140 research outputs found

    Modelling of Motorcycle Accidents at Non-Exclusive Motorcycle Lane Junctions in Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, motorcycles constitute more than half of the total registered vehicles and contribute to more than 60% of casualties (death, hospitalised and slight injury) to total traffic accidents. In the 1990-2000 period, almost 3,000 motorcyclists were killed every year in traffic accidents. To overcome such problems, the exclusive motorcycle lanes have been constructed along the major trunk roads in Malaysia. However, not much work has been done to address junction accidents involving motorcycles. As such, a detailed study on this area has been carried out to allow traffic engineers to establish appropriate junction treatment criteria specifically designed for non-exclusive motorcycle lane facilities.A total of 104 junctions in Hulu Langat, Klang, Kuala Langat and Petaling districts with 1,095 injury related motorcycle accidents in the period 1997-2000 were included in the study. The generalised linear modelling with Poisson distribution was used to develop the model. The variables of the model were examined using univariate and multivariate analyses. The final models revealed that traffic flow entering the junction, approach speed, lane width, number of lanes on major road, shoulder width, junction control and land use were significant in explaining motorcycle accidents. Meanwhile, pedestrian flow, number of lanes on minor road and number of intersecting legs were not significant in explaining motorcycle accidents. Non-motorcycle flow on major road had the highest effect on the probability of motorcycle accidents at junctions. The final models allow traffic engineers to decide the appropriate intervention levels for junction treatment with respect to motorcycle accidents. Using the final models, design parameters for junctions may be changed to achieve the appropriate safety levels for them. The decision on whether to allow motorcycles to pass through a junction without treatment to it or the need for special end treatment to minimise motorcycle conflicts at junctions can be objectively carried out based on the model, and this can easily be done using the software developed in this study. Apart from the software, a series of design curves relating major road and minor road flows at junctions with typical shoulder widths of 0.0 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m and 2.5m have been established. The design curves were developed based on the number of Personal Injury Accidents (PIA) of 1-PIA per year. These design curves also enable traffic engineers to decide the need for special end treatment of the junctions

    Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan Di Indonesia Saatnya Ada Perubahan

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    This paper describes the implementation of road safety strategy that was experienced in many developed countries, whereby the sustainable road transport issues were included. Such strategy can hardly be found in Indonesia, the country that facing with serious problem in road accidents. Road safety action plans, those carried out to mitigate road accidents in some countries, were presented. In addition the paper also suggested the actions have to be taken to make better road accidents situation in Indonesia

    Model Kecelakaan Sepeda Motor Pada Suatu Ruas Jalan

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    Recently, motorcycle population in Indonesia is increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, the number of accidents involving motorcycles is higher than that of other motor vehicles. Based on the problem, it is important to find out a solution so that the road transportation safety can be created. The objective of this study is to model motorcycle accidents on the road. The dependent variable, as a response variable, is the number of motorcycle accidents and the independent variables are traffic volume, speed, lane width, lane number, and shoulder. The road accident data were collected from 18 roads in four areas, including Surabaya City, Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City. Modeling analysis employed a Generalized Linear Modeling (GLM) method. The results indicated that the model can be used to describe the actual condition of the road accidents. Moreover, it is also showed that the motorcycle accidents are significantly influenced by volume, speed, lane width, lane number, and shoulder variables. High volume and speed will increase accident risks, but the increase in lane width, lane number, and shoulder will decrease accident risks

    Kajian Dampak Relokasi Terminal Gadang Kota Malang Terhadap Biaya Operasional Kendaraan Dan Pengguna Angkutan Kota

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    Terminal angkutan umum ini juga menjadi prasarana transportasi penting di Kota Malang, namun seiring dengan rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW) kota malang setelah bulan 14 agustus 2009 Terminal Gadang dihentikan fungsinya dan digantikan oleh Terminal Hamid Rusdi, adanya permasalahan baru yaitu terganggunya kinerja operasional angkutan umum. Pada penelitian ini untuk analisanya menggunakan perhitungan jumlah armada angkutan kota ideal, jumlah penumpang, biaya operasional kendaraan, dan tarif. Sedangkan untuk menghitung jumlah armada ideal yaitu perhitungan faktor muat, waktu siklus, waktu antara. Untuk perhitungan jumlah penumpang peneliti membandingkan jumlah penumpang sebelum dipindahkan dengan jumlah penumpang setelah dipindahkan sehingga nanti dapat mengetahui perbedaan jumlah penumpang. Untuk perhitungan biaya operasional kendaraan digunakan perhitungan biaya tetap, biaya tidak tetap, dan overhead. Untuk perhitungan tarif menggunakan pembagian antara biaya operasional kendaraan total dengan jumlah penumpang total. Hasil proses perhitungan ini yaitu didapat jumlah penumpang untuk taryek LDG sebesar 167 penumpang dan untuk taryek ABG sebesar 165 penumpang. Sedangkan perhitungan jumlah armada ideal didapat sebanyak 102 armada untuk taryek LDG dan trayek ABG sebanyak 120 armada. Perhitungan biaya operasional kendaraan sebelum direlokasi untuk trayek ABG sebesar Rp 251.495,00 untuk trayek LDG sebesar Rp 232.955,00, setelah direlokasi untuk trayek ABG sebesar Rp 316.416,00 dan untuk trayek LDG sebesar Rp 289.636,00. Setelah didapat perhitungan biaya operasional dan jumlah penumpang didapat perhitung tarif, tarif yang didapat sebelum direlokasi untuk trayek ABG sebesar Rp 700,00 dan trayek LDG sebesar Rp 300,00, setelah direlokasi didapat besarnya tarif untuk trayek ABG sebesar Rp 1.400,00 dan trayek LDG sebesar Rp 1.200,00


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    Abstract This paper describes the implementation of road safety strategy that was experienced in many developed countries, whereby the sustainable road transport issues were included. Such strategy can hardly be found in Indonesia, the country that facing with serious problem in road accidents. Road safety action plans, those carried out to mitigate road accidents in some countries, were presented. In addition the paper also suggested the actions have to be taken to make better road accidents situation in Indonesia. Keywords: road safety strategy, road accidents, action plan


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    Abstract This paper describes the implementation of road safety strategy that was experienced in many developed countries, whereby the sustainable road transport issues were included. Such strategy can hardly be found in Indonesia, the country that facing with serious problem in road accidents. Road safety action plans, those carried out to mitigate road accidents in some countries, were presented. In addition the paper also suggested the actions have to be taken to make better road accidents situation in Indonesia. Keywords: road safety strategy, road accidents, action plan

    Model Pemilihan Moda Antara Ka Dan Truk Untuk Pengiriman Barang Koridor Surabaya-Jakarta

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    Pergerakan angkutan barang sepanjang koridor Surabaya-Jakarta sangat padat termasuk pergerakan angkutan barang jenis general cargo atau paket, terutama yang melalui jalur darat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei untuk mendapatkan data primer. Survei dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuisioner dan wawancara karakteristik sosial ekonomi, karakteristik pengiriman barang dan formulir pertanyaan stated preference terhadap responden. Responden adalah pengguna jasa pengiriman barang, baik via moda truk maupun kereta api. Analisis pemilihan moda dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Stated Preference, dengan atribut biaya pengiriman, waktu tempuh pengiriman, dan frekuensi keberangkatan pengiriman barang. Dari hasil analisis stated preference, diperoleh model utilitas pemilihan moda menurut persepsi pengguna jasa pengiriman barang kereta api dan truk. Menurut persepsi pengguna jasa pengiriman kereta api, faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam pemilihan moda adalah waktu tempuh pengiriman dengan persamaan utilitas (UKA-UTB) = 0,811 - 0,171 (∆X3), hal ini sesuai dengan karakteristik pengiriman barang pengguna kereta api yaitu mengutamakan kecepatan pengiriman barang. Sedangkan menurut pengguna jasa truk, faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah frekuensi keberangkatan dan selisih biaya pengiriman dengan persamaan utilitas (UKA-UTB) = -0,525 - 0,152 (∆X4(frekuensi)) dan (UKA-UTB) = -0,057 - 0,0000496 (∆X2(selisih biaya)), hal ini juga sesuai dengan karakteristik pengiriman lewat truk yaitu memiliki frekuensi pengiriman barang yang tinggi dan dengan alasan murah


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    Abstract During road reconstruction period, a negative impact was imposed on road users and the surrounding environment. These impacts are the result of the work zone which is used as working space and road reconstruction. This work zone is potential to influence the drivers' stress and to decrease road traffic performance such as travel delays, congestions and road accidents. Guidelines for green (environmentally friendly) infrastructure defined in New Road Construction Concept (NR2C) in European infrastructure vision 2040 concept, can be used to mitigate this negative impact. Twenty projects of Balai V National Roads Improvement in East Java, and Balai VIII in Bali for fiscal year 2013 is used as a case study. Descriptive method used for the discussion of case studies. Management traffic safety in work zones assessed the suitability of the setting up of signs, markings and guardrail. Shift arrangements work during the day (peak hours) or night (off peak hour), is used as an indicator of the negative impact of road users and the environment. The analysis showed that the work zone management in the implementation of national road reconstruction projects toward green (environmentally friendly) construction concept. It is shown from the implementation of safety attributes average 68%, and the implementation of the reconstruction in the off peak hours by 55% of the projects. Keywords: road reconstruction, work zone, negative impact, green construction  Abstrak Pada saat pelaksanaan rekonstruksi jalan, dampak negatif akan  terjadi pada pengguna jalan dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Dampak ini akibat zona pekerjaan yang digunakan untuk pekerjaan rekonstruksi. Zona pekerjaan ini berpotensi membuat pengemudi strees dan menurunnya kinerja lalulintas seperti tundaan perjalanan, kemacetan dan kecelakaan lalulintas. Pedoman untuk infrastruktur hijau (ramah lingkungan) menetapkan konsep konstruksi jalan baru (NR2C) dalam Visi Infrastruktur Eropa 2040. Konsep ini dapat memitigasi dampak negatif ini. Dua puluh proyek pada Balai V Jalan Nasional di Jawa Timur dan Bali VIII di Bali pada tahun fiscal 2013 digunakan untuk kasus studi. Metode deskriptif digunakan untuk  dalam diskusi kasus studi. Manajemen keselamatan lalulintas di lokasi kerja dinilai terhadap keberlanjutan penempatan rambu, marka dan pagar pelindung. Pengaturan  perubahan kerja pada siang hari (jam sibuk) atau malam hari (jam tidak sibuk) digunakan untuk indikator dampak negative pada pengguna jalan dan lingkungan. Dari analisis menunjukan manajemen zona kerja pada implementasi proyek-proyek rekonstruksi jalan nasional menuju konsep konstruksi hijau (ramah lingkungan). Terlihat dalam implementasi atribut keselamatan rata-rata 68% dan implementasi pada jam tidak sibuk hanya 55%. Kata-kata kunci: konstruksi jalan, zona kerja, dampak negatif, konstruksi hijau

    Model Kecelakaan Sepeda Motor Pada Ruas Jalan Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Glm

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    In this study, traffic accidents occurred on roads in Batu, East Java, were observed. Based on these traffic accident data, a model was built to relate the number of motorcycle accidents with the availability of road shoulders, traffic flow, and traffic speed. The results indicate that the availability of road shoulders potentially reduce the number of motorcycle accidents. Conversely, increasing the speed and traffic flow potentially increase the number of motorcycle traffic accidents on the roads in Batu