47 research outputs found

    An optimal energy management system for real-time operation of multiagent-based microgrids using a T-cell algorithm

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    The real-time operation of the energy management system (RT-EMS) is one of the vital functions of Microgrids (MG). In this context, the reliability and smooth operation should be maintained in real time regardless of load and generation variations and without losing the optimum operation cost. This paper presents a design and implementation of a RT-EMS based on Multiagent system (MAS) and the fast converging T-Cell algorithm to minimize the MG operational cost and maximize the real-time response in grid-connected MG. The RT-EMS has the main function to ensure the energy dispatch between the distributed generation (DG) units that consist in this work on a wind generator, solar energy, energy storage units, controllable loads and the main grid. A modular multi-agent platform is proposed to implement the RT-EMS. The MAS has features such as peer-to-peer communication capability, a fault-tolerance structure, and high flexibility, which make it convenient for MG context. Each component of the MG has its own managing agent. While, the MG optimizer (MGO) is the agent responsible for running the optimization and ensuring the seamless operation of the MG in real time, the MG supervisor (MGS) is the agent that intercepts sudden high load variations and computes the new optimum operating point. In addition, the proposed RT-EMS develops an integration of the MAS platform with the Data Distribution Service (DDS) as a middleware to communicate with the physical units. In this work, the proposed algorithm minimizes the cost function of the MG as well as maximizes the use of renewable energy generation; Then, it assigns the power reference to each DG of the MG. The total time delay of the optimization and the communication between the EMS components were reduced. To verify the performance of our proposed system, an experimental validation in a MG testbed were conducted. Results show the reliability and the effectiveness of the proposed multiagent based RT-EMS. Various scenarios were tested such as normal operation as well as sudden load variation. The optimum values were obtained faster in terms of computation time as compared to existing techniques. The latency from the proposed system was 43% faster than other heuristic or deterministic methods in the literature. This significant improvement makes this proposed system more competitive for RT applications

    Réduction des réflexions parasites produites par des panneaux à modulation périodique d'impédance de surface

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    International audienceCette communication propose une nouvelle méthodologie pour mieux contrÎler le rayonnement de panneaux plans réfléchissants à modulation périodique d'impédance de surface. Il s'agit en particulier de limiter les réflexions parasites associées aux harmoniques de Floquet d'ordre supérieur. L'approche s'appuie sur la définition de paramÚtres permettant d'évaluer a priori le potentiel des motifs périodiques candidats et est validée par des simulations électromagnétiques

    Les gliomes du tronc cérébral : étude rétrospective de 11 cas.

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    Introduction et objectifs : Les gliomes du tronc cĂ©rĂ©bral sont rares et reprĂ©sentent 10% Ă  20% des tumeurs cĂ©rĂ©brales chez l’enfant et moins de 2% des tumeurs cĂ©rĂ©brales chez l’adulte. Vu la topographie de ces lĂ©sions, leur pronostic reste rĂ©servĂ©. Dans ce travail, nous rapportons les rĂ©sultats d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective sur les gliomes du tronc cĂ©rĂ©bral colligĂ©s dans notre formation. MĂ©thodes : Une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de tous les cas de gliomes du tronc cĂ©rĂ©bral a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e au sein du dĂ©partement de pathologie de l’hĂŽpital des spĂ©cialitĂ©s de Rabat sur une pĂ©riode de 10 ans s’étalant de janvier 2001 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2010. RĂ©sultats : 11 cas sur 740 cas de gliomes ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s Ă©ligibles pour notre Ă©tude dont 6 enfants et 5 adultes. Les hommes Ă©taient touchĂ©s dans 55% des cas et les femmes dans 45%. L’ñge moyen a Ă©tĂ© de 18 ans. Les signes cliniques Ă©taient dominĂ©s par l’ataxie, l’hydrocĂ©phalie et l’atteinte des nerfs crĂąniens. La localisation pontique Ă  Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©e dans 64% des cas. Tous nos cas ont Ă©tĂ© classĂ©s en gliomes de grade I et II de l’organisation mondiale de la santĂ©. La rĂ©section macroscopique complĂšte a Ă©tĂ© possible dans 36% des cas (4cas). La survie Ă  un an Ă©tait de 55%. Conclusion : malgrĂ© le bas grade des gliomes rapportĂ©s, la localisation pontique, l’ñge jeune et la rĂ©section chirurgicale incomplĂšte sont associĂ©s Ă  un mauvais pronostic. A l’inverse des gliomes de haut grade, le dĂ©lai de diagnostic n’est pas retrouvĂ© comme critĂšre pĂ©joratif

    A giant peritoneal simple mesothelial cyst: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>A peritoneal simple mesothelial cyst is a very rare mesenteric cyst of mesothelial origin. The size of this lesion usually ranges between a few centimeters and 10 cm. It is usually asymptomatic, but occasionally presents with various, non-specific symptoms, which makes correct pre-operative diagnosis difficult. We present a case of a giant peritoneal simple mesothelial cyst that was successfully managed by complete surgical excision which is the treatment of choice.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 21-year-old Caucasian Moroccan woman with vague abdominal discomfort and associated distention, during the previous 2 years, without other symptoms, presented to our hospital. Her past medical history was unremarkable. On physical examination, a mobile, painless and relatively hard abdominal mass was palpated. The laboratory examination and abdominal radiograph were unremarkable. Abdominal radiologic imaging showed a cystic mass of 35 × 20 × 10 cm that occupied the entire anterior and right abdominal cavity. Radical excision of the cyst was performed by midline laparotomy without any damage to the adjacent abdominal organs. The histopathological diagnosis was simple mesothelial cyst. The postoperative course was uneventful with no recurrence.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><b>A </b>peritoneal simple mesothelial cyst is a quite rare abdominal tumor, that must always be considered in differential diagnosis of pelvic cystic lesions and other mesenteric cysts. The treatment of choice is the complete surgical excision of the cyst.</p

    On miniaturization of efficient ultrawideband printed quazi-Yagi antenna array for indoor applications

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    International audienceThis paper describes the design and analysis of a compact and efficient ultrawideband unidirectional printed antenna array for indoor applications.A12.2×6.3×1 cm antenna array is capable of covering an ultra-wide frequency band starting from LTE up to Wi-MAX with an average gain approaching 5 dBi over the entire bandwidth. In comparison with the already existing antenna systems in the wireless market for similar purposes, the proposed antenna has considerably better performance and supplementary compactness, which makes it competitive among other antenna models. Simulation results have also shown low cross polarization levels, where the sidelobe level was also minimized by introducing a special reflecting element in the designed model. Adopting the proposed antenna in indoor communication systems would surely enhance the quality of signal within the covered area as well as minimize the number of access points needed for a given network. © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc

    Case Report - Une tumeur exceptionnelle du doigt: la tumeur fibreuse solitaire

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    La tumeur Fibreuse solitaire (TFS) est une prolif&#233;ration fusocellulaire rare, souvent de localisation intra-thoracique. Nous rapportons le cas d&#8217;une localisation exceptionnelle au niveau du 3&#232;me doigt de la main droite. En l&#8217;absence de marqueur sp&#233;cifique l&#8217;interpr&#233;tation de l&#8217;immuno-marquage d&#233;pend du contexte histo-morphologique. La similitude avec les diff&#233;rents n&#233;oplasmes &#224; cellules fusiformes des tissus mous rend le diagnostic de ces tumeurs m&#233;senchymateuses difficile et tardif. Dans 20&#224; 30 % des cas le comportement de la TFS est celui d&#8217;une tumeur maligne localement agressive et r&#233;cidivante, avec des m&#233;tastases rares et tardives. Ce comportement impose une surveillance prolong&#233;e apr&#232;s ex&#233;r&#232;se chirurgicale

    Multilayer absorber based on carbon fibers loaded epoxy foam

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    International audienceDue to the rapid development of electronics and telecommunications, protection against electromagnetic waves has become an active area of research, and the intensification of protective materials usage is reflecting the market needs and the great demand of such products. The form and composition of electromagnetic absorbers are various and depend on the application under consideration. The typical absorbing materials used in the anechoic chambers are made of Polyurethane (PU) foam loaded with carbon particles. These absorbers have either flat or pyramidal forms [1]; our targeted form is the flat multilayer absorber. The foam structure of these absorbers gives them a low density but also a high flexibility which induces machining errors. On the other hand, the carbon particles load ensures an absorption in large frequency band but this load is volatile as well so that it can easily escapes from the absorber and threatens human health. Our proposed material [2] is made of epoxy foam (rigid foam) loaded with carbon fibers (nonvolatile load). © 2019 URSI. All rights reserved