11 research outputs found

    Hollóko, un caso de estudio húngaro sobre la fructífera cooperación entre locales y profesionales.

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    Hollókő, the first Hungarian World Heritage site, has been in the center of attention of many since its new status was elected in 1987. This city is a perfect example for the cooperation of local people and professionals in the fields of cultural heritage and monument protection. These two groups’ fruitful, intense and continuous cooperation made it possible that Hungary became acknowledged by the international cultural heritage community. Other result is that the settlement ensures its existence and the locals have found new ways for keeping their economic status stabilized. Also, this new status has drawn the tourists’ attention to the village and its protected and practiced traditions. It becomes part of the national cultural narrative too. Besides all the positive outcomes, it has to be noted that the perception of the settlement and its transformation to a World Heritage site have changed drastically throughout the decades. The processes in the past can be highly criticized with our contemporary notions. Accordingly, this site is also a good case study to illustrate the changes of focus from the Venice Charta to the Nara Documents and its most current additions.Hollókö, el primer lugar Patrimonio Mundial en Hungría, ha estado en el centro de atención desde que fue elegido para ese nuevo estatus en 1987. Esta ciudad es un ejemplo perfecto de la cooperación de la población local y los/as profesionales en los ámbitos del patrimonio cultural y de la protección de monumentos. La cooperación productiva, intensa y continua entre estos dos grupos hizo posible que Hungría pasara a ser reconocida por la comunidad internacional de patrimonio cultural. Otro resultado es que el asentamiento asegura su existencia y la población local ha encontrado nuevas formas de mantener estable su estatus económico. Asimismo, este nuevo estatus ha guiado la atención de los turistas hacia el pueblo y sus tradiciones protegidas y practicadas. Se vuelve parte de la narrativa cultural nacional también. Además de todos los resultados positivos, debe ser indicado que la percepción del asentamiento y su transformación en un lugar Patrimonio Mundial ha cambiado drásticamente a lo largo de las décadas. Los procesos en el pasado pueden ser altamente criticados con nuestras nociones contemporáneas. De acuerdo con ello, este lugar es también un buen caso de estudio para ilustrar los cambios de atención desde la Carta de Venecia hasta los Documentos de Nara y sus aportaciones más actuales.Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu

    Introduction of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention at institutional level and on legal terms. The Hungarian example.

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    The text analyses the introduction of the supranational notion of cultural heritage together with the related processes (heritagization) at the Hungarian legal- and institutional level. First, the national governing powers and the legislative texts are analysed in order to find out the named processes on macro level. Then the connecting professional and scientific disciplines (monument-, environment protection and ethnography) are investigated through the institutional structures and their realization steps as well to decode their transformations to cultural heritage on national level. The research focuses on the period between the mid-20th century and the early 2010s, as during this period the international and scientific usage of the term cultural heritage got fully customized in the Hungarian context

    Hollókő, a Hungarian World Heritage settlement between past and future

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    Ponència presentada a: Session 9: Forma urbana y relaciones entre historia y proyecto: el medio ambiente como patrimonio / Urban form and relationships between design and history: environmental heritage, arquitecture and plannin

    Műemlékvédelem, kapocs a világgal

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    Kutatott és tapasztalt: Magyarország 1945 után (könyvismertető)

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    Árpád Von Klimó: Hungary since 1945. Routledge, Abingdon & New York, 2018. 222 p

    The Importance of Oral History in (Industrial) Heritagisation

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    The UNESCO World Heritage Committee and its professional institutions, the international body of cultural and natural heritage, emphasise the importance of the human aspect, the individuals and groups who are involved in the heritage context: the authentic owner/practitioner; the contemporary local or inheritor; the professional, who understands; the policy maker, who protects, etc. Accordingly, in the heritagisation process, oral memories and interactions play defining roles on many levels. They can justify the heritage management process as well as construct what should be valued. This paper looks at this complex status and the roles oral history examples can have in the research and management process. The paper focuses on the intangible aspect within the category of industrial heritage as the specialised committee of UNESCO’S World Heritage Council defines and categorises it. Accordingly, it presents an international perspective, although heavily European-centred, as many critics have already expressed. The time frame focuses on the one and a half decades after 2003, when TICCIH, the International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage defined its objective; however, previous practices and research examples are mentioned as well. The paper is based on the comparative and textual analysis of theoretical texts (of oral history research), general guidelines (such as charters of the international heritage organisations), and case studies. The aim of the paper is not to provide a chronological overview of the overlaps between industrial and intangible heritage management in the European discourse but to point out the effective realisation of incorporating oral history into (industrial) heritage studies