary prospects were presented as either loss or gain. We report both behavioral evidence that ASD subjects show a reduced susceptibility to the framing effect and psycho-physiological evidence that they fail to incorporate emotional context into the decision-making process. On this basis, we suggest that this insensitivity to contextual frame, although enhancing choice consistency in ASD, may also underpin core deficits in this disorder. These data highlight both benefits and costs arising from multiple decision processes in human cognition

    Living with Students: Lessons Learned While Pursuing Tenure, Administration, and Raising a Family

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    This case study is centered on two faculty-in-residence: one pursuing tenure and raising a young child while living in the residence halls and one an established professor and associate dean raising two teens while living in the residence halls. This case study offers two unique perspectives of faculty-in-residence at various stages in their career, living in residence with their students, working closely with students outside a typical classroom, all while managing professional and familial obligations

    The Decision, Implementation and Assessment of a Credit-Bearing Activity Class by Faculty in Residence: A Case Study

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    This case study reports on a programmatic decision to require a credit-bearing course that was made by Faculty in Residence (FIR), including its implementation and results over a two-year period from 2010-2012. The focus is on FIR and on the impact of their decision upon the students enrolled in their Living Learning Communities (LLCs). The credit-bearing course was a Kinesiology Activities class taken by all seven LLCs at Boise State University. Anonymous feedback from students was obtained via end of semester surveys; results were used to improve the course. Survey feedback was analyzed to assess the value students perceived to have gained from the course. The majority of students reported gaining value from the class. Students noted that it positively affected their time management/personal accountability, that it decreased their stress level and that it increased their awareness of the Recreational Center offerings. Some students were critical of the course, reporting little to no value or even resentment about the course requirement. The decision, implementation and improvements of the course required faculty leadership and full participation of all LLCs; perceptions of the FIR in terms of the effects of adding the required course on their LLC are reported

    The Farm Forestry Decision-Support System: Research Outcomes in Relation to Farm Surveys, the AFFFM and the MODSS

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    This chapter reviews the outcomes of the various components of the project 'A Whole-Farm and Regional Agroforestry Decision-Support System', including the landholder surveys and spatial modelling, and development and application of the decision-support systems (DSSs), and development and testing of the Australian Farm Forestry Financial Model. Achievements of the research and its relevance to decision-making at the farm and regional level are examined. Comments are also made on the viability of the approach of combining a number of separate research groups into a single team

    Early Eocene Arctic volcanism from carbonate-metasomatized mantle

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    Melilitite, nephelinite, basanite, and alkali basalt, along with phonolite differentiates, form the Freemans Cove Complex (FCC) in the south-eastern extremity of Bathurst Island (Nunavut, Canada). New 40Ar/39Ar chronology indicates their emplacement between ~ 56 and ~ 54 million years ago within a localized extensional structure. Melilitites and nephelinites, along with phonolite differentiates, likely relate to the beginning and end phases of extension, whereas alkali basalts were emplaced during a main extensional episode at ~ 55 Ma. The melilitites, nephelinites, and alkali basalts show no strong evidence for significant assimilation of crust, in contrast to some phonolites. Partial melting occurred within both the garnet- and spinel-facies mantle and sampled sources with He, O, Nd, Hf, and Os isotope characteristics indicative of peridotite with two distinct components. The first, expressed in higher degree partial melts, represents a relatively depleted component (“A”; 3He/4He ~ 8 RA, εNdi ~ + 3 εHfi ~ + 7, γOsi ~ 0). The second was an enriched component (“B” 3He/4He + 70) sampled by the lowest degree partial melts and represents carbonate-metasomatized peridotite. Magmatism in the FCC shows that rifting extended from the Labrador Sea to Bathurst Island and reached a zenith at ~ 55 Ma, during the Eurekan orogeny. The incompatible trace-element abundances and isotopic signatures of FCC rocks indicate melt generation occurred at the base of relatively thin lithosphere at the margin of a thick craton, with no mantle plume influence. FCC melt compositions are distinct from other continental rift magmatic provinces worldwide, and their metasomatized mantle source was plausibly formed synchronously with emplacement of Cretaceous kimberlites. The FCC illustrates that the range of isotopic compositions preserved in continental rift magmas are likely to be dominated by temporal changes in the extent of partial melting, as well as by the timing and degree of metasomatism recorded in the underlying continental lithosphere

    Superposition as a logical glue

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    The typical mathematical language systematically exploits notational and logical abuses whose resolution requires not just the knowledge of domain specific notation and conventions, but not trivial skills in the given mathematical discipline. A large part of this background knowledge is expressed in form of equalities and isomorphisms, allowing mathematicians to freely move between different incarnations of the same entity without even mentioning the transformation. Providing ITP-systems with similar capabilities seems to be a major way to improve their intelligence, and to ease the communication between the user and the machine. The present paper discusses our experience of integration of a superposition calculus within the Matita interactive prover, providing in particular a very flexible, "smart" application tactic, and a simple, innovative approach to automation.Comment: In Proceedings TYPES 2009, arXiv:1103.311