57 research outputs found

    Role of the Delta Resonance in the Population of a Four-Nucleon State in the 56Fe to 54Fe Reaction at Relativistic Energies

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    The 54Fe nucleus was populated from a 56Fe beam impinging on a Be target with an energy of E/A=500MeV. The internal decay via γ-ray emission of the 10+ metastable state was observed. As the structure of this isomeric state has to involve at least four unpaired nucleons, it cannot be populated in a simple two-neutron removal reaction from the 56Fe ground state. The isomeric state was produced in the low-momentum (-energy) tail of the parallel momentum (energy) distribution of 54Fe, suggesting that it was populated via the decay of the Δ0 resonance into a proton. This process allows the population of four-nucleon states, such as the observed isomer. Therefore, it is concluded that the observation of this 10+ metastable state in 54Fe is a consequence of the quark structure of the nucleons

    Characterisation of a small electrode HPGe detector

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Small electrode HPGe detectors in an inverted coaxial geometry are increasingly in use in applications where both high efficiency and excellent energy resolution are required. The unusual electric field configuration of these detectors results in extremely long charge collection times compared to planar and coaxial devices. In this work we have characterised such a detector using gamma-ray coincidence measurements and optimised an electric field simulation to reproduce the positional variation of detector response. We show that, alongside accurate crystal geometry and applied electric potential, a temperature correction is crucial to correctly determining appropriate charge carrier mobility parameters. This work will help to guide the future development of HPGE detectors for applications including radioactive waste assay, radio-isotope dating, and fundamental nuclear physics

    Characterisation of a CZT detector for dosimetry of molecular radiotherapy

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    A pixelated cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) detector has been characterised for the purpose of developing a quantitative single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) system for dosimetry of molecular radiotherapy (MRT). This is the aim of the Dosimetric Imaging with CZT (DEPICT) project, which is a collaboration between the University of Liverpool, The Royal Marsden Hospital, The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital, and the commercial partner Kromek. CZT is a direct band gap semiconductor with superior energy resolution and stopping power compared to scintillator detectors used in current SPECT systems. The inherent detector properties have been investigated and operational parameters such as bias voltage and peaking time have been selected to optimise the performance of the system. Good energy resolution is required to discriminate γ-rays that are scattered as they are emitted from the body and within the collimator, and high photon throughput is essential due to the high activities of isotopes administered in MRT. The system has an average measured electronic noise of 3.31 keV full width at half maximum (FWHM), determined through the use of an internal pulser. The energy response of the system was measured across the energy region of interest 59.5 keV to 364.5 keV and found to be linear. The reverse bias voltage and peaking time producing the optimum FWHM and maximum photon throughput were 600 V and 0.5 μs respectively. The average dead time of the system was measured as 4.84 μs and charge sharing was quantified to be 0.71 % at 59.5 keV . A pixel sensitivity calibration map was created and planar images of the medical imaging isotopes 99mTc and 123I were acquired by coupling the device to a prototype collimator, thereby demonstrating the suitability of the detector for the DEPICT project

    Nuclear structure of Au-181 studied via beta(+)/EC decay of Hg-181 at ISOLDE

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    The β+\beta ^+/EC decay of mass separated samples of 181^{181}Hg was studied employing the TATRA spectrometer at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The decay scheme was constructed for the first time. A Broad Energy Germanium detector was used to achieve this by combination of high-gain γ\gamma -ray singles spectroscopy and γ\gamma γ\gamma  coincidences. The systematics of excited states associated with the 1h11/2h_{11/2} proton-hole configuration in odd-Au isotopes was extended

    Beta-delayed proton emission from 20Mg

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    Beta-delayed proton emission from 20 Mg has been measured at ISOLDE, CERN, with the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS) setup including both charged-particle and gamma-ray detection capabilities. A total of 27 delayed proton branches were measured including seven so far unobserved. An updated decay scheme, including three new resonances above the proton separation energy in 20 Na and more precise resonance energies, is presented. Beta-decay feeding to two resonances above the Isobaric Analogue State (IAS) in 20 Na is observed. This may allow studies of the 4032.9(2.4)keV resonance in 19 Ne through the beta decay of 20 Mg, which is important for the astrophysically relevant reaction 15O( α \alpha , γ \gamma )19Ne . Beta-delayed protons were used to obtain a more precise value for the half-life of 20 Mg, 91.4(1.0)ms

    The Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA)

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    The Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA) is a state-of-the-art detector system for the measurement of the decay properties of exotic nuclei at fragmentation/fission facilities. Built around stacks of up to eight 8cm×8cm, 128 × 128 strip (16384 pixels) or up to four 24cm×8cm, 384 × 128 strip (49152 pixels) double sided silicon strip detectors, the positions of both implanted ions and their subsequent decay products can be measured to sub-mm precision. The large number of pixels per detector provide implant-decay correlations at implantation rates ∼kHz. To process signals from the large number of strips application specific integrated circuits provide low and high gain signal processing per strip (20 GeV and 20 MeV full scale range) with a dynamic range of 1000:1, or better. A summary of the system and the analysis methodologies used are presented

    Fast-timing study of the l -forbidden 12+→32+ M1 transition in Sn 129 FAST-TIMING STUDY of the l -FORBIDDEN ⋯ R. LICǎ et al.

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    © 2016 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.The levels in Sn129 populated from the β- decay of In129 isomers were investigated at the ISOLDE facility of CERN using the newly commissioned ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). The lowest 12+ state and the 32+ ground state in Sn129 are expected to have configurations dominated by the neutron s12 (l=0) and d32 (l=2) single-particle states, respectively. Consequently, these states should be connected by a somewhat slow l-forbidden M1 transition. Using fast-timing spectroscopy we have measured the half-life of the 12+ 315.3-keV state, T12= 19(10) ps, which corresponds to a moderately fast M1 transition. Shell-model calculations using the CD-Bonn effective interaction, with standard effective charges and g factors, predict a 4-ns half-life for this level. We can reconcile the shell-model calculations to the measured T12 value by the renormalization of the M1 effective operator for neutron holes