605 research outputs found

    The multilingual subaltern: creolization as agency

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    The very symbolic and social approaches that appear to set women apart and to circumscribe their activities may be used by women as a basis for female solidarity and worth. When men live apart from women, they in fact cannot control them, and unwittingly they may provide them with the symbols and social resources on which to build a society of their own (Rosaldo 1974, 39)

    Translation in Folkloristics

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    Lee Haring is Professor Emeritus of English at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. Drawing on his current research in the folktales of the islands of the Indian Ocean, he will propose that the study of oral traditions take in emerging ideas from translation studies. Translation inscribes the values and shapes the canon of literature; translation is itself a discourse. Folkloristics is equally a discourse, which inscribes cultural values by selecting and translating certain texts. Translation and folklore both cling to presence and immediacy. Because some concepts in translation studies correspond to concepts familiar to students of oral tradition, the two disciplines can afford to open up to each other.Recording of a presentation given Tuesday, April 5, 2016, 7:00 p.m., John K. Hulston Hall, Room 7, University of Missouri

    Introduction : the search for grounds in African oral tradition

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    A classic means of addressing one's terror is mimesis, as my undergraduate aesthetics professor told us: imitation for the sake of mastery springs from a compulsion to order. In the light of Michael Taussig's recent book (1993) exploring the complicated relations of mimesis and alterity, mimesis can be seen to underlie all nine articles in this special issue. All in their various ways attempt to create a correspondence between the artistic human communication of African peoples and a written representation, which may be a set of propositions and correlates, a translation and summary, or an analysis that will imitate and celebrate African oral traditions while making them reasonable and explicable. The issue opens a perspective on contemporary folkloristic issues; this introduction interrogates the ground for scholarly and critical mimesis, assuming that oral and written literature both grow in such a ground.Issue title; "African Oral Traditions.

    Continual morphing

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    In the cultures of the Southwest Indian Ocean, oral tradition is carried on by all groups but acknowledged by only some. For example, in Mauritius, the Franco-Mauritians, descendants of colonists living unto themselves on the sugar estates, imagine themselves to have no identifiable oral tradition, attributing it instead to the descendants of African and Malagasy slaves (referred to in the census as the "General Population"). Traditions of these people, called Kreol, are part of a common stock shared among their counterparts in Seychelles, Reunion, Madagascar, and even the Comoros (see Haring 2002)./

    One Evening in Mayotte

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    The reader is invited to imagine one performance, as transcribed and reported by an ethnographer-folklorist. The performer runs a string of trickster episodes, linking together two international tale types with half a dozen or more seemingly unrelated motifs. For his final episode, he switches out of “normal” folktale style into the kind of melodrama familiar from film noir. His performance demonstrates the ways inherited and imported cultural elements get remodeled in creole cultures like Mayotte

    Field of life : sowing of speech : harvest of acts

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    Kandara Koyi was the last of the Pathmasters whom I have had the good fortune to meet. In his time he was the youngest and most precocious of the Most Ancient Masters. His public utterances emitted ungraspable meanings that invariably left me bewildered.Note: Translated by Lee Haring. Issue title; "African Oral Traditions.

    Jean Paulhan’s Research in Oral Literature

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    Bien que doyen du monde littĂ©raire français dans l’entre-deux-guerres, Jean Paulhan (1884-1968) a entrepris de grandes recherches dans la littĂ©rature orale malgache qui ont profondĂ©ment influencĂ© sa pensĂ©e thĂ©orique. MĂ©diateur de deux mondes littĂ©raires, il n’a pas, malgrĂ© ses efforts, rĂ©ussi Ă  combler le fossĂ© entre la littĂ©rature orale et la littĂ©rature Ă©tablie.Important and influential as Jean Paulhan (1884-1968) was in the literary world of Europe l’entre-deux-guerres,his studies of oral literature in Madagascar, which he carried out before World War I, underlay his prodigious achievements as editor and theoretician. His creation of a place for Madagascar in the European mind did not bring about a larger place for oral literature in the literary establishment, despite his bridging the gap between the two

    The Oral Literature Researcher as a Foreign Expert

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    Les recherches en littĂ©rature orale peuvent s’avĂ©rer prĂ©cieuses dans le cadre des efforts de l’UNESCO pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatĂ©riel (2003) en dĂ©crivant prĂ©cisĂ©ment les diffĂ©rences internes Ă  l’intĂ©rieur mĂȘme des communautĂ©s ainsi que le(s) rĂŽle(s) des artistes-performeurs individuels. La question demeure de savoir Ă  quel point le chercheur doit ou devrait consciemment plaider en faveur d’une communautĂ©, de ses traditions et productions orales. De nouvelles techniques et l’interdisciplinaritĂ© peuvent contribuer Ă  Ă©largir le champ de la recherche en littĂ©rature orale. La linguistique cognitive, prometteuse en tant que discipline, pourrait se combiner avec la littĂ©rature orale pour façonner une nouvelle thĂ©orie de la crĂ©ativitĂ© littĂ©raire, que celle-ci soit orale ou Ă©crite. Oral literature research can be valuable in UNESCO’s effort to preserve intangible cultural heritage, or folklore, by precisely depicting the internal differences within communities and the role(s) of individual performing artists. How much the researcher will or should consciously advocate for the community and its oral traditions and expressions is an open question. New technical aids and allied disciplines offer themselves to be mastered, thus enlarging the field of oral literature research. A promising discipline is cognitive linguistics, which could combine with oral literature to fashion a new theory of creativity, both oral and written

    Effectiveness characteristics and skills for elementary principals: A literature review

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    The elementary principal\u27s job is becoming more complex and demanding. The job involves such tasks as: community, staff and student relationships; financial decisions, organization; problem-solving; management, communication, program evaluation, negotiation and others. 1 Researchers cite certain characteristics and skills as important when striving toward effectiveness in elementary school administration

    Eight common genetic variants associated with serum dheas levels suggest a key role in ageing mechanisms

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    Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) is the most abundant circulating steroid secreted by adrenal glands-yet its function is unknown. Its serum concentration declines significantly with increasing age, which has led to speculation that a relative DHEAS deficiency may contribute to the development of common age-related diseases or diminished longevity. We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association data with 14,846 individuals and identified eight independent common SNPs associated with serum DHEAS concentrations. Genes at or near the identified loci include ZKSCAN5 (rs11761528; p = 3.15×10-36), SULT2A1 (rs2637125; p = 2.61×10-19), ARPC1A (rs740160; p = 1.56×10-16), TRIM4 (rs17277546; p = 4.50×10-11), BMF (rs7181230; p = 5.44×10-11), HHEX (rs2497306; p = 4.64×10-9), BCL2L11 (rs6738028; p = 1.72×10-8), and CYP2C9 (rs2185570; p = 2.29×10-8). These genes are associated with type 2 diabetes, lymphoma, actin filament assembly, drug and xenobiotic metabolism, and zinc finger proteins. Several SNPs were associated with changes in gene expression levels, and the related genes are connected to biological pathways linking DHEAS with ageing. This study provides much needed insight into the function of DHEAS
