236 research outputs found

    Effect of the biobased polyols chemical structure on high performance thermoset polyurethane properties

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    The sustainability of the polymeric materials has become a fundamental challenge; therefore, the development of new biobased formulations has gained increasing interest. Thermoset polyurethanes (PURs) present high performance and are a competitive solution for structural composites. However, polyols used in the PUR synthesis are typically from petrochemical origin. Nowdays, a broad range of biobased polyols is available in the market, but there is not yet a specific formulation for high performance PURs composites. The aim of this work was to study the effect of biobased polyols' characteristics in the PUR processing and final properties. In addition, biobased polyol features to synthesize BIO-PURs suitable for structural applications were stablished. The viscosity and reactivity were studied by means of rheology and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Thermal and mechanical properties were studied through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and flexural tests. The results obtained demonstrated the dramatic influence of polyols’ nature on BIO-PUR/PUR properties and their effect on the crosslink density. It was observed that using a high functionality and high hydroxyl index biobased polyol, it was possible to synthesize high performance BIO-PUR suitable for structural composites.We gratefully acknowledge the Basque Government for the financial support through the ELKARTEK 2021 (Project NEOMAT KK-2021/00059) program and in the frame of Grupos Consolidados (IT-1690-22). The authors also acknowledge the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in the frame of GIU18/216 Research Group and the Macrobehavior-Mesostructure-Nanotechnology SGIker unit

    MixtureTree: a program for constructing phylogeny

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MixtureTree v1.0 is a Linux based program (written in C++) which implements an algorithm based on mixture models for reconstructing phylogeny from binary sequence data, such as single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In addition to the mixture algorithm with three different optimization options, the program also implements a bootstrap procedure with majority-rule consensus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The MixtureTree program written in C++ is a Linux based package. The User's Guide and source codes will be available at <url>http://math.asu.edu/~scchen/MixtureTree.html</url></p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The efficiency of the mixture algorithm is relatively higher than some classical methods, such as Neighbor-Joining method, Maximum Parsimony method and Maximum Likelihood method. The shortcoming of the mixture tree algorithms, for example timing consuming, can be improved by implementing other revised Expectation-Maximization(EM) algorithms instead of the traditional EM algorithm.</p

    Improved genome-wide localization by ChIP-chip using double-round T7 RNA polymerase-based amplification

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    Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with DNA microarrays (ChIP-chip) is a powerful technique to detect in vivo protein–DNA interactions. Due to low yields, ChIP assays of transcription factors generally require amplification of immunoprecipitated genomic DNA. Here, we present an adapted linear amplification method that involves two rounds of T7 RNA polymerase amplification (double-T7). Using this we could successfully amplify as little as 0.4 ng of ChIP DNA to sufficient amounts for microarray analysis. In addition, we compared the double-T7 method to the ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (LM-PCR) method in a ChIP-chip of the yeast transcription factor Gsm1p. The double-T7 protocol showed lower noise levels and stronger binding signals compared to LM-PCR. Both LM-PCR and double-T7 identified strongly bound genomic regions, but the double-T7 method increased sensitivity and specificity to allow detection of weaker binding sites

    Genomic markers to tailor treatments: waiting or initiating?

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    The decade since the publication of the Human Genome Project draft has ended with the discovery of hundreds of genomic markers related to diseases and phenotypes. However, the project has not yet delivered on its promise to tailor treatments for individuals. The number of genomic markers in clinical practice is very small. The number of markers to guide treatment decisions is even smaller. In order to speed up discovery and validation of genomic treatment selection markers, we call for considering the brilliant potential of randomized clinical trials. If biomedical research community can collaborate in organizing large-scale consortium of clinical trials associated with well-designed biobanks, these studies would soon act as huge laboratories for investigating genomic medicine; a big step forward towards personalizing medicine

    A Covering Method for Detecting Genetic Associations between Rare Variants and Common Phenotypes

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    Genome wide association (GWA) studies, which test for association between common genetic markers and a disease phenotype, have shown varying degrees of success. While many factors could potentially confound GWA studies, we focus on the possibility that multiple, rare variants (RVs) may act in concert to influence disease etiology. Here, we describe an algorithm for RV analysis, RARECOVER. The algorithm combines a disparate collection of RVs with low effect and modest penetrance. Further, it does not require the rare variants be adjacent in location. Extensive simulations over a range of assumed penetrance and population attributable risk (PAR) values illustrate the power of our approach over other published methods, including the collapsing and weighted-collapsing strategies. To showcase the method, we apply RARECOVER to re-sequencing data from a cohort of 289 individuals at the extremes of Body Mass Index distribution (NCT00263042). Individual samples were re-sequenced at two genes, FAAH and MGLL, known to be involved in endocannabinoid metabolism (187Kbp for 148 obese and 150 controls). The RARECOVER analysis identifies exactly one significantly associated region in each gene, each about 5 Kbp in the upstream regulatory regions. The data suggests that the RVs help disrupt the expression of the two genes, leading to lowered metabolism of the corresponding cannabinoids. Overall, our results point to the power of including RVs in measuring genetic associations.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant (IIS-0810905)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U19 AG023122-05)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 MH078151-03)Louis & Harold Price FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (N01 MH22005)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U01-DA024417-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P50 MH081755-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 AG030474-02)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (N01 MH022005)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 HL089655-02)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 MH080134-03)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U54 CA143906-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (UL1 RR025774-03)Scripps Genomic Medicine ProgramNational Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) (Grant Number T32 HG002295

    Comparison of Three Targeted Enrichment Strategies on the SOLiD Sequencing Platform

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    Despite the ever-increasing throughput and steadily decreasing cost of next generation sequencing (NGS), whole genome sequencing of humans is still not a viable option for the majority of genetics laboratories. This is particularly true in the case of complex disease studies, where large sample sets are often required to achieve adequate statistical power. To fully leverage the potential of NGS technology on large sample sets, several methods have been developed to selectively enrich for regions of interest. Enrichment reduces both monetary and computational costs compared to whole genome sequencing, while allowing researchers to take advantage of NGS throughput. Several targeted enrichment approaches are currently available, including molecular inversion probe ligation sequencing (MIPS), oligonucleotide hybridization based approaches, and PCR-based strategies. To assess how these methods performed when used in conjunction with the ABI SOLID3+, we investigated three enrichment techniques: Nimblegen oligonucleotide hybridization array-based capture; Agilent SureSelect oligonucleotide hybridization solution-based capture; and Raindance Technologies' multiplexed PCR-based approach. Target regions were selected from exons and evolutionarily conserved areas throughout the human genome. Probe and primer pair design was carried out for all three methods using their respective informatics pipelines. In all, approximately 0.8 Mb of target space was identical for all 3 methods. SOLiD sequencing results were analyzed for several metrics, including consistency of coverage depth across samples, on-target versus off-target efficiency, allelic bias, and genotype concordance with array-based genotyping data. Agilent SureSelect exhibited superior on-target efficiency and correlation of read depths across samples. Nimblegen performance was similar at read depths at 20× and below. Both Raindance and Nimblegen SeqCap exhibited tighter distributions of read depth around the mean, but both suffered from lower on-target efficiency in our experiments. Raindance demonstrated the highest versatility in assay design

    Analysis of high-depth sequence data for studying viral diversity: a comparison of next generation sequencing platforms using Segminator II

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    Background: Next generation sequencing provides detailed insight into the variation present within viral populations, introducing the possibility of treatment strategies that are both reactive and predictive. Current software tools, however, need to be scaled up to accommodate for high-depth viral data sets, which are often temporally or spatially linked. In addition, due to the development of novel sequencing platforms and chemistries, each with implicit strengths and weaknesses, it will be helpful for researchers to be able to routinely compare and combine data sets from different platforms/chemistries. In particular, error associated with a specific sequencing process must be quantified so that true biological variation may be identified. Results: Segminator II was developed to allow for the efficient comparison of data sets derived from different sources. We demonstrate its usage by comparing large data sets from 12 influenza H1N1 samples sequenced on both the 454 Life Sciences and Illumina platforms, permitting quantification of platform error. For mismatches median error rates at 0.10 and 0.12%, respectively, suggested that both platforms performed similarly. For insertions and deletions median error rates within the 454 data (at 0.3 and 0.2%, respectively) were significantly higher than those within the Illumina data (0.004 and 0.006%, respectively). In agreement with previous observations these higher rates were strongly associated with homopolymeric stretches on the 454 platform. Outside of such regions both platforms had similar indel error profiles. Additionally, we apply our software to the identification of low frequency variants. Conclusion: We have demonstrated, using Segminator II, that it is possible to distinguish platform specific error from biological variation using data derived from two different platforms. We have used this approach to quantify the amount of error present within the 454 and Illumina platforms in relation to genomic location as well as location on the read. Given that next generation data is increasingly important in the analysis of drug-resistance and vaccine trials, this software will be useful to the pathogen research community. A zip file containing the source code and jar file is freely available for download from http://www.bioinf.manchester.ac.uk/segminator/

    Mutations of RNA polymerase II activate key genes of the nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic pathways

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    The yeast URA2 gene, encoding the rate-limiting enzyme of UTP biosynthesis, is transcriptionally activated by UTP shortage. In contrast to other genes of the UTP pathway, this activation is not governed by the Ppr1 activator. Moreover, it is not due to an increased recruitment of RNA polymerase II at the URA2 promoter, but to its much more effective progression beyond the URA2 mRNA start site(s). Regulatory mutants constitutively expressing URA2 resulted from cis-acting deletions upstream of the transcription initiator region, or from amino-acid replacements altering the RNA polymerase II Switch 1 loop domain, such as rpb1-L1397S. These two mutation classes allowed RNA polymerase to progress downstream of the URA2 mRNA start site(s). rpb1-L1397S had similar effects on IMD2 (IMP dehydrogenase) and URA8 (CTP synthase), and thus specifically activated the rate-limiting steps of UTP, GTP and CTP biosynthesis. These data suggest that the Switch 1 loop of RNA polymerase II, located at the downstream end of the transcription bubble, may operate as a specific sensor of the nucleoside triphosphates available for transcription

    RAIphy: Phylogenetic classification of metagenomics samples using iterative refinement of relative abundance index profiles

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    Background: Computational analysis of metagenomes requires the taxonomical assignment of the genome contigs assembled from DNA reads of environmental samples. Because of the diverse nature of microbiomes, the length of the assemblies obtained can vary between a few hundred bp to a few hundred Kbp. Current taxonomic classification algorithms provide accurate classification for long contigs or for short fragments from organisms that have close relatives with annotated genomes. These are significant limitations for metagenome analysis because of the complexity of microbiomes and the paucity of existing annotated genomes. Results: We propose a robust taxonomic classification method, RAIphy, that uses a novel sequence similarity metric with iterative refinement of taxonomic models and functions effectively without these limitations. We have tested RAIphy with synthetic metagenomics data ranging between 100 bp to 50 Kbp. Within a sequence read range of 100 bp-1000 bp, the sensitivity of RAIphy ranges between 38%-81% outperforming the currently popular composition-based methods for reads in this range. Comparison with computationally more intensive sequence similarity methods shows that RAIphy performs competitively while being significantly faster. The sensitivityspecificity characteristics for relatively longer contigs were compared with the PhyloPythia and TACOA algorithms. RAIphy performs better than these algorithms at varying clade-levels. For an acid mine drainage (AMD) metagenome, RAIphy was able to taxonomically bin the sequence read set more accurately than the currently available methods, Phymm and MEGAN, and more accurately in two out of three tests than the much more computationally intensive method, PhymmBL. Conclusions: With the introduction of the relative abundance index metric and an iterative classification method, we propose a taxonomic classification algorithm that performs competitively for a large range of DNA contig lengths assembled from metagenome data. Because of its speed, simplicity, and accuracy RAIphy can be successfully used in the binning process for a broad range of metagenomic data obtained from environmental samples