11,361 research outputs found

    An Editorial Statement

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    As representatives of the Multicultural Task Force of Kansas State University, our editorial tasks provided us with insight into the many facets of this emphasis of academia

    Off-farm Income and Investments in Farm Assets: A Double Hurdle Approach

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    The farm household structure is a complex set of inter-relationships between and among a variety of internal and external factors involving consumption, investment, and income-earning activities. In this paper we use ARMS data to explore the contribution of off-farm income to the viability of the farm business. We focus on the link between off-farm income and farm investment and whether off-farm income drives on-farm investment. The results indicate the importance of farm characteristics such as type, size, and location on the probability of investment but lead us to reject the hypothesis that off farm income is driving farm investment. Further research will be needed to further unweave some of the complex relationships involved in the farm household structure. Keywords: Farm investments, off-farm income, double hurdleOff-farm income, farm investment, double hurdle, Agricultural Finance, Financial Economics, D1, J2, Q12,

    Determinants of Farm Household Income Diversification in the United States: Evidence from Farm-Level Data

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    This study examines the determinants of income diversification of farm households in the United States. Farm households allocate their time between farm and off-farm activities to help stabilized household income (consumption). What characterizes those households who engage in off-farm activities? Is there any pattern over time? Using 1999, 2003 and 2007 farm-level data from the USDA’s Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), this study estimates intensity of off-farm income (or income diversification). The results show that older operators, full owners, and small farms have higher intensity of off-farm income in total household income. In contrast, dairy farms, vertically coordinated farms and farms located in the Southern and Pacific regions have lower intensity of off-farm income. In other words, household incomes of these farms are less likely to be diversified.Tobit, income diversification, vertical integration, tenure, farm households, Agricultural Finance, Consumer/Household Economics, D1, J2, Q12,

    Parameters affecting ion intensities in transmission-mode Direct Analysis in Real-Time mass spectrometry

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    A survey of the effect of temperature, transmission module material and analysis time on ion intensities in transmission mode direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry is presented. Ion intensity profiles obtained for two related compounds are similar when analysed separately but are very different when analysed as a mixture

    Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composite Blade Damping Characteristics for Aerospace Turbomachinery Applications

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    For advanced aerospace propulsion systems, development of ceramic matrix composite integrally-bladed turbine disk technology is attractive for a number of reasons. The high strength-to-weight ratio of ceramic composites helps to reduce engine weight and the one-piece construction of a blisk will result in fewer parts count, which should translate into reduced operational costs. One shortcoming with blisk construction, however, is that blisks may be prone to high cycle fatigue due to their structural response to high vibration environments. Use of ceramic composites is expected to provide some internal damping to reduce the vibratory stresses encountered due to unsteady flow loads through the bladed turbine regions. A goal of our research was to characterize the vibration viscous damping behavior of C/SiC composites. The vibration damping properties were measured and calculated. Damping appeared to decrease with an increase in the natural frequency. While the critical damping amount of approximately 2% is required for typical aerospace turbomachinery engines, the C/SiC damping at high frequencies was less than 0.2% from our study. The advanced high-performance aerospace propulsion systems almost certainly will require even more damping than what current vehicles require. A purpose of this paper is to review some work on C/SiC vibration damping by the authors for the NASA CMC turbine blisk development program and address an importance of the further investigation of the blade vibration damping characteristics on candidate CMC materials for the NASA s advanced aerospace turbomachinery engine systems

    An investigation of the sensitivity of the Fermi surface to the treatment of exchange and correlation

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    The Group V and VI transition metals share a common Fermi surface feature of hole ellipsoids at the N point in the Brillouin zone. In clear contrast to the other Fermi surface sheets, which are purely of d character, these arise from a band that has a significant proportion of p character. By performing local density approximation (LDA), generalized gradient approximation (GGA), strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) meta-GGA, and GW approximation calculations, we find that the p character part of this band (and therefore the Fermi surface) is particularly sensitive to the exchange-correlation approximation. LDA and GGA calculations inadequately describe this feature, predicting N hole ellipsoid sizes that are consistently too large in comparison to various experimental measurements, whereas quasiparticle self-consistent GW calculations predict a size that is slightly too small (and non-self-consistent GW calculations that use an LDA starting point predict a size that is much too small). Overall, for the metals tested here, SCAN provides the most accurate Fermi surface predictions, mostly correcting the discrepancies between measurements and calculations that were observed when LDA calculations were used. However, none of the tested exchange-correlation approximations succeeds in simultaneously bringing all of the measurable properties of these metals into good experimental agreement, particularly where magnetism is concerned. The SCAN calculations predict antiferromagnetic moments for Cr that are 3 times larger than the experimental value (1.90 μB\mu_B compared to 0.62 μB\mu_B)

    Sugary Drink FACTS 2014: Some Progress but Much Room for Improvement in Marketing to Youth

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    This report updates a 2011 report on the same topic. Using the same methods as the last report, researchers examined changes in the nutritional content of sugar-sweetened drinks including sodas, fruit drinks, flavored waters, sports drinks, iced teas, as well as zero-calorie energy drinks and shots. They also analyzed marketing tactics for 23 companies that advertised these products, including amount spent to advertise in all media; child and teen exposure to advertising and brand appearances on TV and visits to beverage company websites, including differences for black and Hispanic youth; advertising on websites popular with children and teens; and marketing in newer media like mobile apps and social media. Researchers also examined changes in advertising of diet beverages, 100% juice, and water

    High angular resolution mm- and submm-observations of dense molecular gas in M82

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    Researchers observed CO(7-6), CO(3-2), HCN(3-2) and HCO+(3-2) line emission toward the starburst nucleus of M82 and have obtained an upper limit to H13CN(3-2). These are the first observations of the CO(7-6), HCN(3-2) and HCO+(3-2) lines in any extragalactic source. Researchers took the CO(7-6) spectrum in January 1988 at the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) with the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics/Univ. of California, Berkeley 800 GHz Heterodyne Receiver. In March 1989 researchers used the Institute for Radio Astronomy in the Millimeter range (IRAM) 30 m telescope to observe the CO(3-2) line with the new MPE 350 GHz Superconductor Insulator Superconductor (SIS) receiver and the HCN(3-2) and HCO+(3-2) lines with the (IRAM) 230 GHz SIS receiver (beam 12" FWHM, Blundell et al. 1988). The observational parameters are summarized