2,822 research outputs found

    Getting a handle on lipid droplets: Insights into ER-lipid droplet tethering.

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) are hubs for lipid metabolism that form membrane contact sites with multiple organelles. In this issue, Hariri et al. (2019. J. Cell Biol. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201808119) reveal the functions of Mdm1-mediated endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-LD tethering in yeast and Datta et al. (2019. J. Cell Biol. https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201808133) identify a role for the Mdm1 orthologue, Snx14, as an ER-LD tether that regulates lipid metabolism in human cells

    Draft genome sequences of three newly identified species in the genus Cronobacter, C. helveticus LMG23732T, C. pulveris LMG24059, and C. zurichensis LMG23730T

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    Cronobacter helveticus, Cronobacter pulveris, and Cronobacter zurichensis are newly described species in the Cronobacter genus, which is associated with serious infections of neonates. This is the first report of draft genome sequences for these species

    Draft genome sequence of the earliest Cronobacter sakazakii sequence type 4 strain, NCIMB 8272

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    The Cronobacter sakazakii clonal lineage defined as sequence type 4 (ST4) is associated with severe cases of neonatal meningitis and persistence in powdered infant formula. For genome sequencing of the earliest deposited culture collection strain of Cronobacter sakazakii ST4, we used the strain NCIMB 8272, originally isolated from milk powder in 1950

    Draft genome sequence of a meningitic isolate of Cronobacter sakazakii clonal complex 4, strain 8399

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    The Cronobacter sakazakii clonal lineage defined as clonal complex 4 (CC4), composed of nine sequence types, is associated with severe cases of neonatal meningitis. To date, only closely related C. sakazakii sequence type 4 (ST4) strains have been sequenced. C. sakazakii strain 8399, isolated from a case of neonatal meningitis, was sequenced as the first non-ST4 C. sakazakii strain

    Photoacoustic Imaging for Noninvasive Periodontal Probing Depth Measurements.

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    The periodontal probe is the gold standard tool for periodontal examinations, including probing depth measurements, but is limited by systematic and random errors. Here, we used photoacoustic ultrasound for high-spatial resolution imaging of probing depths. Specific contrast from dental pockets was achieved with food-grade cuttlefish ink as a contrast medium. Here, 39 porcine teeth (12 teeth with artificially deeper pockets) were treated with the contrast agent, and the probing depths were measured with novel photoacoustic imaging and a Williams periodontal probe. There were statistically significant differences between the 2 measurement approaches for distal, lingual, and buccal sites but not mesial. Bland-Altman analysis revealed that all bias values were < ±0.25 mm, and the coefficients of variation for 5 replicates were <11%. The photoacoustic imaging approach also offered 0.01-mm precision and could cover the entire pocket, as opposed to the probe-based approach, which is limited to only a few sites. This report is the first to use photoacoustic imaging for probing depth measurements with potential implications to the dental field, including tools for automated dental examinations or noninvasive examinations

    The Changing Status and Role of Penghulu in the System of Nagari Governance

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    Introduction. This research is aimed at analyzing the transformation of the role of penghulu and nagari institution in Minangkabau which based on regional regulation. The greatness of the role and responsibility of a penghulu in the past time required big responsibility and act in accordance with what the society needs. Therefore, by shifting of the leadership role of a penghulu, it is important to be known, how far the role of penghulu at this time. Method This research is done by qualitative approach, the data obtained by observation and in-depth interview to the informant that has been chosen. Existing data are examined in depth and traced, and analyzed including possible relationships between categories. Results. The result of this research shows that some changes had happened in relation to the fading of the role of penghulu in the community. In the past a penghulu had responsibility to protect his nice/nephew ‘kemenakan’ and his clan ‘kaum’, but nowadays his role has been replaced by their own parent. Penghulu is not considered as a sacred figure by his kemenakan and his kaum. For creating the participation of penghulu actively in nagari government system and joining with other elements in the community, Lembaga Tinggi Nagari are formed as judicial element in the nagari government. As the result, there is disharmony in the government itself because there is influential competition and powerness in the community. This can be said that the nagari system government reinstitution can be happened because there is adaptation towards the change itself as a dynamic society and Minangkabu people consider a change as something usual in understanding of Minangkabau community that everything is everlasting. The community still consider penghulu as the community leaders, eventhough they have less function today.     Keywords: social change, nagari government, and penghulu

    Time-Dependent Thermally-Driven Interfacial Flows in Multilayered Fluid Structures

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    A computational study of thermally-driven convection in multilayered fluid structures will be performed to examine the effect of interactions among deformable fluid-fluid interfaces on the structure of time-dependent flow in these systems. Multilayered fluid structures in two models configurations will be considered: the differentially heated rectangular cavity with a free surface, and the encapsulated cylindrical liquid bridge. An extension of a numerical method developed as part of our recent NASA Fluid Physics grant will be used to account for finite deformations of fluid-fluid interfaces
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