197 research outputs found


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    To encourage political participation in elections and local elections, collaboration between organizers and various interested parties is needed so that the community wants to channel their political aspirations. One of the dominant factors to encourage people's political participation in regional elections is the role of the elite. This research examines the role of elites in encouraging women's political participation in the 2020 regional elections in Pariaman city using the case study method and is described in a qualitative descriptive manner, this study uses Sutarto's role theory which divides roles into 3 (three) components including the first role conception The KPU believes that because there are more female voters than men, the second concept is due to the existence of a special forum for women's organizations while there are no men, then the role expectations are found. so that women in the city of Pariaman can add to their insights in the local elections and finally, the implementation of the role of the author describes according to the elite position of Pareto and Mosca and collaborates with the elite position of Putnam which divides society into 6 (six) layers, while the theory explains 3 (three) top (elite) is filled by 1. The mayor or decision-making elite (governing elite) plays the role of appointing and dismissing PKK and GOW officials 2. PKK chairman GOW chairman and chairman (BKMT, Bundo Kanduang, KPPI, Iwapi) or influential people (non-governing elite) ) played the role of Embracing, Providing voter education and Inviting each member to use their right to vote at TPS 3. PKK Cadre leaders, group heads from each organization or activists (non-governing elite) played a role as an extension in providing outreach, and 3 (three) ) down is filled by the masses/voters (non-elite), namely 1. men (political enthusiasts), voters, and apathetic, play a role in conducting political chats, voting and staying at home. Keywords: 2020 Pilkada, Elite Role, Women's Political Participatio

    Tapping into the economic potential of refugees: fostering development through transitional social and economic integration

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    Globally, the number of refugees trapped in protracted displacement situations is rapidly growing. For many of them, none of the three traditional durable solutions to refugee crises – return to home communities, resettlement to another place, or permanent local integration – is a realistic option. Therefore, a fourth option must be discussed: fostering temporary social and economic integration as an important step toward rebuilding refugees’ lives. From a development perspective, tapping into the economic potential of refugees during this displacement period can reduce pressure on service provision, reduce fiscal stress, create economic gains for both the displaced and the host communities, and reduce tensions and, thus, the impact of exclusion and the potential for violence. German and European development actors should work on a comprehensive policy framework to support investments in refugee self-reliance that also benefit host communities. (Autorenreferat


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penggunaan model Picture and Picture dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mengelompokkan macam-macam tulang pada rangka manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan melakukan 2 (dua) siklus tindakan, yang pada setiap siklus dilakukan melalui tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan  tes hasil belajar.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model Picture and Picture terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mengelompokkan macam-macam tulang pada rangka manusia. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan jumlah siswa yang melampaui KKM dibandingkan dengan pra tindakan.Proses pembelajaran pada siklus I  pertemuan ke-2 meningkat sebesar 22% menjadi 68% pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1. Demikian pula pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1 meningkat sebesar 14% menjadi 82% pada akhir siklus II pertemuan ke-2. Hasil belajar dan kemampuan siswa dalam mengelompokkan macam-macam tulang pada rangka manusia pada siklus I pertemuan ke-2 sebesar 51% meningkat sebesar 25% menjadi 76% pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1. Demikian pula hasil belajar dan kemampuan siswa pada siklus pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1 meningkat sebesar  6% menjadi 82% pada akhir siklus II pertemuan ke-2.          Persentase ketuntasan klasikal pada siklus I pertemuan ke-2 sebesar 5% meningkat sebesar 58% menjadi 63% pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1. Demikian pula perentase ketuntasan klasikal pada siklus pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1 meningkat sebesar 10% menjadi 75% pada akhir siklus II pertemuan ke-2.Pada umumnya siswa merespon dengan baik penggunaan model Picture and Picture. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil pengamatan terhadap aktivitas siswa dalam kegiatan proses pembelajaran pada pertemuan dan siklus ke siklus menunjukkan kemajuan dan peningkatan. Aktivitas siswa pada siklus I pertemuan ke-2 sebesar 50% meningkat sebesar 15% menjadi 65% pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1. Demikian pula aktivitas siswa pada siklus pada siklus II pertemuan ke-1 meningkat sebesar  6% menjadi 82% pada akhir siklus II pertemuan ke-2


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    ABSTRAK Rachmad Oktri Harid (2023): Pengembangan E-Modul Menggunakan Sigil Software berbasis discovery learning Untuk Memfasilitasi Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa SMP / Mts Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa SMPN 9 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menghasilkan e-modul dengan menggunakan sigil software berbasis discovery learning untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa pada materi segiempat siswa SMP / Mts yang memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 9 Pekanbaru pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2022/2023.Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMPN 9 Pekanbaru. Objek penelitian ini adalah e-modul dengan menggunakan sigil software untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan komunikasi matematis pada materi segiempat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket dan tes. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi untuk ahli materi pembelajaran, lembar validasi untuk ahli teknologi, angket respon siswa, dan soal post-test. Jenis data yang digunakan berupa data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa e-modul dengan menggunakan sigil software berbasis discovery learning untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa smp / mts pada materi segiempat yang dikembangkan tergolong dalam kategori sangat valid 85,20 % dan dinyatakan sangat praktis pada uji coba kelompok kecil dengan persentase kepraktisan keseluruhan 82.18% serta dinyatakan sangat praktis juga pada uji coba kelompok terbatas dengan persentase kepraktisan keseluruhan 86.9%. Selanjutnya untuk efektifitas e-modul diperole

    A wireless system for monitoring leakage current in electrical substation equipment

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    In this paper, the design and the development of a remote system for continuous monitoring of leakage currents and ground currents in high voltage electrical substations are proposed. Based on wireless local area network technology, the system can be used to monitor continuously a variety of plants within the substation and has low power consumption with inbuilt overvoltage protection. It consists of a transmitter module equipped with a data acquisition (DAQ) system connected to leakage current and voltage sensors, and a receiver module connected to a remote controller for data processing and storage. The principle of operation and the characteristics of the various components of the system are described. Validation tests have been used to verify its performance in three different test situations: A) laboratory monitoring of the leakage current and voltage of a distribution surge arrester; B) laboratory measurement of the leakage current of an outdoor insulator; and C) field monitoring of the earth current and potential rise of high-voltage tower. The measured results are in close agreement with those recorded directly through a DAQ card with fiber-optic and coaxial cable connected systems. Data processing is carried out at the receiving end so that the monitored parameter is displayed continuously or at specified time intervals. The operation of the system has been tested and proved resilient under high-frequency interference signals such as those generated by corona and surface discharges

    Modelling of a 400-kV MSCDN reactor for computation of voltage and field distributions during switching transients

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    In this paper, a model for the reactor of a 400-kV mechanically switched capacitor with damping network (MSCDN) based on an equivalent circuit representation is developed. The model is based on sub-dividing the physical reactor into sections which are sufficiently small to be represented by a lumpedparameter equivalent circuit. The circuit parameters are obtained for each section using analytical formulae based on the physical configuration of the reactor, the winding layout, and the insulation material. The model is then simulated in the ATP/EMTP program for the evaluation of transient voltage and field distributions along of the reactor. This helps in identifying possible failure scenarios which will allow designing measures to mitigate failures effectively during transients arising from switching operations. Further analysis of the results has revealed that there are substantial dielectric stresses imposed on the winding insulation that can be attributed to a combination of three factors. First, the surge arrester operation during the MSCDN energization, which causes steep voltage change at the reactor terminal. Second, the non-uniform voltage distribution, resulting in high stresses across the top inter-turn windings. Third, the rapid rate-of-change of voltage in the assumed worst-case reactor winding location. This is accompanied by a high dielectric (displacement) current through the inter-turn winding insulation. The results of this paper indicate that a synergistic effect of high electric field and high dielectric current occurring at worst energization, followed by the thermal effects of steady state operation may contribute to the failure of air-core reactors used on the 400-kV MSCDN

    Studi pustaka evaluasi konseling individu dalam rehabilitasi penyalahgunaan NAPZA

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    Diperlukan adanya pada layanan konseling individu yang dilakukan di tempat rehabilitasi korban penyalahgunaan narkotika, psikotropika, dan obat terlarang (NAPZA). Tujuan artikel ini adalah menunjukkan teori dan pelaksanaan evaluasi secara formatif (proses) dan sumatif (hasil) pada layanan konseling individu dalam wilayah rehabilitasi NAPZA. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah landasan teori dan pelaksanaan evaluasi terhadap layanan konseling individu baik secara secara proses juga hasil dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dan tercapainya tujuan dari layanan yang direncanakan terelaborasi

    Review of Controlled Excitation of Non-linear Wave-Particle Interactions in the Magnetosphere

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    Controlled experiments involving injection of 0.5 Hz–8 kHz electromagnetic waves into the Earth's magnetosphere have played an important role in discovering and elucidating wave-particle interactions in near-Earth space. Due to the significant engineering challenges of efficiently radiating in the ELF/VLF: 300 Hz–30 kHz band, few experiments have been able to provide sustained transmissions of sufficient power to excite observable effects for scientific studies. Two noteworthy facilities that were successful in generating a large database of pioneering and repeatable observations were the Siple Station Transmitter in Antarctica and the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Alaska. Both facilities were able to excite Doppler shifted cyclotron resonance interactions leading to linear and non-linear wave amplification, triggering of free running emissions, and pitch angle scattering of energetic electrons. Amplified and triggered waves were primarily observed on the ground in the geomagnetic conjugate region after traversal of the magnetosphere along geomagnetic field aligned propagation paths or in the vicinity of the transmitter following two traversals of the magnetosphere. In several cases, spacecraft observations of the amplified and triggered signals were also made. The observations show the amplifying wave particle interaction to be dynamically sensitive to specific frequency and also specific frequency-time format of the transmitted wave. Transmission of multiple coherent waves closely spaced in frequency showed that the wave particle interaction requires a minimum level of coherency to enter the non-linear regime. Theory and numerical simulations point to cyclotron resonance with counter streaming particles in the 10–100 keV range as the dominant process. A key feature of the non-linear interaction is the phase-trapping of resonant particles by the wave that is believed to drive non-linear wave amplification and the triggering of free-running emissions. Observations and modeling of controlled wave injections have important implications for naturally occurring whistler mode emissions of hiss and chorus and the broader phenomena of radiation belt dynamics. A review of observational, theoretical, and numerical results is presented and suggestions for future studies are made

    Lightning current performance of conventional and enhanced rod ground electrodes

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    The correct operation of surge arresters under lightning and switching transient conditions requires that grounding be effective at high frequencies as well as at power system frequency. Effective high frequency grounding also limits the electrocution risk to substation personnel due to transient ground potential rise. This article assesses the performance of high frequency electrodes at typical lightning impulse current magnitudes. The enhancement of such electrodes by addition of bonded horizontal arms in cross and star arrangement is also investigated. The effective impulse resistances for electrodes having lengths up to 4.8 m are calculated over a range of impulse current magnitudes at the same location. The results obtained indicate that, for low impulse current magnitudes, the preionization electrode's resistance (R 1 ) falls with increasing rod length, a behavior reflected in the measured dc resistance. The presence of horizontal enhancement was found to reduce R 1 in all cases. The occurrence of soil ionization in the immediate vicinity of the electrode resulted in a reduced postionization resistance (R 2 ) at higher currents, tending toward a common asymptotic value independent of both the length of the rod and the presence of electrode enhancements. The observed behavior is supported by numerical simulation of electric field and current density distributions, indicating that the high current performance of a grounding rod is heavily influenced by soil ionization and breakdown in high-field regions at the electrode extremities

    Approaching Petavolts per meter plasmonics using structured semiconductors

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    A new class of strongly excited plasmonic modes that open access to unprecedented Petavolts per meter electromagnetic fields promise wide-ranging, transformative impact. These modes are constituted by large amplitude oscillations of the ultradense, delocalized free electron Fermi gas which is inherent in conductive media. Here structured semiconductors with appropriate concentration of n-type dopant are introduced to tune the properties of the Fermi gas for matched excitation of an electrostatic, surface "crunch-in" plasmon using readily available electron beams of ten micron overall dimensions and hundreds of picoCoulomb charge launched inside a tube. Strong excitation made possible by matching results in relativistic oscillations of the Fermi electron gas and uncovers unique phenomena. Relativistically induced ballistic electron transport comes about due to relativistic multifold increase in the mean free path. Acquired ballistic transport also leads to unconventional heat deposition beyond the Ohm's law. This explains the absence of observed damage or solid-plasma formation in experiments on interaction of conductive samples with electron bunches shorter than 10−13seconds\rm 10^{-13} seconds. Furthermore, relativistic momentum leads to copious tunneling of electron gas allowing it to traverse the surface and crunch inside the tube. Relativistic effects along with large, localized variation of Fermi gas density underlying these modes necessitate the kinetic approach coupled with particle-in-cell simulations. Experimental verification of acceleration and focusing of electron beams modeled here using tens of Gigavolts per meter fields excited in semiconductors with 1018cm−3\rm 10^{18}cm^{-3} free electron density will pave the way for Petavolts per meter plasmonics.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure
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