17 research outputs found

    Monocyte mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammaging, and inflammatory pyroptosis in major depression

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    BACKGROUND: The macrophage theory of depression states that macrophages play an important role in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). METHODS: MDD patients (N = 140) and healthy controls (N = 120) participated in a cross-sectional study investigating the expression of apoptosis/growth and lipid/cholesterol pathway genes (BAX, BCL10, EGR1, EGR2, HB-EGF, NR1H3, ABCA1, ABCG1, MVK, CD163, HMOX1) in monocytes (macrophage/microglia precursors). Gene expressions were correlated to a set of previously determined and reported inflammation-regulating genes and analyzed with respect to various clinical parameters. RESULTS: MDD monocytes showed an overexpression of the apoptosis/growth/cholesterol and the TNF genes forming an inter-correlating gene cluster (cluster 3) separate from the previously described inflammation-related gene clusters (containing IL1 and IL6). While upregulation of monocyte gene cluster 3 was a hallmark of monocytes of all MDD patients, upregulation of the inflammation-related clusters was confirmed to be found only in the monocytes of patients with childhood adversity. The latter group also showed a downregulation of the cholesterol metabolism gene MVK, which is known to play an important role in trained immunity and proneness to inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: The upregulation of cluster 3 genes in monocytes of all MDD patients suggests a premature aging of the cells, i.e. mitochondrial apoptotic dysfunction and TNF "inflammaging", as a general feature of MDD. The overexpression of the IL-1/IL-6 containing inflammation clusters and the downregulation of MVK in monocytes of patients with childhood adversity indicates a shift in this condition to a more severe inflammation form (pyroptosis) of the cells, additional to the signs of premature aging and inflammaging

    Measuring and modeling the effect of surface moisture on the spectral reflectance of coastal beach sand

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    Surface moisture is an important supply limiting factor for aeolian sand transport, which is the primary driver of coastal dune development. As such, it is critical to account for the control of surface moisture on available sand for dune building. Optical remote sensing has the potential to measure surface moisture at a high spatio-temporal resolution. It is based on the principle that wet sand appears darker than dry sand: it is less reflective. The goals of this study are (1) to measure and model reflectance under controlled laboratory conditions as function of wavelength () and surface moisture () over the optical domain of 350–2500 nm, and (2) to explore the implications of our laboratory findings for accurately mapping the distribution of surface moisture under natural conditions. A laboratory spectroscopy experiment was conducted to measure spectral reflectance (1 nm interval) under different surface moisture conditions using beach sand. A non-linear increase of reflectance upon drying was observed over the full range of wavelengths. Two models were developed and tested. The first model is grounded in optics and describes the proportional contribution of scattering and absorption of light by pore water in an unsaturated sand matrix. The second model is grounded in soil physics and links the hydraulic behaviour of pore water in an unsaturated sand matrix to its optical properties. The optical model performed well for volumetric moisture content 24% ( 0.97), but underestimated reflectance for between 24–30% ( 0.92), most notable around the 1940 nm water absorption peak. The soil-physical model performed very well ( 0.99) but is limited to 4% 24%. Results from a field experiment show that a short-wave infrared terrestrial laser scanner ( = 1550 nm) can accurately relate surface moisture to reflectance (standard error 2.6%), demonstrating its potential to derive spatially extensive surface moisture maps of a natural coastal beach

    Improved estimation of leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll content of a potato crop using multi-angle spectral data - potential of unmanned aerial vehicle imagery

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    In addition to single-angle reflectance data, multi-angular observations can be used as an additional information source for the retrieval of properties of an observed target surface. In this paper, we studied the potential of multi-angular reflectance data for the improvement of leaf area index (LAI) and leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) estimation by numerical inversion of the PROSAIL model. The potential for improvement of LAI and LCC was evaluated for both measured data and simulated data. The measured data was collected on 19 July 2016 by a frame-camera mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over a potato field, where eight experimental plots of 30 × 30 m were designed with different fertilization levels. Dozens of viewing angles, covering the hemisphere up to around 30° from nadir, were obtained by a large forward and sideways overlap of collected images. Simultaneously to the UAV flight, in situ measurements of LAI and LCC were performed. Inversion of the PROSAIL model was done based on nadir data and based on multi-angular data collected by the UAV. Inversion based on the multi-angular data performed slightly better than inversion based on nadir data, indicated by the decrease in RMSE from 0.70 to 0.65 m2/m2 for the estimation of LAI, and from 17.35 to 17.29 μg/cm2 for the estimation of LCC, when nadir data were used and when multi-angular data were used, respectively. In addition to inversions based on measured data, we simulated several datasets at different multi-angular configurations and compared the accuracy of the inversions of these datasets with the inversion based on data simulated at nadir position. In general, the results based on simulated (synthetic) data indicated that when more viewing angles, more well distributed viewing angles, and viewing angles up to larger zenith angles were available for inversion, the most accurate estimations were obtained. Interestingly, when using spectra simulated at multi-angular sampling configurations as were captured by the UAV platform (view zenith angles up to 30°), already a huge improvement could be obtained when compared to solely using spectra simulated at nadir position. The results of this study show that the estimation of LAI and LCC by numerical inversion of the PROSAIL model can be improved when multi-angular observations are introduced. However, for the potato crop, PROSAIL inversion for measured data only showed moderate accuracy and slight improvements

    Non-destructive tree volume estimation through quantitative structure modelling: Comparing UAV laser scanning with terrestrial LIDAR

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    Above-Ground Biomass (AGB) product calibration and validation require ground reference plots at hectometric scales to match space-borne missions' resolution. Traditional forest inventory methods that use allometric equations for single tree AGB estimation suffer from biases and low accuracy, especially when dealing with large trees. Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and explicit tree modelling show high potential for direct estimates of tree volume, but at the cost of time demanding fieldwork. This study aimed to assess if novel Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Laser Scanning (UAV-LS) could overcome this limitation, while delivering comparable results. For this purpose, the performance of UAV-LS in comparison with TLS for explicit tree modelling was tested in a Dutch temperate forest. In total, 200 trees with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ranging from 6 to 91 cm from 5 stands, including coniferous and deciduous species, have been scanned, segmented and subsequently modelled with TreeQSM. TreeQSM is a method that builds explicit tree models from laser scanner point clouds. Direct comparison with TLS derived models showed that UAV-LS reliably modelled the volume of trunks and branches with diameter ≥30 cm in the mature beech and oak stand with Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) of 0.85 and RMSE of1.12 m3. Including smaller branch volume led to a considerable overestimation and decrease in correspondence to CCC of 0.51 and increase in RMSE to 6.59 m3. Denser stands prevented sensing of trunks and further decreased CCC to 0.36 in the Norway spruce stand. Also small, young trees posed problems by preventing a proper depiction of the trunk circumference and decreased CCC to 0.01. This dependence on stand indicated a strong impact of canopy structure on the UAV-LS volume modelling capacity. Improved flight paths, repeated acquisition flights or alternative modelling strategies could improve UAV-LS modelling performance under these conditions. This study contributes to the use of UAV-LS for fast tree volume and AGB estimation on scales relevant for satellite AGB product calibration and validation.<br/

    Improved estimation of leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll content of a potato crop using multi-angle spectral data – potential of unmanned aerial vehicle imagery

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    In addition to single-angle reflectance data, multi-angular observations can be used as an additional information source for the retrieval of properties of an observed target surface. In this paper, we studied the potential of multi-angular reflectance data for the improvement of leaf area index (LAI) and leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) estimation by numerical inversion of the PROSAIL model. The potential for improvement of LAI and LCC was evaluated for both measured data and simulated data. The measured data was collected on 19 July 2016 by a frame-camera mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) over a potato field, where eight experimental plots of 30 × 30 m were designed with different fertilization levels. Dozens of viewing angles, covering the hemisphere up to around 30° from nadir, were obtained by a large forward and sideways overlap of collected images. Simultaneously to the UAV flight, in situ measurements of LAI and LCC were performed. Inversion of the PROSAIL model was done based on nadir data and based on multi-angular data collected by the UAV. Inversion based on the multi-angular data performed slightly better than inversion based on nadir data, indicated by the decrease in RMSE from 0.70 to 0.65 m2/m2 for the estimation of LAI, and from 17.35 to 17.29 μg/cm2 for the estimation of LCC, when nadir data were used and when multi-angular data were used, respectively. In addition to inversions based on measured data, we simulated several datasets at different multi-angular configurations and compared the accuracy of the inversions of these datasets with the inversion based on data simulated at nadir position. In general, the results based on simulated (synthetic) data indicated that when more viewing angles, more well distributed viewing angles, and viewing angles up to larger zenith angles were available for inversion, the most accurate estimations were obtained. Interestingly, when using spectra simulated at multi-angular sampling configurations as were captured by the UAV platform (view zenith angles up to 30°), already a huge improvement could be obtained when compared to solely using spectra simulated at nadir position. The results of this study show that the estimation of LAI and LCC by numerical inversion of the PROSAIL model can be improved when multi-angular observations are introduced. However, for the potato crop, PROSAIL inversion for measured data only showed moderate accuracy and slight improvements

    Non-destructive tree volume estimation through quantitative structure modelling : Comparing UAV laser scanning with terrestrial LIDAR

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    Above-Ground Biomass (AGB) product calibration and validation require ground reference plots at hectometric scales to match space-borne missions' resolution. Traditional forest inventory methods that use allometric equations for single tree AGB estimation suffer from biases and low accuracy, especially when dealing with large trees. Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and explicit tree modelling show high potential for direct estimates of tree volume, but at the cost of time demanding fieldwork. This study aimed to assess if novel Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Laser Scanning (UAV-LS) could overcome this limitation, while delivering comparable results. For this purpose, the performance of UAV-LS in comparison with TLS for explicit tree modelling was tested in a Dutch temperate forest. In total, 200 trees with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ranging from 6 to 91 cm from 5 stands, including coniferous and deciduous species, have been scanned, segmented and subsequently modelled with TreeQSM. TreeQSM is a method that builds explicit tree models from laser scanner point clouds. Direct comparison with TLS derived models showed that UAV-LS reliably modelled the volume of trunks and branches with diameter ≥30 cm in the mature beech and oak stand with Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) of 0.85 and RMSE of1.12 m3. Including smaller branch volume led to a considerable overestimation and decrease in correspondence to CCC of 0.51 and increase in RMSE to 6.59 m3. Denser stands prevented sensing of trunks and further decreased CCC to 0.36 in the Norway spruce stand. Also small, young trees posed problems by preventing a proper depiction of the trunk circumference and decreased CCC to 0.01. This dependence on stand indicated a strong impact of canopy structure on the UAV-LS volume modelling capacity. Improved flight paths, repeated acquisition flights or alternative modelling strategies could improve UAV-LS modelling performance under these conditions. This study contributes to the use of UAV-LS for fast tree volume and AGB estimation on scales relevant for satellite AGB product calibration and validation.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Mapping Reflectance Anisotropy of a Potato Canopy Using Aerial Images Acquired with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    Viewing and illumination geometry has a strong influence on optical measurements of natural surfaces due to their anisotropic reflectance properties. Typically, cameras on-board unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are affected by this because of their relatively large field of view (FOV) and thus large range of viewing angles. In this study, we investigated the magnitude of reflectance anisotropy effects in the 500–900 nm range, captured by a frame camera mounted on a UAV during a standard mapping flight. After orthorectification and georeferencing of the images collected by the camera, we calculated the viewing geometry of all observations of each georeferenced ground pixel, forming a dataset with multi-angular observations. We performed UAV flights on two days during the summer of 2016 over an experimental potato field where different zones in the field received different nitrogen fertilization treatments. These fertilization levels caused variation in potato plant growth and thereby differences in structural properties such as leaf area index (LAI) and canopy cover. We fitted the Rahman–Pinty–Verstraete (RPV) model through the multi-angular observations of each ground pixel to quantify, interpret, and visualize the anisotropy patterns in our study area. The Θ parameter of the RPV model, which controls the proportion of forward and backward scattering, showed strong correlation with canopy cover, where in general an increase in canopy cover resulted in a reduction of backward scattering intensity, indicating that reflectance anisotropy contains information on canopy structure. In this paper, we demonstrated that anisotropy data can be extracted from measurements using a frame camera, collected during a typical UAV mapping flight. Future research will focus on how to use the anisotropy signal as a source of information for estimation of physical vegetation properties

    The response of Arctic vegetation to the summer climate: relation between shrub cover, NDVI, surface albedo and temperature

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    Recently observed Arctic greening trends from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data suggest that shrub growth is increasing in response to increasing summer temperature. An increase in shrub cover is expected to decrease summer albedo and thus positively feed back to climate warming. However, it is unknown how albedo and NDVI are affected by shrub cover and inter-annual variations in the summer climate. Here, we examine the relationship between deciduous shrub fractional cover, NDVI and albedo using field data collected at a tundra site in NE Siberia. Field data showed that NDVI increased and albedo decreased with increasing deciduous shrub cover. We then selected four Arctic tundra study areas and compiled annual growing season maximum NDVI and minimum albedo maps from MODIS satellite data (2000–10) and related these satellite products to tundra vegetation types (shrub, graminoid, barren and wetland tundra) and regional summer temperature. We observed that maximum NDVI was greatest in shrub tundra and that inter-annual variation was negatively related to summer minimum albedo but showed no consistent relationship with summer temperature. Shrub tundra showed higher albedo than wetland and barren tundra in all four study areas. These results suggest that a northwards shift of shrub tundra might not lead to a decrease in summer minimum albedo during the snow-free season when replacing wetland tundra. A fully integrative study is however needed to link results from satellite data with in situ observations across the Arctic to test the effect of increasing shrub cover on summer albedo in different tundra vegetation types

    Evaluating Data Inter-Operability of Multiple UAV–LiDAR Systems for Measuring the 3D Structure of Savanna Woodland

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    For vegetation monitoring, it is crucial to understand which changes are caused by the measurement setup and which changes are true representations of vegetation dynamics. UAV–LiDAR offers great possibilities to measure vegetation structural parameters; however, UAV–LiDAR sensors are undergoing rapid developments, and the characteristics are expected to keep changing over the years, which will introduce data inter-operability issues. Therefore, it is important to determine whether datasets acquired by different UAV–LiDAR sensors can be interchanged and if changes through time can accurately be derived from UAV–LiDAR time series. With this study, we present insights into the magnitude of differences in derived forest metrics in savanna woodland when three different UAV–LiDAR systems are being used for data acquisition. Our findings show that all three systems can be used to derive plot characteristics such as canopy height, canopy cover, and gap fractions. However, there are clear differences between the metrics derived with different sensors, which are most apparent in the lower parts of the canopy. On an individual tree level, all UAV–LiDAR systems are able to accurately capture the tree height in a savanna woodland system, but significant differences occur when crown parameters are measured with different systems. Less precise systems result in underestimations of crown areas and crown volumes. When comparing UAV–LiDAR data of forest areas through time, it is important to be aware of these differences and ensure that data inter-operability issues do not influence the change analysis. In this paper, we want to stress that it is of utmost importance to realise this and take it into consideration when combining datasets obtained with different sensors