613 research outputs found

    The planning, installation, and results of a performance improvement program for supervisory personnel

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    The scope or aim of this thesis is to plan, install and measure the results of a performance improvement program directed towards supervisory personnel. The planning stage consists of investigating secondary works by others pertaining directly or closely to the subject of performance improvement programs. Primary data have been collected in order to have all the facts necessary to plan an effective program. These data include past performance of shifts, defining shift problems and objectives. and techniques to accomplish objectives. An attempt is made here to record all the events that took place in planning this procedure. The installation phase of the program is covered under placing the plan into action . Discussions of group meetings with foremen, the follow-up with individual foremen, and the contacts with operating and union personnel are also enclosed within this report. The program is evaluated and some conclusions are drawn from the evaluation in the last chapter

    Measurement of Xylary Fluid Movement in Elm by the Thermoelectric Method

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    The thermoelectric method was used to determine the effect of external conditions and diurnal variation on the direction of xylary fluid movement in elm branches. Upward movement was detected under conditions favoring normal transpirational rates. No movement was detected during darkness or rainy conditions. Possible downward movement of branch fluid was indicated during late afternoon. Further refinement of the technique is needed for clarifying the latter observation

    Forestry and IPM

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    Is integrated forest pest management a new term for an activity already understood and practiced since the beginning of forest management? Although foresters have understood the management aspects associated with pests, the integrated Systems approach in Pest decision-making is new. The forest manager of today has the opportunity to develop a complete forest management plan that integrates all aspects of management, including pest management

    One Love : Collective Consciousness in Rap and Poetry of the Hip-Hop Generation

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    This study aims to offer an understanding of hip-hop culture through which three concepts are elucidated: (1) the existence and dimensions of a collective consciousness within rap and poetry of the hip-hop generation (Allison Joseph, A. Van Jordan, Terrance Hayes, Major Jackson, Taylor Mali, and Kevin Coval); (2) a poetics of rap--to parallel the influence seen/suggested among the selected poets; and (3) an analysis of the manner(s) in which the poetry of these more serious, academic artists reflects an influence of hip-hop culture. My thesis suggests that these poets are indeed influenced by the culture in which they grew up, and in their verse, this influence can be seen through linguistic playfulness, sonic density, layered meaning and usage through form and content, and the connection to a larger cultural, collective consciousness fed by specific social bodies. Poetic analysis, as well as studies of vernacular and oral traditions, has allowed me to explore these concepts and theories from a wider spectrum, and with regard to the work of the poets, an original perspective. Providing a deeper understanding of artists, their identities, places, and dreams within their work, this study begins to offer some insight into notions of the ways in which individuals might participate in cultural conservation.  M.A

    Disease and Insect Resistance: A Key to Successful Short Rotation Woody Crops Systems

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    Research on short rotation woody crops (SRWC) systems has been conducted in the North Central states since the early 1970\u27s. Poplars have been the major tree genus used in these studies. This research has paid dividends as poplars now are being used in the establishment of demonstration and operational plantations for the production of biomass energy for on-farm use, institutional heating, and small industry power. Populus is also playing a key role in the development of new systems for temperate zone agroforestry that will supply wood energy while providing environmental benefits

    A Note on Monotonically Metacompact Spaces

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    We show that any metacompact Moore space is monotonically metacompact and use that result to characterize monotone metacompactness in certain generalized ordered (GO)spaces. We show, for example, that a generalized ordered space with a sigma-closed-discrete dense subset is metrizable if and only if it is monotonically (countably) metacompact, that a monotonically (countably) metacompact GO-space is hereditarily paracompact, and that a locally countably compact GO-space is metrizable if and only if it is monotonically (countably) metacompact. We give an example of a non-metrizable LOTS that is monotonically metacompact, thereby answering a question posed by S. G. Popvassilev. We also give consistent examples showing that if there is a Souslin line, then there is one Souslin line that is monotonically countable metacompact, and another Souslin line that is not monotonically countably metacompact