1,757 research outputs found

    Effect of 50 Hz Electromagnetic Fields on the Induction of Heat-Shock Protein Gene Expression in Human Leukocytes

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    Although evidence is controversial, exposure to environmental power-frequency magnetic fields is of public concern. Cells respond to some abnormal physiological conditions by producing cytoprotective heat-shock (or stress) proteins. In this study, we determined whether exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields in the range 0–100 μT rms either alone or concomitant with mild heating induced heat-shock protein gene expression in human leukocytes, and we compared this response to that induced by heat alone. Samples of human peripheral blood were simultaneously exposed to a range of magnetic-field amplitudes using a regimen that was designed to allow field effects to be distinguished from possible artifacts due to the position of the samples in the exposure system. Power-frequency magnetic-field exposure for 4 h at 37°C had no detectable effect on expression of the genes encoding HSP27, HSP70A or HSP70B, as determined using reverse transcriptase-PCR, whereas 2 h at 42°C elicited 10-, 5- and 12-fold increases, respectively, in the expression of these genes. Gene expression in cells exposed to power-frequency magnetic fields at 40°C was not increased compared to cells incubated at 40°C without field exposure. These findings and the extant literature suggest that power-frequency electromagnetic fields are not a universal stressor, in contrast to physical agents such as heat

    Impurity and strain effects on the magnetotransport of La1.85Sr0.15Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 films

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    The influence of zinc doping and strain related effects on the normal state transport properties(the resistivity, the Hall angle and the orbital magneto- resistance(OMR) is studied in a series of La1.85Sr0.15Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 films with values of y between 0 and 0.12 and various degrees of strain induced by the mismatch between the films and the substrate. The zinc doping affects only the constant term in the temperature dependence of cotangent theta but the strain affects both the slope and the constant term, while their ratio remains constant.OMR is decreased by zinc doping but is unaffected by strain. The ratio delta rho/(rho*tan^2 theta) is T-independent but decreases with impurity doping. These results put strong constraints on theories of the normal state of high- temperature superconductors

    Non-Universal Power Law of the "Hall Scattering Rate" in a Single-Layer Cuprate Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6}

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    In-plane resistivity \rho_{ab}, Hall coefficient, and magnetoresistance (MR) are measured in a series of high-quality Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6} crystals with various carrier concentrations, from underdope to overdope. Our crystals show the highest T_c (33 K) and the smallest residual resistivity ever reported for Bi-2201 at optimum doping. It is found that the temperature dependence of the Hall angle obeys a power law T^n with n systematically decreasing with increasing doping, which questions the universality of the Fermi-liquid-like T^2 dependence of the "Hall scattering rate". In particular, the Hall angle of the optimally-doped sample changes as T^{1.7}, not as T^2, while \rho_{ab} shows a good T-linear behavior. The systematics of the MR indicates an increasing role of spin scattering in underdoped samples.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Vortex Dynamics and the Hall-Anomaly: a Microscopic Analysis

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    We present a microscopic derivation of the equation of motion for a vortex in a superconductor. A coherent view on vortex dynamics is obtained, in which {\it both} hydrodynamics {\it and} the vortex core contribute to the forces acting on a vortex. The competition between these two provides an interpretation of the observed sign change in the Hall angle in superconductors with mean free path ll of the order of the coherence length ξ\xi in terms of broken particle-hole symmetry, which is related to details of the microscopic mechanism of superconductivity.Comment: 12 pages, late

    He Scattering from Compact Clusters and from Diffusion-Limited Aggregates on Surfaces: Observable Signatures of Structure

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    The angular intensity distribution of He beams scattered from compact clusters and from diffusion limited aggregates, epitaxially grown on metal surfaces, is investigated theoretically. The purpose is twofold: to distinguish compact cluster structures from diffusion limited aggregates, and to find observable {\em signatures} that can characterize the compact clusters at the atomic level of detail. To simplify the collision dynamics, the study is carried out in the framework of the sudden approximation, which assumes that momentum changes perpendicular to the surface are large compared with momentum transfer due to surface corrugation. The diffusion limited aggregates on which the scattering calculations were done, were generated by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. It is demonstrated, by focusing on the example of compact Pt Heptamers, that signatures of structure of compact clusters may indeed be extracted from the scattering distribution. These signatures enable both an experimental distinction between diffusion limited aggregates and compact clusters, and a determination of the cluster structure. The characteristics comprising the signatures are, to varying degrees, the Rainbow, Fraunhofer, specular and constructive interference peaks, all seen in the intensity distribution. It is also shown, how the distribution of adsorbate heights above the metal surface can be obtained by an analysis of the specular peak attenuation. The results contribute to establishing He scattering as a powerful tool in the investigation of surface disorder and epitaxial growth on surfaces, alongside with STM.Comment: 41 pages, 16 postscript figures. For more details see http://www.fh.huji.ac.il/~dan

    Dynamic ordering and frustration of confined vortex rows studied by mode-locking experiments

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    The flow properties of confined vortex matter driven through disordered mesoscopic channels are investigated by mode locking (ML) experiments. The observed ML effects allow to trace the evolution of both the structure and the number of confined rows and their match to the channel width as function of magnetic field. From a detailed analysis of the ML behavior for the case of 3-rows we obtain ({\it i}) the pinning frequency fpf_p, ({\it ii}) the onset frequency fcf_c for ML (\propto ordering velocity) and ({\it iii}) the fraction LML/LL_{ML}/L of coherently moving 3-row regions in the channel. The field dependence of these quantities shows that, at matching, where LMLL_{ML} is maximum, the pinning strength is small and the ordering velocity is low, while at mismatch, where LMLL_{ML} is small, both the pinning force and the ordering velocity are enhanced. Further, we find that fcfp2f_c \propto f_p^2, consistent with the dynamic ordering theory of Koshelev and Vinokur. The microscopic nature of the flow and the ordering phenomena will also be discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure, submitted to PRB. Discussion has been improved and a figure has been adde

    Big, Fast Vortices in the d-RVB theory of High Temperature Superconductivity

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    The effect of proximity to a Mott insulating phase on the superflow properties of a d-wave superconductor is studied using the slave boson-U(1) gauge theory model. The model has two limits corresponding to superconductivity emerging either out of a 'renormalized fermi liquid' or out of a non-fermi-liquid regime. Three crucial physical parameters are identified: the size of the vortex \textit{as determined from the supercurrent it induces;} the coupling of the superflow to the quasiparticles and the 'nondissipative time derivative' term. As the Mott phase is approached, the core size as defined from the supercurrent diverges, the coupling between superflow and quasiparticles vanishes, and the magnitude of the nondissipative time derivative dramatically increases. The dissipation due to a moving vortex is found to vary as the third power of the doping. The upper critical field and the size of the critical regime in which paraconductivity may be observed are estimated, and found to be controlled by the supercurrent length scale

    Magnetotransport in the Normal State of La1.85Sr0.15Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 Films

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    We have studied the magnetotransport properties in the normal state for a series of La1.85Sr0.15Cu(1-y)Zn(y)O4 films with values of y, between 0 and 0.12. A variable degree of compressive or tensile strain results from the lattice mismatch between the substrate and the film, and affects the transport properties differently from the influence of the zinc impurities. In particular, the orbital magnetoresistance (OMR) varies with y but is strain-independent. The relations for the resistivity and the Hall angle and the proportionality between the OMR and tan^2 theta are followed about 70 K. We have been able to separate the strain and impurity effects by rewriting the above relations, where each term is strain-independent and depends on y only. We also find that changes in the lattice constants give rise to closely the same fractional changes in other terms of the equation.The OMR is more strongly supressed by the addition of impurities than tan^2 theta. We conclude that the relaxation ratethat governs Hall effect is not the same as for the magnetoresistance. We also suggest a correspondence between the transport properties and the opening of the pseudogap at a temperature which changes when the La-sr ratio changes, but does not change with the addition of the zinc impurities

    Transverse Phase Locking for Vortex Motion in Square and Triangular Pinning Arrays

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    We analyze transverse phase locking for vortex motion in a superconductor with a longitudinal DC drive and a transverse AC drive. For both square and triangular arrays we observe a variety of fractional phase locking steps in the velocity versus DC drive which correspond to stable vortex orbits. The locking steps are more pronounced for the triangular arrays which is due to the fact that the vortex motion has a periodic transverse velocity component even for zero transverse AC drive. All the steps increase monotonically in width with AC amplitude. We confirm that the width of some fractional steps in the square arrays scales as the square of the AC driving amplitude. In addition we demonstrate scaling in the velocity versus applied DC driving curves at depinning and on the main step, similar to that seen for phase locking in charge-density wave systems. The phase locking steps are most prominent for commensurate vortex fillings where the interstitial vortices form symmetrical ground states. For increasing temperature, the fractional steps are washed out very quickly, while the main step gains a linear component and disappears at melting. For triangular pinning arrays we again observe transverse phase locking, with the main and several of the fractional step widths scaling linearly with AC amplitude.Comment: 10 pages, 14 postscript figure

    Dynamic Scaling and Two-Dimensional High-Tc Superconductors

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    There has been ongoing debate over the critical behavior of two-dimensional superconductors; in particular for high Tc superconductors. The conventional view is that a Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii transition occurs as long as finite size effects do not obscure the transition. However, there have been recent suggestions that a different transition actually occurs which incorporates aspects of both the dynamic scaling theory of Fisher, Fisher, and Huse and the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii transition. Of general interest is that this modified transition apparently has a universal dynamic critical exponent. Some have countered that this apparent universal behavior is rooted in a newly proposed finite-size scaling theory; one that also incorporates scaling and conventional two-dimensional theory. To investigate these issues we study DC voltage versus current data of a 12 angstrom thick YBCO film. We find that the newly proposed scaling theories have intrinsic flexibility that is relevant to the analysis of the experiments. In particular, the data scale according to the modified transition for arbitrarily defined critical temperatures between 0 K and 19.5 K, and the temperature range of a successful scaling collapse is related directly to the sensitivity of the measurement. This implies that the apparent universal exponent is due to the intrinsic flexibility rather than some real physical property. To address this intrinsic flexibility, we propose a criterion which would give conclusive evidence for phase transitions in two-dimensional superconductors. We conclude by reviewing results to see if our criterion is satisfied.Comment: 14 page