16 research outputs found

    Galeri Tiga Hari: Action of Participatory Art

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    A city as a physical entity and symbolic construct uses advertising to expand its presence amongst its inhabitants. Meanwhile in some spaces, the city is enriched with various forms of expression such as graffiti, which has become urban symbols. However, the city government banned graffiti presence all around the city. Which leads to the question, how do graffiti artists, and its audience respond if presented with a blank canvas in a gallery environment? A work is a process which involves the cooperation of several parties and therefore, the methodological approach used in this study is phenomenological paradigm approach. Gallery Tiga Hari which is a gallery within a gallery provides a blank canvas like the walls of the city to facilitate messages that can be conveyed to its citizens and in effect provides a participatory art which engages the artist and the viewers in one space. The exhibition managed to engage visitors by visualizing the artist’s work in a participatory manner, by participating in the graffiti act themselves. The gallery is no longer the exclusive property of established artists, but as a means to reclaim the city spaces for residents of the city itself. Key word: Graffiti, space, expression and townspeople.

    Graffiti Exists as both an Art and a Tool of Education

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    Graffiti are created from the creator aspirations towards a specific social issue surrounding the community and it has become an integral visual aspect of a city. As a phenomenon, aside from being accepted or not, graffiti can be deemed as an artwork when its viewers understand its message, using the surrounding as a frame, creating a living gallery. One of this gallery can be observed at Kampung Babakan, Tanggerang, Indonesia. Kampung Babakan is situated side by side with a modern residential complex with modern infrastructure. The social divide however prevents residents of Kampung Babakan to enjoy these modern infrastructures. Kampung Babakan residents have a very low education rate which in turn prevents the residents to acquire higher quality living standards and they realized that education is the pathway to a better future. The main research topic is how graffiti as an artwork can be optimized as an educational tool and motivates children to study by utilizing the available spaces on vacant walls, and other flat media available in the immediate area. The research will be done through phenomenological approach, participation method, direct observation, field visit, reference studies, and study case analysis. The graffiti artwork revolved around educational theme, spanned into several topics, consisting mainly of math and language. With them being placed on strategic location, graffiti can become a tool to build positive social interaction. Not only it is an outlet for youth aspirations and creativity, graffiti can be beneficial to its viewers. In the end, graffiti is accepted as a beneficial artwork, by introducing basic education, while motivating the resident's children to go to school, and beautifies the environment at the same time. Key words: graffiti, education, social interaction

    The Esoteric Meaning of Culture and Language in Deciding Citizenship of Mixed Nationalities Marriage Children

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    Every child has the right to have equal opportunity to grow in a safe environment, including the right of the child to acquire a balanced education about the culture of parents when both have different nationalities. This education must follow a certain period of time, and in conditions that are conducive so that children with Indonesian mothers and foreign citizen father acquire a cognitive balance, so they are able to determine the choice of citizenship when they are of legal age. This understanding will make children have a basis for adjusting to social and community norms, making it easier for them to choose which one is most comfortable for themselves in choosing their nationality when they enter adulthood Keywords: children, different nationalities, language, culture DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/106-03 Publication date: February 28th 202

    The Importance of Trust in Cultivating Employee Loyalty and Productivity in a Remote Work Environment

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    Purpose: This study aims to interpret workers' desire, especially copywriters, to work from home while producing profitable results for the company and maintaining a competitive advantage.   Theoretical framework: Motivation is an essential aspect of human decision-making because it motivates people to act, according to Abraham H. Maslow (2002). Motivation is an inner drive that guides a person's behavior and can be influenced by factors such as comfort, style, prestige, or a desire to fit in with others.   Design/methodology/approach: This study uses a qualitative inductive reasoning-based exploratory technique to investigate individual experiences in the advertising industry during a pandemic. It uses a phenomenological paradigm. Creswell (2014) defines phenomenological research as a branch of economics, management, and psychology that describes participants' life experiences related to a phenomenon.   Findings: Employee loyalty can be developed by trusting and respecting colleagues, which is essential for a pleasant work environment, especially when working remotely. Remote working has several benefits, including increased productivity, improved work-life balance, and cost savings for employees and businesses. Flexible work arrangements and focusing on employee time off can significantly impact employee loyalty, productivity, and overall competitive advantage.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Trust and respect for their employees' time and well-being must be prioritized by transformational leaders, which can increase company loyalty, productivity, and growth.   Originality/value: Trust and confidence in the company's leadership and mission can foster employee loyalty and a healthy work environment, even when working remotely.


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    Objective: The research objective is to investigate how the rapid advancement of technology, particularly the increasing reliance on digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) for note-taking and communication, influences handwriting practices. Specifically, to explore the attitudes, emotions, and experiences surrounding handwriting and digital communication in Jakarta.   Theoretical Framework: This research employs Social Change Theory as the theoretical framework to understand how technology influences handwriting practices. Social Change Theory provides a lens through which to examine the societal shifts brought about by technological advancements, considering how these changes impact individuals' behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions regarding handwriting and digital communication.   Method: The study utilizes qualitative research methods, including focus group discussions, observations, and interviews. These methods allow for a comprehensive exploration of participants' attitudes, emotions, and experiences related to handwriting and digital communication.   Results and Discussion: Findings from the study suggest that while AI and digital typing offer efficiency and accessibility, handwriting retains unique cognitive and emotional benefits. Participants express a range of attitudes towards handwriting and digital communication, highlighting both the advantages and drawbacks of each method. Managing the integration of AI, digital typing, and handwriting in education emerges as a potential solution to address concerns about technology dependence while fostering critical thinking and cultural appreciation for sustainability and the enhancement of the quality of education, as SDG’ No. 4.   Research Implications: The findings of this research have several implications for educational practice and policy that should recognize the value of incorporating handwriting alongside AI and digital typing in educational curricula

    Optimization of Proposal Management Arrangements as Learning Tools in Scientific Research Activities

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    For a researcher, compiling or managing a research proposal is a significant step because this step dramatically determines the success or failure of all research activities. For this reason, management is needed from a management research activity, because it is one of the activities that are scientific. Management of research proposals or often referred to as research planning is one example of a management report that is described in detail from the study design that will be carried out to answer existing problems. In a term, there is an understanding of a proposal. It seems that a study is not only intended for individuals because the proposed word implies that something is still waiting for an answer or permission from another party. It is expected that with the management of a scientific research activity management has a clear purpose, which later can be useful as a study material about a matter and most importantly as a reference in making decisions for the benefit of the public or the government or private parties or companies. Keywords: Management, Research, Research Activitie

    Peranan Khalayak Sebagai Sasaran Aktivitas Pemasaran Sepeda Motor Honda Beat Di Jakarta

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    Penyasaran kepada konsumen yang efektif mempengaruhi keberhasilan aktivitas pemasaran, karenanya aktivitas pemasaran ini mensyaratkan kemampuan untuk melakukan identifikasi profil kelompok pembeli yang tepat. Jika seseorang mengambil peran, maka tekanan normatif akan memberi pengaruh terhadap dirinya untuk bertindak dengan cara tertentu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan interpretasi berdasarkan pola pemikiran induktif dengan memanfaatkan paradigma fenomenologis, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Proses keputusan pembelian sepeda motor adalah proses pengambilan keputusan yang multi peran, semua peran berfungsi yang memungkinkan terjadinya pembelian. Dalam sebuah keluarga sebagai satuan terkecil dalam masyarakat sebagai akibatdari hubungan darah dan pernikahan. Setiap anggota dalam keluarga memainkanperan yang sangat penting dalam pembelian sepeda motor. Seperti halnya pembelian produk yang bermanfaat bagi banyak orang, setiap anggota keluarga mengambil peran yang berbeda. Para pelajar, mahasiswa, dan ibu rumah tangga adalah layak untuk untuk dijadikan khalayak sasaran, karena mereka adalah pembeli potensial, mampu memanfaatkan produk, dapat dijangkau oleh aktivitas komunikasi pemasaran, meskipun tidak memiliki kemampuan finansial sebagai pembeli. Mereka mampu meyakinan pengambil keputusan yang berperan sebagaipembeli, sehingga proses pembelian dapat terjadi. Semua berbeda dalam peran namun menjadi satu kesatuan dalam proses pembelian sepeda moto

    Peranan Khalayak Sebagai Sasaran Aktivitas Pemasaran Sepeda Motor Di Jakarta

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    Penyasaran kepada konsumen yang efektif mempengaruhi keberhasilan aktivitas pemasaran, karenanya aktivitas pemasaran ini mensyaratkan kemampuan untuk melakukan identifikasi profil kelompok pembeli yang tepat. Jika seseorang mengambil peran, maka tekanan normatif akan memberi pengaruh terhadap dirinya untuk bertindak dengan cara tertentu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan interpretasi berdasarkan pola pemikiran induktif dengan memanfaatkan paradigma fenomenologis, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Proses keputusan pembelian sepeda motor adalah proses pengambilan keputusan yang multi peran, semua peran berfungsi yang memungkinkan terjadinya pembelian. Dalam sebuah keluarga sebagai satuan terkecil dalam masyarakat sebagai akibat dari hubungan darah dan pernikahan. Setiap anggota dalam keluarga memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam pembelian sepeda motor. Seperti halnya pembelian produk yang bermanfaat bagi banyak orang, setiap anggota keluarga mengambil peran yang berbeda. Para pelajar, mahasiswa, dan ibu rumah tangga adalah layak untuk untuk dijadikan khalayak sasaran, karena mereka adalah pembeli potensial, mampu memanfaatkan produk, dapat dijangkau oleh aktivitas komunikasi pemasaran, meskipun tidak memiliki kemampuan finansial sebagai pembeli. Mereka mampu meyakinan pengambil keputusan yang berperan sebagai pembeli, sehingga proses pembelian dapat terjadi. Semua berbeda dalam peran namun menjadi satu kesatuan dalam proses pembelian sepeda motor

    Prosiding ICAAE 2014 - “Graffiti as a means of interaction and neighboring communication”

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    Graffiti has become increasingly a common scene in both developing and established city. The existences of graffiti make the city more vibrant, as if the city beats a pulse of life with its dynamic visuals. Graffiti came from Italian word of "graffiato" which means pictures or words painted or drawn on a wall, building, etc. However, not all graffiti make the city vibrant, as there is graffiti works, which are considered as visual nuisance as it, deface a surface with its random meaning. The problem is, how to reinforce graffiti as art works, beautify the surrounding, becomes a mean of communication and interaction and be accepted by society? An event, an object, things, will not have meanings by itself, if it not given meaning by the person who observes it. In essence, social reality is very dependent to the meaning given by its audience. To garner positive response and reaction from the society, it needs to cater to themes, which are relevant to its immediate proximity, the people who sees it. These work of graffiti then are created in a specialized venue, which are provided to accommodate graffiti creation. The city officials sanction the venues, it is a place where graffiti is acknowledge as an artwork and it serves a purpose to reduce and even eradicate the notion of graffiti as vandalism around the city. Being in a controlled place, the graffiti work will features ideas or events, which are relevant to the society. In relation, this will bring a positive social interaction between graffiti and its audience since the work features issue for the greater good. The graffiti is then finally placed at certain city sanctioned locations. Full of meaning with current issues in tow, the graffiti would be accepted as art works, which makes the neighboring as a means of interaction and communication

    Graffiti sebagai Pengisi Ruang Komunikasi Simbolik Seni Jalanan Masyarakat Urban

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    ABSTRACT Public spaces in a city have become more vibrant with the presence of street art which displays colorful and interesting shapes. The concept of public spaces evolves, so does the acceptance of the people as part of the city landscape, and in turn creates a symbolic communication between the street artists and the urban society. The communication may offer new insights to the world of art in the context of space, and each art represents joy, courage, fear, and anxiety arising from the graffiti art- ists. Artists conception to the world of street art, space and text influence each other, despite at some level they are all independent and separated. Street art is not only a masterpiece that explores form or ornamental coloring, but it is an integral part of a city. Every street art carries a theme through which to interact, and creates a medium to communicate symbolically. The visual and physical form of street art has become an entity to communicate about a variety of topics, including social criticism with various packages of thematic, symbolic, and politic visuals as well as entertaining (recreative) thus art in the context of street life has a wider potential. Keywords: space, street art, and communication  ABSTRAK Ruang-ruang publik di kota lebih semarak dengan kehadiran karya-karya seni jalanan yang menampilkan keindahan visual. Konsep ruang-ruang kota berkembang dan peneri- maan masyarakat berubah dengan mencerminkan terciptanya komunikasi simbolik antara perupa jalanan   dengan masyarakat kota. Pemahaman fenomena komunikasi visual ini dapat menawarkan wawasan lain bahwa dunia kesenian dalam konteks ruang, masing- masing memiliki sifat keriangan, keberanian, ketakutan, dan kecemasan yang ditimbul- kan dari seniman graffiti. Konsepsi perupa jalanan tentang dunia kesenian, ruang, dan teks memberikan pengaruh satu sama lain, meskipun pada tingkat tertentu: ketiganya berdiri sendiri-sendiri dan terpisah. Seni jalanan ini tidak hanya sekadar karya yang mengete- ngahkan  representasi bentuk, ornamen pewarnaan, namun menjadi bagian dari sebuah kota. Seni jalanan menorehkan tema-tema yang menjadi sarana untuk saling berinteraksi, dan seni jalanan menjadi sarana untuk saling berkomunikasi secara simbolik. Visualitas dan bentuk fisik karya seni jalanan menjadi penanda entitas dalam berkomunikasi dengan berbagai topik, termasuk kritik sosial dengan berbagai kemasan visual tematis, simbolis, politis sekaligus menghibur (rekreatif), sehingga seni dalam konteks kehidupan di jalanan memiliki potensi yang lebih luas. Kata kunci: ruang, seni jalanan, dan komunikas